• 2 weeks ago
Finally announcing where we’ve moved to and why! Thank you for being patient with us! We are so excited for this next chapter and we’ll be sharing all of it with y’all. Check out my vlogs too for all the moving vlogs and the house tour - www.youtube.com/jeanineamapola

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00:00Well, this is a weird way to start a podcast.
00:02I know we got something to share that's underneath this blanket.
00:08So we do we just do we just go right into it?
00:10Should we just share?
00:11I thought you said that was too soon.
00:13I think we're ready.
00:15Are we ready?
00:17Okay, guys, cue the drumroll.
00:19We're going to announce where we are moving.
00:22And because a lot of people have suspicions and speculation.
00:27Some people are saying California.
00:30Some people are saying Nashville.
00:32Some people have said Charleston.
00:34Some people are saying some someone said Egypt.
00:37Egypt, but one said Germany.
00:41So we cue the drumroll.
00:43We are moving to.
00:46Oh, my thunder up, dude.
00:57I don't know if I can say that.
00:58I'm still a math girl.
01:00Thunder up.
01:02Yeah, he made me wear this jersey.
01:03I feel like I'm betraying my state, my loyalty, my city.
01:08Someone killed a fattened calf.
01:09Your son, the prodigal son has returned.
01:12Some would say I cannot believe this.
01:16We I always thought my son would be a Texan.
01:18Everyone and their mom thought we were going to Nashville.
01:20Every listen, guys.
01:22We're not hopping on the bandwagon.
01:23We can make our own decisions, which also if you want to go
01:26to Nashville, that's fine.
01:28I think you should be allowed to go.
01:30Everyone is moving to Nashville, but it is it is the next
01:34hot thing to do is to go to Nashville.
01:37If you're an influencer and a lot of the comments were I
01:39bet it's Nashville because they're influencers.
01:41Listen, okay, we got we got to talk about this.
01:43We got to talk about why we got to talk about because
01:45a lot of people might say Oklahoma why Oklahoma where
01:50the wind comes sweeping down the plane like that seems
01:54to be all they know about it.
01:55They think it's a you know, a lot of people go that I am
01:59upset Janine who the pretentiousness of Dallas and Texas
02:04and you know, the amount of people we've said we're moving
02:07to Oklahoma and the dirtiest eyes we get.
02:09Yeah, they're just like, okay, Oklahoma.
02:12I haven't had DMS being like I'm really disappointed.
02:14You're leaving Texas like they just thought I would stay
02:17in Texas forever.
02:17There's a loyalty to Texas.
02:19I never said I'm from here.
02:20I get it.
02:21I am a Texas forever kind of gal.
02:23Trust me.
02:24This was this was not easy for me in the beginning.
02:28Let me tell you we got it.
02:30We got to go backstory.
02:31Okay, we need to rewind to dating.
02:34Well, actually, let's say something really fast.
02:35Okay, this show is sponsored by better help.
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03:34That's better help help.com slash happy healthy.
03:39If you don't know who we are.
03:40Hi, I'm Janine.
03:41This is my husband Caleb and we're Oklahomans.
03:43We are soon to be Oklahomans.
03:45We have our first baby boy on the way and this is the
03:49backstory in the story of why we are moving to Oklahoma.
03:53I wanted to say sorry made you wait so long.
03:55You guys are there was people that were really mad.
03:58They're like, why didn't you tell us sooner?
03:59Today's the first day.
04:01We are officially under contract.
04:03Yeah, so we've known we're going to be moving there for a
04:05while, but it's taken months for the for a house to sell and
04:10to buy a new house to prepare to sell this one.
04:13Yeah to find another house that we wanted to move into guys.
04:17The new house new house is amazing.
04:19We're so so grateful keep going into the backstory.
04:23So let me just rewind all the way to dating and then we'll
04:25fast forward again when Caleb and I first date first started
04:30He was the first date.
04:31I think he said something like I'm from Oklahoma and I said
04:35just so you know if this ever progresses, I will never never
04:40move to Oklahoma.
04:42Yeah, and you were like bad.
04:44I'd never make you do that at the time and even six months
04:47ago to a year ago.
04:49I was like that the idea of ever moving to Oklahoma never
04:53really crossed my mind.
04:54Well, you were so we're done with Oklahoma.
04:56So at the time I was like bad like no worries like I'm probably
04:59never going to move there.
05:03Okay, so guys Nashville was where we were going to move
05:08Nashville was it?
05:09We were looking at houses there.
05:12Yeah, we you know, Maddie Grant all of our friends live there
05:16to my best friends are out there his best friends.
05:18I mean, it makes sense.
