• 2 days ago
Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) mengungkap kronologi kasus korupsi minyak mentah yang melibatkan tujuh orang tersangka.
00:00Agung's investigation reveals the chronology of corruption cases in the management of raw oil and waste products
00:07at PT Pertamina Subholding and the Contractor-Contractor Partnership K3S, which took place throughout 2018-2023.
00:16In a press conference held at the Agung Jakarta Investigation Building on Monday night, February 24,
00:23the Director of Investigation at the Agung Muda Jaksa in the field of Special Criminal Activity Jampitsus Kejagung, Abdul Kohar, said
00:31Pertamina must find a team of land oil from domestic contractors before planning to import land oil.
00:39However, based on the facts obtained by the investigation, it is expected that the RS, SDS, and AP
00:46will conduct conditions in the field of oil optimization or OH, which is the basis for reducing waste products
00:54by deliberately rejecting the production of raw oil from K3S.
00:59Thus, the production of land oil in the country is not absorbed entirely,
01:04until in the end, the replenishment of raw oil and waste products is done by import.
01:11The import purchase price, when compared to the price of land oil production in the country,
01:18there is a very high price comparison or a very significant price difference.
01:29So, I made it clear that when K3S exported its oil because it was bought by PT Pertamina,
01:37then at the same time PT Pertamina imported its oil.
01:46In the case, Kejagung placed seven suspects, namely RS, SDS, YF, AP, then MKAR, DW, and YFJ,
01:57with the loss of the country estimated to reach Rp193.7 trillion.
02:03From Jakarta, Asfar Muhammad, Antara News Agency, reporting.
