• el mes pasado
🎥: @_guigrau1

Copyright Notice

Hello, and welcome to our channel! We narrate videos and stories that we find interesting, aiming to share curious, educational, and informative content with our audience. We always strive to respect the intellectual property rights of others and hope that our content is treated with the same consideration.

If you are the owner of any content used in our videos, we kindly ask you to consider the following options:

1. Direct contact via email: If you believe your material has been used inappropriately or would like to receive proper credit, please reach out to us directly at osrguinho@gmail.com. We are always open to dialogue and resolving these matters in a friendly and efficient manner.

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We are always available to resolve any copyright concerns. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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00:00Esse cachorrinho nunca imaginou que correr atrás de um motoqueiro traria tanta confusão.
00:03O motociclista já estava cansado de ser perseguido por cachorros e decidiu fazer algo inusitado.
00:08Ele desceu da moto e deu um baita susto nos cachorros.
00:10Eles ficaram tão confusos que saíram correndo e esqueceram o like.