05:20Yeah, why people want to move out there?
05:21I mean, there's faith family nature all of our best friends.
05:26I mean, there's amazing community every time we visit.
05:28We love it, but we get the hype when we were going to look
05:31at houses.
05:31There something just didn't feel right.
05:33It did not feel right.
05:34Didn't feel like home.
05:36And yes, we have a lot of friends there.
05:38It made sense even you know with what we do and I'm trying
05:41to get into law school, which I have some updates on that
05:44and it just it it never felt like home.
05:47And then when we had the bait or when we're about to have
05:50the baby when Janine got pregnant, you know, you start
05:53looking at your life, you know, you're missing we're missing
05:56so many memories with our family.
05:59We started looking at real estate prices in Oklahoma.
06:01Like if we sold our house here, yeah, and we were just like
06:05I remember I floated the idea.
06:06I was at the gym over over a year ago and I was like Janine
06:10what if you know, what if I went to law school in Oklahoma
06:15and you know, my dad went there my cousin went there.
06:19We could get a nice house.
06:20We're only three hours away from Dallas like what but what
06:22if and Janine said Caleb like you're shaking your head, but
06:27you you did respond like if that's what God has like I was
06:31open you're like if that's what God has but I don't think
06:33you thought at the moment know that that I would ever come
06:36to fruition fruition fruition and and then we went to we
06:40were in New York City with Maddie and Grant.
06:42This is the night that changed it all really should change.
06:45We should tell the story.
06:47Yeah, New York City Christmas Day.
06:50We're sitting there at dinner and they were in Waco and they
06:54were just like guys like Waco is amazing y'all should move
06:58and I and I was joking but I was like, I think I think we're
07:02going to move like move to Oklahoma and eventually after
07:06we said that like we kind of said it as a joke but Maddie
07:09and Grant were like honestly, like we could see y'all in
07:12Oklahoma like Caleb's from there.
07:15He could go to law school there, you know, you have family
07:18they were like that kind of makes sense baby wasn't even
07:21on the radar at this point because obviously both of us
07:23weren't even trying weren't even pregnant wasn't even on
07:25the horizon, but they were like hey based off our experience
07:29of you know, going to a smaller town just being really
07:33connected in a church like it has changed our marriage
07:36changed our life and we had been you know, kind of in the
07:38hustle and bustle of Dallas and Dallas has got very hustle
07:41and bustle.
07:42It's not small town vibes.
07:44It's not like the South really Dallas has gotten very busy.
07:47It's busy and not that at that time we were like, oh, we're
07:49moving but we were just you know, throwing ideas out there
07:52like what if we move somewhere else for his law school?
07:55Well, and we thought about going to law school in Dallas,
07:58so, you know, there's probably a lot of questions like why
07:59don't you just go to law school in Dallas and the honest
08:03truth is we would just have a way more help with the baby
08:06in Oklahoma.
08:08We I could go to law school there.
08:09My dad went to this law school so I would be a legacy and
08:13then you know, honestly we could buy an awesome piece of
08:17property where a bigger home where we could raise our kid
08:20in host and do a lot of things that we want to do but also
08:24like it's it's a new adventure and yeah, what started out
08:27as kind of like a talking about it in the air never really
08:30felt real until what the baby until the baby came.
08:35Oh, yeah, the baby changed everything.
08:37Yeah, it was like all of our because you and I like the
08:41We like we do we like the niceness.
08:43We love having things to do and you know, we okay.
08:47So I'll even go back to engagement when Caleb was like,
08:50hey, I want to go to law school.
08:52We were engaged and we were like babe.
08:55We could do anything like we thought we were going to wait
08:57two years to have a kid and so we considered Charleston
09:01School of Law.
09:01We considered Boston.
09:02We considered New York.
09:04I considered what was it?
09:05What about UCLA?
09:06I mean, we threw out a ton of ideas.
09:09My LSAT scores weren't high enough in a lot of those places
09:12which do you want to talk about getting that back?
09:14We'll get in it.
09:15We'll get back to that and even when we were engaged, you
09:18know, we went out to Charleston.
09:19We got our wedding bands while we were out there.
09:21We were like, let's go ahead and look at Charleston School
09:23of Law just because we were like, let's just go see what else
09:26is out there and even that just didn't feel right and literally
09:30you guys all that first year.
09:32Not that we were ever just trying to like not be present in
09:35Dallas and not live in the moment.
09:36But we always knew that we wanted to possibly move and start
09:40an adventure somewhere.
09:42We didn't know when that would be and with the baby it just
09:45changed things and we really really thought it would be Nashville.
09:48We prayed we prayed and we prayed and you know, it's funny.
