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This is DAY IN THE LIFE OF A HEALTHY FAMILY, a Daily Life Vlog for Fizzier February! Subscribe and we’ll see you tomorrow! #FizzierFebruary

00:01 Post-gym breakfast preparation and morning routine
13:00 Playing "the floor is lava"
39:31 Sienna's gymnastics practice
41:06 Discussing our new whole house water filtration system
45:58 Family grocery shopping trip
48:57 Organic grocery haul!

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00:00Just got back from the gym and I'm going to do what you have to do, kiss your muscles,
00:05show your body some love and appreciation for what it does. Our bodies are amazing.
00:09So I went to the gym with Darren and Mia. We've actually left Mia behind because Mia's
00:13doing a longer workout because she's doing calisthenics, which is like pull-ups and muscle
00:17ups. I even saw her, I'm not joking Darren, I was behind her doing deadlifts because we
00:22were at like the calisthenics area in the gym, whatever you want to call it, like the
00:26CrossFit area. So I was doing deadlifts and I looked up and I saw her doing a one-armed
00:31like pull-up, like assisted one. Really? No way. And then she was getting like two fingers
00:34on the bar, one finger and going like that. No way. I actually took a picture of her back.
00:39I was like, Mia, your back's incredible. I'll have a little pop-up of it. It looked really,
00:42really good. So yeah, I've just got back now and I'm now going to be having my breakfast.
00:46These little hungry beavers are tucking in. I'm eating all of these gorgeous strawberries.
00:50Strawberries are so good. That I picked up. These are organic and grown here in Spain.
00:54These are so good. I love it when you get these.
00:56They just have the most sweetest smell. I love the smell of really nice fresh tomatoes
01:00and then strawberries. Those smells of like fruit is lovely, isn't it? So for breakfast
01:05I'm going to be having my favorite, super quick, super healthy. It helps me feel really
01:09energized in the day, nourishes my body, tastes amazing. I look forward to it every day. Plus
01:13also it helps keep me like lean and strong and it's giving my coconut yogurt fruit well.
01:18Look how big these strawberries are. They're massive.
01:22Look how big these ones are.
01:24I know. So early on this morning when I woke up, I pulled out some berries because I wasn't
01:29sure if we'd have any fresh fruit, but we stopped off at the shop on the way home from
01:33the gym. So I've already got these pre-prepared. I would have probably just had the strawberries.
01:36These are frozen blackberries. A whole bag of frozen blackberries, each for me and you,
01:41Darren. I did that for you as well.
01:43Thanks for the frosting.
01:45While I was in the UK, I basically ate the same thing and one day I forgot to defrost
01:49the berries. Oh, it's so cold having it in England, like having yogurt and frozen berries.
01:54You have to put them out the night before to defrost them.
01:57I actually do prefer fresh fruit. I just think if you haven't got any fresh fruit, frozen
02:02fruit is great, but I prefer it fresh. I just think it just tastes better and like it's
02:06not freezing cold as well. So what I always do is I have had soya yogurt or coconut yogurt.
02:11Darren is going to be having soya yogurt, but I'm just really getting into the mood
02:15and craving like coconut yogurt at the moment, which is pretty much very natural and high
02:20in fat. So it's really good. This one is super thick. So if it looks like I'm not having
02:24a lot, I cannot eat anymore. If not, I'm going to be feeling sick all day because it is just
02:28like pure-
02:29I saw them eating their breakfast this morning. What did you think of the coconut yogurt you
02:34It was very rich.
02:36Very extremely rich.
02:37Yeah. I saw you all struggling to eat it.
02:40I find like-
02:41It even had chocolate powder in it as well, didn't it?
02:42I found it good.
02:43That was like intense.
02:44I found it good. I had the right portion, but after, I felt I cannot have any more of
02:53The last spoonful, I was like, oh, this is so sickly.
02:57Yeah. I don't think you finished yours, did you, Caleb?
03:00It tastes good, but it's very rich. Things which are really high in fat are just really,
03:03really, really satiating. So I'm going to be adding even more fat into it. I'm going to
03:07add in like a tablespoon of flaxseed bran, flaxseed that we've pre-ground up at home.
03:12Probably going to add in some hemp seeds, more healthy fat. I'm going to add in some
03:19protein powder for protein, and it also gives it, like, enhances the flavour. This is the
03:24vanilla flavour. This protein doesn't say it's organic on it, Dan, but I'm pretty sure
03:29it's organic as well.
03:30No, read it properly. Basically, it's not, right. Organic is like a legal, certified
03:34organic. It's a legal thing where, you know, they've gone and they've checked everything,
03:38blah, blah, blah. And basically, you'll just have to look up this company, but they say
03:42veganic. It's their own classification, which they say goes above and beyond standard organic.
03:48It's because there's something such as stevia. When there's, like, new ingredients, they
03:54can't be certified organic really quickly.
03:57Yeah. Everything we get, we always try and get everything organic, and we really, really
04:01haven't done the research with the protein powder, and this is the best one that we've
04:05found. It's been really heavily, like, strictly heavy metal tested. They also sell it in Planet
04:10Organic, and I know that any products that go into Planet Organic, they're really strict,
04:14and they're very, like, they carefully curate everything that goes into Planet Organic as
04:19What was that brand that we got in America, you know, where they said they go above and
04:22beyond the organic certification?
04:24But they don't, or something?
04:25No, no, no, no, no. They definitely do. It sounded like, it was like Sun Warrior, but
04:29it was the other one. What was that called?
04:32No, no, no, no. It sounds really similar. I've forgotten what it was.
04:35I don't know.
04:36I can't remember. If I remember, I'll leave it as a comment. But basically, there's some
04:39American brands as well, which do the same thing, where they say, like, the organic certification
04:44is not enough, because there can still be, like, metals used, et cetera, as pesticides.
04:49So some brands choose to go above and beyond that.
04:52Yeah. So I've just added in a little bit of cocoa powder as well, and then I'm going to
04:57mix all of this up, and it just makes this really delicious, like, super thick, creamy
05:01thing. I don't normally do it with frozen blackberries. I normally do it with, like,
05:05fresh strawberries. I don't know actually how this is going to come out, but you know what
05:09I'm like. I love experimenting.
05:11I don't really know what to call this, apart from just like a yogurt bowl, but I end up
05:15making it taste a bit like a pudding. It's like a pudding, isn't it, Daryl, wouldn't
05:19you say?
