• 3 hours ago
Love Is Blind S07 E03


00:00:00Oh, my God.
00:00:13Going into this experiment, I did not think that I would find someone like Garrett.
00:00:19I thought I'd meet some good men, but I didn't think I'd meet the one.
00:00:25I've chosen Taylor to be my wife because of this connection, this electric connection
00:00:29that we have.
00:00:30I want to see who it is.
00:00:48This is incredible.
00:01:01How's it going?
00:01:16Will you marry me?
00:01:22Don't be mad.
00:01:23I'm just kidding.
00:01:24It's all good.
00:01:25It's all good.
00:01:46You want to say it?
00:01:47Yeah, I guess so.
00:01:48You're beautiful.
00:01:49How are you?
00:01:51How are you?
00:01:52I'm good.
00:01:54Is it weird seeing my face?
00:01:55It's super weird.
00:01:56Is it weird seeing me?
00:01:57Yeah, it's very strange.
00:01:58Was I as tall as you thought?
00:01:59No, I didn't know if I fit at all, absolutely.
00:02:00Power forward, though, for sure.
00:02:01Power forward.
00:02:02I should have been a guard.
00:02:03I should have been a guard.
00:02:04Phong's going to get the most lit FaceTime of her life.
00:02:23Oh, my god.
00:02:24I was about to ask you, what's her name?
00:02:27Can you spell it?
00:02:30Like song.
00:02:31Yeah, OK.
00:02:32Got it.
00:02:33Where's she from?
00:02:34She's from Hong Kong.
00:02:35Oh really?
00:02:36That's awesome.
00:02:37We can't wait to meet her.
00:02:39She's great.
00:02:40Did you have any guesses of what my race would be?
00:02:42No, no.
00:02:44All I just kept seeing was a voice.
00:02:45That was it.
00:02:47Does it sound like me?
00:02:48Yes, a hundred percent.
00:02:49Yeah, yeah.
00:02:51And now it just like fits perfect.
00:02:53Mine too.
00:02:56It sounds like G.
00:02:58You okay?
00:02:59Yeah, it's just wild.
00:03:01I know.
00:03:02I was really nervous.
00:03:03I think I was really nervous.
00:03:05Yeah, I was like pacing around the pod.
00:03:06About how it's gonna look?
00:03:07No, I'm just like everything, all of it.
00:03:10Yeah, you are beautiful.
00:03:12Thank you, very handsome.
00:03:14Thank you, appreciate that a lot.
00:03:16Were you telling me where you're standing up?
00:03:17I can't remember.
00:03:18Do you want to try it out?
00:03:19Yeah, let's do it.
00:03:21Now we're good.
00:03:21Now we're good.
00:03:23By a lot.
00:03:24♪ And it feels like you were made just for me ♪
00:03:32♪ You were made just for me ♪
00:03:36How tall are you?
00:03:37I'm 5'9".
00:03:39How tall are you?
00:03:42Six foot?
00:03:42Yeah, I think I am.
00:03:44Don't I look like it?
00:03:47We'll get a measuring tape.
00:03:48We'll get it.
00:03:50♪ Just for me, for life ♪
00:03:55♪ Just for me, for life ♪
00:04:07Let's get a cup of coffee.
00:04:14You smell very nice.
00:04:15It's good.
00:04:25It's been incredible.
00:04:27It's been really great.
00:04:30I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
00:04:36It's a little strange, isn't it?
00:04:38Yeah, but I think it's like,
00:04:42it's amazing.
00:04:54♪ Just for me, for life ♪
00:05:01♪ Just for me, for life ♪
00:05:14I'm curious to know who your number one is.
00:05:16Like, what if we have any overlap?
00:05:19No, I think we'll be all right.
00:05:20Yeah, yeah.
00:05:21I don't think that my one is your one.
00:05:24Is your number one locked in with your two, though?
00:05:27Because if you have to pivot to your two,
00:05:28then we have the same.
00:05:29It starts with an M, man.
00:05:30What is yours?
00:05:31Does yours start with an M?
00:05:31Wait, who?
00:05:32Shut the fuck up.
00:05:33Your one?
00:05:35Shut the fuck up, bro.
00:05:36You're lying.
00:05:37You're lying.
00:05:39You're lying.
00:05:43Hold on.
00:05:43Let me look at my list.
00:05:47That's your number one?
00:05:48No, I told you, man.
00:05:49Shut the fuck up.
00:05:53Y'all got the same one?
00:06:03Hey, Marissa.
00:06:04Hi, Bowden.
00:06:06How are you doing?
00:06:07My God, I'm having a lot of fun today.
00:06:09I know who you're talking to.
00:06:11How do you know?
00:06:12How do you know?
00:06:13We stumbled upon it.
00:06:15We have a great friendship.
00:06:16Okay, good.
00:06:18It's just, it is what it is.
00:06:19As long as y'all don't do this whole, like,
00:06:22oh, I'll back off for you.
00:06:24I'm gonna be so mad.
00:06:25We're not gonna try to tell each other back off
00:06:27or anything crazy like that.
00:06:30Let's play this card game.
00:06:30Let's do it.
00:06:33What advice would your parents give me
00:06:36regarding dating you?
00:06:38Ooh, be ready for anything.
00:06:42And I think my mom would be like,
00:06:43if he gives you problems, call me.
00:06:45Oh, I love that.
00:06:46I hope to have a great relationship with my mother-in-law.
00:06:50Oh, she'll love you.
00:06:54What about you?
00:06:55What would your parents,
00:06:55what advice would your parents give me?
00:06:57My mom would say,
00:06:59be patient with her.
00:07:03She'd probably say something like,
00:07:05don't break her heart.
00:07:07How many times have you been in love?
00:07:13Right now.
00:07:16Cause I know it happened.
00:07:17How many times?
00:07:19I've been told.
00:07:21Sorry, I've been...
00:07:22Okay, hold on, outside the military
00:07:23cause I don't want to hear that bullshit
00:07:24in the military.
00:07:25I was just about to say, like,
00:07:27I thought I'd been in love a few times.
00:07:28Okay, hold on.
00:07:30Okay, hold on.
00:07:32Do you need a calculator?
00:07:34Use your toes.
00:07:35I know, I get it.
00:07:36You're in the Navy.
00:07:37No, but these guys,
00:07:38okay, wait, hold on.
00:07:39I'll actually tell you the right number.
00:07:40I have been in love
00:07:44one time.
00:07:45Oh, okay.
00:07:46One time.
00:07:47I've been in love with one person wholeheartedly.
00:07:50What about you?
00:07:54Once was like 18 to like 22 was like,
00:07:59or maybe 21 was like this off again, on again situation.
00:08:03And then obviously my ex-wife.
00:08:06It's definitely interesting that I am,
00:08:08like you were previously married.
00:08:11Not shocking considering you're in military.
00:08:14No, but okay.
00:08:18One, you were in military and two.
00:08:21I got married at the very end of my eight and a half years.
00:08:24So not for.
00:08:25Oh, okay.
00:08:26Okay, it's fair point.
00:08:27Obviously you have a thing.
00:08:29I'm sorry.
00:08:32You obviously have a thing for guys
00:08:33who've been married before.
00:08:34Oh my God, no.
00:08:35But like.
00:08:37I hate you.