09:51I did a whole episode on like why waiting on the Lord is so
09:53important that episode was about Nashville that episode was
09:57about us almost impulse buying to Nashville.
10:00Like literally we were like, let's just do your almost put an
10:03offer on how we literally were like should we just do it and
10:05we were like, let's just do it almost did it and we did not
10:08feel peace and it was great.
10:10We waited another year our value in our house went up a lot.
10:14Yeah, but yes, so much went into it.
10:17So I graduated and we were like, okay, it's now time to take
10:23the LSAT.
10:24It's time to you know, and this was this was the most difficult
10:31part of the process.
10:33This was so challenging and you and I were had a lot of anxiety
10:35about this was when I graduated we were like should we just do
10:41we full send it in Oklahoma with faith that I'll eventually
10:45get into law school there because we didn't know my LSAT
10:48We didn't know we didn't know anything and and so we started
10:53the process of selling the house before I even took the test
10:57which I know some might say that's a little because the baby
11:00comes in May.
11:01Yeah, we were like, let's start this process.
11:04And so we started looking at homes there and it did feel like
11:07home and it felt it felt like it was the hard decision but the
11:12right decision.
11:13Yeah, and it felt like it wasn't the sexy decision, but it felt
11:16like the most beautiful decision.
11:19You know what I mean?
11:19Yeah, and I think to I told Caleb I never shut the idea down
11:24because obviously I made that joke.
11:25I said I will never never never move there.
11:27And I think it's just because Texans and Oklahomans like
11:30typically have rival like I went to Texas University of Texas.
11:33Oh, you is like my rival school and so is SM OSU.
11:38I almost said SMU.
11:38Real quick.
11:39Can I say something?
11:40How mad are you that our son's gonna be born in Oklahoma?
11:42You know, I thought about that.
11:45I'm a little mad.
11:46Our son's gonna be in Oklahoma.
11:48But no, he's gonna come back to Texas at some point.
11:51I know but his birth certificates always.
11:52I know it's hard for me.
11:53I'm still trying to accept it.
11:55It's so funny.
11:56I obviously like joked and I was like Caleb.
11:57I will never move to Oklahoma, but I've talked about this
12:00where I said that the more that you pray to God to have your
12:04desires aligned with his and his will God totally again change
12:08my heart same thing with the baby same thing with moving just
12:12being open-handed with the Lord.
12:13I think is the best thing you can do and also just trusting
12:16my husband like Caleb really was like babe.
12:19I think this is going to be so good for our marriage and
12:22anytime I ran this by best friends where I was like guys,
12:26I think we're going to move to Oklahoma.
12:28I was I was thinking they were going to be like, why would
12:31you do that?
12:31And every single one was like that's going to be so good
12:35for you.
12:35I was like, yeah, what friends were in support and people
12:38were encouraging us and we had a lot of people just say
12:41how living in a smaller quote-unquote smaller town is just
12:46so good for family and for faith and for your marriage and
12:50we're still moving to like the city.
12:51We're moving to is a big city and it's not as big as Dallas.
12:56Yes, and to let people know we're not it's not Tulsa.
12:59It's Oklahoma City area.
13:02It's not in Oklahoma City, but it's in a different area.
13:04Yeah, we're not far from Oklahoma City.
13:06Yeah, and so it's still a big city.
13:10There's so much opportunity.
13:11The city's growing.
13:12If you look at like Oklahoma City as on the map, I believe
13:15it's in the top 25 biggest cities in America and it's just
13:19a ton of opportunity.
13:20I'm so pumped to get involved in the city in the community
13:23in church, but I did take the LSAT and I'm still waiting
13:29for hopefully I get accepted into the law school.
13:32So we really don't know there's a chance.
13:34I don't get into school there and that would just mean that
13:38we would just wait another year, which is fine.
13:40It's not ideal.
13:42I pray that I get in this fall, but if not, then yeah, it's
13:46I think he's going to get in.
13:47I really genuinely think he's going to get in and I know
13:49that might sound crazy, but we're stepping out in faith
13:52and truly like when I got God has been so amazing in this
13:56whole process every single time.
13:59We just prayed could God give us the go throughout this
14:02whole last year and a half or last year.
14:05God would say no, not yet.
14:06Not yet.
14:07Not yet.
14:07And I would always want to jump ahead or rush ahead or God
14:11what I want to move now.
14:12I want to do this now and God would just give us both nudges
14:14of like it's not time yet or even if God gave me a nudge.
14:18He would give Caleb not yet and then vice versa.
14:20There was times where you were like, let's just do it.
