• 8 hours ago
Rishi Sunak reveals his biggest parenting fails to Nick RobinsonSource: BBC


00:00You've not lost the appetite, have you? I think you quite fancy doing this again.
00:04No, that wasn't... there's things that I'm passionate about doing and still serving.
00:09I'm just finding different ways to do that. And I'm excited about this next chapter of my life.
00:15And as you said, I'm 44. I've got plenty of years to go.
00:18You've got teenage daughters to spend time with.
00:20Yes, which I'm enjoying a huge amount.
00:23And more Star Wars to watch. You are a Star Wars fanatic, or are you still?
00:29I am, although I've just not had the time over the last few years to maintain my fanaticism with it.
00:36But the problem for me is, you talk about my girls.
00:38I have singularly failed to get my girls into, well, certainly not into football or into Star Wars.
00:45And I'm having one last effort at cricket this upcoming summer.
00:50So because they're not into it, I don't quite have an easy avenue to do it with them.
00:55So you're more likely to find me out of the cosmetics counter, skincare counter at Boots,
01:01than you are watching a Star Wars movie these days.