00:08:39I hate it.
00:08:40You're in a great spot.
00:08:41Me and Ramses are fucking fantastic dudes.
00:08:44You guys are.
00:08:45It's killing me.
00:08:47It's killing me.
00:08:49We can just be a little throuple.
00:08:52I'm just kidding.
00:08:53No, you know what's crazy is yesterday,
00:08:55the day before we talked about like our baths
00:08:58and he's like, damn motherfucker,
00:08:59we're the same person.
00:09:00I was like, right?
00:09:01No, but you guys literally are.
00:09:02It's disturbing me.
00:09:04How the fuck am I ever gonna choose between these two guys?
00:09:06But is it like a yellow flag that I was in the military?
00:09:11It's definitely a yellow.
00:09:13Yeah, for sure.
00:09:15It's a yellow flag for me too.
00:09:17That I was in the military?
00:09:18Why are you acting shocked when you said it's for me?
00:09:20Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:09:21I am fucking shocked.
00:09:22You just said it was a yellow flag for me.
00:09:24No, it's a yellow flag for you, Bodhi, but not for me.
00:09:27Because I'm me.
00:09:28Don't fuck that.
00:09:29I'm me.
00:09:30Yeah, well, I'm me.
00:09:30Meeting me and getting to know me.
00:09:32Yeah, I am.
00:09:33It should be a green flag.
00:09:34It's been such a green flag for me.
00:09:35Yeah, okay.
00:09:36Yeah, same for me.
00:09:38I'm not crazy.
00:09:38We are alike.
00:09:41Yeah, no, we are alike.
00:09:42Similar backgrounds.
00:09:44Yeah, same energy.
00:09:46We both came from very religious backgrounds.
00:09:49I love that you are a reader
00:09:52and you want to read to our kids.
00:09:55We like the same dorky things.
00:09:57I know, we do.
00:09:59Yes, you don't find that very often,
00:10:01especially with someone that's like cool,
00:10:02you know, like outgoing.
00:10:04I know.
00:10:05I feel like we're so much alike.
00:10:06I know.
00:10:07Am I insane for that?
00:10:08No, you're not.
00:10:09Okay, it's not just me who thinks that.
00:10:10The problem is me and this guy are also so much alike.
00:10:13I fucking know.
00:10:13I freaking know.
00:10:16Obviously, we are the best things that ever happened to you.
00:10:19Yeah, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
00:10:22I really do like our conversations.
00:10:24I really do.
00:10:25I really.
00:10:26I mean, I also think that.
00:10:29I actually feel like you and I are more alike.
00:10:35I have real feelings and it's scary.
00:10:37I'm scared.
00:10:38Yeah, it's scary.
00:10:39I'm very excited about it.
00:10:41Me too.
00:10:41Enjoy your next date.
00:10:42I know, go left.
00:10:44I hate that.
00:10:46I'll tell Ramses what's up.
00:10:47Okay, bye.
00:10:53Is that your guy?
00:10:53Of course it is.
00:11:05I'm very happy it's you.
00:11:07I wanna talk about some things.
00:11:09For sure.
00:11:11Yeah, I wanna say some things too.
00:11:13Yesterday, like whatever, like the news got out
00:11:17about like, you know, Bowdoin and everything.
00:11:20I got a little bit in my head.
00:11:23There's always that fear of opening up to someone
00:11:25and being like vulnerable with them.
00:11:26And then there's possibility
00:11:28that that person may not be for you
00:11:30because they may lean in another direction.
00:11:32And honestly, like I would have preferred
00:11:35just not to have known.
00:11:36So I can just like, just focus on you.
00:11:39I really like you
00:11:40and I do wanna continue like connecting with you.
00:11:43Like I just need that reassurance every once in a while.
00:11:46I just wanna hear like from you
00:11:48that you're like still like,
00:11:50I guess not still into me, but like-
00:11:51Still into you!
00:11:52Like, but it's you're like, you're feeling me
00:11:53that you're like, you know, like you're thinking of me
00:11:55or you're like-
00:11:56Okay, yeah.
00:11:57I do have like obviously connection with Bowdoin, but-
00:12:02I feel very strongly for you.
00:12:05And so I am obviously wanting to keep this connection
00:12:10open. For sure.
00:12:11And keep exploring that over the next couple of days.
00:12:14So don't fucking break up with me.
00:12:16No, no.
00:12:17Look at me, I'm getting awkward.
00:12:18I'm gonna crack a joke now.
00:12:21What I like about you
00:12:22is that you are like a sensitive person.
00:12:24I really, really, really, really, really want
00:12:26like my part, a partnership.
00:12:28I wanna talk about kids a little bit.
00:12:31Kids. Yes.
00:12:31Housekeeping, things like that.
00:12:33Like, I don't think that like the mom should be the one
00:12:37or the wife should be the one like, you know
00:12:39planning all the meals or like-
00:12:42Thinking about like, oh, the kids have to go to-
00:12:43Go to school or like prepare, yeah.
00:12:45I'm not like a guy who's like against
00:12:48like doing domestic, you know, chores or whatever.
00:12:50Like, I know there's traditional marriages where
00:12:53like people, like the guy, the man just gets up
00:12:56and like goes to work.
00:12:57And like the mom is stuck, you know, cooking breakfast
00:12:59and like getting the kids in the shower
00:13:02and then clothing them.
00:13:03And while she's like trying to get ready herself for work.
00:13:06Like, I do not believe in that at all.
00:13:08Okay, sweet.
00:13:08I want to like help and like make your load
00:13:11as easy as possible.
00:13:12I don't think I'm a stay-at-home mom type of person.
00:13:15I'd probably go stir crazy a bit.
00:13:18And I would feel like I want more for myself.
00:13:21And I didn't like just go to law school to-
00:13:23To, yeah, just, yeah, to, yeah.
00:13:24Not be a lawyer?
00:13:26I would be
00:13:30possibly okay with you staying home.
00:13:33I understand like the career field that you're going into
00:13:35is like very hectic.
00:13:37And I, and like, my goal is to like
00:13:40have fully remote work, whatever that looks like.
00:13:44So for me, if I'm there,
00:13:46like I don't mind taking care of like our kids and like,
00:13:49you know, being there.
00:13:50I can make that work.
00:13:50That could work.
00:13:51I would definitely be willing to do that.
00:13:53You're not real.
00:13:54You're not real.
00:14:01I don't know.
00:14:02We like align pretty well.
00:14:02Like we just flow.
00:14:03We work.
00:14:04We're a flow.
00:14:05We're like a river.
00:14:08You are a joy.
00:14:13You are warmth.
00:14:14You are-
00:14:16Oh my God.
00:14:16These affirmations.
00:14:18I need more.
00:14:20You are a shining light in my life.
00:14:22I adore spending time with you
00:14:24and looking forward to it every single time.
00:14:27I feel the same way.
00:14:28I can't wait to talk to you later.
00:14:30See you later, mi amor.
00:14:31All right.
00:14:38All right.
00:14:38What game are we playing?
00:14:40Question mark box is good.
00:14:42The would you rather is cool.
00:14:46And then golf, which you know,
00:14:47I'll whoop your ass in that.
00:14:48So let's-
00:14:48I know you are not talking about no golf
00:14:51because I actually actively play golf.
