• el mes pasado
DID YALL MISS ME?? cus i missed yall lol i know iā€™ve been off & on from social media but mainly off for a while which is no excuse but i am only human & as human we go through real life situations so i just decided to take a break from everything all together but moving forward i canā€™t wait to share this new journey of life with you guysšŸ’—.. xoxo

Instagram - @_lifeasnina
Twitter - @arealbarbiewrld
Tik Tok - @simonenina4
Snapchat - @theeninasimone


00:00Hey y'all it's your girl Nina Simone and I'm finally back with another video and today's
00:21video is gonna be a little different but not really that different but I know y'all been
00:29wondering where I've been and today we trying something different I got a new camera so
00:36I don't really know how to work it like that and I don't know if I like it because it's
00:42not staying still and I don't know how to get it to stay still but I'm in the gym right
00:49now and I am packing to go on tour so I know a lot of y'all have been asking me like oh
00:59Nina where have you been? We miss you. It's the night that I am. Truth be told, I miss y'all too.
01:08Y'all I've been gone for like personal reasons and I just felt like I don't know it really wasn't
01:16no point of me posting on the internet because I just wasn't comfortable with posting on the
01:22internet. Last year, 2024, well I don't know it was like this big old hatred on me and if you know
01:30you know but I'm gonna talk about that but I also want to tell y'all about how I'm about to leave
01:38and I'm about to go on tour for the next like seven months. The tour starts tomorrow. Tomorrow is the
01:44first day of tour. I don't know if it's gonna focus and show y'all but today is February the
01:513rd and tomorrow is the first day of tour which is February 4th and we will be in Minnesota tomorrow.
01:58Let me show y'all the lineup of the tour. This is my first day with this camera so please forgive me.
02:08I still don't know if y'all could read all those dates because they're so small but basically these
02:14are all of the tour dates that we will be going on and I will be going to each and every last
02:21one and I'm kind of upset I gotta hold this camera because I ordered my tripod but it doesn't come
02:26till tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to- Oh! It stood up though! Anywho, y'all I'm in the gym
02:35right now and it looks crazy because it's closed all over the place. Trust me we're not dirty it's
02:40just closed and then not only that this is majority of my stuff because I'm trying to pack to get ready
02:47to leave tomorrow because my flight leaves at 12 so that's what I'm doing right now and I look a
02:54mess so please don't judge how I look but yeah so I leave tomorrow to go on tour for seven months and
03:02I'm excited because this is a new journey for me this is nothing I've never done before this is my
03:08first time ever going on a tour and actually working so I feel like this is gonna be a cool
03:15experience and it's also gonna be something that you know I get to share with y'all and I'm excited
03:21that I get to share this with y'all because I haven't been I haven't been what's the word
03:27consistent and not only have I not been consistent but I've also like just not been in tune with
03:36reality like I really just been taking time to myself you know like mentally healing because
03:42I'm not gonna lie like 2024 really destroyed I ain't gonna say it destroyed me because nothing
03:48can destroy me 2024 and then not only that I thought this camera was supposed to move when
03:53I move so if I stand up I feel like it's supposed to move it's not doing it anywho I feel like it
04:03got the best of me it didn't destroy me but it definitely got the best of me and that's okay
04:07because I feel like we all we all go through hard times the whole reason for me sitting here talking
04:14is because I know a lot of y'all wanted to know like oh Nina why haven't you been posting why
04:19haven't you been on YouTube like you need to drop a YouTube video you need to drive you need to drop
04:25we miss you on YouTube this and that and it wasn't because I didn't want to post but like in the
04:31beginning the last year it's like I felt like every time I posted a video on YouTube or every
04:39time I posted a tick-tock it was always somebody having something to say and I wasn't fucking with
04:46that I wasn't fucking with that at all so I just had to take a break I had to take a mental break
04:51from social media because it just wasn't it wasn't doing me no good like whatsoever but yeah actually
04:58I'm about to post on my Instagram and I'm about to ask them some questions they want me to answer
05:05while I pack my bags so yeah I'm gonna ask some questions on my duck page and once the questions
05:11start coming in I'm gonna start answering them and I'm gonna come right back okay yeah I'm back
05:16right quick for an intermission because I want to show y'all my suit ah shit I just hurt my knee but
05:21I want to show y'all my suitcase that I just picked up today just to get to her oh my god y'all it's
05:26so cute look and it says juicy couture right there and it's so big but it's an XL suitcase
05:33so cute I got it from Marshall's yep all right so I'm back and the questions is coming through and
05:44they coming through fast so while I'm packing I'm going to answer these and the first question I got
05:54was how do you how do you handle stress anxiety um actually when it comes to being stressed out
06:01I tend to really just distance myself I like to be alone so whenever I'm feeling stressed I just