05:21Like a really creamy pudding. And now I'm just going to top it with more fruit. Like,
05:25in the mornings, I eat as much fruit as I want, because it's just so good for you. Loads
05:29of natural sugars, loads of fiber, loads of healthy carbs in there, and, like, just get
05:33all those vitamins and minerals in, and you're now going to have yours. You're literally
05:36probably shaking behind the camera, aren't you, from your workout?
05:39I don't know. Sort of. Sort of. The travelling's made me a bit, like, disorientated, really.
05:47I know it's only an hour's difference, but it's just the going on a plane and all that
05:51Plane. And, like, just...
05:52It's weird. It's kind of like time travelling. It's like you're in one country, and then
05:55you're suddenly in another. Like, it's just... I don't know. I still can't get my head around
05:59how amazing travel is.
06:00Well, I feel like, in your body, like, humans, like, the way our bodies are made, we're not...
06:04As far as we can walk is, like, kind of how our bodies are meant to travel.
06:09That's what we're naturally adapted to.
06:10We're adapted to.
06:11Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
06:12So, like, when cars were first invented, they used to recommend people that they could only
06:17go, like, how many miles was it a day? Because it was too much for their bodies.
06:21Well, people who were health conscious recommended that. I doubt it was, like, the standard recommendation.
06:26But, yeah.
06:27What? Like, you don't think, like, Ford recommended it?
06:29Public service announcement. We recommend you don't go too far on one day in your vehicle.
06:36No. It was just people who were in tune with their health and actually noticed.
06:41That it made them not feel the best.
06:42But it is a big deal to travel, especially across the world.
06:45And, like, you do have to, like, honour that and respect that. So, like, when we're travelling,
06:47we do it... We actually made a video about healthy travelling, so you can get some tips
06:50from that if you want.
06:51Something that's really fascinating as well, just in terms of, like, radiation poisoning,
06:57is about how people notice their sense of taste diminishes from long flights. Or, well,
07:03maybe even some people even on short flights. I personally don't notice it. But, like, from
07:07long flights, their sense of taste diminishes, and it's from the radiation poisoning. I just
07:11find that so fascinating, how it has that type of effect. And it's those types of things
07:15where you have to, like, be mindful and actually pay attention to them to then think, OK, it's
07:20probably not the best for my body. And then, therefore, either treat yourself very well
07:24before and after the flight, or, you know, start reducing the number of flights that
07:28you take.
07:30Just be a bit more mindful about it.
07:31Because I mixed it all up, it then doesn't... On the edges, it doesn't look as good. Like,
07:35if I was making a recipe book, I'd probably pre-prepare it in another bowl and then put
07:39it in there to be all pretty.
07:41Well, thankfully, this isn't some sort of fancy recipe video. It's just you living real
07:47Yeah. Oh, and when things like that happen, it's really annoying.
07:50Is that a hair?
07:51I don't know.
07:52It looks like a hair to me. What did I say? Real life. It's probably your hair.
07:58Yeah, it's my hair. Sometimes you do pull out my hair, especially at the dinner.
08:04Don't you?
08:05Oh, at the dinner, right. I was trying to work out what you were trying to say then.
08:08Also, guys...
08:09Yeah, sometimes the chickpeas are wrapped up in a long hair.
08:12Mia, if Mia comes back from the gym, I know she's thinking about what she's going to eat
08:16when she comes back. Yesterday, I shared on Family Feast Instagram stories and also on
08:20Snap, but Mia made this amazing date bark. If you've never made this before, it's basically...
08:26That was so tasty.
08:27Like a layer of dates kind of opened up and smooshed down on a tray.
08:31Have a look at this. Hold it still. Hold it still. I can't get it. Look at that.
08:35She covered it with a layer of cashew butter, a layer of tahini, loads of walnuts crumbled
08:40up on top, some sea salt, and then she made this chocolate, but you could also get your
08:44favorite clean chocolate and melt it on top, but she made this from cacao butter, agave
08:48nectar, and cacao powder, and then she set it, and it is the best thing ever.
08:54So good. You know we always go on about food is building blocks. You don't have to not
08:59have sweet treats or anything it is. Just choose the things that are actually good for
09:04you rather than a packet of biscuits.
09:07And they're trusty.
09:08You don't want your cells to be made out of a packet of biscuits.
09:10But then you start craving those things. For instance, I don't ever crave Oreos or biscuits
09:16or anything which is processed because my body's not used to it, and it took a little
09:20while because even when we were living in London, we would still have sugary things,
09:24but once you cut sugar out, it's really weird. It just proves how much it is a drug, but
09:28once you cut it out, then after a couple of months, then you just don't crave it anymore.
09:35It's honestly that simple.
09:36The processed analogy, by the way, I don't think we said this before on the videos, but
09:39the processed analogy is a really good one for water as well because obviously we all
09:42know like a packet of biscuits is processed food, but yet we know this is like natural
09:47how it comes from nature.
09:49Well, when you think about water, this is processed water, whereas the way it comes
09:54whole in its natural form from nature, as in this is spring water, that's the difference.
09:59That's the difference. So like, even though we can't necessarily see it with our eyes,
10:02if you just have that analogy, then it helps explain the difference between waters as well.
10:08I'm very hard.
10:11Yeah, nobody can understand a word of what you're saying.
10:14Just mind me.
10:15One portion of that.
10:16One portion of that.
10:17And then my collagen booster.
10:19A little bit of silica.
10:22I'll leave them there for you. Do you want me to record you making your breakfast?
10:25Not really, because it's identical.
10:28Oh yeah, and I'll have more stuff on it.
10:30Yeah, he does. We haven't got any bananas, by the way, though.
10:33So I'm sorry about that.
10:35I know, we need to go get some food later on today, because you weren't here.
10:39I didn't have anyone to drive me, being the passenger princess that I am.
10:42Of all the food that I ordered to Nanny and Grandad's, I ordered absolutely a ton to arrive
10:46to make sure I had loads of stuff, but I kind of forgot.
10:49Bananas don't ripen in the UK, whereas here they're ripe within just a day, aren't they?
10:55The bunch of bananas I ordered didn't ripen.
10:58The avocados, yeah, I ordered like eight avocados to there, but we only used a couple because
11:03all the rest were too hard, even though I ordered ripe ones.
11:06But yeah, things take a while to ripen when there's no sun, don't they?
11:10Well, actually, there's one thing that doesn't ripen here, and it's very frustrating because
11:13I want to eat them.
11:14It's the kiwis.
11:15They take ages.
11:16I think maybe they're picked before they're ready.
11:19That must be it.
11:20If fruit takes a ridiculously long time, now they're getting a little bit soft.
11:23But it's anyone like me.