00:14:53So please-
00:14:55Are you serious?
00:14:56Am I just not going in this hole?
00:14:57I definitely learned how to play with my dad
00:14:58because he got me my first club.
00:15:00Like when I was like seven,
00:15:02literally trying to make me the next Tiger Woods.
00:15:05My dad will sit in front of the television for hours
00:15:09and make me watch golf with him.
00:15:10Hey, you say something like you talking about me.
00:15:13What do you want to do first?
00:15:14Let's learn more about each other
00:15:15because I already know I can beat you at golf.
00:15:19What character do you think I would be in a movie?
00:15:21I guess I'm going to ask that.
00:15:22You said you're into fashion.
00:15:23So like-
00:15:25It sounds corny, but like main character.
00:15:26You sound like Devil Wears Prada,
00:15:28modern DC melanated version.
00:15:31I will definitely take it.
00:15:33You the bulldog.
00:15:34I am.
00:15:35My mother always says,
00:15:36you need a strong ass, strong willed woman.
00:15:39I'm a dog.
00:15:40Like when it comes to, like seriously,
00:15:42I need somebody who's going to bite back.
00:15:45I don't want somebody who's just always going to agree
00:15:46with me because like, I agree with me.
00:15:52Alice, what's your last name?
00:15:54My last name?
00:15:56Duly noted.
00:15:57I know.
00:15:58Everyone calls me Bird, Birdie.
00:15:59My last name is God B.
00:16:02My last name is Bird and my last name has B in it.
00:16:05Bird in the B?
00:16:09Can I tell you something that I just thought of
00:16:11and I'm feeling in a moment?
00:16:14You remember our first conversations were like very heavy,
00:16:17but like a big question mark for me.
00:16:20I was like, can I have fun with her?
00:16:22Cause I feel like it always is so heavy.
00:16:23I don't know if it can ever be light.
00:16:25And like, I feel like this is the most fun I've had with you
00:16:28and I love that.
00:16:31Yeah, no, I'm having a great time.
00:16:39Don't breathe so heavy.
00:16:58My baby.
00:16:59Oh my gosh.
00:17:00Look at the flowers.
00:17:01Oh my God.
00:17:02My favorite.
00:17:05Cake, balloons.
00:17:08Happy birthday.
00:17:10This cheesecake.
00:17:11Oh my goodness.
00:17:12I got your blanket.
00:17:14Do you?
00:17:15What a great day.
00:17:16Your birthday.
00:17:18We're in here.
00:17:19Can I start by reading you something?
00:17:25Tyler, I never had a man choose to be with me.
00:17:30Just based on my heart alone.
00:17:34You make me feel so centered
00:17:36and you have a calming energy
00:17:38that I crave throughout my entire day.
00:17:41I truly feel honored to have the opportunity
00:17:43to be loved by someone like you.
00:17:46You love so hard
00:17:49and you wear your heart on your sleeve.
00:17:53You deserve love more than anyone I've ever met.
00:17:56And I'm at the point where I wanna get out of my own way
00:18:00out of my head and just let my gut
00:18:03and my heart guide me.
00:18:05They both are telling me that I'm safe with you.
00:18:08Loving someone and being vulnerable is risky
00:18:11and not something I do lightly.
00:18:15But the way you make me feel would make little Ashley
00:18:20who used to dream about true love
00:18:24so proud.
00:18:30I love you for everything that you are.
00:18:33For how you make me feel loved and soft.
00:18:37What I feel for you is so raw and intense.
00:18:40I don't wanna overthink or question it for another second.
00:18:44I wanna take a leap of faith
00:18:45and jump in with both feet with you.
00:18:49From this point,
00:18:50you never have to wonder or feel like
00:18:52you are undeserving of love.
00:18:55I'll be here to remind you that you are.
00:18:57None of us know what tomorrow's gonna bring.
00:18:59I just know I never wanna lose the way I feel today.
00:19:03Just promise to hold my hand through life
00:19:04and I promise to love you and be in your corner always.
00:19:08Ooh, Jesus.
00:19:15That was amazing.
00:19:21Thank you for sharing that.
00:19:24Thank you for sharing that.
00:19:27I just wanted to be sure like you knew how I feel.
00:19:30I love you and I appreciate you.
00:19:32It really means a lot.
00:19:35My heart is pounding.
00:19:37Same, same.
00:19:38I want you to know that like,
00:19:39I truly, truly, truly love you.
00:19:41And this is the deepest connection
00:19:43that I've ever felt with anyone.
00:19:44No matter what happens past here,
00:19:46like you mean the world to me.
00:19:51Are you sitting down or are you standing up?
00:19:53I'm sitting down.
00:19:54Can you stand up, please?
00:20:05You are the most beautiful person
00:20:07on the inside that I've ever met.
00:20:09You make me happy.
00:20:10Like a little kid, I'm toting your blanket around.
00:20:14This has been the happiest time of my life.
00:20:18You've made me feel safe
00:20:20like I've never felt before in my life.
00:20:23You're such a graceful person who deserves love as well.
00:20:28God fearing, I can't wait to pray with you.
00:20:30I can't wait to hold your hand.
00:20:31Can't wait to look at you.
00:20:35I love you so much.
00:20:40Ashley, will you marry me?
00:20:45I would be honored to marry you, Tyler.
00:20:59Oh man.
00:21:03If I have a fiancee.
00:21:05This is fucking crazy.
00:21:15Are we engaged?
00:21:16We're engaged.
00:21:18This is crazy.
00:21:20But so good.
00:21:22So good at the same time.
00:21:26I've never been so happy in my life.
00:21:28That's such a good feeling.
00:21:30I love you.
00:21:31I love you.
00:21:32I really do.
00:21:33It feels good to hear.
00:21:34I feel good.
00:21:35I'm glad.
00:21:39Oh, I'm so excited.
00:21:42Man, it's your birthday.
00:21:43I don't even care about the birthday.
00:21:46My fiance is on the other side of the wall.
00:21:49I have a fiance.
00:21:50I dreamt of this moment so many times.
00:21:53It feels right.
00:21:54It does.
00:21:55Ashley, I love the fuck out of you.
00:21:58I love you, Tyler.
00:22:00I can't get...
00:22:01Hold on a sec, I couldn't hear you.
00:22:03I love you too, Tyler.
00:22:09It feels good to be in love.
00:22:10It feels good to be in love.
00:22:12It really does.
00:22:16Happy birthday.
00:22:17Thank you so much.
00:22:19You're so beautiful.
00:22:27I love you.
00:22:28I love you.
00:22:42How was it?
00:22:43It was so good.
00:22:50She said yes!
00:22:53Look at this.
00:23:02It feels good to be in love.
00:23:04Hey man, best birthday ever or what?
00:23:06It feels good to be in love.
00:23:07Love this girl.
00:23:10I love you.
00:23:17The two guys I'm talking to, they're so healthy.
00:23:19They're like, yeah, I want to eat something light for lunch.
00:23:21I'm like, I want a burger.
00:23:23Maybe I'll talk about how I lost 40 pounds last year.
00:23:26You haven't talked about that yet?
00:23:28It's sensitive.
00:23:29Brittany, I know this sounds weird, but I kind of like that I know now that we're talking to the same person.
00:23:35Yeah, because I feel like I'm like wondering.
