• 2 days ago
► The New Summer Garden Is Nearly Finished
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00:00Good morning, whoop. Good morning, good morning. So I actually wasn't planning on vlogging
00:15today as you can probably tell just from like cosy joggers we are having the most relaxed
00:21day. It's currently 12 o'clock, like lunchtime. We headed out this morning to a little local
00:26farmer's market, just ate some good food, had some good coffee. The girls got hot chocolate.
00:30We actually met my parents as well and had a catch up with them and now we're back home.
00:34I've just decided to randomly get the vlog camera out. I think it's because, as I said
00:38in my previous video, I've been watching back recently. Let me just adjust you and get a
00:43little bit more relaxed, a little bit more comfy, you know? Yeah, I've been watching
00:47back quite a few old vlogs of mine recently and a lot of my favourite videos that I've
00:51been watching are just like the most mundane, simple days. Like there's not a lot going
00:55on. I'm not like bungee jumping or skydiving or travelling or going on holiday and all
01:00of those kind of things are like fun moments to see. But my favourite vlogs to watch are
01:05just like chill days when nothing's going on. Just like feeling like the vibe and the
01:10atmosphere of the house within the video and the family and potentially like friends popping
01:14over and just like normal day to day life. Today is that exact day. So we have no plans.
01:20This vlog is going to feel like a throwback, old school, relaxed Alfie Days style vlog.
01:27So if you've been watching for that long, I hope you enjoy. I hope you're almost a little
01:31bit nostalgic, you know? Like a little throwback. Anyways, I did arrive home a minute ago to
01:37a delivery that I've been waiting for for so long and I cannot even tell you how buzzing
01:42I am to open these. And the fact that I haven't opened them yet until, like you can literally
01:46see the seals here. The fact that I haven't opened these until the camera is rolling
01:51is just a testament of how much I care that I want you to see my real reaction and I want
01:56you to see them. I mean obviously I know you're seeing this like a few days or whatever after
02:00I filmed it, but you're kind of seeing it at the same time as me. That's what it feels
02:03like anyway. So in December I released this, which I haven't actually properly shown or
02:10spoken about in a vlog on my YouTube channel because it got released in December and we
02:14were doing Vlogmas and then obviously I took January off of filming. I've never really
02:18got the chance on my own YouTube channel to actually talk about this properly and show
02:22it and to be able to like have it in my hands. This here, if you don't already know, which
02:27I guess most of you already do, this is the future of lifestyle journal. I spent, I don't
02:32even know how long last year, six months, eight months designing this, coming up with
02:36all the concepts and like building it out and then actually sampling it all up and making
02:40it what it exactly is today. The only way I can describe it is like the most Alfie Days
02:45product I've ever released. This feels like everything I want to push within my videos,
02:51I want to share with anybody that's watching, put into one thing. This journal will actually
02:56help you like genuinely, I can't explain, this will actually help you become the person
03:02that you want to be. This will actually help you do the things in life that you genuinely
03:07want to do. This is like 12 or 15 years of all the different like tips and tricks and
03:12little things that I like implement in my life. To be able to get to do all of the things
03:16in my life that I love doing and do more of them, I've put into this journal so that you
03:22can experience that as well. So there is a lot going on. I mean, this is literally my
03:27personal one so you'll see that I'm like actually filling it out myself. And as I said, I released
03:31this in December last year. I had no idea if anyone was going to purchase this. It's
03:35so different to anything that I've ever done before with future self, which is like predominantly
03:39clothing or coffee. And instantly it was the most sold future self product I've ever done,
03:44which is just crazy to think about. But then at the same time, it kind of doesn't surprise
03:49me because as I said, it's like the most out of your day's thing I've ever released that
03:52I've literally poured so much time and energy into to make it into what it is. And those
03:57of you that have been following me for a long time, like I guess that we're so similar because
04:00that's why you watch the blogs. Like we enjoy the same things in life and everything. So
04:05I'm guessing if it's incredibly fitting for me, then it will be for you as well. Anyways,
04:08I released this in December. Feedback was just unbelievable. It sold out straight away,
04:12which I totally was not expecting. So I got more made in January and there is not even
04:18many of those ones left on the website because they're just selling so quickly. Anyways,
04:21getting back to these two here, this journal, which is the only one that I've released so
04:25far, I did a poll on my Instagram to see which colour I should release this journal in. And
04:31the winning vote by far was this like plum, burgundy kind of red. But because it keeps
04:36selling out, I thought, why not release it in another colourway? And then I thought,
04:41you know what? Why not release it in two more colourways? So I've ordered up the number
04:44two and the number three most popular on the poll that I did colourways. I've been sampling
04:49them a bunch. So I've already seen them in like different samples on prints on just like
04:53front covers. But these two here are the very first prints of the new journal colourways
04:59that as I'm saying this right now, like literally right now, they were available to pre-order.