11:24If you eat a kiwi and it's not ripened properly, it sort of burns all your mouth out.
11:28It's a bit like pineapple.
11:30It's a bit too acidy, and I hate tomatoes if they're not ripe.
11:34It just gives me heartburn and things like that.
11:37So it's very important to eat things when they're ripe.
11:39But if you sometimes find things in your mouth, it's because they're not ripe enough.
11:43The floor is lava.
11:45You didn't say three, two, one.
11:48Why do you have to say-
11:50You say floor is lava, and then you say three, two, one.
11:52And then if you're not in there, if you're not back by three seconds-
11:55Oh, okay.
11:56Sorry about that, guys.
11:57Don't worry.
12:01Are you going to join in, buddy?
12:03I'm just taking my flip flops off.
12:05Hey, Mia.
12:07Gym girl.
12:09The floor is lava for three, two, one.
12:15That was too fast, wasn't it?
12:16No, that was good.
12:17Three, two, one is confusing me.
12:29The floor is lava.
12:30Three, two, one.
12:35Yes, she's on.
12:41The floor's not lava.
12:48The floor is lava.
12:49Three, two, one.
12:52I don't know if I got them in time.
12:53I feel like you need to be closer.
12:55When you're down there, guys, there's no chance that you could get from there to here in three seconds.
13:00Maybe let's do five.
13:01Unless you're like, I don't know, an Olympic sprinter, male sprinter.
13:05I just don't know how that's possible.
13:07Just stay-
13:08Maybe five.
13:09Why don't you run around in circles around here, or whatever you want to do, and then up.
13:14I'm going to have to take over.
13:15This is so frustrating.
13:16You're just not doing it right.
13:20Sienna said count down three, two, one, then say the floor is lava.
13:23Not, the floor is lava, three, two, one.
13:25Like that, because they just don't get a chance.
13:40Three, two, one.
13:42The floor is lava.
13:43Hey, well done.
13:45Yeah, no, it is meant to be the other way around.
13:47You're meant to say the floor is lava, and then three, two, one, as in like, the floor is lava.
13:52And then you have three seconds.
13:55I was thinking you count down, and then after the three seconds, it's turned into the floor is lava.
14:00I see what you're saying.
14:03All right then, go.
14:13Nobody's being very adventurous.
14:15Mum said to stay around here.
14:16They're all staying very close.
14:18Three, two, one.
14:20The floor is lava.
14:21I'd done it the wrong way around.
14:23I said it the wrong way around again.
14:25Well done.
14:29You better put your feet in some ice.
14:30My feet in some ice?
14:33Because she landed in the lava.
14:36I had to do actually quite a lot of computer work today, because obviously we're doing the daily vlogging, and there's actually a lot of things to do.
14:42But normally, I'd be outside trying to get as much sun as possible, being in the garden.
14:46But I just thought, when we just finish, I'm going to quickly come out and try and get some sun and read a book with you guys.
14:52So I'm currently reading.
14:54Because it's really good.
14:55By the way, if you're staring at a screen, a lot of jobs nowadays do involve that.
14:59It's really good.
15:00Once every hour for about five minutes, just step outside and get some natural light before you go back to the screen again.
15:06It's very good for your eyes and your brain and your hormones.
15:08I just thought I'd mention that.
15:10But I'm now currently reading a book called Fast Like a Girl.
15:13I've actually been intermittent fasting, which for me doesn't even feel like I'm doing anything.
15:17It's just the way I naturally like to eat, for about 12 years.
15:20When we went to Berlin, when Sienna was a tiny baby, I can remember, or like a toddler, that's when we started fasting, didn't we?
15:27And it wasn't a huge switch for us.
15:28But anyway, I've noticed that this book's been quite popular for a couple of years.
15:32So I thought I'd read it.
15:33I just wanted to relearn some things about fasting.
15:35Just because, like I said, it's something that I've done for so long, I don't even think about it.
15:38And this one's all aimed at women and how you can do it in a way where it suits your hormones.
15:42And I just really love reading books like this.
15:44So I thought that was pretty cool.
15:45And then Sienna, what are you reading?
15:47I'm reading this Jane Austen book called Northanger Abbey.
15:50And I have tried to read Jane Austen before.
15:54I tried to read Pride and Prejudice.
15:56And I kind of read it, but I kind of just skimmed through it and I didn't really enjoy the story that much.
16:02And so it's been a long time since I've tried to read Jane Austen again.
16:06Mia and Mum actually really like it and I have tried to read it before.
16:09But I kind of just thought I couldn't catch on to it.
16:12I couldn't get into it and I just found it a bit boring.
16:14But then, because we went away to England, then I didn't have a book to read on the aeroplane and stuff like that.
16:20So then Mum was like, oh yeah, why didn't you read this?
16:23So then I started reading it and it's based on a 16-year-old.
16:27And I'm actually really enjoying it.
16:29So yeah, it's a really good book.
16:30And is it set in England as well?
16:32Yeah, the first half is set in Bath.
16:35Ah, so that's quite a good choice then.
16:37I said Sienna would probably like this because the protagonist is 16.
16:40It's one of Jane Austen's youngest characters.
16:42So I said you can probably more get into that.
16:44And I love Jane Austen books.
16:45They're so wholesome and you actually get a better vocabulary from reading it.
16:50It also helps your brain.
16:51A lot of books now are written in such a simple way.
16:53It kind of dumbs you down a bit.
16:55But this book isn't.
16:56So I think sometimes it's hard to get into it initially because the language feels quite contrived.
17:00But that is just the way people used to talk in the olden days.
17:03So it's very good.
17:04It teaches you a lot about history, about society back then.
17:07I think it's beautiful stories.
17:09If you haven't read Jane Austen, I highly recommend it.
17:12And then little Cora, he loves Lego.
17:14It's his number one favourite thing.
17:17So Darren, Dad bought you this, didn't he, Cora?
17:19This Lego magazine, didn't he, when he went away?
17:22He brought it back from the UK.
17:24And then Cora's just been looking at these and studying them and trying to get some inspiration, haven't you?
17:28So that's what we're now doing.
17:30But now I think it's going to be dinner time, isn't it?
17:33So just got a little bit of sun.
17:35And now we're going to have dinner.
17:36Are you hungry?
17:37Yeah, I'm actually quite hungry.
17:39And then I've got gymnastics afterwards as well.
17:41Oh yeah, and somebody's coming round to do something to our house.
17:44I can't wait for that.
17:46Sienna's got gymnastics and then I need to get some food shopping.
17:48So I'm really excited.