06:09distance myself and it's like I go in I don't know like fucking hibernation like I start hibernating
06:15I don't know like I don't I really don't want to be around people but not only that like stress is a
06:22very hard thing to deal with like it's not easy at all and as y'all can tell I was stressed out
06:28so bad to the point where I lost so much weight and see this is really just me being vulnerable
06:34and not like and really just giving y'all the inside and being truthful with what I went through
06:42like yeah I lost so much weight and I don't even know if you could see it like with the light being
06:47damn right here I might need to um I might need to get an extra light but even if like I don't know
06:55like you could even tell in my face that I lost so much weight like look you can see my whole neck
06:59you could you never used to be able to see my own but it's okay because 2025 I'm getting back to me
07:08and I'm really taking the time out to just cater to me and just be all about me I'm not gonna keep
07:14going to extra miles to try to please anybody else because obviously when you do shit like that it
07:20never works out in your favor so you really just gotta tend to yourself instead of trying to make
07:26everybody else around you happy okay so the next question is your Tokyo trip y'all my Tokyo trip
07:35was a blast and I'm so upset that I didn't really like get to film my Tokyo trip like I got to a
07:42point where I was so used to not posting on social media and not recording my whole life where it
07:49just became like a thing for me like I just started living in the moment and really just enjoying
07:53myself and enjoying the people around me but my Tokyo trip was a blast like we had so much fun it
08:01was so much fun Japan I feel like Japan is a country that everybody should experience but not
08:07only just Japan I feel like everybody should experience going to Tokyo even though I know
08:11everybody may not be able to afford it but you can always save up your save up your money save
08:16up your coins as we grow older and as we become more like knowledgeable to what's going on in the
08:23world I feel like you should always travel save your money so you could travel instead of just
08:29spending your money on things that don't really matter like clubbing or like spending all your
08:34money on clothes and shoes save your money up and take a trip like even if even if you don't have no
08:40friends that don't take shit like that serious or like always want to be around the bush like oh I
08:47gotta pay for this I gotta pay for that I'm not gonna have no money say if you work a job is no
08:52reason why you cannot save your coin experiencing different cultures in different countries is so
08:59much fun like I don't know but that's like that's like it's so long I'm not gonna lie that's probably
09:04like the only thing I didn't like about it but other than that it was a 10 out of 10 trip I
09:09really enjoyed that you're um the next question says why do you be off the internet so much now
09:14but yeah I just don't feel like just to keep it real like the internet is very cruel like not
09:22like a motherfucker on the internet could really break me down but it's just that people always
09:27speak on shit they they know nothing about it just gets to a point where it's like nobody wants to
09:32keep dealing with that shit so therefore I just stepped away from you because I felt like at that
09:37point I had no choice but to just like focus on myself but not only that I feel like motherfuckers
09:44really just wasn't fucking with me like after the whole father now with me and Saniya I feel like
09:50motherfuckers really just wasn't fucking with me when every single time I made a post it was
09:55somebody has something negative to say like I'm not without it okay I'm not y'all not finna keep
09:59trying to pull me down and make me look like a fulfilled person once again so I just took a
10:06break from that shit and that's really the same reason why I took a break from YouTube because I
10:10didn't like how every single time I posted a video with heaven y'all was in the comments talking bad
10:19about her like oh I don't I don't like heaven like I don't know it's something about heaven
10:27that I don't like like she gives groupie like oh she tried to take Saniya's spot like what stop it
10:39that shit right that shit first of all all this shit is not gonna fit in this suitcase I don't
10:47know what the fuck I was thinking anywho back to what I was saying I was really just depressed and
10:54I was sad it's kind of hard like I like if you if you've never experienced like a friendship breakup
11:02then you'll never understand where I'm coming from but if you know what I mean then you know
11:09what I mean but mind you like people gotta understand me and her have been best friends
11:14for almost like 10 years we've been best friends for almost 10 years and we've never had a
11:22disagreement and then not only that like people like constantly um saying weird shit in my comments
11:30wasn't making me feel no better because you gotta understand like I see that shit and I see that
11:36shit every day like that shit comes to my phone so I was seeing everything I was saying like every
11:41single thing y'all was commenting under my videos under my pictures under my tik-toks I've seen it
11:49all or not even that or like if a fan page was supposed to video and y'all will comment y'all
11:55opinions under there I will see that too and it's so easy for people to be like oh just ignore like
12:00just ignore it it's easier said it done like that's not just some shit you can't know especially