00:23:36Like to not know.
00:23:39Hey, you're the one who said something.
00:23:41By accident.
00:23:44We shouldn't laugh this hard.
00:23:46I'm telling you, I was hanging out with the wrong crew the whole time.
00:23:48Brittany, you're stuck with us.
00:23:50Brittany, you were just like.
00:23:51Brittany reminds me of a.
00:23:53I was going to say bunny.
00:23:55A bunny?
00:23:57I used to have a bunny.
00:23:59I feel like a cartoon character, but like a really fun one.
00:24:02So kind.
00:24:03I know, she's so kind.
00:24:04She's angelic.
00:24:05Yeah, she's angelic.
00:24:06That's what everyone says.
00:24:10Come sit with me.
00:24:11You keep it secret.
00:24:12I just don't want to get.
00:24:14No, I mean.
00:24:16It's between Brittany and Hannah.
00:24:19I know.
00:24:20Between Brittany and Hannah.
00:24:22Did you date her at all, seriously?
00:24:24Both, yeah.
00:24:26I understand why you ended things with Hannah, because being logical.
00:24:31No, I think she cut me out.
00:24:32Oh, okay.
00:24:33So she ended up cutting you, but she was never your number one girl.
00:24:38Or maybe she was.
00:24:39She was my number one.
00:24:46I don't know.
00:24:47I don't want to tell you information that you don't want to know.
00:24:49At this point, I want information, so just let me know.
00:24:51Are you sure?
00:24:54Hannah's 5'9".
00:24:56Hannah's 5'9".
00:25:00I said I was okay with that.
00:25:01She cut me out.
00:25:03Describe to me the kind of girl you want by your side for the rest of your life.
00:25:06That's, like, what I'm really trying to fucking figure out.
00:25:11I feel sick to my stomach.
00:25:14I just felt this next conversation and, like, the relationship.
00:25:16I'm crying.
00:25:18Outside of this experience, usually I can just, like, seduce people with my eyes,
00:25:23and I don't have my superpower anymore.
00:25:26I've been stripped of my superpower.
00:25:28I've been stripped of my superpower, and it's just strange.
00:25:37You're the prettiest crier.
00:25:41Oh, Britt.
00:25:45I think because of people I've dated in the past, they're amazing guys,
00:25:51and they have, like, certain status.
00:25:54So they also have, like, so many other girls they could be with.
00:25:58So I think it's just bringing up a trauma that I didn't realize I had.
00:26:06Well, I realized I had, but I didn't realize it was, like, this deep.
00:26:10So I think when I'm pinned against other women, it's just like, oh, here we go again.
00:26:15I'm, like, not the only person they're dating.
00:26:19There's, like, a thousand other beautiful, amazing women.
00:26:22There's, like, a thousand other beautiful, amazing women.
00:26:25And it's just...
00:26:36Last night was really hard.
00:26:40You were really torn up, and I couldn't give you what you wanted.
00:26:45And, like...
00:26:46Whatever you're about to say, just tell me it's fine.
00:26:51I know I need to make a decision, like, really soon.
00:26:55It's, like, literally the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life.
00:27:05Are you making that decision right now or, like, later?
00:27:08No, no.
00:27:09I'd like to make the decision later.
00:27:11I feel bad that we're, like, here and...
00:27:14Can you just tell me?
00:27:16I don't know what to say, Brittany.
00:27:20I'm, like, so fucking split, like...
00:27:23You and my other connection are really, really different.
00:27:26And I'm just trying...
00:27:28I'm fucking trying to clarify, like, what...
00:27:32Like, what the future looks like.
00:27:34And I obviously can't, and...
00:27:37I know how I feel about you,
00:27:39but you're not giving me emotional security, and that's fine.
00:27:43I'm trying to be rational, but also realize how I feel.
00:27:48Because it's not your decision completely.
00:27:51I could say no and leave.
00:27:56That was so well said.
00:27:58You've let me know that I'm your strongest connection.
00:28:02You've let me know that I'm your strongest connection.
00:28:06You've, like...
00:28:07You've put in so much more than I have.
00:28:10I'm really scared that, like,
00:28:12if I give you all this, like, validation
00:28:14and, like, how much I fucking care for you,
00:28:16it's almost like...
00:28:17And then I'm, like, afraid that, like,
00:28:19God forbid if I make a decision and it's not you,
00:28:21like, you're even, like, more hurt or something.
00:28:23Or, like, it's, like, honestly, like, this whole day...
00:28:25No, I will be fine.
00:28:28I know, you're...
00:28:29I will be fine.
00:28:30You're a strong-ass girl.
00:28:33You're literally the sweetest person.
00:28:36Yeah, it's actually getting annoying.
00:28:38Everyone's like, I'm so sweet.
00:28:39I'm tired of fucking being sweet to everyone.
00:28:41It's getting so annoying.
00:28:45Can I just, like, tell you all the things I like about you?
00:28:47Why I can see us having a life together?
00:28:49You're so smart and you're so strong.
00:28:52Like, I know that you are not just, like,
00:28:54some sweet girl who's, like, la-di-da-di-da,
00:28:56like, skipping through life.
00:28:58Like, maybe, like, that's how you're perceived,
00:29:00maybe because of your voice
00:29:02or because of possibly, like, some physical way about you.
00:29:06But, like, to me, like, the amount of stuff that you do
00:29:09is so fucking amazing that, like, you've published a book,
00:29:12it's, like, I...
00:29:13Like, I don't even know how you have both of those things.
00:29:16And, like, I just...
00:29:20It's... It's fucking...
00:29:23It's just, to me, it's sounding like you just...
00:29:26You're just, like, saying...
00:29:29I don't know.
00:29:30No, I'm not just trying to compliment you to make you feel better.
00:29:33I knew this was gonna happen.
00:29:34Like, why can't I just have a fun date with you?
00:29:36Why do I have to have this, like, fucking, like, decision-making date?
00:29:39I don't want to have...
00:29:40It's just not fucking fair.
00:29:50OK, I'm fine.
00:29:52Here's my advice for you, Brittany.
00:29:54As difficult as this is going to be,
00:29:58wait a teeny-tiny bit longer
00:30:01because I need to have one final conversation
00:30:08with my other connection.
00:30:11And when I see you tonight,
00:30:13I promise that I can give you more clarity.
00:30:16I promise.
00:30:19But you don't have to make a promise,
00:30:22But you don't have to make a promise by tonight.
00:30:25Like, you can also sleep on it.
00:30:27That's fine.
00:30:28I would almost rather you sleep on it.
00:30:31God, you're so fucking wise.
00:30:32You're so right.
00:30:34What do you want our night date to look like?
00:30:36I want to have fun.
00:30:38That's my promise to you tonight.
00:30:40I'm going to have a surprise for you.
00:30:42A surprise for me?
00:30:44I don't know what it's going to be, but I'm going to think of it.
00:30:47We're going to have fun tonight.
00:30:51I love my kisses.
00:30:52I know.
00:30:53I love giving them to you.
00:30:54I think I'm putting my hand against the wall.
00:30:57Tonight, we're having fun.
00:30:58There's going to be a surprise.
00:30:59I'm going to figure it out.
00:31:01I want to be married because I, like, want to be on a team.
00:31:03I was a tennis player growing up.