17:49We've got some good things coming up, haven't we?
17:51Cora, Sienna, dinner's ready.
17:54Mia's gone out for a walk.
17:56So she's not here right now.
17:58But she's doing really well.
18:00She's really been getting so much fitness lately.
18:02No, she's gone to the beach.
18:03She's gone for a walk to the beach.
18:05Yeah, but she's doing so good.
18:08I think it's really inspiring.
18:10So guys, what is for dinner?
18:12So today we have got mashed sweet potato.
18:15This is so delicious.
18:17You haven't tried it.
18:18It's really sweet and like carby and just like, I love it.
18:21And it really does give you a healthy glow.
18:23Then we've got some greens.
18:26From our garden.
18:27We don't sell sweet potatoes on there though.
18:30They are definitely amazing.
18:31If I could package them into like some kind of like chocolate or bar I would.
18:34But fresh, fresher butter.
18:36We should actually recommend like, if you don't have a local market
18:40where you can get organic veg, then there is a few delivery services.
18:43Like we've used Riverford's in the UK, haven't we?
18:46What's the name of the other one?
18:48Abel and Cole.
18:49Abel and Cole, that's it.
18:50Look, Abel and Cole isn't all 100% organic, but you can get organic boxes.
18:53But Riverford's is definitely organic, isn't it?
18:55Yeah, all from supermarkets.
18:56And Waitrose, Duchy is.
18:58Or Duchy.
18:59Duchy is very good.
19:01Yeah, it is good.
19:02So these are from our garden.
19:03We're actually now producing a lot.
19:04There's so many greens.
19:05So good.
19:06We've got cabbage and kale.
19:07Oh yeah, exactly.
19:08There you go.
19:09If you don't have a local organic market, you can still grow things yourself.
19:12Even in like a window box in a flat, you can still grow some things.
19:16And yeah, you might have to buy some stuff.
19:18But at least you can grow, you know, whatever you can yourself.
19:21I know.
19:22It's actually a really fun experiment.
19:24What type of kale is that, Karma?
19:27Yeah, dinosaur.
19:28Also known as Tuscan kale.
19:29But we like calling it dinosaur kale, don't we?
19:31Because that just sounds more fun.
19:33I mean, Tuscan-y.
19:34Tuscan is nice, isn't it?
19:36Ye old-fashioned giant lizards.
19:40Ye old-fashioned giant lizards.
19:44What did you just say?
19:46I just felt like something that's really bad.
19:49It's like you're at a party, and there's just so many.
19:52It's random, though, or something.
19:54It's probably because you were just talking about Jane Austen.
19:56And then, I don't know.
19:57I don't know how my brain works.
19:59Right, so we haven't even carried on showing you what's for dinner.
20:02Then we've got a stew.
20:03This is a paprika stew with loads of chunks of tempeh in it.
20:06Loads of mixed vegetables and chickpeas.
20:08We kind of mixed up the vegetables.
20:10Whatever we got from the Gannett shop that week.
20:13Or what did you used to call them when you were little, Sienna?
20:16No, no.
20:18Vegetables, what?
20:20No, veggie-balls.
20:21Oh, veggie-balls.
20:24That is so cute.
20:25I've got to eat my veggie-balls.
20:26Have you ever called them veggie-balls, Karma?
20:31When I was three, I said, vegetables.
20:34No, you didn't.
20:36I didn't know.
20:38You and Koaw have always been very well-spoken, actually.
20:41I'm just guessing.
20:42People have always remarked about how are you so good at talking at such a young age.
20:47I remember when people were just so surprised by Koaw.
20:50He'd just be this little toddling little boy and then would just be able to talk.
20:56They went to a posh school in London, like a nursery for one year.
21:00It was really posh.
21:02Mr. Christopher, who ran the school, he just couldn't believe Koaw was three.
21:08Sometimes he's like, I forget that he's only three because of the way he can talk.
21:14He was like, wow, they're so clever and smart.
21:16But I said to him, I think what helps about it is every night, we've always read them
21:20a load of books every night before bed.
21:22It's so simple.
21:23What can help boost a child's intelligence is having a book read to them before bed.
21:29And you can get books from the library.
21:31Two-step formula.
21:32One, don't watch TV.
21:34Two, read lots of books.
21:35Yeah, less screens, or hardly any at all.
21:38Because that does make kids zone out.
21:41It puts them in a different brain.
21:43Well, and adults, yeah.
21:44And adults.
21:45And they're definitely children the most, yeah.
21:48Yeah, and also, Koaw and Koaw spend a lot of time with us as adults.
21:51They're always hearing me and you talking all the time.
21:55They've got older siblings.
21:57And that does really, really help as well.
21:59Just kids, basically, hearing words, being spoken all the time by people around them,
22:04hearing conversations, and then having books, stories read to them, that really, really
22:07does help.
22:08But the book one is something which-
22:11What was it we read last night, Karma?
22:13Is it very good to read?
22:14About the little mice.
22:15What was the name of it?
22:17They went on a boat, and they went on an adventure.
22:20What's the name of the story, though?
22:21Because I can't remember.
22:22I don't know.
22:23The Brambley Hedge.
22:24Beach Day.
22:25Oh, Brambley Hedge.
22:26The Brambley Hedge.
22:27You know the little colonies of mice that are all self-sufficient?
22:31Some of you guys have DMed me and said that you love those books.
22:36I thought you meant that story in the book.
22:38Oh, right.
22:39Yeah, yeah.
22:40That was called the Beach Day.
22:43Have we got enough here for you and Mia?
22:44Yeah, we have.
22:45That's good.
22:46I've just put something really eggy smelling on.
22:47Sometimes if I put that Sulfosol on, I'm like,
22:49oh, that smells strong.
22:51It smells like, you know, someone's done a past bend.
22:56Sorry, I'm going hyper.
22:58I don't know what it is, but you know when it's like a full moon,
23:00or in our house our family gets really hyper and have loads of energy?
23:04I'm having that right now, but it's just a sliver moon at the moment.
23:08I don't know.
23:09You even said that the other day.
23:11Like there's some kind of energy right now, like intense energy in our house,
23:14but like what is it?
23:17Like do we just feel high all the time or what?
23:19Natural cycles, yeah.
23:20I know.
23:21I feel like we feel really,
23:22like since we've been doing the daily vlog and the smurf,
23:24like we have actually felt really good.
23:26I think that's what it is, yeah.
23:28We're in our element because there's so many things,
23:31so many over the years.