12:07when people trying to make you look like a bad friend or trying to make you feel like you switched
12:13up on somebody when that was never the case y'all just don't know that shit hurt me bad than any
12:17nigga could ever hurt me like ever in my fucking life and then not only that like a lot of like a
12:23lot of times y'all be trying to ask me like like oh are y'all still friends or like why we don't
12:28see you around or like why you always hanging with so-and-so and y'all don't never be inviting
12:36woo-woo-woo but it's just like bro it's not like that like I'm not even gonna lie like as of today
12:42mind you this thing going on since 2023 so 2025 makes two years that we have not been like that
12:52we have not been really like on the best of terms so you got to think about like once two years go
12:58by it's like y'all really just grow apart from each other like shit is not the same shit will
13:04never be the same even though I'm sorry to break it to y'all but it'll never be the same like it's
13:11just not something that that I like that's not the way I chose for it to go but I mean once you
13:19spent so much time apart from someone then she changes you know like she's just not the same
13:28it's like at this point in my life I don't like y'all I'm just moving on I'm moving on and I still
13:37love her and I still have so much love for her but you know we as people we grow up and we grow
13:43apart and that's okay like it's okay bitch I done cried about it I didn't did all type of shit I
13:49didn't mean depressed to the point where I can't eat bitch like and I don't think she know that
13:55which is that's I mean that's between me and me only but I'm I'm choosing to tell y'all this
14:00because I don't think y'all ever really got to hear my side and how the shit made me feel because
14:07I never really talked about it like I've never talked about it at all because I just wasn't
14:12ready to but not only that it's just like I ain't gonna lie like what fucked me up was the fact that
14:20everybody was bashing me like nobody took up for me not once so I don't know like once once it got
14:29to that point I was really just like fuck everybody fuck everybody ain't got no kickin
14:33for y'all I don't have nothing like I don't give a fuck to be around y'all I don't give a fuck to
14:39talk to y'all I just don't give a fuck but I'm moving on I'm taking shit for what it is y'all
14:47I'm 21 I'll be 22 this year so one thing I'm not about to do is try to beg somebody to be in my
14:57life or to beg somebody to do right by me or to or beg somebody to choose me like no not like come
15:07on now I know my value I know my worth and I know like I've always been a good friend I'm a good
15:14person I know I've never wronged anybody especially nobody I call my friend so I'm just not begging
15:19nobody to do right by me and I'm not begging nobody to choose me I'm always gonna choose
15:23myself first like going into 2025 this year is really just all about me it's all about me me me
15:30me me me me me I don't care it's all about me because when I look back on these past few years
15:36like I've always been about everybody else like I've always put everybody first before I put me
15:42first like I've never I let y'all bash me I let y'all say bad shit about me I let y'all say whatever
15:47the fuck y'all want to say about me however the fuck y'all feel oh Nina you a weirdo like you're
15:52not a real friend you're a bad friend you're not a good friend cuz you ain't posting such on
15:57a birthday so it's my page what are we doing and then not only that y'all y'all don't even be making
16:04it make sense because it's like if me and somebody is into it why would I post them on their birthday
16:09when that's just being fake like that's being fake not only is that being fake but that's just
16:14trying to that's that's me putting on the image for y'all that's me doing that for y'all like
16:21that's not me doing that for myself that's what that's me doing that for y'all but y'all was so
16:26mad at me about that shit oh y'all did not let that shit go like y'all ate me up about that shit
16:31like oh you a weirdo like oh I seen you in the back of her video and you was being distant yeah
16:39because right before I got there a bitch was bawling her eyes out crying like I have been
16:43crying that whole fucking day like the vibes were not vibing and I have been crying that whole
16:48fucking day about her like what like y'all don't understand y'all don't know what I went through
16:54and it's like I'm not even trying to get no sympathy because like I said shit being shit
16:58it's been it's it's been like time has been passed like I really did I don't I'm not I'm
17:04not looking for no fucking sympathy because if I was looking for sympathy and I would have been
17:08addressed this shit in 2023 or yeah in 2023 like the fuck I never addressed this shit I never said
17:16shit to y'all about what the fuck was going on in my life because that was like I said that wasn't
17:20y'all motherfucking bees okay but I mean now I'm to the point where I'm moving on and um I'm not
17:29I'm gonna say moving past it I'm not gonna say like moving on because obviously I haven't moved
17:35on from it if I'm still talking about it and I'm still fucked up about it so obviously I haven't
17:41moved on yet but I'm trying to move on which is why I'm talking about it with y'all right now but
17:47um it's no hard feelings towards anybody I don't have no hard feelings towards anybody I don't feel
17:53no way towards anybody I mean of course I'm still fucked up behind this shit because that was my