00:31:05I played a lot of competitive tennis.
00:31:07And when you play team tennis, you play doubles.
00:31:09And it's you and another partner.
00:31:11And it's, like, such a beautiful thing.
00:31:13There's really not a lot of sports where it's you and one other person,
00:31:16and you're so synced up.
00:31:18And you have such an aligned mission.
00:31:20And you're, like, moving around.
00:31:22And I think that, like, that really is what I want a marriage to feel like.
00:31:25And I've been sitting here deliberating.
00:31:28And I really like both of them so much.
00:31:32With Brittany, I feel so confident because of how open and honest we are with each other.
00:31:40I know she cares for me.
00:31:42She likes me for me.
00:31:43So I have to think about it.
00:31:46But at the same time, like, yeah, I can see Hannah as the one.
00:31:50You want to see something I can do?
00:31:51You want me to open this with my teeth?
00:31:53You are so country, bro.
00:31:55Like, yes, a friendship.
00:31:57Yes, romantic.
00:31:58But also, like, for my tennis doubles partner.
00:32:00But, like, in life.
00:32:04This is a big-ass bacon, egg, and cheese.
00:32:06So I'll lead with something that I'm sort of insecure about.
00:32:10Obviously, like, I'm so incredibly financially blessed.
00:32:14Of course, I would want me and, like, my wife to, like, live a lifestyle.
00:32:17And my family, I think, would want that, too.
00:32:19And I guess there's a second part to that.
00:32:21And maybe you know where this is going.
00:32:25Having a prenup is something that's, like, really important to me.
00:32:29No, I get it.
00:32:30No, and thank you for sharing.
00:32:31Like, I understand.
00:32:32Like, obviously, I can't, like, emotionally relate to that, right, because I don't have that.
00:32:38No, like, I completely understand, yeah.
00:32:40I'll do a prenup and stuff as long as it's –
00:32:42I don't know much about prenups, though.
00:32:44But you know what I find very fascinating?
00:32:46What I really like?
00:32:47You come from a lot of money, right?
00:32:49So, like, if you wanted to, you didn't have to do shit.
00:32:51Like, you could just sit on your couch all day and play video games.
00:32:53But, like, you still took over your family's business.
00:32:55You still work all the time.
00:32:57I think I like that most about you.
00:33:00I fucking love that you said that.
00:33:02You sound like someone that's honestly too prideful to, like, marry some guy for money anyways.
00:33:07Is there anything that, I mean, that you have a hard time talking about?
00:33:10I don't think I have, like, a lot of insecurities, like, internally.
00:33:13But, like, externally, like, I think, like, I have insecurities and stuff.
00:33:16I don't think it's, like, financial or anything like that, insecurity-wise.
00:33:19But –
00:33:20What do you mean by external?
00:33:22One thing that, like, hurts my feelings for some reason is, like, weight.
00:33:25I think it was just, like, instilled in me as, like, a kid or something.
00:33:28One time when I was in middle school, like, I got, like, through the fat stage.
00:33:32And, like, my mom, like, locked the, like, cabinet so I couldn't, like, snack and stuff.
00:33:37And then, like, during COVID, I gained weight.
00:33:40And I feel like I was never, like, fat.
00:33:42But, like, I mean, fat is so objective, right?
00:33:45And then last year I lost, like, 45 pounds.
00:33:48So I feel like weight is still, like, a sensitive, like, topic for me.
00:33:54And I've always been, like, very, like, healthy, good, like, not good-looking.
00:33:57But you know what I mean?
00:33:58I know, I know.
00:33:59We're trying to actively not talk about looks.
00:34:01I get it.
00:34:03It's, like, an uncomfortable conversation.
00:34:05But I feel like I've tried to stay, like, in fine shape.
00:34:08It sounds like you have, too.
00:34:10Obviously, like, I'm active and stuff.
00:34:11But, like, if you gained 100 pounds, I think I wouldn't care.
00:34:18Like, I like you so much, Hannah.
00:34:20Like, I really feel like if you walked out and you were, like, 500 pounds, I would, like, be like...
00:34:24Would you love me if I was a worm?
00:34:26Would I love you if you were a worm?
00:34:29Even if you were a 500-pound worm.
00:34:33I have really, really strong feelings for you.
00:34:36But my feeling is, like, a big part of falling in love is, like, saying those magic words.
00:34:44If I tell you that, and let's say even you say it back, and it feels amazing,
00:34:51and then if I told the other person that, and they said it back,
00:34:56and then I'm not saying that the choice is all mine.
00:34:59But to me, saying that to you is, like, I've made up my mind 100%,
00:35:05and, like, I'm ready to get down on one knee, you know?
00:35:12When you were, like, I have a connection with you,
00:35:14but I also have the same exact feelings for someone else, like, it's hard to hear, I guess.
00:35:18I just, like, want to talk to you about, like, us, not anybody else.
00:35:23But, like, for me personally, like, I'm pretty sure of you.
00:35:27You feel like if I got down on one knee, you'd say yes?
00:35:37But, again, like, I also have another connection, too.
00:35:44Mwah, mwah, mwah.
00:35:45Mwah, mwah, mwah.
00:35:46I'll see you tonight.
00:35:48All right, can't wait.
00:35:50I'll miss you, bye.
00:35:51I'll miss you, too.
00:35:59Hey, yo.
00:36:01Hey, yo.
00:36:11What's up, Hannah?
00:36:12A healthy salad.
00:36:13I love, like, a good salad.
00:36:15Dig in.
00:36:16How did your first date go?
00:36:18Nick, we don't have to talk about it.
00:36:20I want to talk about me and you.
00:36:22Let's talk about me and you.
00:36:24Do you think that you have a hard time, like, where you were, like,
00:36:27always the athlete and football was such a big part of you,
00:36:29like, it was who you are?
00:36:30Like, not letting go of it, because it's still part of you,
00:36:32but, like, do you think you had, like, a hard transition
00:36:34from football to, like, working?
00:36:39I always wanted to be an athlete.
00:36:40I wanted to be in the NFL and kicking.
00:36:42I do think a lot about, you know, what could have been,
00:36:45but ultimately, you know, it kind of faded.
00:36:49Like, there were definitely days where I was really depressed.
00:36:54But everything kind of happens for a reason,
00:36:56and I'm happy with where I'm at now.
00:36:58Would you say you do well financially?
00:37:00I want to do better, you know, but real estate isn't something
00:37:03you get into and start making, like, six figures.
00:37:05You know, you got to work your way up, for sure.
00:37:07If we get married, do you think we'll be okay financially?
00:37:09Because it's going to take me a second to get a job again.
00:37:12I'm good.
00:37:13That's not, like, something that I'm, like, like I care about,
00:37:15but at the same time, like, it is something that is important,
00:37:17I guess, right?
00:37:18It is important.
00:37:19You know, this year's been a little tough,
00:37:22I think sometimes, like, I do have a hard time, like,
00:37:24being, like, vulnerable and, like, talking about certain things
00:37:26just because it's difficult.
00:37:28I find, like, in life, like, weight and stuff for me
00:37:30has always been, like, a difficult subject.
00:37:32I remember, like, in middle school, like,
00:37:34my mom, like, would lock the cabinet,
00:37:36so I, like, couldn't get in and get snacks.