05:04You'll literally see, oh man, it is so sick. It looks so much better than what I even thought
05:10it would. And I also haven't seen it with the double ribbon of the matching colourway.
05:16Oh man, it looks so good. I'm not even just saying that because it's mine. This genuinely
05:21looks so sick in blue. Oh man, I'm so excited. Okay, so that is available to literally pre-order
05:28right now. And then here is just so nice. I can't explain just how good it feels to
05:36be working so hard over something. And then when you receive the final, final, final actual
05:40real version for it to look even better than what you hoped it would look. Like this genuinely
05:45looks even better in person than what I thought it would. And again, this is also available
05:51right now to pre-order. It's just so wild to think that like a year ago, this was just
05:57a concept like floating around my head and I was like toying around with the idea. I
06:01didn't even know it was going to be a journal. I just knew it was going to be something.
06:04And then now look how good that looks all together. Honestly, this is the most proud
06:09I've ever been of anything I've created. This is so sick. My battery just ran out on my
06:13camera, which is probably a sign that I'm just getting a bit too carried away and a
06:16bit too excited talking about these. Both the new colourways are available to pre-order
06:22right now on the website. I'll leave a link down below. When I say pre-order, it's not
06:25going to be ages until they're at your house and in your hands. They are already made.
06:29Like they literally, you can see here, I've got two of them in my hands. They're already
06:33made, but I just need a couple of weeks to make sure that they all get counted into the
06:36warehouse correctly, packed up and then shipped obviously out to wherever you live. There
06:41is also not many of these at all. I've only ordered 500 of this colourway and 500 of this
06:46colourway. So I don't know if I'm going to do another print run of these colours or not.
06:50So if you do want a blue one or a green one, definitely head over to the website now and
06:54place a pre-order. One thing that I've noticed with the journal is that a lot of people order
06:59multiple at once. So whether that's like either just two for themselves to fill out like back
07:03to back or one for their partner or a friend or a family member so that they can be like
07:08filling it out at the same time. So what I've done is I've put up on the website at the
07:12moment two for 40 pounds. So if you want to buy, I mean you can't just buy two for yourself,
07:16but if you want to buy like two of the blue ones or a blue and a green or red and a green
07:19or red and blue, whatever you want, there is currently two for 40 pounds on the website.
07:23So definitely make the most of that if you want to pick one up for a friend or a family
07:27member so you can fill them out at the same time as each other. That's like a really nice
07:30thing that I'm seeing so many people do. But yeah, anyways, let's crack on with a chill
07:35little day. This is what I'm talking about at the farmer's market this morning. There
07:40was a pizza tent and they're only there probably like once a month or once every six weeks
07:45or something. And they were there today. What was this called? A hot ronnie. Spicy ronnie.
07:50Hot ronnie, which is basically pepperoni with honey. There was going to be jalapeno
07:56on there, but I was like, that is going to ruin my acid reflux. So I asked for no jalapeno.
08:02Pesto-y dip. Two different kinds of arancini. One's pesto and one is induja. Is it induja?
08:11And then of course, can't not hit up some truffle parmesan fries.
08:16We have been making cupcakes. As you can see, they're nice and cool now because we're
08:22going to decorate them, aren't we?
08:24Well, differently, there's one more in here.
08:28Oh, one of them's got a little double.
08:32And there's another one in there. So it's not very differently.
08:40Horty doesn't like that there's two on that one. Is there another one with two as well?
08:44Do you want me to take it out or do you want it back in?
08:46Oh, you do want it in. Okay.
08:48It's a double cake.
08:49This is what they've been baking up this morning. Spectacular science.
08:55Are they those little like popping balls on the top?
08:57I have to say, I had a smell of one a minute ago. It smells so good.
09:05Proper like cake.
09:06Like kids' birthday cake.
09:11Horty just keeps thinking, I'm going to try and eat one.
09:13She really doesn't want me to until they're finished.
09:17Who's the funniest, me or mummy?
09:21I didn't even think that was-
09:23Who's the silliest?
09:29Who's the most fun to play with?
09:33Ralph. That's one of her friends.
09:37What about out of mummy and daddy?
09:41Oh, that's the right answer, baby.
09:43But a little bit more, daddy.
09:45Just a little bit more.
09:56Zoe hasn't seen the new journals yet.
09:58You've got to be 100% honest. Obviously, that's the original.
10:00Oh, the colours?
10:01Yeah, love that. Love that.
10:04And also, look, these are matching as well.
10:06Oh, I love them. I think blue's my favourite.