17:59best friend so it hurts me knowing that shit might not shit might never be the same and if it in it
18:05and if it comes back to what it once was then only God knows you know let's see what these
18:12questions is saying why are you leaving until September I'm tripping like I said in the beginning
18:18of the video y'all I'm going on tour with my brother my brother is going on a world tour with
18:24Tyler the creator and I will be tagging along because like I said like y'all this is this is
18:31more so for myself like for my mental health I really just want to get my mental right and staying
18:35in Atlanta is just not the way to go like I'm not even gonna lie to y'all like just being in Atlanta
18:41and going through what I went through it's just like I just want to get away from this place so
18:47that's what I'm doing and this is I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to do it not only that
18:52but yeah I'm about to travel the world like a lot of people don't get that opportunity so I'm beyond
18:57blessed that I even get the opportunity to do something like this how has your mental been so
19:04far this year my mental so far in 2025 has been so much better than it was in 2024 like I'm much
19:12happier and going into 2025 I really just like told myself that you gotta stop caring you gotta
19:20stop giving a fuck and that's really just how I'm moving from now on like I'm not I'm not caring
19:26about nothing I'm not putting my all into anything I'm not showing nobody um no emotion I'm just not
19:34doing like I don't know because I feel like when you when you show people your soft side and when
19:39you show people how hard you'll go for them they tend to take you for granted and that's that's
19:44back to that's going back to to where I said I'm pouring into me and I'm only really giving a fuck
19:50about me right and it's not even just being selfish but like bro these past few years I poured
19:58into everybody else and nobody has never poured it to me back so it's like now I'm taking the
20:04time to really just heal myself and pour back into myself so I can feel like myself again so
20:10I could feel like Nina Simone so I can give y'all these everyday vlogs not everyday vlogs but actually
20:16I'm gonna try to vlog every day like I'm really gonna try to vlog every single city we go to and
20:21if I don't fuck that I'm going to I'm going to and yeah I mean that's just that I'm trying to
20:30give back to me and I feel like the best way possible to do that is to just go away so that's
20:36what I'm doing um they say how was life where you been hiding sister girl I hope all is well though
20:42yes all is well y'all I haven't been hiding really I mean like I'm in a relationship but I
20:48don't feel like that's hiding but then again I don't know maybe I could be hiding but I'm about to come
20:56back out my shell so y'all don't got to worry about that but life is good right now life is
21:01great actually I'm very happy and I'm very excited you said why you don't be on YouTube
21:08often do you not really care to are you just getting lazy no it's not even about me being
21:13lazy but I think I have to understand the definition of depression and what it makes
21:19you do because if you've really been depressed and if you've actually gone through depression
21:25then you know you can't do nothing why you can't do nothing you don't even want to eat like it was
21:31days where I was going out eating I didn't want to eat it's not me being lazy like I was real life
21:37depressed I just didn't want to do shit I didn't even want to cater to my business like I had a
21:42whole business I dropped the whole business it didn't even tend to the fucking business because
21:47I was so fucking depressed like and about that too because I seen a lot of you bitches and my
21:52comments trying to be funny not even know what the fuck be going on but it's cool I'm gonna let
21:57y'all hang it because like I said 2025 I'm popping my shit and when I get back from this tour I'm
22:02gonna pop my shit even more I'm done being humble I've been humble way too long I've been humble
22:07for as long as y'all been knowing me but I'm about to pop my shit I swear to God um when are
22:14you gonna start back selling here I wish I could start back now but I'm about to be gone and I'm
22:20not gonna have nobody to do orders and stuff like that for me so I'm probably just gonna have to
22:25start back once I get y'all I'm so fucking distracted like I don't even know I'm doing
22:30right now first of all I just put all these sweatpants in his suitcase or all these jeans
22:35in his suitcase and it just took up majority of the suitcase this is not a big suitcase and I
22:39think I'm putting them on the wrong side turn it around hold on let me turn it around I really
22:50think I'm gonna need two big suitcases because I really don't feel like this isn't like this is
22:55but okay back to these questions though I don't advice on how to get over that favorite ex as a
23:02young woman um I don't know like I really don't know when it comes to relationships I'm really
23:09not the best person to get advice from I would leave a nigga quick I would leave a nigga quick
23:15I don't play with niggas at all like not even a little bit so with that being said I really don't
23:20know how to give y'all advice because a nigga could look at me the wrong way and he's done so
23:27I don't know y'all like forever honestly keep going I guess I don't know I don't want to tell
23:33y'all to keep going back until you hate the nigga because the fruit but that shit is fucking
