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Surah Al-Falaq, known as "The Daybreak," is the 113th chapter (Surah) of the Qur'an. It consists of five verses (Ayat) and is classified as a Meccan Surah, meaning it was revealed during the early period of Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) prophethood in Mecca. This Surah, along with Surah An-Nas (the following Surah), is often referred to as Al-Mu’awwidhatayn, which translates to "the two protectors." These two Surahs are recited for seeking refuge and protection from various forms of evil.

The Surah opens with a command from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to seek refuge in Him, specifically in the "Lord of the Daybreak." The verses emphasize the importance of seeking divine protection from the evils that can affect individuals, particularly those that arise during the night or from unseen forces. The Surah can be broken down into the following key themes:

1. **Seeking Refuge**: The Surah begins with the Prophet being instructed to seek refuge in Allah, highlighting the importance of turning to God for protection against harm.

2. **The Lord of Daybreak**: The reference to "the Lord of the Daybreak" symbolizes hope, renewal, and the dispelling of darkness. It serves as a reminder that Allah is the ultimate source of light and guidance.

3. **Protection from Evils**: The subsequent verses outline specific evils from which protection is sought, including:

- The evil of created beings (verse 2).

- The evil of darkness when it spreads (verse 3).

- The evil of those who practice witchcraft or sorcery (verse 4).

- The evil of envy (verse 5).

### Verses of Surah Al-Falaq

1. **Verse 1**: "Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak.'"

2. **Verse 2**: "From the evil of that which He created."

3. **Verse 3**: "And from the evil of darkness when it settles."

4. **Verse 4**: "And from the evil of the blowers in knots."

5. **Verse 5**: "And from the evil of an envier when he envies.'"

### Historical Context

Surah Al-Falaq was revealed during a time when the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) faced significant opposition and hostility from the Quraysh tribe and other groups in Mecca. It is believed that this Surah, along with Surah An-Nas, was revealed to provide comfort and protection to the Prophet and the early Muslim community against the various forms of harm they encountered, including physical, psychological, and spiritual threats.

### Significance in Daily Life

The recitation of Surah Al-Falaq holds a special place in the daily lives of Muslims. It is commonly recited for protection, especially before sleeping. According to Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) would recite Surah Al-Falaq along with Surah An-Nas and Surah Al-Ikhlas before going to bed, cupping his hands and blowing over them to seek protection from any harm. This practice is a Sunnah (tradition) that many Muslims continue to observe today.

### Spiritual and Psychological Benefits

Reciting Surah Al-Falaq is believed to provide spiritual and psychological benefits