14:22And I would be like, I don't think now is the time God
14:25will confirm that to both you and your partner and you'll
14:28feel it in your spirit and doors will start to open.
14:31And so what started to happen is my heart was changing doors
14:34started to open things literally fell into place like you
14:38would not believe it.
14:40And I did this 40 day prayer challenge.
14:42It's the Mark Batterson draw the circle book and I prayed
14:45over this whole situation almost every single night and specific
14:51prayers for his score for where we had moved for the house
14:53for selling this house and everything that I asked the Lord
14:57for he gave and I journaled this morning and I was just like
15:01God, I almost feel undeserving of that.
15:04And I just said thank you Lord for giving us favor and blessings
15:07because I don't feel like I deserve that but he did anyway,
15:10and it just reminds me of Ephesians 3 20 where it says he
15:14will give you exceedingly and abundantly more than you can
15:16ask for and that's truly what I feel like he's done for us.
15:19Yeah, it did you cried yesterday and it's it is sad.
15:26Like Janine is I don't think you ever saw yourself moving
15:31out of Texas and go into your rival, but you are leaving.
15:35We do have some family here and this isn't an easy decision,
15:39but you've been so supportive of me my dreams, you know, law
15:44school is not going to be easy.
15:45If I get accepted on top of that raising a baby, we're going
15:49to be a team and I think we'll be surrounded by an amazing
15:53community and we're pumped up dude, like let's go like I'm
15:58all in I of course I grew up in Oklahoma.
16:00So I'm biased but like I love this city.
16:02I love everything about what it stands for and community
16:07and the Thunder like guys the Thunder are the number one
16:10team in the NBA right now.
16:11And we just have there were were in the beginning of something
16:17There's a dynasty brewing and I can't wait to look back
16:20and go man.
16:21We chose to move to support our team our NBA team are we
16:26move because of them we move because of Shea we move because
16:30of Jalen Williams.
16:31We moved because of these guys.
16:32I think I need to take this jersey off now.
16:35No keep it on but like I'm kind of I'm joking.
16:38I'm completely joking.
16:39We didn't move because of the team but it is fun to know
16:42that we're in the beginning stages of I think the golden
16:46years of Oklahoma and the the Roaring 20s and I think that
16:50we're going to look up in five years and go dang we moved
16:53here when no one like I think you're one of the first kind
16:57of big like I don't know anyone that's moved to Oklahoma
17:00City to be honest.
17:01So like I really don't I don't know a single influencer out
17:04I think this is the start of a massive migration to Oklahoma.
17:11I think you are the beginning phase of what I think will
17:15be thousands and thousands of people getting on their wagon
17:20and hiking their way to Oklahoma.
17:21Think I have that much pull.
17:23I think you created a land run.
17:25I think hey y'all move to Oklahoma and be my friend because
17:27I have no friends out there that you have friends.
17:30I do.
17:30Yeah, but like Caleb just mentioned that I cried and I want
17:36to I want to just still talk about that because I feel like
17:39this feeling of your eyes are water.
17:41No, they're not stop it.
17:43I feel like the feeling of excitement and sadness can coexist
17:47and I can very much, you know, say this is a very bittersweet
17:51thing where I'm sad to leave Dallas, but it's so funny.
17:54I'm literally moving four years later to the date that you
17:57moved to Dallas that I moved to Dallas and so much has happened
18:01in four years.
18:01God did what he needed to do in these last four years and
18:05I'm so thankful but I am sad.
18:07I built an amazing community here.
18:10I got all my gyms.
18:11I got my spas my facialist my nail girl my hair girl.
18:15I am going to miss all my girls, but I also feel like Dallas
18:20has gotten a little too little Beverly Hills a little too
18:24LA if you ask me and I would say Dallas is not feel the same
18:29as when I knew it growing up.
18:30Of course dot and he said he's going to involve and change
18:33but even the last four years it's it's drastically changed.
18:36And I think when it comes to raising a baby, we're really
18:39excited to do that in Oklahoma.
18:40I think it's just more affordable prices of houses y'all
18:44way more affordable and you you bought this house at the right
18:49I bought it during covid, you know, so you were you were able
18:53to we were able to roll the equity over and get you know,
18:57an awesome.
18:58Yeah, Caleb didn't force me to do anything and we felt aligned
19:01and it feels right and especially when we house hunted.
19:05I just told him I said, hey, let's find the right house and
19:08then I will be so amped to go, you know, we need to tell that
19:12What the house story?
19:15Can I set it up?
19:16Yeah, you can you're good at setting it up.
19:18So we're in Oklahoma.
19:19We're like four ish months into looking at homes.
19:23We're going back and forth.