10:09Do you think?
10:10Yeah, I love it.
10:11Okay, which one do you like most?
10:15Two votes for blue, daddy. Oh, I love it.
10:19It looks like, doesn't it?
10:20It feels like-
10:20I think maybe green.
10:23It feels like this is autumn winter and this is spring summer.
10:28I love that there's just options. It feels so different, yet obviously it's the same.
10:33It's just a different colour. It looks good together, doesn't it?
10:35Yeah, really nice.
10:36And also, these are all matching.
10:38Yeah, they're really lovely.
10:40Mum, I'm going home.
10:41Right, shall we go and get your little trampoline now?
10:43Go and get your trampoline.
10:43Auntie wants to get back out her trampoline.
10:46And when I say trampoline, everyone's probably expecting a big trampoline in the garden.
10:50It's like the tiny little kids' trampoline that you have the handle on.
10:53It's probably right for nobody's kind of age.
10:54Yeah, but it's so small.
10:56It's okay. Shall we go and get it back out?
10:58It's in the basement.
10:58It's sharing with me.
11:00Because sharing is caring.
11:02Sharing is caring.
11:03But not you and mummy go.
11:04You and mummy and Nala can't go in there, so she's going to be there.
11:10And you and mummy are going to break it.
11:13We're a bit too big, aren't we?
11:14Nala's going to be scared, so she can't go in there.
11:16And mummy and daddy are too big, because you're going to break it.
11:19Let's go in the basement.
11:21This is how we do it.
11:22Are you showing me how to go into the basement?
11:24All right then.
11:25No, turn that light back on.
11:27I can turn it when I get down there.
11:29Oh, you're going to use that one?
11:31Because I want to do the little ones.
11:33Cor, you're just too clever.
11:35But you have to turn on this light, because I don't know how to do this one.
11:40Is this everything?
11:41Do you want anything else whilst we're down here?
11:44That's just everything.
11:45Let's go.
11:46Let me put the camera up there.
11:48He's nearly done.
11:50And he comes over this.
11:51And then are you ready?
11:53We could even do no handle if you wanted.
11:56Well, I wanted one.
11:57Do you want the handle on?
12:00Yeah, because I might fall over.
12:02All right.
12:03It's also the handle will be a little bit better for Noby as well.
12:06There we go.
12:09Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:13Doing straddle splits.
12:15Cor, a little gymnast.
12:17Star splits.
12:19Oh, star splits.
12:20Sorry, I got them wrong.
12:22Zoe's in hosting mode.
12:24I can just feel it.
12:26We've got all the family coming over tomorrow.
12:28I've got an idea.
12:29I mean, the reality is it's not going to happen.
12:31Do you know what my idea is?
12:32I think it's going to happen.
12:33So we've got all the family coming over for a roast tomorrow.
12:37And I thought it might be quite nice if you,
12:42Otteroo, so instead of writing people's names,
12:45I thought you could draw them.
12:47So you could draw Nanny.
12:50So then Nanny knows where to sit at the table.
12:52Oh, we're going to have to get a couple more seats out, haven't we?
12:54It's like basically-
12:55It's like Christmas.
12:56Yeah, it's basically like Christmas.
13:01You have to do it on the outside, not the inside, okay?
13:04Because it's not a card.
13:05It sits like that on the table, do you see?
13:08So you do it on the front.
13:09So you do it like this, so it stands up like that.
13:12And then you do it on the front of it.
13:14So you draw it here.
13:16Which Nanny are you going to draw?
13:18First Nanny Buzzy.
13:20Nanny Buzzy, that's my mum.
13:22Just the face, yeah.
13:23A big one, and then the nose, and then the mouth.
13:28Yeah, and the eyes.
13:29I'll probably do some ears and some hair as well, I reckon.
13:32I don't know how to draw ears.
13:34That's okay.
13:37Oh, that looks exactly like Nanny Buzzy.
13:39The ears come off like this.
13:42Do you want to do some arms?
13:45Just your head.
13:47That's Nanny Buzzy.
13:49Yeah, I'll write the name inside, yeah?
13:52We should do it so everyone has to guess who it is.
13:54So they don't open it.
13:55You put it on the table and you'd be like, right-
13:57You sit where you think.
13:58Yeah, and then we reveal if they got it right or not.
13:59And then they can look inside.
14:01Some hair.
14:02What does Nanny Hector's hair look like?
14:05That's lovely.
14:07Do you want to try and do the little ears?
14:09You can do ears.
14:09Do you remember?
14:10Do you see where mummy did them?
14:11Two little bits on the side.
14:12Oh, these are so cute.
14:15Now Dada Buzzy.
14:16Now Dada Buzzy.