00:37:40You laughing at my trauma, Nick?
00:37:42No, no, no.
00:37:43I'm just thinking, like, lock up the Fruit Roll-Ups for Hannah.
00:37:47I think sometimes she'd literally film, like, a whole thing
00:37:49of, like, Debbie Cakes in my bedroom.
00:37:53It's all funny, it's all funny, it's all funny.
00:37:55You're laughing too.
00:37:59But it was, like, for a good reason and stuff,
00:38:01but, like, it was just, like, it's still to me, it's, like,
00:38:03Hannah, you can be the most beautiful girl in the world,
00:38:05but if you're fat, like, someone, like, less attractive
00:38:07is, like, going to get a man.
00:38:09And then, like, COVID, I gained, like, weight,
00:38:11and then, like, last year I lost 45 pounds.
00:38:13That's why when you were, like, making the comment
00:38:15about, like, the bikinis and stuff like that, like, it just, like...
00:38:17Kind of hit you?
00:38:21I know some of the things I can say can be misconstrued
00:38:23and taken the wrong way.
00:38:27I'm sorry for making those jokes, too.
00:38:29I didn't mean to.
00:38:31I don't care what you look like.
00:38:33I don't care, like, kind of what you look like in your past.
00:38:35You're beautiful.
00:38:37You're beautiful in my eyes.
00:38:39I think you have such a beautiful soul.
00:38:41No matter what you look like,
00:38:43this right here in this conversation
00:38:45is going to love you.
00:38:55It just feels good.
00:38:59I got you all the time.
00:39:01I know you do.
00:39:03You're something else, let me tell you.
00:39:15I mean, up until the past year or so,
00:39:17I just figured, uh,
00:39:19kids weren't even in my, uh,
00:39:21in my cards.
00:39:23You're going to be one hell of a dad,
00:39:25and your kids are going to be so lucky to have your ass, bro.
00:39:27We need more people like you bringing more people into the world.
00:39:29I'll tell you what, though, like,
00:39:31if I marry this woman, I will be a dad.
00:39:33Like, I just know it.
00:39:35Yeah, man, I love this woman.
00:39:37How you doing?
00:39:39I'm good. How are you?
00:39:41I've been thinking about you.
00:39:43I called you my boyfriend today for the first time.
00:39:45Did you really?
00:39:47Yeah, I swear to God.
00:39:49I feel so lucky to, like, have found you here.
00:39:51I really do.
00:39:53I'm so weird.
00:39:55I sleep with a teddy bear every night, which I don't think I told you.
00:39:57Her name is Rosie. Rosie Jane.
00:39:59Rosie Jane?
00:40:01Her first name, you can just call her Rosie,
00:40:03but her middle name is Jane.
00:40:05I named her when I was, like, five.
00:40:07Like, before I left to come here,
00:40:09I, like, gave her a kiss.
00:40:11You're a dork.
00:40:13You're a dork.
00:40:15Let's be weird together.
00:40:17I like that, because I need someone
00:40:19who can handle my weirdness.
00:40:21I'm so weird.
00:40:23I was going to say, the only way one can handle someone else's weirdness
00:40:25is by being weird.
00:40:29So, like, if I'm yours, feel free to treat me like a piece of meat.
00:40:31Because I think it is so sexy.
00:40:33In what way?
00:40:35In everything.
00:40:37It is so sexy to feel wanted.
00:40:39I want to feel wanted, like...
00:40:41Yeah, it's a good feeling.
00:40:43I know, Monica,
00:40:45that I am falling in love with you.
00:40:47I'm falling in love with you, too.
00:40:49Holy shit.
00:40:51Like, I love you. Like, you are...
00:40:53I love you, too.
00:40:55You're everything I've been looking for.
00:40:59I love you.
00:41:01Oh, when the music dies
00:41:05I'll still be by your side
00:41:09I believe.
00:41:11Don't cry. Are you crying?
00:41:15You're so cute.
00:41:29Oh, shit.
00:41:31City lights
00:41:33Paint the sky
00:41:35Just take it in
00:41:37I've chosen Ashley to be my wife
00:41:39because she makes me feel safe.
00:41:41She makes me feel at home
00:41:43when I'm not at home.
00:41:45She makes me laugh.
00:41:47She lets me cry.
00:41:49She'd never judge me.
00:41:51And I know she's the one
00:41:53because I've never felt this before.
00:41:55Tonight is the night
00:41:57It's the time of our lives
00:41:59I'm right around the corner
00:42:01from seeing the person I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with
00:42:03is nerve-wracking to be honest.
00:42:05It is
00:42:07actually insane
00:42:09and kind of scary
00:42:11kind of amazing
00:42:13kind of beautiful
00:42:15I think that our story
00:42:17is unique and
00:42:19I feel really good that
00:42:21somebody loves me
00:42:23for, like, everything that I am
00:42:25that matters.
00:42:27Living with no regrets
00:42:29We're the ones
00:42:31I can never forget
00:42:33With Tyler
00:42:35our foundation has started
00:42:37off of our hearts and our feelings and our values
00:42:39but is love really blind?
00:42:43It does make me nervous
00:42:45because he doesn't know
00:42:47what I look like. He's taking a risk.
00:42:49I'm taking a risk of making sure that connection
00:42:51can really, you know,
00:42:53stand the test of time.
00:42:55It's scary, especially when you've been hurt in the past.
00:43:11Oh my god
00:43:15This is crazy
00:43:17This is wild
00:43:21Oh my god
00:43:23Oh my god
00:43:25Oh my god
00:43:29How are you? I'm good, how are you?
00:43:31How are you?
00:43:35Good now, right? Yes
00:43:39This is crazy I'm shaking
00:43:41I know, look at my hands
00:43:43I propose, but I want to do this
00:43:45the right way
00:43:49Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley
00:43:55Will you marry me?
00:43:57I will, yes
00:44:01Oh my god
00:44:03Oh my goodness
00:44:05Can you believe this?
00:44:07No, what are we doing?
00:44:09This is nuts
00:44:11Oh my god
00:44:13You're real
00:44:15Oh my god, you're real
00:44:21Oh my heart
00:44:23You look amazing
00:44:25Thank you
00:44:27Thank you
00:44:31Holy shit
00:44:33you look good
00:44:35Oh thank you, oh my god
00:44:37We didn't really talk about looks or anything
00:44:39No, at all
00:44:43Shocked you, huh?
00:44:45You didn't know what you was getting, did you?
00:44:47It's so crazy to hear you talk
00:44:49I know, right?
00:44:51I used to sit at a blue wall and just laugh
00:44:53You wouldn't give me no details
00:44:55Sure didn't
00:44:57It's kind of surreal though, just to see you
00:44:59after everything we've talked about
00:45:01I know, to hear your voice and look at your face
00:45:03I know, the fact that you're crying is crazy
00:45:05I know, I know, I'm worried I'll tear up
00:45:09Do you eat my crackers?