19:25We haven't found anything and our house is getting close to
19:28being sold and we're just like kind of we're getting a little
19:31We're like, is there any good houses that we really want that's
19:35felt like home that didn't need work.
19:37We looked for four months plus and just no house felt right.
19:43And there were so many times where we would walk into a home
19:47and you could, you know, we could make this work.
19:50We could do this.
19:51It's kind of like a relationship where you're like, I could make
19:55this work.
19:56He got all the bones.
19:57Yeah, like he's got this and he's kind of cute and if I close
20:00one eye and whatever, you know, but like every time I walked
20:04in, I mean, you should always pray for this.
20:07You pray and you walk in and you have a feeling that God's
20:10given you.
20:10I just remember telling, you know, Caleb's mom like when I
20:13walk in a house, I want it to feel like that feeling and the
20:18house that we have now out of how many houses did we look at
20:2230s, 40s, 20, 30 first house that I was like, I mean my heart
20:29like lit up my face lit up.
20:30I was like, babe, look at the smile on my face and you said
20:35no, I don't really know why I felt hesitant.
20:37It was a little further from my family that I was thinking but
20:41the more we prayed about the more we thought about it.
20:43I was like, you know what this house is starting to feel like
20:47Like I remember we were we were actually in Nashville with our
20:51friends and we were looking at the house on the TV with our
20:55friends and I looked at Janine.
20:56I was like, let's just put an offer.
20:58Yeah, and we I just kept showing our friends this house.
21:01It wasn't even our house and I kept being like guys look at
21:04the house.
21:04We're going to get and Caleb was like Jay.
21:06We don't even have this house yet, but I kept speaking almost
21:09as if it were our house.
21:11Yeah, and the more we looked at it the more you liked it and
21:14we are we I don't say we lowball them, but we definitely
21:19offered a lot less than what it was worth.
21:21Yeah, and he accepted it which is which was crazy.
21:25Well also one big factor why Caleb didn't want the house
21:28which is so valid and also I personally was trying to avoid
21:32this is the house has a pool.
21:35Yeah, it is a pool and for safety reasons, you know having
21:37a toddler eventually in this house.
21:40We didn't really want to pay for the maintenance of a pool.
21:43That was something that we were like, okay, are we willing
21:45to kind of negotiate on that and we did and now we're really
21:48excited about it because summers are very hot in the south
21:54and our house is going to be the hosting house.
21:56Like we're so excited to get to use this house to host
21:59Christmases families.
22:01I want to host church events Bible studies.
22:03I mean we said if we're going to buy a house we're going to
22:06use it to bless people.
22:07And that's also what I've done with this house.
22:09This house is literally a third of the size and we is it
22:14a third you think close something like that and we've still
22:19use this house to bless people and I think it's just an example
22:21of like not saying I'm this like amazing thing.
22:23But like I think a lot of people think that when I get there
22:26then I'll start sorting my gifts or then I'm going to start
22:28using, you know, doing what God's called me to do.
22:31And I think if you start with what you have now God's going
22:35to reward that and I'm not saying God's rewarding me.
22:37I'm just saying I've always had a heart to host and it's so
22:40cool that with this house.
22:41We really are going to have the ability to do that and but
22:45having a smaller quote-unquote smaller house did not stop
22:47me from doing that and but that house definitely has a lot
22:50more space than this one does.
22:52Yeah, and it's fun for us to be able to you know, I moved
22:55into your house.
22:56And so this feels like our house.
22:58It feels like we're we've built something together.
23:01Yeah, and that's like super super exciting and who knows
23:04what also another thing we're pumped out pumped about is
23:09honestly, like I feel like we're going to be able to post a
23:12lot of cool stuff more YouTube more podcasting.
23:16I can't wait to share the journey of going to law school
23:19and the baby and all these things moving logs decorating
23:23our house.
23:24Yeah, it's going to be it's going to be fun to be really
23:27exciting, but it's also going to be hard.
23:29We're going to have those nights in Oklahoma where we're
23:31like, what did we just do?
23:33You know, yeah, but I also think that the great reason why
23:36we want to move there and a huge reason why we didn't decide
23:39to move to Nashville is the baby and when I thought about
23:43it, I was like, okay, I don't want to be in a new city.
23:46My husband's in law school.
23:48You are, you know, eight to six studying at school, whatever.
23:53I'm alone with the baby also trying to do social media.
23:55We wanted to have help.
23:56We want to have family around and I'm so grateful for his
24:00family because his sisters both get summers off and that
24:03was a big reason to they were like, we would love to help
24:05you as much as possible.
24:06Your mom, your aunt, you cut.