14:17Do you want me to pop the lid back on?
14:19Right, what colour for Dada Buzzy?
14:23Favourite colour.
14:25Is that his favourite colour?
14:27Okay, there you go.
14:28I'm going to do the colour brown hair.
14:32Short hair, so I'm going to wash it.
14:36Can you do ears?
14:37I'll do the ears.
14:39I think everyone's going to love these.
14:42Okay, next person.
14:43So this one's Aunty Poppy.
14:45Aunty Poppy.
14:47Don't say it because Aunty Poppy would know.
14:50Oh yeah, we can't say.
14:51She's next to Dada Buzzy.
14:53She's got longer hair, hasn't she?
14:56So it's a little bit longer.
15:02Okay, now Uncle Shauny.
15:03Wow, it's like curly hair.
15:05I'll do the ears.
15:07Here we go, time to do mummy.
15:12Do me really smiley.
15:15The biggest smile.
15:20Lots of hair.
15:26Oh yeah, I'll do the ears.
15:27Pop it down.
15:30Oh my God, I love it.
15:34Oh, and it says mummy.
15:36Thank you, Auty.
15:36I love it.
15:38That's a good one.
15:40That looks exactly like mummy's head.
15:43Have a little look at my face, see what I look like.
15:47Do a really round head.
15:49Daddy's got a big round head.
15:49I've got a really small head, don't I?
15:52That sounds like a big head.
15:53Whatever you just drew sounded big.
15:55Daddy does.
15:57Whoa, that's so good.
16:01And it says daddy.
16:02That is my favorite one so far.
16:06All right, this is Dotty.
16:08Oh, baby Dot.
16:10She doesn't have much hair, does she?
16:11You can't see that bit.
16:13She only has a little bit of hair.
16:16Oh my God, that's so cute.
16:18Well done.
16:19Now I'll write Dotty.
16:21This one here's Auty.
16:24You got three eyes.
16:26Did you do that on purpose?
16:27Yeah, she did.
16:29She wanted to be a monster.
16:31Right, Novy.
16:32Last one.
16:33Maybe Dot's seen bits of her, don't she?
16:38I like-
16:38Oh, this one.
16:39I love that one.
16:41Auntie Poppy.
16:42And I like this one.
16:44Novy, yeah.
16:45That's a really good one.
16:47I want Novy next to me because Novy's in my hand.
16:52I'll put her to Novy next to me.
16:55So cute.
16:57Well done, Auty.
16:57These are amazing.
16:59Maybe there's more trampoline in there.
17:01Go on then.
17:01Go and have a little bounce.
17:03Oh, my legs are tired.
17:05That's like mummy on the trampoline.
17:07The sun has just popped out up there.
17:11And it is time to head out.
17:12If you saw the last vlog, you would have seen
17:15that I'm currently in the process of building the dream veg patch.
17:19Cutting flower garden.
17:21Little morning coffee spot.
17:22All of the good stuff.
17:29So all the vegetable beds are going to go on top of this.
17:33And then we're going to fill it with mushroom compost.
17:36And then we're going to get all wood chippings all the way around it.
17:39And it's going to look lovely.
17:40And then the vegetables will go in the vegetable bed on top of this.
17:44Wow, I want this on it.
17:47I want this on it.
17:49Look at Auty's little outfit.
17:50I love your new little waterproof.
17:52I want this on it.
17:53Is that the wrong way around?
17:54I'll turn it around for you.
17:55There you go.
17:55That one says sweet corn.
17:57Basically, if you watched the last vlog, you would have seen that I've ran out of membrane.
18:01There's a little sliver on the back here.
18:03So I've ordered some more, which obviously has now arrived.
18:05And I'm about to finish it off.
18:08That one says broccoli.
18:09And I've got my little helper with me.
18:13Using the word helper lightly.
18:15Don't know how helpful.
18:16But that one says garlic chives.
18:31The membrane's fully down.
18:32However, I do think, as you can see, there's some little gaps.
18:36I think I need another box of these pegs before we put down everything else.
18:40Wow, it's big.
18:41It is a big space.
18:43It's going to be so good.
18:44Do you know what I'm tempted to do?
18:47Wait, if you wait here, Zoe.
18:48Do you remember what was here before?
18:51It was that big half pipe.
18:55I have no idea what Daddy's getting.
18:58This is looking good, isn't it?
19:00What are we going to grow here?
19:04All of these vegetables.
19:05That vegetable, that vegetable.
19:08Lots of vegetables.
19:09That vegetable, that vegetable, that vegetable.
19:17Let's see what this looks like.
19:19So at the end of the last vlog, Zoe threw a spanner in the works and was like,
19:22I think we should move the entrance.