00:45:11I do, I do
00:45:13And I didn't expect you to have a beard
00:45:15Love that
00:45:19Love beards, love that
00:45:23Thank you
00:45:25I love that you think that
00:45:27I know, I'm about to cry again
00:45:33I'm obsessed with that
00:45:35I love that, I don't know, I love that
00:45:37The fact that you can be soft but you look like this is like, damn
00:45:39I'm really tough though
00:45:41No, I mean clearly
00:45:43I'm tough
00:45:45I see it, I see you
00:45:49The eyes, the eyes make me think of like
00:45:51what I was picturing your eyes doing every time I was talking
00:45:57Not your noises, not your
00:45:59mm-hmms in person
00:46:03You didn't even look like you had tattoos
00:46:05All the way up, like up here too
00:46:11Okay, Tyler
00:46:13I love that
00:46:15Damn, you smell good
00:46:17You smell just like that blanket
00:46:23Oh man
00:46:25That's a kiss
00:46:27Amazing, beautiful
00:46:31Damn, you look good
00:46:37Kissing Ashley tastes good
00:46:39Her lips are soft, lip gloss is popping
00:46:41Yeah, it
00:46:43tastes good
00:46:47Tastes like
00:46:49candy, the best candy in the world
00:46:53Thank you, you're handsome
00:46:55You look amazing
00:46:57Thank you
00:46:59Your personality
00:47:07It's crazy
00:47:09You can leave it, I need that
00:47:11Yeah, we can leave all of that
00:47:13I need the scent, I need the
00:47:15taste of you
00:47:17I love this
00:47:19I love you
00:47:21I do
00:47:25I meant everything I said, I wanted you to know
00:47:27Nothing's changed
00:47:29I love you, I appreciate you
00:47:31I still feel safe
00:47:33I'm calming down now, but still shaky
00:47:37This is the best experience of my life
00:47:39And I really mean it, you've changed so much for me
00:47:41As a person
00:47:43As a man
00:47:45And it really means a lot to go through this with you
00:47:47My voice sounds crackly
00:47:49Kidding, no
00:47:55I love the fuck out of you
00:47:57I love you
00:47:59Nothing's changed?
00:48:01No, it's even better
00:48:03It's even better now
00:48:07Damn, damn, damn
00:48:09I'm just trying to like stare at you, I told you I like to stare
00:48:11Yeah you did
00:48:15I can close my eyes and picture this
00:48:17Get a good look
00:48:31I love you
00:48:33I love you
00:48:35I'll see you soon
00:48:37Don't forget about me
00:48:39I won't, you don't forget about me, dream about me
00:48:41All I can do is dream
00:48:43Bye Tyler
00:48:45Bye Ashley
00:49:03You know what I think about you and what I realized today?
00:49:05What's up?
00:49:07You're confident, like you've got it together
00:49:09Like you're like this athlete, football guy
00:49:11And like I just picture this like
00:49:13This like superficial person
00:49:15And then the more you spoke
00:49:17And the more you got deep
00:49:19Like when I like
00:49:21Talked to you about like how like the comment about like the bathing suits
00:49:23Would ever bother me
00:49:25Then like you understood
00:49:27And the reason why I had like trouble with the bathing suits
00:49:29Because I was like
00:49:31I had my own fucking insecurities that I need to deal with
00:49:33And I had to figure that out
00:49:35That it's me, not you
00:49:37And you're just so much more
00:49:39Than I feel like what people think of you
00:49:41Thank you for saying that
00:49:45That means a lot
00:49:49I'm in love with you
00:49:55I think it's love and
00:49:57I'm in love with you
00:49:59I'm in love with you
00:50:09It's scary because I have you and someone else
00:50:11Who was into me
00:50:13And I didn't know what to do
00:50:15And I was very confused and I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings
00:50:17And I didn't know what I wanted
00:50:19I feel the same exact way
00:50:25That's crazy
00:50:27Oh my god
00:50:29Oh my god
00:50:31I do love you
00:50:35And I figured it out today
00:50:37I think I did too
00:50:41You don't know how good that makes me feel right now
00:50:47This is probably the first time in my life
00:50:51I think like I know I've been romantically in love
00:50:53Look at us
00:50:55Look at us
00:50:57Look at us
00:50:59Can you believe it?
00:51:03We're gonna be the cutest fucking couple
00:51:05It doesn't matter if we're cute Nick
00:51:07I didn't say it like that
00:51:09I know, I know, I know
00:51:11I'm still like nervous
00:51:13Like in a good way though
00:51:15You're probably like okay like is he blonde?
00:51:17Is he 5'8"?
00:51:19Is he scrawny? Is he fat?
00:51:21And I could be
00:51:23You just don't know
00:51:25I still love you
00:51:29I'm nervous as fuck right now
00:51:31Me too
00:51:33Are you?
00:51:35I feel crazy
00:51:37Like crazy in a great way?
00:51:41Well when I see you like
00:51:43Do you want to kiss me?
00:51:45Of course I want to kiss you
00:51:47I am going to be here for you
00:51:49365, 24-7
00:51:51I love you
00:51:53I love you so much
00:51:55Nicky D
00:51:59Oh my gosh
00:52:01I just want to like cover my face and giggle
00:52:03I just want to give you a hug and a big kiss right now
00:52:05I just want to
00:52:07Oh my gosh
00:52:09I'm literally just like standing up right now
00:52:11Like I'm literally right up close to the wall
00:52:13I'm about to walk up to you
00:52:17I can't believe
00:52:19We're crazy
00:52:21We're crazy together
00:52:23We're crazy together
00:52:25We're crazy in love Nick
00:52:29I'm crazy in love
00:52:35Ready for it
00:52:37Me too baby
00:52:43I love you Nicholas
00:52:45Frederick Dorga Jr
00:52:49I love you too
00:52:51I love you too
00:53:07You sent me your blanket
00:53:09I did
00:53:11Can I smell your cologne?
00:53:13How strong does it smell?
00:53:15I can smell it when I walk in the room
00:53:17This is the best surprise of my life
00:53:19Oh I'm so happy
00:53:21I sprayed it so fucking much
00:53:23Like 40 sprays
00:53:27This makes up for everything
00:53:29You could do no wrong in my life
00:53:31That's a lie
00:53:33I keep my promises
00:53:35Like I promise you a surprise
00:53:37And you got a surprise
00:53:39It's important for certain reasons
00:53:41That I know
00:53:43What type of rings do you like?
00:53:45I will only tell you
00:53:47If you only are asking one person
00:53:49I was going to bring it up
00:53:51With both of you
00:53:53Or none of you
00:53:55Why both or none?
00:53:57That makes no sense to me
00:53:59Because I'm split
00:54:03If you were to be
00:54:07Proposed to
00:54:09You seem like the kind of person
00:54:11Who would want
00:54:13To like have discussed rings
00:54:15Like I think that's something that's really important
00:54:17Yeah but not when my
00:54:19Husband is asking another
00:54:21Person the same question
00:54:23Right but I'm also not
00:54:25It's like so not normal
00:54:27I know
00:54:29I get not wanting to answer it
00:54:31And I don't dock that against you at all
00:54:33But I wanted to at least
00:54:35Give you the option
00:54:37Let me ask you this then
00:54:41Do you think you even
00:54:43Want to do that to either of us?
00:54:49I'm literally ready to
00:54:51I'm really there with like
00:54:53Both but
00:54:57Look you don't
00:54:59It's all I can do is like
00:55:01I don't like this at all I kind of just want to leave
00:55:03You can go
00:55:05Because I can't stop you but like
00:55:07Obviously I want you to stay
00:55:09I know it sounds fucking cheesy but like
00:55:11I'm here with you
00:55:13Like yeah but in
00:55:15Two hours you're going to be there with someone else
00:55:17It's like part of this experiment
00:55:19And I know that's really tough to hear
00:55:23Would you feel comfortable with me
00:55:25Just choosing one?