24:08I mean, there's so many awesome family members in Dallas.
24:11I'd really only just have my mom.
24:14My brother has five kids.
24:16So like they can't really do much because they already got
24:18their hands full.
24:19And so it just made sense.
24:21Yeah, and this timing now feels so divine and it feels like
24:24it's making sense.
24:25And we obviously wanted to move before the baby came and
24:29we have three more months before I'm too large.
24:32We were like now's the time to go.
24:34Yeah, let's talk about Nashville.
24:36Okay, let's talk about because it is just funny how so many
24:40people thought we were going to Nashville.
24:42Well, you know in their mind and I totally get this.
24:45It's like the natural next step for an influencer to do when
24:48they start a family.
24:49That's like at least what I've seen online is they think okay,
24:52if you're a Christian, if you have kids, you're going to move
24:54to Nashville.
24:55I could see us there in seven years.
24:57I could I mean I get the hype which I feel like it's not
25:00fair to kind of stay in Oklahoma.
25:02Okay, I feel like it's not really fair to I guess condemn
25:07or judge people if they do want to move to Nashville because
25:09there's a lot of reasons but I get it like just like Dallas
25:12Dallas has so many outsiders that are moving in our traffic
25:16is insane.
25:18Our prices are insane.
25:19Everything's more expensive gas traffic.
25:21All that is insane.
25:22So I understand locals.
25:23They are being like stop moving to our state, you know, but
25:27I'm like there's enough room for all of us, you know, yeah,
25:30if we would have moved there there would have been you know,
25:34it's just funny people always have opinions.
25:36They go you just you're hopping on the bandwagon.
25:38It's like who cares like honestly Franklin and Nashville
25:41is some of the it is the I think besides Oklahoma like it's
25:45like my two favorite besides Oh besides Oklahoma City.
25:49It's like my two favorite cities.
25:50It's gorgeous and gorgeous California fix your taxes and
25:54we would think about it.
25:56Yeah, we were like should we do San Diego?
25:58And then again, we were like raising a baby there.
26:00You got to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars to move
26:02to freaking California.
26:04It's expensive is so you cannot buy your dream home unless
26:07you're making millions and millions of dollars, but also
26:10I don't think I don't think I'd ever go back to California
26:12to be honest.
26:13It's too nice.
26:14It's like eating cake every day.
26:16California is 75 degrees.
26:18You need a little you need some 30 degree days.
26:21You need some you need some pipes to for I did need seasons.
26:25I missed seasons when I lived there.
26:27I love seasons and you know what Oklahoma has pretty good
26:31season there better than Dallas, but it gets cold.
26:35Yeah, someone said that they thought we were moving in with
26:38Maddie and Grant.
26:39That's so funny.
26:40I don't know if you think they'd let us in.
26:42No, we called Maddie and Grant.
26:43We said hey if we were in a pinch, but long-term no yet
26:48Nashville we looked we thought we prayed and God said
26:55Yeah, but anyway, we are what good I was just say like we're
27:02excited to bring you guys along with us because there's it's
27:07also first let me just say this feels so good to finally talk
27:11about we have been hiding this for so long and I had someone
27:15be like why did influencers take so long to ever ever share
27:19this type of stuff?
27:21Well a you don't want to say it it doesn't happen and be like
27:23you want to make sure everything's set in stone like
27:25contracts and it's very difficult when you share your life
27:29But when you have contracts and you have things that could
27:31fall through it's like you don't want to speak too quickly.
27:33It would be immature.
27:35Yeah, and you got to wait till the contracts it until the
27:38until the the signature hits the the the contract and the
27:41funds, you know, hit your bank account.
27:43It's never a hundred percent.
27:45And so today was the first day where it was what else what
27:49else are we thinking?
27:50Well, yeah, I just want to say like we're I'm just so excited
27:53about this house because we get to raise our son in this house
27:57and we're going to be there for a while and we may have you
28:00know, a second kid in this house.
28:01And so we wanted a house that had enough space for you know,
28:05babies and I work completely from home.
28:09So we need a podcast room and this house has everything that
28:13we need and we're so excited to show you guys the house whenever
28:17the time comes.
28:17We're going to do I think a house tutorial this week or next
28:21week tutorial.
28:22Yeah, baby.
28:23A house tutorial means how to build a house a house, whatever
28:27you call it house tour house.
28:30Speaking of building a house.
28:32I talked about this in the vlog.
28:33I listened to this song again today and I started I started
28:36tearing up a little bit.
28:37Yeah, there's this song called to build a home and the morning
28:42that Caleb and I went to go look at the house one more time
28:45before we before we put an offer.
28:47We drove up to Oklahoma.