19:24To like, the closest to where we're going to.
19:27So I've redesigned it up.
19:29And this is now looking like it's going to go here.
19:34Oh, lovely.
19:36Three of these in a line.
19:37One's about there.
19:38And then the other two next to it.
19:40I think that'll look great.
19:42Yeah, I feel like that fits good.
19:44It's huge, actually, isn't it?
19:45And then the other one's along here.
19:49And then the table and chairs here.
19:51You need to order the table and chairs.
19:53We should get a cute little vintage one.
19:55The only thing that I haven't been the best of,
19:57I feel like I'm going to get a lot of comments on.
19:59The ground's very uneven.
20:01I was going to say, I feel like I nearly snapped my ankle.
20:04So I hope that I've got,
20:05I've got 3,000 litres of wood chippings coming.
20:09Hopefully that's enough.
20:10I feel like it's hard to know that kind of thing.
20:12Because I can't measure up from the space,
20:13because obviously the beds take away from the space.
20:15You could always get more if you need more.
20:17Yeah, and that's coming in two days.
20:19And 6,000 litres of mushroom compost.
20:23They're going to go, so we need to put the beds,
20:24basically, before Monday.
20:26Is that what you're going to do tomorrow morning?
20:27That's what I said, we.
20:28So we need to put the beds.
20:30Yeah, I mean.
20:32That's one of nine.
20:34Oh, my gosh.
20:35Obviously, they're not all as big.
20:36Yeah, they're not that big.
20:37So there's three that big.
20:38There's three that big.
20:39And then the other three that go along here are double the height.
20:43Yeah, tall ones.
20:44So there's a nice variety of heights.
20:46And you've got some round ones, right?
20:48Round ones that are one and a half the height.
20:50Should probably go and check where Artie's just disappeared to.
20:54I know I keep saying it, but I cannot wait for summer.
20:58Oh, you're drinking.
21:00You're drinking some ketchup.
21:05That's hot chili sauce.
21:06Hot chili sauce?
21:08Oh, no.
21:12You got your little wetsuit on as well.
21:14Let's play hide and seek.
21:15You want to play hide and seek?
21:19All right, you go and hide.
21:21I wonder where Artie's hiding.
21:23I just can't see at all.
21:25Novie, can you see Artie?
21:36Where's Artie?
21:50What else should I write?
21:52I love you.
21:53I love you.
21:55I love you.
22:01Do you want to write Artie?
22:24Just saying to Zoe, I'm like looking at them both now and I'm like, this is the age.
22:30This is like the dream age that I've always like thought about having kids.
22:34When I watch back old videos of Poppy and I on family VHS recordings from when we were little,
22:42it was this age.
22:43It was like, I was Novie and Poppy was Artie.
22:45Ding dong.
22:45Here you go, Novie.
22:54Her little hello is my favorite thing.
23:00Novie's only just started recently wearing outdoor shoes,
23:03so she's getting used to like the solid bottoms of them and like the balance.
23:09She's doing good though.
23:16This actually looks so sick.
23:18So you see the little balls on there.
23:19I thought there was just going to be a little packet of like pre-made little jelly balls.
23:24But what Zoe and Artie have done is put this little mixture that they've made into the fridge.
23:29So mostly only into jelly balls.
23:30Okay, ready?
23:31And then they're basically going to put little droplets into here,
23:34which is like a calcium solution.
23:37And then they turn into little jelly balls.
23:47That's actually so sick.
23:48That's cool.
23:49Do you want to go up?
23:51There we go.
23:52Drop it really gently.
23:55Whoa, look at the green bubbles.
23:59How is it doing that?
24:00It's magic.
24:01More green?
24:02Yeah, more green, more green.
24:04What do we think out of 10?
24:0610 out of 10.
24:07That's good.
24:08And these took like all day.
24:10To be fair, they do look like on the picture.
24:14There's a lot of chilling, like back in the fridge and waiting for things to get cold.
24:20But it was very fun, wasn't it?
24:23Good morning, good morning.
24:25It is currently two days since I last picked up the camera.
24:28Yesterday was the Sunday that we had everybody over for a massive Sunday roast.
24:32You would have seen earlier on in the video when Otty was drawing all the little name cards,
24:36that lunch was yesterday.
24:37Had such a lovely time with the family.
24:39And whilst everyone was over, I was talking about how all of the compost for the veg garden
24:44and the wood chipping that's got like around the veg beds was arriving today.
24:48And very nicely, everyone basically said to me like,
24:51how are you going to do that by yourself?
24:53Have you got a plan?
24:53Have you got anyone helping you?
24:54Are the people who are like delivering it going to put it in the beds for you?