23:37pointless but I don't know like if sometimes you really just gotta move on like that's that's that's
23:44um that's the only thing I could tell y'all for real just move on like especially if somebody
23:49is showing you they don't want you or if they don't choose you if they don't pick you move on
23:53maybe I don't need this many pair of fucking jeans but I don't know relationships are easy
24:02so I'm not even finna try to act like they are because they're not but yeah what did
24:102024 teach you about life to love yourself love yourself first before you try to love
24:18anybody else okay love yourself first pour into yourself first because if you don't then nobody
24:23else will it says what are certain things people stress about at high school that you feel they
24:32don't matter after everything everything everything don't none of that shit matter ain't even gonna
24:41lie like don't none of that shit matter as long as you do what you got to do and graduate don't
24:47matter maybe today you walk out of that school you're not gonna give them about anything you're
24:53not gonna care about none of that like I don't know I feel like the whole point is stressing
24:59at high school is to make sure you graduate I feel like that's why everybody's everybody
25:03stress so much about high school but if you know you're good and if you know your grace is good if
25:08you know you do your homework if you know you study you're gonna be good I feel like school
25:12is not enough to stress about school is some somewhere you supposed to have fun like that
25:17ain't that ain't nothing to stress about honestly just have fun and enjoy it while you can because
25:21it's going to be gone very very quick like I know my time flew by so fast I've been out of high
25:27school almost four years and I cannot believe it I cannot believe it like I graduated 2021 like what
25:35that shit is crazy do you want to live in Atlanta forever probably yeah I'm a southern girl like I'm
25:44from the South I really don't see myself living nowhere else except for the South like as of right
25:51now and me like me being 21 I don't I'm not trying to move out of town no ma'am it's an
25:59advice on how to deal with jealous females in high school and just negativity period um I don't know
26:06like growing up like growing up and being it like going to high school and being in high school I
26:11never really had anybody like actually like of course girls was jealous but nobody ever really
26:18tried to pick on me or try to make me feel like any less than what I was so it's like I wouldn't
26:24tell you how to I really can't tell you how to deal with it but what I can tell you is ignore
26:29because nine times out of ten somebody that's jealous of you is mad because you have something
26:35they don't have so ignore them ignore them I'm just gonna be mad forever ignore them have you
26:43ever had to work a job I've never had to work a job but I have worked jobs I worked at Six Flags
26:51I worked at Foot Locker and I worked at the dentist office a lot of y'all know that a lot of y'all don't
26:57know that but a lot of y'all do know that I worked at like two different dental offices how's your
27:03life at the high school since you graduated y'all when I first graduated life was so fucking fun
27:08like life was so fun to the point where it's like I didn't have a care in the world but now it's like
27:14this shit getting serious cuz it's like Mimi you getting older so you gonna have to you gonna have
27:18to figure out what you want to do in life and what you want to be and who you want to be and I
27:23feel like as of right now me being 21 I'm actually starting to take it I don't say take it serious
27:28because I'm not starting to take it serious but it's no reason to rush if you don't know what you
27:32want to do that's fine that's totally normal I had to learn that the hard way but I mean like
27:39just take this shit day by day like it's nothing to stress about honestly how do you make a name
27:45for yourself and not just be known as Lil Yachty's sister um I don't I don't know how I really don't
27:52know but like I've just always been that girl like even since middle school like I've always
28:00had a lot of followers I've always had the attention I don't know I guess just me being
28:06pretty I really don't know how I even became so popular like I really don't know but I'm cool
28:13like I'm a real cool genuine girl I mean well I'm not like I'm not these little funky bitches on the
28:20internet all because this because these girls on the internet with popularity they really be stuck
28:25up they be stank they don't be who they they don't be who y'all think they be but me I'm cool like
28:31and I'm genuine I mean well so I don't know a lot of people just love me and I'm a cancer
28:38who don't like cancers come on now but um how do you know people truly want to be a friend versus
28:46wanting to be around you just because first of all I don't let nobody come around me if I ain't been
28:53on you I don't care to get to know you I don't want to get to know you and this is what I want
28:58y'all to know because y'all really think heaven just came out the blue but first of all when I
29:03first met heaven heaven started coming around because that was my cousin girlfriend I met heaven
29:09through my cousin like it's not just some bitch that came up out the blue like I met her through
29:15my cousin and we just clicked instantly like come on now and then y'all also gotta know heaven is a
29:21Scorpio and I'm a cancer so that's that's like those are two compatible signs so we really just
29:28clicked like like never before because I love Scorpios I love Scorpios down to a T like I love