23:33Like we used to make health content like literally 10 years ago,
23:36and then as we gradually transitioned into it just being like entertainment,
23:40and then you slowly do things where you're like,
23:42you've probably heard me say this expression so many times,
23:45but I need to shut up now because I'm going on too much.
23:47Like there's,
23:48you constantly have to stifle your own speech because you're like,
23:51hang on,
23:52this isn't entertaining.
23:53So I think it's been so liberating that we're just like,
23:56actually let's just make videos of whatever is going on,
24:00what we're talking about,
24:01what our interests are,
24:02et cetera.
24:03So it's been like this amazing journey for us as well,
24:06where it's like giving us the freedom.
24:08And yeah,
24:09I know it's been divisive.
24:10Obviously some of you guys who haven't watched us for as long had no clue.
24:14You're like,
24:16why are you suddenly really into health?
24:17Like we're not suddenly really into health at all,
24:19but we chose to only like make entertaining videos.
24:23And so it's like anything which didn't fit into that,
24:26we'd cut out.
24:27Even if we spoke about it in the vlogs,
24:29we'd just cut it out and make sure it's only like the stuff,
24:32what makes it bang,
24:35fast paced,
24:38but at the,
24:40I won't say detriment,
24:41but at like,
24:43it's just been a bit stifling.
24:44That's what I'm saying.
24:45It's just felt a bit weird.
24:46Whereas this isn't going to be mainstream entertainment content,
24:49but it just feels right to us to actually get to really share things and just
24:54talk our minds about things.
24:55And in my opinion,
24:56be more helpful as well,
24:58because I did use it.
24:59Cause I always want to want things to be a good energy exchange.
25:02And I always saw it as like,
25:04I'm going off on one,
25:05but I don't need to say sorry anymore.
25:06Do I?
25:07I always saw it as a good energy exchange anyway,
25:09where I'm like,
25:11I'm sharing joy in the world,
25:12which is amazing.
25:13And I've loved always having that feedback.
25:14You guys make me smile,
25:15et cetera.
25:16But I feel like I've got to a point now where it's like,
25:19I've done enough of just sharing joy.
25:21I want to share a bit more depth because there's so many things.
25:24What have been beneficial to us.
25:26And although we've always like sneaked in little bits here and there,
25:30you know,
25:31like if you pay attention,
25:32anybody who's paid attention has always seen that we have predominantly been
25:36very healthy and made a lot of decisions,
25:38which have benefited us in the long run.
25:42et cetera.
25:43But we've never fully spoken about it because it didn't fit in the
25:45entertainment category.
25:46So now I feel like liberated that we can just speak.
25:50actually Bob and Katie sent us a message today.
25:52Hey family,
25:53just a quick bit of feedback for you.
25:54Some friends of us said they've religiously watched all of your February
25:57videos and incredibly inspired to the point that it's put them on a healthy
26:00journey and they feel so much better.
26:01So keep going.
26:02You're making a huge difference in the world,
26:04sending you the highest love as always.
26:07that's nice.
26:08That's really,
26:09really nice.
26:10And to those of you,
26:11probably those of you who are looking for entertainment videos,
26:13probably not watching when I say this,
26:14but maybe you can reply to their comments when people say it because I
26:18completely get it.
26:19Like if you're expecting entertainment content and it suddenly isn't,
26:22you might be disappointed,
26:23but ultimately this is our like second bonus content channel,
26:27which is why we chose to put these on the second bonus content channel.
26:30So we still have that outlet for creativity where we can,
26:34when we're going to do something big,
26:35whatever it is,
26:36we can go and make a big fun entertaining video about it.
26:39And that will go on family fears.
26:40But I really love that we can now reserve this for just vlogs and getting to
26:44be like more real,
26:45which ultimately it's like,
26:47are we running around going completely mental?
26:49Maybe like all the time.
26:52we're not.
26:53The reason that we've achieved so much in health and wealth is because of
26:56our commitment to it.
26:58So it's nice that we now get to talk about it.
27:00I like being entertaining away and being full of joy and fun and everything.
27:04Depends how you define entertaining,
27:06but yeah.
27:08But like to us,
27:09we always have no luck.
27:10I don't feel like we're going to be like just really boring.
27:16but it's nice having been a bit more helpful in these videos and actually
27:18getting to share some things.
27:20I feel like I've also noticed overall on social media and that,
27:25that people are just fed up with videos.
27:27By the way,
27:28I just realised your top is going to go wrong on that trampoline and then we're
27:31going to have to cut it out.
27:32So I can't film on the trampoline.
27:33I have noticed that people are probably fed up with the way that the internet's
27:38where everything's so like about the algorithm that's not about human nature
27:41or humans anymore.
27:42So like,
27:43I'm glad we've never went down that route,
27:45but for like some,
27:46some creators they've got to the point where they analyse every part of their
27:50Well we have to a certain extent.
27:51We definitely have.
27:52Cause even in the YouTube backend,
27:53like it says,
27:54it'll give you tips of like,
27:56you know,
27:58it'd be better if like you don't do a long intro or you don't do a long
28:01outro and like so many bits and you basically like ultimately then YouTube
28:06will show your videos to more people,
28:08et cetera.
28:09So you have to play by their rules.
28:10But I think,
28:12it's reached a point where we're just like,
28:13we just want to be able to talk like rather than having to,
28:17it's when you try and please too many people.
28:19Whereas if you just make videos,
28:21which are for yourself,
28:22what you would have appreciated,
28:24say like if I don't know,
28:26five years ago.
28:28If we found somebody sharing this content and because we were trying to learn about
28:32health and fitness and just level up in life,
28:34it would be helpful for us.
28:35So we're kind of making the videos for us five years ago.
28:38Actors kind of have this issue.
28:40Sometimes they play a certain role all the time.
28:42They're always in like comedy or they're always play like a villain.
28:45And after a while they find that it becomes like they're not really enjoying their job
28:49anymore because they want to do something different.
28:51Like it kind of holds you back.
28:53Like if you're always playing,
28:54I'm not saying that we're actors in our videos,
28:56but if we,
28:57if I only just can do challenge videos where I'm running around a supermarket and I'm
29:01being really loud and I'm like being a laugh,
29:04like sometimes I just feel like that's like stunning me from actually like growing as
29:09an individual.
29:10Like when you just stick into one role,
29:11whereas like now I just feel like I just basically I'm the sort of person where I just want
29:15to do whatever I want to do and I don't like being told.
29:18I think we're the family which does that.
29:20And it kind of felt like we just want to do this right now.
29:23We might go back to making the same videos in the future.
29:25You never know.
