• 2 days ago
In this powerful video, Senator Kamran Michael takes a stand for Kashmir at a protest in Geneva, calling for global attention and justice for the Kashmiri people. With his passionate advocacy, Kamran Michael demands an end to the violence and human rights violations in Kashmir, urging the international community to take action. His protest serves as a beacon of hope for Kashmiris, highlighting the importance of unity and support in the fight for freedom and self-determination.

Join us as we witness Kamran Michael’s unwavering dedication to the Kashmir cause, amplifying the voices of those who are still fighting for their rights in the region. This protest in Geneva marks a significant moment in the global call for justice and peace in Kashmir.

#KamranMichael #KashmirRights #GenevaProtest #GlobalJustice #KashmirStruggle #HumanRights #CCPTV #PeaceForKashmir