29:36me a Scorpio my boyfriend is a Scorpio um this this says how do you feel about everybody getting
29:44your exact tattoos I hate it that shit is weird I don't care what nobody's saying and a lot of
29:50people they try to make me feel like I'm tripping because I feel the way I feel but trust me when I
29:56say I'm not I'm not that shit is weird and she will forever be weird I don't give a damn what
30:03y'all say because my tattoo is my tattoo and then this tattoo that I got right here my tattoo artist
30:11drew on me he freehanded this this tattoo so yes I'm gonna feel some type of way about it because
30:16why the fuck well actually I don't know I don't care about the people who have no problem with
30:24telling with telling you I got this from her I fuck with y'all I like real ass people but you
30:31bitches that get on the net and try to make it seem like oh it's just a tattoo like oh no I didn't
30:37copy her up bitch yes you did and it's okay it's okay but you didn't come up with that yourself
30:43and stop trying to act like you did it's okay to be inspired but don't be a liar like you just
30:49created that yourself oh like I been had this nobody had this till I had this and that's okay
30:56like the fuck it's okay a lot of us are inspired by a bunch of different people it's okay to be
31:03inspired what was your first car what car do you have now yeah my first car was a x6 um the m series
31:12I had the fast one not the x6 x4 I'm tripping I'm manifesting because that's the car I want
31:18that's the next car I'm gonna get but my first car was the x4 m series and then I totaled it and
31:25then I got another x4 but it's just a regular x4 it's not the fast one so I didn't look up the
31:30second time but it's okay I got the same exact car I wasn't really tripping um this question says
31:38are you excited for tour and what city or place are you most excited for um y'all I'm excited to be
31:47going out the country like that's the most that's that's the part that I'm really excited for
31:52not gonna get high that's very exciting like I really can't wait like we're going to Australia
31:58I've never been to Australia like all the places we going to out of the country I've never been to
32:04before never so I'm excited because this is new like this is something new that I've never done
32:11and it's a big experience y'all like I'm gonna be no trouble damn we don't have the world
32:16the bitch ain't gonna be able to tell me nothing okay y'all so I want to show y'all everything
32:25that I got today this is more majority of the stuff that I got today from tj maxx and marshals
32:34or whatever I got these cute cute pajamas like oh my god and they so soft I got this
32:41head thing so cute not head thing it's a neck a neck pillow um then I got these pajamas also
32:51very cute and then I got these pajamas they like light pink with like hot pink lining on them
33:01and then these some pajamas I already had that I'm taking with me from target
33:06you can never go wrong with pj's from target and then I got a bunch of panties a bunch of
33:13juicy couture panties these are so cute I got these and I got these I got like juicy on side
33:22this black pair I like it's my favorite then I got these these are also very cute
33:29very soft then I got these because these are also cute they might give granny but they cute and they
33:36soft they feel good so and these are a couple other things that I had got but I got these a
33:42while back these care bear socks I think I got these from Burlington I got these and I had another
33:49pack but I already opened this pack and then I got these slippers they dirty but I could probably
33:58try to clean that okay what else did I get um like I got these scrunchies so cute and then I got
34:07these bag tags to put on my suitcases I got these bras I thought this one was cute I really only
34:13got it for this bra I didn't I didn't care for these new bras and then um and then I got this
34:20mirror right here but I'm not taking this with me I just got it because I thought it was so cute
34:25and then I got um I got this pink set hold on
34:33oh this look purple but it's like this set with the flare bottoms and then I just got a long sleeve
34:41t- a long sleeve shirt to go with this the same exact color and I got these too but I had got
34:47these like a few days ago at Burlington these pajama shorts they so cute let me show y'all
34:54my progress that I got with packing because yeah okay so one suitcase is packed and still have to
35:05finish packing that suitcase it's all my shit on the floor I'm probably not gonna take all this
35:09stuff that you still see on the floor I'm gonna put my shoes in that suitcase I'm gonna try to
35:13fit as many as I can but I'm finna put my pajamas in that suitcase and then I'm gonna try to get my
35:19necessities and my shower bag in that suitcase as well stuff for like my menstrual period or like
35:27sickness I'm about to get sick my mom bought me mom she just came back from school that's what
35:32she was just talking about these tongs then I got like some Tylenol and then like some Zyrtex I got
35:39allergies bad allergies then I got this that I seen on TikTok it's called Tiger Balm but it's
35:45supposed to help with like pain it's a pain reliever so you're supposed to just like put it
35:50wherever you're feeling pain at and the pain is supposed to go away so we gonna see how that works
35:57this is my hair stuff but I don't know why she put this in here this supposed to go in here
36:04but I got like some headbands in here some scrunchies my edge control some shampoo and