24:57Like, do you realise how much you've actually got arriving
25:00and how long it's going to take you to do this solo?
25:03So my parents offered to help out.
25:04Tracy's husband, Graham's offered to help out.
25:06I think Joe might even be popping along at some...
25:08Potentially Sean might even be popping along at some point as well.
25:11So it's kind of like an impromptu, spur of the moment family get together
25:15to just help make the veg patch happen as quick as possible today.
25:20Because everything is arriving anytime now really, like within the next couple of hours.
25:24And I haven't fully finished building the veg patches.
25:27So the aim for this morning is to put those together as quick as possible.
25:30My parents are literally currently putting two of them together now.
25:32I was just helping them a second ago.
25:34Graham's also arrived.
25:35He's about to start putting one together.
25:37And then just to add on top of that, Zoe this morning was like,
25:40why don't you just put that piece of meat that you bought at the farmer's market on Saturday,
25:44here, a piece of pork belly I've been marinating,
25:47on the barbecue so that everyone can have a little like pulled pork situation kind of thing for lunch.
25:51The first thing I did this morning was come outside and get the egg barbecue going,
25:55getting it to temp and everything.
25:57I haven't used this since last summer.
25:59It just feels good, like even lighting it.
26:01Like now, if you could smell this, it just smells so good.
26:06I can't even explain.
26:07That is my plan right now, to get this piece on.
26:10Cooking up for everybody.
26:21Just seeing the little red and yellow car in the garden,
26:24just feels so nostalgic.
26:27Dad's working a bit too hard.
26:31Mum's going.
26:33Dad stood on the phone.
26:37It's like an elves workshop in here at Christmas time.
26:41Yeah, you should see.
26:43You coming to help?
26:44You gonna get building?
26:46I don't know if nobody's ever been in here.
26:49I don't think she has.
26:50She came at Christmas, I think.
26:52Look at you.
26:54Hello sweetheart.
26:59She wanted to come outside.
27:01Mum's the first one to finish one of the new beds.
27:04A nice round one.
27:06Next one's done.
27:23Another one's coming out.
27:24Oh, it's raining.
27:26Pop your hood up.
27:30Where is it going?
27:32At the end.
27:37You all right out there?
27:40It's go time.
27:46I think it's a bit of a cheek actually, our age,
27:48to ask us to be doing stuff like this.
27:51Especially when he's playing around with a cup of coffee.
27:54I mean, has he actually done anything?
27:56I must say, I actually believe in you as well.
27:58I think you're doing something really nice for us.
28:00Do you?
28:04That wasn't what you were saying on the way over here.
28:06You said on the way over here, what are we doing this for?
28:10Because it's our job.
28:11We're going to go to the cinema this afternoon as well.
28:13We were thinking of cinema, choosing a sofa.
28:16He's not very grateful either at the moment.
28:18He's going through a phase.
28:20In great.
28:21Well, he's outside.
28:24What's he doing?
28:25Digging up a wheat.
28:26I bet he's blocking his wheats again.
28:28Yeah, blocking his wheats.
28:30Nobody cares, do they?
28:32Who's interested in his bloody wheats?
28:35And then he'll put up a video saying...
28:45Is Poppy the favourite?
28:46Oh, 100%.
28:49Yeah, I can't see if we get a sandwich from her.
28:52Yeah, he'll ask us if we want a delivery in a minute.
28:55You wait.
28:56I can take one.
28:57Yeah, because he wants it.
28:58Yeah, for sure.
29:00Poppy's always been, yeah, she would have probably prepared lunch for us.
29:03She would have done.
29:05You wouldn't even have to ask.
29:10Oh, bless.
29:12It's six o'clock.
29:13Here we go, the last bed.
29:15It's finished up and going out.
29:17Joe's turned up to help.
29:19He's in all his gardening gear.
29:20I'm inside.
29:21He's even got his own gloves with him as well.
29:23I'm not wearing gloves.
29:23And I'm just, I'm in a...
29:25I thought that was going to be a future selfie.
29:27The beds are all here.
29:28I can't believe you haven't got one up.
29:30If it wasn't this, it's usually a future selfie, yeah.
29:33All the beds are finally in place.
29:35Just waiting for everything else to arrive.
29:38I thought there'd be vegetables.
29:39I thought we were going to be able to take some veg home with us.
29:41Ready to eat?
29:44Ho, ho, ho, ho.
29:46Coming along.
29:47Low and slow.
29:48Wow, what are you cooking up?
29:50We're done.
29:52We ate the pie.
29:53You've already eaten the pie?
29:54Yeah, with cherries on top.
29:57And now we're going back inside.
29:59The sun is actually poking out a little bit.
30:01And the lorry, which is 18 and a half tonne lorry,
30:04has just arrived with all of the wood chippings.