28:48We were like we need to make sure that this is the house that
28:51we want because we were about to put an offer without even
28:54seeing it one more time.
28:55So we drove up to Oklahoma for just like 12 hours.
28:57We looked at the house in the morning that we woke up.
29:00I just kept hearing it was like it literally was it felt audible
29:04in my head.
29:05It was that song to build a home and it's like this is a place
29:10that feel at home and I got to here and I was like Caleb this
29:15song keeps playing in my head and I played it for us and we
29:17laid in bed and we listened to it and we prayed that God would
29:20show us if it was the house and it was and I listened to that
29:25song we ended and I got a little teary-eyed.
29:28Yeah, it's it's pretty surreal.
29:31It's emotional for me going back home.
29:33You know, that is super fun and exciting just to shine a light
29:38on this amazing state and shine a light that I do think Oklahoma
29:42gets a bad rap and I think we're like the little brother to
29:44Texas people always say you are sure but like in all seriousness
29:51there are some of the best people that some of the best churches
29:54the best community Craig Rochelle's their life church.
29:59And so we have a lot of great things and we're growing.
30:02I think like we're building like the tallest potentially that
30:04we're Oklahoma City is going to put in like the biggest tall
30:07or the biggest like skyscrapers in America.
30:10That's crazy.
30:11It hasn't got approved but they're talking about it.
30:13I still don't understand that.
30:15Yeah, look it up.
30:16It's insane.
30:17So we're kind of talking in circles, but yeah, I'm just man.
30:22I'm grateful.
30:23I'm excited to start this new journey with you.
30:26I pray guys.
30:28I need your prayers.
30:29I pray that I get into law school.
30:31It is we'll find out this week.
30:33Yeah, we should find out this week.
30:36The thing is is it's kind of what's the word it's kind of vulnerable
30:44to like talk about it because there's potential failure,
30:48you know, and it's like scary to talk about because it's not
30:51fun thinking about being known as the guy who it's like if I
30:55don't I don't get in everyone's going to know.
30:56Oh, he didn't get into law school, you know, he's not
30:58smart enough, but that's not true though.
31:01Regardless of what happens like I'm proud of you because you
31:04genuinely did your best you studied so hard and the rest is
31:09up to God.
31:10I was told Caleb.
31:10I was like the rest is up to God now like you did your part
31:13the rest is up to God, but I don't feel like that would
31:16Yeah, I just don't and also if anyone like judges you for
31:20That's just ridiculous because at some point everybody has
31:24Everyone has rejection.
31:24Everyone has knows I think it's more of my biggest fear is
31:28we moved to Oklahoma that I don't get accepted and then
31:31it's like dang like we kind of moved here for me to go to
31:34law school here.
31:36We didn't move there because of family and the baby and
31:39ultimately I'll try again the next year, but there's still
31:42that like fear of like dang that would suck not to get in.
31:46What if I and then I have these like intrusive crazy worst
31:50case scenario thoughts where I'm like, what if I never get
31:52What if I just moved to Oklahoma for no reason?
31:54What if we just bought this house?
31:55That's not happening, you know, I know that's where you got
31:57to get still scary.
31:59Caleb has a lot of friends in Oklahoma.
32:01So like we're not starting over like you have so many friends
32:05a lot of your friends have babies and a lot of your childhood
32:08best friends are there his whole family is there which is
32:11Like it's great because now I get to spend more time with
32:14his family and deeply know them better.
32:16Yeah, and and yeah, everything will be fun.
32:19Yeah, and if you live in Oklahoma, we're going to be doing
32:22some fun community events.
32:24We are for the OKC Memorial Marathon.
32:27We're going to do a shakeout run.
32:29We're going to have coffee there.
32:30We'll get to meet Janine get to see the baby bump.
32:34We're going to do a little I'm going to do the 5k.
32:35Yeah, we'll do like a little one mile two mile run take some
32:39photos sign some books do something fun.
32:42We're also doing doing a live podcast was the April 6th April
32:48So April 5th live podcast Dallas, Texas in Dallas tickets
32:55will go on sale.
32:56Hopefully this week.
32:57Maybe maybe they're on sale right now.
32:59Yeah, just stay up to date follow my stuff follow my happy
33:02and healthy page my account and we'll be announcing all the
33:05more all more details soon.
33:07We just want to get the date out so that you guys can either
33:10travel if you want to or just save it or budget.
33:12We don't know the tickets yet, but they won't be I think we're
33:16going to have two ticket options just one general admission
33:19and then the other one will do like a you know, a meet and
33:23greet VIP thing.
33:24Yeah, but save the day.
33:26We're so excited.
