‘Baylen Out Loud’_ Collin Asks For Baylen’s Parents BLESSING To PROPOSE
00:00So, I'm up here to ask Bailin's parents for their blessing to marry Bailin.
00:08Colin is taking a big step in his relationship with Bailin in this week's episode of Bailin
00:12Out Loud.
00:13I would like to have both of your blessings to have your daughter's hand in marriage.
00:16I know what's coming.
00:18But before we get to see that major moment, fans got to see how Bailin and Colin got past
00:23their major fight at her birthday.
00:25To recap, Bailin got upset with Colin for disappearing while she needed help with a
00:29couch delivery, but turns out Colin was actually working on a surprise for her.
00:33Colin walked out on my birthday because I didn't like or appreciate his cowboy outfit
00:38Colin wanted to do this to ease my stress a little bit on my birthday.
00:43However, it has definitely made me more stressed because of the miscommunication during the
00:48whole day.
00:49What's the matter?
00:51I'm like sitting here fighting with myself not to be mad because it's the wrong time
00:55to be upset and I don't know how to not be upset.
00:59I got to take this off.
01:00You can't take me seriously.
01:02Don't let a guy tell you that you're wrong for how you're reacting to their thing.
01:06If something makes you upset, it makes you f***ing upset.
01:09That's not your fault.
01:10That's not your problem that you're upset.
01:12It's his problem to deal with that says, okay, maybe I did mess up.
01:16Maybe I should have gone and helped my girlfriend take nine f***ing pieces of a couch and take
01:21it upstairs.
01:22What was he planning?
01:24Daisy Dukes and a t-shirt.
01:26Baelin eventually went outside to talk to Colin about the fight.
01:30Do you want to come back inside?
01:32Do you think I want to be out here?
01:34Then let's go.
01:35Do you think I want to be out here?
01:36Then let's go.
01:37Get up and let's go.
01:38I was trying to make you laugh on your birthday.
01:41Like you never see me like this.
01:43So I just thought it would be a funny thing to make you laugh and get the mood high and
01:49It completely backfired because we went into, you weren't there three hours ago.
01:55Baelin and I don't fight very often.
01:57This fight is by far the biggest fight we've ever had.
02:01I actually just want to go to the bathroom and cry right now because I just haven't had
02:06a f***ing day.
02:09I'm done talking about this.
02:11I'm done talking about it.
02:12I won't bring it up.
02:13For God's sake, the f***ing couch is there.
02:15It's f***ing fine.
02:18It's great.
02:21In the end, the two were able to mend things and get back to the party.
02:34There's still a lot of things that me and Collin need to discuss, but all my friends
02:38are here and Collin's parents are on their way here to meet my parents for the first
02:44So for now we're going to go in and try to have some fun.
02:47The two quickly had to get back to normal because Collin's parents were on his way to
02:51meet Baelin's parents for the first time.
02:54It kind of sucks that we just had the biggest fight of our entire relationship.
03:01Our parents' meeting is top priority to the both of us and I mean, it's been two years.
03:07It's been long overdue.
03:09We hope that it goes really well and that the rest of the night just goes up from here.
03:15And thankfully that meeting went off without a hitch.
03:17Everything's been good for Collin.
03:18I've seen Collin change a lot being with Baelin in positive ways.
03:23I've talked to Collin a lot and I grilled him.
03:27My number one thing and my whole concern is I need to know you're going to do everything
03:32you can to kind of protect my daughter and make sure that she's okay.
03:36He told us about that and I was serious like, and I mean, he said he was sweating bullets.
03:43Collin's parents even revealed they hope Baelin and Collin can start building a life
03:48I really do believe in my heart that Baelin's the one that God has put in Collin's life
03:52and vice versa.
03:53I mean, who knows?
03:55Maybe marriage is down the road.
03:57I have good feelings about both of them.
04:03I think Chuck and Marlene's point of view of Collin and Baelin moving forward with their
04:08relationship is a good long-term goal.
04:12Our perspective is take things slow.