30:07We've just got to somehow try and get it dropped off as close to here as possible.
30:11It's a big old pallet, so we're going to have to just see what we can do.
30:14Yeah, perfect.
30:17Oh, man.
30:19That's it.
30:37So a couple of hours later, we've just had the second delivery arrive,
30:41which is 6,000 litres of mushroom compost.
30:44So we've basically got the same unloading to do,
30:47but even more, and this time into the bed.
30:58Hello, Daddy.
31:00Hello, Daddy.
31:03Who's that?
31:54the compost is all in and it's now time to start on the bags of wood chips.
32:14So there we go.
32:19Looks unbelievable.
32:20Look at that.
32:22Thank you so much.
32:26Look at the state of me.
32:27Look at the state of me.
32:33And then all I need to do now is get the fence built and the little gate down there.
32:38The table and chairs arrives in a couple of days.
32:40Mum just won't stop trying to perfect it.
32:43I feel like literally a week ago, maybe two weeks ago,
32:47I was like, trust me, this is going to look good.
32:49It's going to be what I have in my head.
32:51Here we go.
32:53The boss has turned up.
32:54The boss.
32:57What does she think?
32:57Oh, my God, it looks so good.
33:01I didn't know you were going to put the wood chip down as well.
33:05Oh, my God, it's so cool.
33:08So cool.
33:09You've got enough.
33:10Oh, yeah, all the compost will sink a little bit.
33:13Might need a top up, but that's it.
33:15It looks amazing.
33:17Well done, everyone.
33:18What did you think?
33:19For one day's work, that's pretty good, isn't it?
33:21You've transformed it.
33:23Like you were saying, to like paint the...
33:25Oh, yeah, I said to Zoe, we should paint all of this and like...
33:29And string fairy lights.
33:30Oh, that'd be good.
33:31I was going to say, like, let the girls, like,
33:33let Otti paint some flowers and stuff like that on it as well.
33:35Yeah, this is so cool.
33:38So it is a
34:07couple of days later now.
34:09And in one of the last clips that you saw,
34:11when I was stood here the other night,
34:13I said that there were two main things left to do.
34:15Number one being the fence that's going to come along here,
34:19along here, and then have a gate in down there.
34:21And that has now been confirmed for next week.
34:24And then secondly, the table and chairs to go here,
34:28that's just arrived this morning.
34:29And then obviously, there's still a bunch more of other things to do.
34:32Like I need to put the little black trims
34:34that you would have seen me speak about in the last video
34:36on the top of each bed.
34:37I'm also going to need to put probably
34:39some more topsoil and mushroom compost on
34:41because obviously the compost level is going to drop
34:43a little bit over the next week or so.
34:44And then by far the most important thing
34:47is the actual planting of the vegetables.
34:49So obviously that's going to happen in probably like a month's time.
35:07So this is it.
35:23This is the vision that two weeks ago,
35:26I literally sat here in the vlog,
35:28maybe even less than two weeks ago,
35:29probably like a week and a half ago
35:31or two weeks since I started like hacking down all of the weeds,
35:35relentlessly with this here.
35:37They were like up to my chest.
35:39If not, some of them were probably even taller than me.
35:45And now stood here with this so nearly complete
35:48and it will be complete over the next week or so
35:51to be able to just come out here this summer
35:53with the blue sky, picking fruits and veggies with the family.
35:56Like I said a minute ago in the vlog as well,
35:58like I might get the girls to paint this wall here.
36:01It is just the space that I wanted
36:03and I couldn't be more chuffed.
36:04It's come together so quick.
36:08It is yet again the next day.
36:10I feel like I've been filming this vlog gradually over the entire week.
36:15This is the first time that the girls are seeing the new table and chairs
36:20and everything like so nearly ready.
36:23I love it.
36:25What do you think, Otty?
36:27Too bright.
36:28That's a good problem to have if it's too sunny.
36:32Oh, it goes so well.
36:33Doesn't it?
36:35Enzo has just been online this morning
36:36and found some little pillows to go on these chairs that look so nice.
36:40What do you think, eh?
36:43You love it.
36:44Oh, you love it.
36:44I love you.
36:46There we go.
36:46We can have our little breakfast in the morning out here.
36:48All right, come on then.
36:49Shall we go back inside?
36:53It is time to end off this mammoth vlog
36:56that I've been filming for like literally the last week.
37:00This has to be one of the longest vlogs I've ever made on this YouTube channel.
37:04I absolutely love it though.
37:05I have to say this video has been so much fun to make
37:09from talking about the new journals that literally are released
37:12as you're watching this right now they got for pre-order.
37:15So link is down below.