29:26And I don't want to be put into a box,
29:27but right now this feels really right and in alignment with who we are and it feels
29:33really good.
29:34That's the key word is alignment.
29:35And like,
29:36this is what we want to do.
29:37So if we were in videos and we weren't really enjoying it and we were not being ourselves
29:42like subconsciously,
29:43you guys watch a video,
29:44probably know we're not into it and then it wouldn't even be that fun anyway,
29:47but we're actually like real life.
29:48I want to do it all anyway.
29:51as I said,
29:52when we're going to do something big and grand and exciting,
29:55we'll make it into a big and grand,
29:56exciting video on family.
29:57When we're just hanging around and waffling like this,
30:01this will be like family tries world hardest race or something.
30:04Or like we go and try some really fun challenge.
30:06Like all of our videos and family fits are still going to be like where we're being.
30:11I can give you a little secret as well.
30:13if you want,
30:14this will be a good test just to see like how many people have listened to me say
30:17We've actually started a glowing,
30:18healthy YouTube channel as well.
30:19There's no content on there and we have no plans to even put any content on there.
30:24but we have got at glowing,
30:25healthy on YouTube and maybe we'll make some more like,
30:30you know,
30:31very specific videos about specific things.
30:33I don't know about rebounding or about Celtic soul or whatever it is,
30:38where it's like even more depth than these videos.
30:40Videos on fizz are going to be like day from when February's over.
30:44They're probably going to be down the life of logs,
30:46but it covers sort of our day.
30:47We'll show you a little snippets,
30:48like what healthy meals we're doing,
30:49what we're up to,
30:50you know,
30:51just daily life,
30:52which is us being like healthy and you know,
30:54having a great time here in Spain or free travel or something.
30:57The family,
30:58because it's what you just said,
30:59but guys,
31:00we have also been sharing everything that was showing our videos for a whole
31:03year on snap.
31:04So when the daily videos are over on this channel,
31:06we're still going to be making loads of videos,
31:08but just probably not every day,
31:09but check out our Snapchat family is real,
31:12which is where we will still continue to share daily videos on there,
31:16like daily mini vlogs.
31:17So that is still going to be going up there.
31:19So if you haven't,
31:20if you're not following snap,
31:21make sure you do.
31:22And we've still been doing it,
31:23even though we're doing daily this month,
31:24which sometimes feels a bit hard because like we're doing like daily on here.
31:30we've wanted to share different things on each platform as well.
31:32Sometimes it makes your brain go like,
31:34so we're just like getting more like snapshots.
31:37but we wanted to do it for a month on here and it's,
31:39you know,
31:40we're coming to the end.
31:41It's felt good.
31:42It's been nice to have that connection and just that,
31:44that depth as well,
31:45which is nice.
31:46So many more videos to come as well.
31:47It's not over yet.
31:49Are you right?
31:50I just heard you.
31:51Did you pass me?
31:54it's her hands.
31:56Curry's just gone off and to start playing Lego.
31:58He's at this age where he just does not want to eat.
32:02He just wants to play.
32:03Like Curry's food,
32:04like he forgets about,
32:05but you said you were like that as a little boy.
32:06I was absolutely.
32:07You just didn't care about eating.
32:08I have to really get him to sit down and concentrate.
32:10I didn't care at all.
32:12I was just thinking anyway,
32:13just to carry on about like the health content.
32:16there has still,
32:17even on like our main channel videos,
32:19there's still,
32:20this is what I'm saying.
32:21Like if you pay attention,
32:22there's still being loads of health stuff.
32:24Like in 2021 in Costa Rica,
32:26I know we did a morning routine where we went really in depth about all of our biohacking.
32:31we did.
32:33In 2020,
32:34the house where Kerr was born beginning of 2020,
32:36I know we're doing like a,
32:37I don't know if it was a tour of the house,
32:39but I was talking about how we were using Shungite to like help against all of the,
32:43all of the wifi routers,
32:45what were in that house and how I was turning the wifi off.
32:48that was the house where I gave birth in.
32:50It's like we were living in Dubai.
32:51Oh yeah,
32:52home birth is probably quite a big indicator that somebody is really into natural health,
32:56isn't it?
32:58I guess that we haven't always like heavily gone into it,
33:00but I mean for the last year we have all,
33:03we have actually been talking and sharing about everything on snap though,
33:06haven't we?
33:07It is because we've also made a lot of changes though.
33:11we have like,
33:13the battery ran out.
33:14In our 13 years vegan video,
33:15we did speak about how,
33:16like initially we started off being pretty healthy when we went vegan.
33:21very healthy.
33:22We were eating really healthily and then gradually,
33:23I guess we're kind of like making challenge videos and stuff like that.
33:26Like we were then implementing a lot of less healthy things,
33:29which then affected how we felt.
33:31And then like,
33:32we're kind of,
33:33so we started off up here,
33:34ended up going down and then like coming back up again.
33:36And sometimes you have to trial and error,
33:38things like that to actually learn how you end up feeling.
33:42I kind of like that we've done that because it's given me more perspective,
33:44more empathy for people who are on journeys.
33:48cause sometimes like,
33:50it's nice to be reminded,
33:51like after I had current karma,
33:53I felt like I'd really lost myself and I actually found exercising and things
33:56like that extremely difficult afterwards because I was barely getting in
33:59easily because after I gave birth to Sienna,
34:01I found getting back into shape and exercise it extremely,
34:04extremely quick.
34:05Like a couple of months after she was born,
34:07I was running a half marathon,
34:08but after current karma,
34:10it was a different story.
34:11So I've like,
34:12it's given me way more empathy and understanding of how people can have
34:16like just how,
34:18I don't know,
34:20does that make sense?
34:21Like I've had a different perspective now.
34:22So now I can,
34:23now I understand that workouts and food and healthy living has to be really
34:27practical and easy to fit into your life.
34:29So I've managed to master that.
34:31So that feels quite good.
34:33and I feel like us going through the junk food,
34:35vegan phase,
34:36it's kind of good for us because now we know how it does affect your body.
34:39Cause there's a lot of people who,
34:42who are,
34:44who used to be vegan and then they didn't eat very well.
34:46And then they say it's because they're vegan,
34:48but being vegan doesn't mean that you're eating healthily in the first place.
34:51So it was just junk food that was not healthy,
34:54if that makes sense.
34:55And now we kind of can,
34:56we're not eating enough.
34:57A lot of people don't eat enough.
34:59You get to,
35:00sometimes you get two different types of people when they eat vegan and get
35:01the ones that just eat loads of junk or you get people that don't even eat
35:04And they might just have like,
35:05they might eat very healthily,
35:06but very small amounts.