00:55:27I think I know what you like
00:55:31What do you think I would want?
00:55:37Let's start with vibe
00:55:39I think you want
00:55:43A big rock
00:55:45But still a simple design
00:55:47Yeah I do
00:55:51I think you want
00:55:53You want it to be like
00:55:55In a way kind of like a classic
00:55:57Clean engagement ring that's kind of like
00:55:59Maybe a little bit of a thinner band
00:56:01Because you're like
00:56:03I imagine
00:56:05A slightly smaller person
00:56:09And you want it to be like petite and dainty
00:56:11But still kind of have like an awesome
00:56:13Like a fat fucking amazing rock on it
00:56:15But not like gaudy
00:56:17I don't know what metals they're going to have for it
00:56:19I only wear gold jewelry
00:56:21Oh really?
00:56:23Well then gold
00:56:25I feel like I'm doing well and maybe I'm jinxing myself
00:56:27By trying to guess too much
00:56:29I feel like you'd like
00:56:33Either a square or an oval
00:56:37I swear to god
00:56:39I was like
00:56:41Part of me wanted to just say oval
00:56:43But I wanted to like mitigate my choices
00:56:45But you don't seem like someone that wants round
00:56:51Baby I know what you
00:56:53Like I know what you want
00:56:55Like I really know you
00:56:57Like and you know me
00:57:01I picked something for you
00:57:03And I'm
00:57:05You're pretty spot on
00:57:07Thank you
00:57:09It's like I didn't even have to tell you
00:57:11It's almost like we didn't have to have this conversation
00:57:13I should have trusted my fucking gut
00:57:15It's okay
00:57:17Can we pretend that I never asked?
00:57:23Just pretend my blanket is like cuddling you
00:57:25And like making you 25% less mad right now
00:57:27I'm less mad just because you
00:57:29I literally know exactly what you want
00:57:37I feel weird doing that back
00:57:45This is where I'm at
00:57:49So I have my blanket over my eyes
00:57:51Cause like I cannot even
00:57:53I can't rack my little brain
00:57:57How my future husband
00:57:59Would be so torn between me and another person
00:58:01Cause I
00:58:03Could never feel like that
00:58:05Like I literally could never
00:58:09I feel like it's such an unhappy conversation
00:58:11That I'm gonna resent it either way
00:58:15That sounds like so bratty
00:58:17But it's just an energy thing
00:58:19I feel like I'm gonna be reminded of this
00:58:21It's not like I wouldn't be grateful
00:58:23I would like feel this way
00:58:25Do you think that if we get engaged
00:58:27And we get married
00:58:29That this is something that you'll always like
00:58:33Feel kind of like
00:58:37I guess
00:58:39Self-conscious about
00:58:41That I was this torn
00:58:45I don't know
00:58:47If that's how you think you may feel
00:58:51You know
00:58:53That's like good to know
00:58:55Cause I don't think that we would
00:58:57That wouldn't be a good foundation for a marriage
00:58:59I think I would feel that way
00:59:01But honestly
00:59:03I guess I can out-fall you
00:59:05I hate you so much
00:59:07No you don't
00:59:09But you hate how I'm making you feel
00:59:11It's fine
00:59:19Okay so tomorrow
00:59:21What happens?
00:59:29I have no fucking idea
00:59:35I don't know
00:59:37I really don't know
00:59:54I'm pretty sure
00:59:56That I was in there for about 10 years
01:00:00I had Brittany again
01:00:02And it was fine
01:00:04I told her where I was at
01:00:06We're gonna talk, we're gonna powwow
01:00:08Because it's really what I've been waiting for
01:00:10Is to talk to him
01:00:12I wanna know who I'm gonna do by the end of tonight
01:00:14Hannah's with Ikti
01:00:16Isn't it fair for me to ask
01:00:18Why she re-requested that connection
01:00:22It's all real
01:00:24I got another date
01:00:26So fuck me
01:00:30Bro took your advice man
01:00:32Did you?
01:00:34Yeah bro I went in there and told her I loved her
01:00:36You all in
01:00:38I'm all in
01:00:40She loves me too
01:00:42She loves me too
01:00:46She's breaking up with her man
01:00:48They're breaking up with Leo?
01:00:50I'm happy
01:01:02What do you feel like right now
01:01:04If you were to pick this second
01:01:06What do you feel is your person?
01:01:08I don't know
01:01:10That's what I hear
01:01:12You keep saying her name
01:01:14I want to yacht her
01:01:16Go in and tell her what you even know
01:01:18If I were you I'd fucking figure it out tonight
01:01:20Oh I am
01:01:24Alright here we go
01:01:26Let's go Leo
01:01:28Thank you
01:01:42What's up
01:01:44It's been a long day
01:01:46I miss you
01:01:48I miss you too
01:01:54It took me like a long time
01:01:56To figure it out
01:01:58And I want to make sure
01:02:00I was like 100% sure
01:02:02And I think this is the other guy
01:02:04Like I love that man
01:02:08And with you
01:02:10I thought I could get there
01:02:12But you have just a strong connection
01:02:14have you and him decided this yeah really yeah fuck Hannah god damn it do
01:02:31you feel like that I wasn't committed to you yeah well I kind of felt the same
01:02:36with you because you were still dating someone else I never held it against you
01:02:40do you feel like I was stronger but because I wasn't committed that's why
01:02:45or do you just genuinely feel a stronger connection with your other match because
01:02:49I can't fight for something if you've already made up your mind well you
01:02:53haven't made up your mind I don't think Leo I got to be honest you Hannah like
01:02:56my other connection is there and like I have really strong feelings for her and
01:03:03I have really strong feelings for you Hannah I I'm so fucking into you like
01:03:09like God like like how conclusively have you decided um you need to be sure and
01:03:18like you were not sure I fuck Hannah I felt like did have you made up your mind
01:03:25oh my god Hannah like can you at least just tell me like what have you and the
01:03:30other connection committed to like is this set in stone like it has just been
01:03:34a lot like I feel like I've been spiraling like I don't know up from down
01:03:38because like it's very difficult because like my other connection like he like
01:03:42loves me like he has been sure about me and like you just weren't sure because
01:03:48you told me that you had the same exact feelings for me in the same connection
01:03:51you do with somebody else like that is like that's not someone I want Hannah
01:03:55like I want you like I had no idea you were having all these feelings I would
01:04:00have been here telling you how I want you telling you how I want to marry you
01:04:03tell you how I love you like when I came in here and you said that like God like
01:04:09I literally felt like someone has ripped my heart out my fucking chest like
01:04:12you're like no one I've ever met and it's scary and it's exciting and I think
01:04:19it could be the most like amazing fucking Union we would take over the
01:04:23world together look like I'm just as confused as you are it's like really
01:04:28this is horrible I know what would you say what would you say if I asked you to
01:04:38marry me right now what would you say oh my god I want you to be my fucking wife
01:04:45Hannah please answer me Hannah like is it too late
01:05:15I was meaning to get close to you