04:16Lily Baelin enjoyed her birthday and the next day she talked to Collin about their
04:20fight and expressed some of her family's concerns.
04:22With my Tourette's or anything, what happens when things get tough?
04:35Like I'm not just going to walk out and leave you because we get into an argument.
04:40I'm in it for the long haul.
04:42So if I take a five minute break or a 10 minute break, that doesn't mean that when
04:47times get tough or your condition gets worse, I'm just going to leave you.
04:52I think we're only going to get busier.
04:55Things are only going to get harder, but that's what a relationship is all about.
04:59And if this ever happens again where I'm not here and you need help with something like
05:06I'm going to drop anything and everything that I have to be here.
05:10Although Baelin and Collin were able to move past the fight, her sister Sammy still feels
05:14a type of way about how Collin handled the fight.
05:18She met up with him for coffee to talk about everything.
05:21And that meeting took an unexpected turn.
05:24How did we go from I'm upset at how you treated Bae to now we're getting engaged?
05:31Am I living in the twilight zone right now?
05:36Well this seems kind of fast.
05:39Why do you think now is the right time?
05:42I think that's such a simple question, but always a hard question to answer.
05:49I've known for a while that I want to marry her and I want her to be my wife and I want
05:55to spend every day of my life with her.
05:57Oh my God, hearing wife.
05:58I don't ever.
05:59Oh my God.
06:02I don't know how we just moved in together, but this is something that I want to do for
06:08Baelin to show her that I'm dedicated and I promise that for the rest of my life that
06:16I will be there for her.
06:18This is a lot to process.
06:20In my heart, I know that Baelin has been dreaming of getting engaged, so I guess this really
06:25does prove that Collin is committed to Baelin.
06:28But another part of me feels like this is moving rather quickly and is Collin really
06:35up to the challenge of everything that comes with Baelin and a commitment to her.
06:41Next up was getting Baelin's parents blessing.
06:44My promise to the both of you is that I promise to always protect her, to honor and respect
06:49her and to love her the way that she deserves to be loved.
06:55With that being said, I do have a serious question to ask you too.
07:03I would like to have both of your blessings to have your daughter's hand in marriage.
07:13The question didn't come as a complete surprise to Alan and Julie, but they were still shocked.
07:18Alan asked for their blessing so soon.
07:20Things are moving very fast.
07:22He drove all the way here for this.
07:25I'm thinking, oh God, what if this is a no?
07:30Fans will have to wait until next week to see if Collin got their blessing, but fans
07:34did get to see Alan and Julie talk about deep brain stimulation and how it could possibly
07:40help Baelin.
07:41Is there a way that deep brain stimulation could possibly be one of the answers?
07:47So it's a brain surgery.
07:48Pretty much there's an instrument here and then an instrument placed where we know that
07:52ticks live in the brain.
07:53So it interrupts the whole tick-toretic process.
07:56It's a pretty invasive surgery, which obviously is terrifying, but it also could be very life-changing.
08:02It's scary.
08:03Of course it's scary.
08:06I know.
08:08Let's talk to Baelin about it in person when we go over there for dinner.
08:12Baelin's never been a fan of DBS and she's always been standoffish, so I'm hoping that
08:19she at least is open to hearing about it.
08:23I just want to be making sure that we've done every single thing we can.
08:28When Alan and Julie stopped by for dinner, they asked Baelin if she would consider learning
08:33more about the procedure.
08:36As your mom and dad give you every option that we can, we want to see you keep moving
08:42forward, right?
08:44Just listen.
08:49When my stress elevates and gets worse, my ticks follow closely behind.
08:55They get worse, too.
08:56But just because I have a new screaming tick does not mean that I need to have deep brain
09:03stimulation surgery.
09:05At the same time, the goal is for myself to become as independent as possible, so I'm
09:11open to getting more information about DBS.
09:15I'm willing to listen, but at the same time, I don't want it to feel like I'm going in
09:20there as a consultation to get ready to do it.
09:24I don't want to feel pressured either, and I don't want you to feel pressured.
09:28I'm willing to learn more.