Nota1900 - Frysteev - Going HD Without Going Insane

  • 15 years ago
GOING HD WITHOUT GOING INSANE, with Frysteev. High Definition has become commonplace in the consumer world, but if you think the confusion ends with the sales guy at the big box store explain lcd vs. plasma, you're wrong. The broadcast world is full of many standards and technologies with new ones every day. We will take a look at building an HD Television studio on a budget and the digital production workflow. For all their promises, these "better" technologies don't always quite work, leaving many professionals frustrated and at the whim of customer support. There are many gaps which mean opportunities for creative and enterprising people to make, modify and hack existing equipment to work. Steev likes bacon, and hardware hacking. Mostly self taught, he has been ripping open gear and digging in equipment racks as long as he can remember. Getting shocked, cut and burnt does not deter him but he would rather avoid it as the result of trying to make things work the way he wants instead of they way they were designed.