36:09some conditioner I need to put an edge brush in here and then I got this right here for like my
36:15lip glosses in my um lip stuff I need to put the rest of my lip gloss in here too and then I got
36:20me some books a few books it's not all of them though I got like two more or three more I don't
36:28know and then here's my beauty bag I got some toothpaste some rags I got some um disposable
36:38washcloths I got these mini deodorants I got like four of these in here I got some toothbrushes
36:45some pads some more pads some tampons um some shaving cream some razors some soap and some
36:55megabar soap in there it's like it's some and it's some body wash at the bottom I got some
37:02some um toothpicks too but they in my book bag I need to go get my book bag so I can show y'all
37:08my book bag and I got all of these too but I don't know where I'm gonna put these I got these um
37:14melatonin gummies just in case I can't fall asleep I got some vitamins some good
37:22lemon vitamins I also don't know where I'm gonna put these this is the rest of the stuff the extra
37:30stuff that I got I'm probably gonna leave this here but I'm about to finish packing this suitcase
37:38hopefully my stuff will fit in here if not then I'm gonna have to get a third suitcase and that's
37:43just gonna have to be that but I'm about to finish packing these bags and then I'm gonna come back
37:48when I sort my book bag and I put my stuff in my book bag so yeah all right y'all so I don't know
37:59it's it's like five motherfucking hours later and I'm finally done I thought I was only gonna be
38:06able to I thought I was only gonna have two bags but I ended up with three I got two big suitcases
38:12and then one small carry-on but all these getting checked and then I got my book bag but everything
38:20is not in my book bag it's really not playing me even putting a bit back in there but and it says
38:26133 but it's not 133 but yeah my book bag my two suitcases I mean my three suitcases and yeah
38:35it's so junk in here but anyway I'm about to go to sleep because I'm tired and I gotta get up
38:42at like 8 a.m so I'll just check back in with y'all tomorrow bye good night
38:53yeah I just woke up but I ain't been up 30 minutes and I'm already responding to people
39:02on Instagram and honey honey come here I'm not gonna see you oh get up here come here
39:12look I'm not gonna see you for so long my honey baby but um and I'm already responding to people
39:20on Instagram y'all my doors looks crazy because I don't know like y'all keep trying to tell me I
39:28only hang around like skins and that's not true like I don't even like like skins okay I don't
39:33like you like skin niggas and now I'm finna start saying I don't like you like skinny ass bitches
39:38because y'all got me fucked up like never has it ever been a time so now it's like I don't know I
39:45feel like it's not that I have a point to prove but nobody is gonna try to make me seem like
39:50something I'm not that's y'all problem y'all always be trying to ruin somebody reputation but
39:55I'm not going for that shit not going for it but I'm about to get up I'm about to finish getting
40:01ready because I gotta be at the airport and I think I gotta leave out of here by like 10
40:06so yeah I'll be back I gotta brush my teeth and wash my face and put my clothes on because
40:11I've just been laying here on my phone for like so long but I'm finna get up so yeah
40:18okay y'all so I'm dressed and ready to leave out the house but as I'm putting everything in my
40:25book bag it won't fit but like this book bag is stuffed like where am I supposed to put all that
40:37oh and I need to go get a coat you just wear that oh yeah not right now though it's hot outside
40:43right now though it's hot outside but you're gonna have to wear it to the airport and carry it
40:48can't check it no I'm not gonna check it all right y'all time to go
40:55I got this I stole this no look I stole this from my mama you set up it's her yes you could do it
41:17I know it's gonna be so cold I ain't never well actually I have been to Minnesota
41:25y'all we at the airport checking these bags but I feel some kind of way because
41:29why I came to the airport one time and I tried to check my bag to go to
41:35what is it domestic yeah not it's my yeah domestic and they told me I couldn't because
41:39I'm not flying international y'all always come up here it's your status at the time
41:46yeah I know but like what I thought like it wasn't possible at all
41:52no I be coming over here sometimes like if I'm if I gotta carry on I'll go international because
41:57it's never nobody's home but don't don't even know that my dad would know yeah a lot of luggage
42:10that's where our gate is oh no they changed our terminal though
42:14d21 I don't think I've ever been on two
42:19you know you can check and see what's on what's on that
42:22terminal you can check and see what's on the terminal
42:27like the food yeah oh you gotta click on the terminal it's loaded so slow
42:34what concourse are y'all going to d d as in david um it's an auntie annie's a popeye's
42:44a grindhouse chipotle oh okay um it's a little too early for that but
42:50chipotle not my style it's 11 but you know but then I had a bubble goods okay all right all right
42:57um they also have a little small little food court they have a pizza place an Einstein bagel
43:05buffalo wild wings yeah I've never been to that time though definitely and
43:10and they have a chinese food place too okay you have options
43:19it's still low yeah we made it to minnesota still on a plane waiting to get off the plane
