00:00Mr. President, thank you.
00:02Mr. Musk, are there about half of the government
00:05employees so far appear to have responded to your
00:08request for what they've been doing over the past
00:10Is there a timeline in place for next moves for
00:13people being fired?
00:14And when can the American people expect to see
00:16results of that?
00:17Prime Minister Musk Yes.
00:19Well, to be clear, like the — I think that email
00:24perhaps was best interpreted as a performance
00:26review, but actually it was a post-check review.
00:29Do you have a pulse?
00:30Do you have a pulse and two neurons?
00:33So if you have a pulse and two neurons, you can
00:37reply to an email.
00:39This is, you know, I think not a high bar is what
00:42I'm saying.
00:43This is — should be — anyone could accomplish
00:46But what we are trying to get to the bottom of is
00:49we think there are a number of people on the
00:51government payroll who are dead, which is probably
00:55why they can't respond.
00:57And some people who are not real people, like
01:00they're literally fictional individuals that
01:01are collecting paycheck — well, somebody's
01:03collecting paychecks on a fictional individual.
01:05So we're just literally trying to figure out, are
01:06these people real?
01:08Are they alive?
01:09And can they write an email?
01:11Which I think is a reasonable expectation for
01:13the American — you know, the American public
01:15would have at least that expectation of someone in
01:17the public sector.
01:18The Press Mr. Musk, roughly a million —
01:20Prime Minister Musk This is not a high bar, guys.
01:22Come on.
01:23The Press Roughly a million employees have
01:25responded so far to this email.
01:26Does that mean that the remaining one million or
01:29so federal employees now risk being terminated?
01:31And is it your understanding and expectation, when
01:34you post a directive on X, that the Cabinet
01:36secretaries will follow that order?
01:38Because several agencies have instructed employees
01:41that this is voluntary or not to respond.
01:43Mr. Lowe Yeah.
01:45Well, I mean, to be — so I guess it was, like,
01:49last week, the President encouraged me via
01:52TruthSocial and also via phone call to be more
01:56And I was like, okay, you know, yes, sir,
02:00Mr. President, we will indeed do that.
02:03The President, as the Commander-in-Chief, I do
02:05what the President asks.
02:07So I said, can we send out an email to everyone
02:11just saying, what did you get done last week?
02:13And the President said yes, so it did that.
02:17And, you know, we got a partial response.
02:21We're going to send another email.
02:23But our goal is not to be capricious or unfair.
02:27It's — we want to give people every opportunity
02:29to send an email.
02:31And the email could simply be, what I'm working on
02:33is too sensitive or classified to describe.
02:37Like, literally just — that would be sufficient.
02:39You know, I think this is just common sense.
02:44The Press And what is your target number for how
02:45many workers, employees you're looking to cut total?
02:49Mr. Lowe We wish to keep everyone who is doing a
02:52job that is essential and doing that job well.
02:56But if they're — if the job is not essential
02:59or they're not doing the job well,
03:00they obviously should not be on the public payroll.