35:08And it's not enough to nourish their body.
35:09So I think it's really good that we've had that understanding as well.
35:13like we,
35:14we now know what foods really nourish our bodies and things.
35:17So I feel grateful about kind of going in a circle about everything.
35:21Don't you?
35:22And I now feel like we have so much better in our videos.
35:25Cause when we first started making vegan fitness videos,
35:27I was really awkward.
35:28Like this is the first time I'd ever gone onto the internet.
35:30I was really awkward and shy.
35:33you know,
35:34my recipe videos of how to make ice cream.
35:35I don't think I really can like,
35:36like hold myself properly.
35:37Cause I'm so like shy.
35:38I'm breaking it.
35:39But who cares?
35:40And now when I make these videos,
35:42I thought I made a recipe video.
35:44I just,
35:45cause I've got so good at like talking in front of a camera.
35:47I'm very confident about it now.
35:49It'll probably come across a lot better.
35:52So yeah,
35:53basically we're not entirely sure where this is going to go after this
35:57but maybe,
35:58maybe like two or three videos a week.
36:00We'll see how it goes and then carry on with the daily on Snapchat.
36:04And I think that would be like a nice balance as well where like we're
36:07actually able to show like real life,
36:09but not where it then starts becoming at the expense of our real life
36:13because there's like an hour of checking videos and then having to like
36:17make thumbnails and just all of the general stuff,
36:21which then actually means it's like less real.
36:24I need to fill up my tank in the evening a little bit more.
36:27It's like that.
36:28Like we've kind of not going to bed at the time that we'd normally go to
36:30bed because of it.
36:31So it feels a bit ironic to tell people to get more sleep and then I'm
36:34actually getting less sleep.
36:35So I want to kind of not do that anymore because I'm starting to feel a bit
36:39tired in the day and I don't like that feeling.
36:41But those of you who are here for like the real life content and the health
36:45which is our real life,
36:46basically let us know what you want to see from us.
36:48Let us know like,
36:49you know,
36:50maybe some more as well as like day in the life,
36:52maybe some parts of our routines or anything like that.
36:55Let us know.
36:56And we'll be happy to make it.
36:58This is my progress so far.
37:11I'm so happy.
37:14I've got five minutes till gymnastics.
37:16I wanted to practice quickly before.
37:18That was actually the first time I've landed on my feet.
37:28Let's watch Sienna.
37:29Come on.
37:30You got this girl.
37:36But that was good.
37:37You didn't land on your knees though.
37:41You're getting stronger.
37:42So you're probably eventually going to be able to just do that on flat
37:48that's fun.
37:50that's why I like this block.
37:51I was going to start with this one,
37:53but I thought it's a little bit too high.
37:55And also it's a bit too wobbly.
37:57I'm getting distracted.
37:58And then I can do that.
37:59That date.
38:00Barf at me.
38:01And I can help you.
38:06You're meant to jump a little.
38:08You know how to do it.
38:09Come on.
38:10Don't you have to tuck your knees in or something?
38:26Jump and tuck.
38:27Let go.
38:32I'm scared.
38:33He's not doing anything.
38:34You want to come and stand with me?
38:35He can hold a steady car.
38:36Your job is to hold it.
38:38Good boys need jobs.
38:39I'm scared.
38:40I think she's just scared to go.
38:41I would be as well.
38:42Don't worry.
38:43You want to have another go?
38:44Wait a minute.
38:48Hang on.
38:49I think
38:51Gymnastics time.
38:52I'm really proud of you.
38:54Really cool.
39:16Going up.
39:22She tried to present it.
39:23What are you doing?
39:24Yeah, good.
39:26just washed the car with data.
39:33Cause I was basically holding onto it with her at the same time.
39:38And then I was like, well, I'm going to see if you can feel the pressure of it just for
39:41like literally half a second.
39:42I let go and I was obviously and it started making her go backwards so it's
39:46very powerful. Was that fun Karma? So we've just left well we dropped Karma, I'm not Karma, Sienna off at
39:51gymnastics and Mia and Koa are at home. Koa didn't want to come out with us
39:56because he really wants to watch some workmen do some work on our house
39:59because some men arrived just before we left. Yeah and finally getting the whole
40:05house water filtration system fitted. We used to have this in our house in London
40:11and it's absolutely incredible because just like you know how we've shown those
40:14little mini water filters what you get for the shower, this is just like a
40:19massive one, basically a version of that for your whole house. So the one that we
40:25had in the UK is called the Osmeo water filter system. I am going to add them on
40:30to our website glowinghealthy.com so that you can check them out. Again just so
40:34we've got everything in one place, there's all the stuff that we use but
40:37basically it's you know like the water filter, the like water filter jugs like
40:43the Brita water filters, imagine like one of those on steroids which is for
40:46your whole house. And it gets rid of every single thing not just chlorine but
40:50it gets rid of fluoride, everything, breath control, medication, loads of things. I can't remember the exact thing but it's
40:58like you know 99 point whatever percent of contaminants in water so nothing is
41:06100% although to be honest actually reverse osmosis in itself is almost 100%
41:13isn't it? It goes through multiple layers of filtration and yeah it just means
41:18you're then left with a chemical and contaminant free water or largely but
41:26then you can if you like we wouldn't personally still drink it though because
41:30it's not like living water like water from a spring but obviously to use it
41:35for a shower and stuff it then means it's nice for your hair and that type of
41:39thing isn't it? And your skin yeah and your skin exactly and I don't know your
41:43clothes in your washing machine aren't gonna smell of chlorine and all that
41:47type of thing so it's really nice. That peace of mind of that you can just run
41:53the tap and you know it's fine it's just really nice and you don't have to keep
41:57changing it because the ones that we've got on our shower heads at the moment
41:59they last like three to six months it depends on how much you have to shower. When we lived in Costa Rica
42:04actually it was completely standard on the housing development where we lived
42:09it was completely standard all the houses had reverse osmosis yeah fitted
42:14to all you know everything. It's more popular than the US isn't it? Yeah and then it what it went
42:20through a like salt system as well which mineralized the water again so it's like
42:24soft on your skin but I think some parts of the world is more like commonplace
42:29than others but in terms of things that you can do to your house which have a
42:34big impact on your health I'd actually say it's one of the best because you
42:40know starting at like 500 quid or $500 you can get a whole house water
42:45filtration system. If you actually think about that over the course of several
42:48years like it's so cost-effective as well so it's definitely a very good thing to do to your house.