43:36you can see the snow on the ground already
43:41yeah I'll probably come back when I get off the plane
43:59all right y'all so we just got to the hotel but it's cold it's
44:03like it's so fucking cold it's 12 degrees let me see if I can flip my camera so y'all can see
44:10my fucking hands shaking it's 12 degrees but we made it at least and we made it safely
44:20all right y'all so oh my ear hurt I finally got to my room though ain't nothing special you know
44:31it's cool but kim brought me some food so I might just eat my food and then I don't know
44:39I don't know if I'm going to sound check or what but like I said I'm gonna eat my food
44:45I'm gonna take this coat off because for one I'm hot as hell but I'm gonna eat my food and then
44:51that needs to be closed I'm gonna eat my food and chill for a second I guess
45:00I'm just not being able to eat my food right but why the fuck um these fries nasty shit because
45:07they called ain't nothing but a little canes bitch I gotta go though because I can't
45:16I can't even sit and eat my motherfucking food because we gotta go sound check
45:23I'm trying to hurt you it's cold
45:27but I haven't ate today so but when I say this shit it's taking so much
45:31in me to motherfucking swallow this shit this shit hurting but I don't know
45:36yeah we just got to the arena for a sound check
45:43I got my pass my picture look cute let me see where y'all at where y'all pass at
45:49I look like a bitch bro no you don't but your eyes look weird it's your eyes like
45:57something on them or something right like yeah but my picture look decent I retook this picture
46:03so many times wasn't even finna play with y'all right when you oh you took that board
46:07of fame they took this on my instagram no Maddie told me to send her a picture I sent her a picture
46:12this is the picture I sent her oh let's see the one I sent yeah that was cool hey let me show you
46:18don't worry about it
46:56give me the mic give me the mic
47:18all right
47:39I was taking that switch out
48:03one two one two
48:18just feel like
49:48but um I was so tired last night so I went to sleep it's not day two because we don't have a
49:56show today we have a day we have a show tomorrow but um we're leaving Minnesota today and going to
50:02Milwaukee so I don't know if I should like end this vlog here and then like come back for day
50:10two like make a whole nother separate video for day two but I feel like if I keep going it's gonna
50:14be a long ass video so I feel like I should probably stop it here today like let today be
50:20the end of this video not right now but let today be the end of this video and then just come back
50:26tomorrow when we in Milwaukee I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get back to y'all when I
50:32get up and start getting ready because it's only like eight o'clock right now and we don't gotta
50:36leave out here until 11 but um I'm still gonna get up before that because I'm pretty sure my
50:45my brother's assistant needs help so I'm gonna help her with his bags because he got like
50:5220 fucking bags so yeah I'm gonna just come back when I'm getting up and I'm getting ready
50:58all right y'all so I'm dressed and ready to go I just got on the same boots that I had on
51:03yesterday and then I got on some black sweatpants and this deadly dolls um calm
51:09heart hoodie they're my calm heart puffer jacket and I'm finna put my motherfucking gloves on
51:16because it's cold outside but right now I'm just taking my luggage downstairs I already took
51:26my other two suitcases but I still got this suitcase and then I need to take my book bag
51:34and yeah good stuff like that but I'm gonna put this headband on so this hair can stay
51:46but basically we couldn't get ready to get on the bus
51:51but just need to hang up there I'm gonna learn how to I'm gonna play with it today
51:59after I end this vlog so I could see
52:11let me get back to business and then I'll holla at y'all a little later
52:16later yeah we just got on the tour bus and somebody ain't brushed they fucking teeth this
52:23morning why you don't do that in the bathroom though I mean it's up to you I would do it in
52:32the bathroom did you see the shower how you turn the light on oh right here where's that
52:41right here the shower nobody okay but this motherfucking nice though who not gonna use
52:48this shower you you gonna put bags in here everybody gonna be able to see you naked
52:53jackass how if you close the door are you stupid oh my god are you stupid the last one are you
53:01stupid shut up talking close the door on that ass
53:09and what else what's this the toilet
53:13oh yeah and then it's the toilet back here so you guys own totally
53:20hey let's make plans we're gonna have what we're gonna have what we're gonna have what bed
53:25well ours is already taken so how many more people is it on this bus it's me you jamal
53:33andy the driver i think mario's gonna be right here at the top
53:39or he might not be like climbing out there or something because he's a big nigga so he might
53:42go to it really don't be that deep to me though if they if they want to sleep right here i get on
53:47the top i really don't care wait so it's just us four it's just four oh and you can change the
53:52light oh that's fire
54:01that's boom okay all right y'all so it's about like 11 o'clock and i'm about to get in the
54:09shower and i'm about to end this vlog off because that was the end of day one of this world tour
54:18and i'm so excited to be back on youtube and i hope y'all are excited for me to be back but
54:25in other words i will see you guys later bye i love y'all