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All my love,
Flossie x
DISCLAIMER - this video was not sponsored, all thoughts and opinions are my own
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Tiktok - flossieclegg
All my love,
Flossie x
DISCLAIMER - this video was not sponsored, all thoughts and opinions are my own
00:00:00Morning, it is a Tuesday. It's the Tuesday before my birthday. It's my last 24 hours being 23 and
00:00:06I'm going for a facial with Charlotte Tilbury to get me birthday girl ready
00:00:28Good morning girls, as I said, it's a Tuesday the Tuesday before my birthday. I have been dying of the bubonic plague
00:00:34I've got like the worst dry itchy cough ever
00:00:38So I just gave myself yesterday off completely lay on the sofa all day watching old Love Island series
00:00:44But I'm feeling a little bit better today. I took so much medicine yesterday, which if you know me, I do not take medicine
00:00:50So, you know, it's bad when I whack out the LEM sip cold and flus
00:00:53I've got like a hundred different cough syrups that I'm drinking like water. I
00:00:58Don't think I should say that on the internet just have my Charlotte Tilbury facial
00:01:01Which is why my skin is probably looking a little bit red, but it was so so lovely. It's such a nice treat
00:01:07I never ever booked myself in for things like that. So it was really nice to have especially a day before my birthday
00:01:13I'm not gonna stop going on about it. It's my birthday week. I can't believe it
00:01:17This vlog is gonna be a really fun one. Obviously, I'm celebrating my birthday birthday birthday birthday
00:01:21I take a shot every time I say birthday celebrating my actual birthday tomorrow with a pretty chill day to be honest
00:01:27I mean you'll see but then on Friday I'm having a little birthday bash God
00:01:31You can really tell my age by the fact I'm saying birthday bash. I need to stop getting on like this
00:01:35I keep making out like I'm really old. I just feel like I'm a millennial in my bones now. I'm not I'm so young
00:01:41I'm so fun. I still got it. I need to get a dress altered
00:01:43I don't even know if I'm obsessive my birthday look my birth my birthday look
00:01:48So I kind of want to order something on backup. I think maybe there's a cute little top and skirt
00:01:55So in fact, they might even have it in stock in a shop near me right now
00:02:00but I'm basically I'm in Covent Garden and I'm just taking myself around like for 30 minutes dipping in and out of shops because I
00:02:08Didn't leave the house once yesterday. I need some fresh air and human interaction
00:02:11I feel like it's not the start of one of my videos if I'm not sat here with some form of fish on toast
00:02:18That's actually so
00:02:20Accurate if you keep up with these vlogs every single start this vlog is fish and toast and look my beautiful
00:02:27Birthday flowers, but my sister grabbed me which I think I should cut them a little bit shorter because they're hanging like that
00:02:34So maybe I'll do that after I have my breakfast as I said, I've been really really poorly and I thought that getting out
00:02:41What I'm like breakfast even talking. I thought that getting out and walking about everything was gonna make me feel a little bit better
00:02:48No, I feel really really awful, but it's not flu. It's not like I've got a flu and I'm bunged off and I'm
00:02:56Mazily wait, let me get her a chicken twist because I'm I'm vlogging and this just we all know this doesn't
00:03:02Bode well with our girl. I came in from my facial and just flopped onto the sofa
00:03:09But I knew that if I stayed there, I was gonna fall back asleep
00:03:12I don't really want to do that. That's all I did yesterday. I need to go and take my dress to get altered
00:03:17It's just things like that, right?
00:03:20It feels like the biggest chore in the world and tell me why it's taking every single ounce of willpower
00:03:26You can go and get it out my dressing room downstairs. I just need it taking up a little bit
00:03:30It's quite different for me. Usually I like a big crazy birthday. Look, but I'm 24 this year
00:03:36I feel like it's not a huge deal like my 25th
00:03:39I can go all out and go crazy about trying to keep it a little bit classy a little bit
00:03:43Understated this year, but I want my hair to be the main event
00:03:46I really want some long thick dark extensions and to be really really tanned
00:03:51So I need to have a look on P2works website and see if I could get them shipped to me in time
00:03:55I don't know why I left everything so last minute after I got my facial done as well
00:03:59Actually, I popped into I'm gonna say into town. Well, I was just saying around and about the common garden area
00:04:06I did go into a few shops. There's nothing I really needed
00:04:09I just went for a mooch, but nothing really took my fancy
00:04:12I had a lovely long leisurely stroll around brandy mile that I haven't been into brandy in so long
00:04:16But Charlotte Tilbury actually gifted me the immediate skin revival routine
00:04:20so this has got the toner in the magic serum a
00:04:25Eye cream I think and then we've got a magic cream in here as well
00:04:29I love Charlotte Tilbury skincare really does a trick and then I went into Boots and I literally picked up some little hairpins
00:04:42Hairpins and then I got some three-quarter length eyelashes to be honest
00:04:46I don't really wear eyelashes, but I just thought I might want them and then I also got a new lip liner
00:04:51What this Rimmel lip liner from the shade brownie pie?
