• 2 days ago
Amberlynn is bored at 1am while staying at Becky’s sister’s house so she turns on a YouNow live stream with Becky in the background. She says she and Krystle are planning to meet each other halfway between Kentucky and Virginia, but nothing solid yet. Amberlynn tells us how thin the porkchops were that Becky’s sister made for dinner, but they were good. We take a look back at when Amberlynn tried Melatonin that one time but doesn’t want to be bothered to try again for her inability to sleep lately. Amberlynn shares some insight on Grammarlynn. She says she didn’t go to the gym today and isn’t sure what the plans for tomorrow are, so she’s not sure if she will be able to fit in a day at the gym, even though she has no intentions on going, she’s going to leave us guessing. She says Florida is more fun than Kentucky, but Becky doesn’t want to leave Kentucky. Amberlynn says she told Becky it’s not necessary to be in the videos if Becky doesn’t feel comfortable on camera. Becky forgot that quitting the cabinet making job meant Amberlynn making herself a boss. She talks about the steps she’s taking for her mental health so far and hoping to not have to put too much more effort into it. She says she never takes medicine unless she’s really sick, so it works well when she takes it so she isn’t sure why the new med isn’t working how she had hoped it would. She assures us her doctor was highly recommended, by Eric. Someone in the chat says they are proud of her and she says she doesn’t need anyone to be proud of her because she’s so proud of herself for getting Rarity spayed and seeing a doctor. Amberlynn loves her black pants. We see a few clips from Amberlynn’s Instagram the next day.