37:17Definitely go check them out.
37:18All the way to just like hanging out with the family
37:20and Otty designing up all the little name cards for the roast that we had.
37:25Getting the barbecue all fired up again.
37:27Basically finishing off more or less the veg patch
37:31that is just...
37:32I couldn't be happier as I said with how it's all come together
37:35and if any of the family are watching, thank you so much for all of the help.
37:39I totally thought that I was just going to solo it.
37:42It would have been a big old task to solo all of that soil
37:47and all of that wood chipping.
37:48Like I probably would have pulled my back
37:50and had to go and get like a sports physio on my spine or something
37:54from trying to do it all by myself.
37:55So really appreciate all of my family jumping in and everything.
37:58I'm so lucky to have everyone so close and get on so well.
38:02But yeah, I just want to sit down
38:03because it is time to answer the question of the vlog.
38:05At the end of every video I sit down
38:08and I answer a question that was left on the previous video.
38:12If you've got any questions about anything,
38:13there was no right, there was no wrong.
38:16You want to ask me, I'll pick one and answer it at the end of the next video.
38:19But this week's video question is...
38:24What life lessons do you want Otty and Nobie to learn
38:27from the way that you have lived your life?
38:31I love that question.
38:32I get asked so much about like personality traits
38:36that I want the girls to have
38:37or careers and jobs that I'd love the girls to have when they're older
38:41that I think is going to be something that they like
38:43might be interested in going into from their personalities at the moment.
38:47But life lessons.
38:49I read that a couple of minutes ago or like 10 minutes ago.
38:52I had a good think about it
38:53because it's really made me reflect on like
38:56what are the key life lessons that I've learned throughout my life
39:01that like particularly stand out
39:03and then obviously ones that I'd love the girls to like take on
39:07and grow up experiencing and like having in their life going forward.
39:12And I think the main one for me that I just feel so heavily at the moment
39:17with the place where I'm at in my life
39:19is that life is all about the small norm things
39:25and the more you can make them enjoyable
39:28the happier and the more enjoyable your life will become.
39:31We live so many normal Mondays, normal Tuesdays, normal Wednesdays,
39:35normal Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays.
39:38We very rarely have those like big moments in life
39:42like going on holiday once a year or two years or three years
39:46or however often you get to go on holiday.
39:48Those moments are amazing and they're so much fun
39:52but they're only every now and again.
39:55They're fleeting moments you know they go by so quickly
39:58but we live so many normal Mondays and Tuesdays.
40:02So therefore tweaking just the small daily things in your life
40:05and making them better and improving them
40:07and make sure you're enjoying those moments
40:09is so much more important and that to me
40:13and like I said especially where I'm at in my life at the moment is everything.
40:16Being able to just make sure that I enjoy as many
40:19just daily normal things as possible and that they're as fun as possible
40:24and that I'm living through them and doing them
40:26in as enjoyable way as possible
40:29whether that's literally like switching up my breakfast
40:31and having nice breakfast or I don't know
40:33listening to good music in the shower
40:35or going on little walks with the family
40:38or seeing my family as much as possible.
40:40Whatever those daily things are that bring happiness on a daily
40:43like just a regular small basis
40:45that's literally what life is about
40:47because yeah you live those normal days basically every single day
40:51and very rarely we get to experience like a particularly special day.
40:54Don't get me wrong it's lovely and they're all fun
40:57but the vast majority of your happiness is coming from just those ordinary normal days.
41:02So the life lesson that I hope Ottie and Nobie have going forward
41:07is just being able to enjoy the small moments the everyday
41:10as much as they can just enjoy and get happiness
41:13from like a normal everyday that is what I'd love.
41:16So just yeah I feel like I've rambled over that answer
41:19but I hope you get what I'm saying.
41:20Right I'm going to end off this vlog here.
41:21I hope you've enjoyed it.
41:22If you have if you if you like the garden let me know what you think of the garden.
41:26If you think there's anything I should switch up or change or implement
41:29or certain things I should plant in certain places anything.
41:32I'm so up for all of your input.
41:34I hope you like what it's turned into.
41:36As I said next week I literally get the fence installed around it.
41:39Next week I've also got a very exciting very big new addition to the garden.
41:45So many people have been DMing me trying to guess what it is.
41:48Nobody has got it right so far which I'm surprised about.
41:50I thought a lot of people would get it right.
41:52So that is going to be coming maybe next week's vlog or maybe the one after.
41:56I'm not quite sure yet but very soon you're going to be able to see the massive
41:59new addition to the garden.
42:01But yeah I hope you've enjoyed the vlog.
42:04As I said give it a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already
42:07and I will catch you very soon with another new video.
42:11Go check out the journal links down below.