33:27This was actually on my bucket list before the you know before
33:29the baby comes doing a live podcast show and we're just we're
33:33just going to do it.
33:34We're pumped.
33:34We want to hang out with you guys want to meet you guys.
33:37And that was you know, some things have gone in my suggestions
33:40is just like you guys want us to do more live events and we
33:43want to but y'all it does require a lot of help and some
33:47prep work, but we want to do it.
33:49We want to meet you guys want to meet our community.
33:51We're just so so thankful for you guys and has been yeah,
33:55and we can't do anything without you guys truly and I just
33:58want to say thank you to you guys you guys have been so
34:01supportive and I like guys we see every comment we can't
34:06respond to every comment, but we see almost every comment.
34:08We see it don't ever stop.
34:10It means so much you guys have welcomed me in with open arms
34:15into this community and you guys been you know, yeah, those
34:19haters as people who said mean things but most of y'all are
34:23And so from every comment to every share to every like, you
34:27know, we're able to make this podcast because of y'all and
34:31it just and we do it for y'all and we can't wait to keep
34:34growing post some fun content and yeah, it's it's exciting.
34:39Yeah, truly like I've been doing this for so long and you
34:42guys have been with me on this journey of moving and buying
34:45a house and baby and marriage and all the things that just
34:48means the absolute world to me.
34:51Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart and I would love
34:54to just continue to find ways to give back to you guys this
34:58year and also don't we need to give away a book if someone
35:01guessed it right or was that?
35:05Actually on the podcast live.
35:07I'm going to read a winner.
35:09Yeah pick a winner because we didn't do this last time and
35:12if you win, please check the description and email me and
35:16give me like proof that that's who you are and we'll send
35:19you a piece of merch as well as my book becoming happy and
35:22Yeah, but it's on that last episode.
35:26Is that JD?
35:27Yeah, JDS.
35:28JDS 1780.
35:31What'd she say?
35:33So excited for you to on this new journey as parents new
35:36city and new community prayers to Caleb that he gets the
35:39LSAT score.
35:40He wants and my guess is Oak, La Joma.
35:46Let's freaking go JD.
35:47We will DM us and we'll email us.
35:51Email the email in the description.
35:54We'll get proof of identity and we'll send you some some
35:57fun stuff.
35:58Thank you so much.
35:59You guys also.
36:00Yes, if you're single you want to come to this live podcast
36:04because I'm going to be auctioning off three of my guy
36:07best friends.
36:08So if you come to the podcast you will be entered with a
36:10chance to go on a date or find your husband with some of my
36:15friends and so sign up and maybe get married.
36:20Yeah, who knows?
36:20That's funny.
36:21Yeah, you might meet your husband.
36:23We may meet your best friend or he might break your heart.
36:27I hope your friends don't do that.
36:28Maybe they're single for a reason.
36:31You're going to get so much hate for that from them.
36:34Yeah, they're going to send you a mean text.
36:37Sorry fellas.
36:38No, these these guys are catches.
36:39They're awesome.
36:41I recommend them.
36:42They're catches but no one taking the bait.
36:44That's true.
36:45That's true.
36:46Ain't nobody take the bait yet.
36:47Maybe on this show.
36:48They will get my guy friends.
36:50My guy friends cloud me so much.
36:51They make fun of me.
36:52This is my opportunity to throw some stones.
36:54So true.
36:55Throw some stones.
36:55They clown you a little too much.
36:57Yeah, they make fun of me.
36:58They hurt my heart.
36:59My soul hurts because of them sometimes.
37:01You got thick skin because of them.
37:03Listen, they are single for a reason but that doesn't mean
37:07that you guys can't be the woman of their dreams.
37:10I think you could.
37:11I think you could too.
37:13Anyway, mark your calendars.
37:14We love you guys.
37:16We'll see you guys next actually in Oklahoma.
37:20Because this is our last weekend here.
37:21Yeah, we're going to we're going to film the next podcast.
37:23We're not going to be filming at all anymore in this house.
37:28We need to set the podcast equipment in the middle of the
37:30No furniture.
37:31I need to cry.
37:32Yeah, I show him the jersey.
37:34I did cry once.
37:35It's bittersweet.
37:37But yeah, so next week we'll have a good episode with a
37:41I'm super excited about it.
37:42Stay tuned.
37:42But the following week after that we'll be in our new house.
37:46Love you guys.
37:47Thanks for watching.
37:48I'll see you guys next Tuesday for another episode of happy
37:50and healthy.
37:50But until then stay happy and healthy.
37:53Go Thunder.
37:53Go Mavs.
37:55Go Mavs and go Longhorns.
