Kein Grund zu feiern bei den Grünen
Eine Regierungsbeteiligung der Grünen ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.
Abonnieren Sie! Euronews gibt es in 12 Sprachen.
Eine Regierungsbeteiligung der Grünen ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.
Abonnieren Sie! Euronews gibt es in 12 Sprachen.
00:00Well, don't let the music in the background deceive you, this has been a disappointing night for the Greens that wouldn't warrant a big party.
00:08There are three key takeaways from this election for the Greens and all of them are quite painful.
00:14The first one is the result that they themselves have got. The polls predicted them to get between 10-14% of the vote share.
00:22They have landed at just under 13%, so a disappointing evening for them personally.
00:28And then the second takeaway is that this result doesn't put them in a good position to be part of Germany's next government.
00:35Neither in a possible Kenya coalition between three parties, between the SPD, the CDU and the Greens, or in a possible two-way coalition with the CDU, which is now almost mathematically impossible.
00:48And the third key takeaway is that they have lost significant support, significant shares of voters to the left, to the Linke, which have run a very successful social media campaign over the closing days of the campaign season.
01:02And now the most pressing question going forward for the Greens is going to be, what can they do to get their core share of voters, to get young voters back on track and back into their camp.