42:53So I'm really happy because like the water that we bathe in, what we wash our
42:57hands in, what we water our plants with, what we cook things in now we can use
43:02that water for like cooking water it's just gonna be really convenient now. I haven't even been thinking that because we're
43:06growing our own vegetables and I'm like well you know we're thinking about the
43:10water that we drink but we're eating these vegetables which obviously the
43:14water was goes into those vegetables and I know this they're gonna do a certain
43:20level of like filtration themselves and everything you know like if we were
43:23growing cucumbers it basically turns it into structured water within the
43:27cucumber but still it's nicer that you give it the best water source you can
43:31obviously ideally that would be you live somewhere where you've got a natural
43:34spring on your property but it actually makes the plants grow better. In London I used to actually when we were
43:40drinking mineral water out of bottles I didn't used to give our plants before
43:45we got them I didn't even give our plants the reverse osmosis water filter
43:48filtered water did I? I used to give them the mineral or spring water just because
43:52plants like minerals I obviously people will go to the garden center and you'll
43:56buy your plants like minerals and things to add into the soil but adding spring
44:01water or mineral water into your plants that gives them a lot of nutrition yeah
44:04it's just natural yeah so if because plants are really expensive and I like
44:08there's nothing worse than like all your plants like dying and looking all like
44:11kind of like yeah it's not very nice and you have it doesn't look nice and you
44:17spend all that money on it and I don't also like you get quite attached to your
44:19plants so yeah I do actually want to give them spring water and things like
44:24that yeah but yeah guys I'm really excited to go back and see how that
44:27gets on Kerry's keeping everything in check for us isn't he? He loves it honestly any
44:31workman that comes around he's just standing there staring at them like
44:35literally observing every tiny detail just think once once he's able to write
44:38a bit more as well he's gonna basically make notes isn't he? Yeah. He's gonna be
44:43planning about how to build a house. He's a detail person isn't he? He notices details I've always
44:48noticed that about him ever since really little he'll just spot tiny
44:51little like he's just so observant it's so cute. Right so we're now gonna be
44:54heading to the grocery shop because we need to stock up on lots of like
44:58groceries and things like that and cleaning products the sun is starting to
45:03set so I can barely see. Mia's gonna be so happy isn't she Karma? Yes she is. Because what have we got? What is that called?
45:09Custard apples! Yeah. These are so sweet. Yeah. They're not as sweet as dates but they're like soft and juicy
45:18None of it's really a fruit they've just got seeds in but they have got a food bit in. Yeah.
45:24It's not just seeds. Mia's gonna be so happy about that we've got some ones that aren't ripe and
45:30then some super squishy ones haven't we? Yeah.
45:33Is that good? What are you eating?
45:35Silken tofu!
45:37I give the silken tofu 10 up 10.
45:39I can't believe you two just love silken tofu.
45:45Look at that. It's incredible.
45:47And he loves tofu.
45:49You love it? Yeah.
45:51That's amazing.
45:53He tried to take a bite out of this.
45:55So you can see a bite mark. No!
45:57Karma you can't do that.
45:59It's a brand new bite.
46:01Calm yourself down.
46:03I'll do a really quick haul.
46:05We've got a massive block of tofu.
46:07At the weekends I like making baked tofu in the oven.
46:09That is massive. Can you hold it next to your head?
46:11We need a scale.
46:13Look guys.
46:15You're actually tofu addicts aren't you?
46:17I know.
46:19What's going on?
46:21I'm so excited about it.
46:23We've got loads of tempeh.
46:25That's a big box of tempeh.
46:27Karma I need to take you for a haircut don't I?
46:29We need to go for a haircut this week.
46:31We've got some more coconut sugar.
46:33She tried to make a pear crumble yesterday
46:35but we didn't have any coconut sugar
46:37so I bought some of this.
46:39And we've got Mia.
46:41We've got custard apples.
46:43She's going to be so happy.
46:47We've got some radishes.
46:49I'm surprised you like custard apples Mia.
46:51I find them a bit of an ordeal.
46:53Calm down.
46:55They're a lot of seeds though aren't they?
46:57I don't mind it.
46:59I just have a bowl and then something
47:01comes out of it.
47:03Fair enough.
47:05Put loads of coconut milk.
47:07Got more curry powder.
47:09Almond butter.
47:11Guys look.
47:13Almond butter.
47:15Hazelnut butter.
47:25You two are not that keen on tahini are you?
47:27No she loves it.
47:29It's not his favourite.
47:31Tahini with sea salt.
47:39What's Xanahoria?
47:43What's Xanahoria?
47:47Is that actually carrot in German?
47:49I mean it sounds like it.
48:01We've got some chickpea tempeh.
48:03We've got some more agave nectar.
48:07Oh by the way actually
48:09when we were watching the video back
48:11and me and Sienna were in the car
48:13and Sienna saying the secret
48:15ingredients for chilli
48:17was maple syrup
48:19and cacao.
48:21Georgie actually corrected her and said no it's agave
48:23and cacao.
48:25It's because of what it was.
48:27We were going to Nanny and Grandad's and we know that they have maple syrup
48:29in their cupboard because they use it on porridge.
48:31So you told us to use maple syrup.
48:33You can use any natural sweetener in the chilli
48:35but it makes it more authentic that it's agave
48:37because chilli is like Tex-Mex isn't it?
48:39So if you use cacao powder in it
48:41and then you're also using agave
48:43it sort of gives it some of like
48:45the Mexican
48:47that sort of vibe.
48:49But you can use maple syrup if you want.
48:55Coconut milk, chickpeas,
48:57more soy yoghurt,
48:59coconut yoghurt
49:01and then we've got some dishwasher
49:03tablets. These are the ones that we get here in Spain.
49:05These are made out of bicarbonate soda
49:07but normally we have
49:09Ecova ones.
49:11Well actually you can get Ecova here but they didn't have any in the shop.
49:13But we ran out.
49:15But we love using Ecova Zero
49:17because it has no perfume but
49:19this is what I've just managed to get.
49:21And then that is it guys.
49:23Isn't it?
49:25I was going to say this is Dad's
49:27new favourite chewing gum but
49:29it was just a bit empty.
49:31That's what I brought out of the car that I need to put in the bin.
49:33We do need to go and stock up on more fresh fruits and vegetables
49:35but we're going to go and do that tomorrow.
49:37I just felt like I wanted to come back.
49:39I feel so tired from that chewing gum.
49:41I can't even get in bed.
49:43I read a book and we've got to
49:45catch up and watch the vlog as well.
49:47Our new vlog's now ready to watch.