00:04:54It's a really quite dark liner, but when I've got a tan feel like it could look good
00:04:58But it's a little bit of more. It's like a warm brown
00:05:01I mean, it's pretty dark as you can see, but I've seen some girls on tik-tok use this
00:05:06So I thought I'd try it out actually really positive about my birthday this year
00:05:10Usually it's like a little bit slight little bit of birthday breakdown looming, but
00:05:15Already good. I also just got the most insane news ever
00:05:20I'm gonna be somewhere really exciting on the 1st of March. So do the math
00:05:25Figure out what?
00:05:27That is I'm gonna be attending
00:05:29but everything I've been biting like everything was manifesting at the end of last year is coming true and it's actually like I
00:05:36Feel I don't know
00:05:37It's like so many pitchy moments even this
00:05:39Spatial Charlotte's will be this morning like always always always wanted to work with Charlotte Tilbury
00:05:43I mean who wouldn't and it's the first time I've ever been
00:05:47Invited to something like that
00:05:49Just feeling really good and I also have a really really really exciting thing touch happening on Thursday with Millie
00:05:56But I don't even know if Millie's in the country. I mean, I never know where that girl is Millie T obviously
00:06:01We might be shooting something really fun together and having a night in a hotel together
00:06:06So Byron's gonna look after the dog Byron's gonna be staying with me for my birthday
00:06:10I'm seeing Josh tomorrow. Oh, it's just gonna be a really good week. I'm like really really
00:06:16Excited to take you all along
00:06:18I'm gonna force my friends to just like hold the vlog camera in my face 24-7 so that I capture all of this
00:06:27Can you see yourself in like the reflection of my forehead going outside taking my dress to the tailors?
00:06:32I hope you know that this is taking every single last bit of willpower
00:06:38In me
00:06:40Today, I'm crashing out. Okay. I'm back from the dry cleaners and I just got home
00:06:46To a car through my door. Someone has posted this through my door as well because there's no address on it
00:06:53I'm so lost. She's done this. It's a screenshot from my YouTube video. I feel like this has got to be Josh
00:06:59This is happy birthday. Mommy. Love you so much
00:07:01Thank you for being the best mom in the world and picking up all my poos
00:07:04My sick and taking me on lots of walks lots of love. You're never baby either man. I don't know who did this
00:07:11They've ever did this. This is really funny. I'm either really scared because someone has sent me this
00:07:18This was Josh, so this could be Josh or Byron
00:07:21But whoever did that is very smart. That's very funny. I need to message my group chats immediately
00:07:26But anyway took my dress to the tailors. I am gonna be picking up on Friday morning
00:07:31I'm contemplating now whether I want to do an outfit change. I've also ordered my hair
00:07:34I can't remember if I said that but I ordered my hair 300 quid
00:07:38300 quid it is real hair though. It's beauty works hair. But anyway, I stopped in time and I got some birthday brown
00:07:43I've got some avocados
00:07:45Cream cheese loads of salmon. Obviously, I'm gonna have like some guests staying so I might want to make people
00:07:52Some hungover Baraki's and then I thought this is exciting. I've got a couple things of fruit
00:07:58So I got some blueberries because I know blueberries are so good for you
00:08:01And if I'm feeling poorly, I feel like I need vitamins antioxidants all that good stuff. And then I've got these
00:08:07Crazy I got these white pearl strawberries. These are supposed to taste like
00:08:14Pineapple aroma with a hint of vanilla. We try it together
00:08:18Look, they're white
00:08:20They look like unripe strawberries. Mm-hmm. I
00:08:23Do taste kind of vanilla
00:08:26That's border. Lovely. I also got to
00:08:30Pull the star martinis. I knew it was you. I
00:08:34Knew it. I knew it
00:08:39Knew it was you
00:08:42Thank you, it was you you said you sent me that card
00:08:46What card I'm going to call and give it to you tomorrow. You're joking me. It wasn't you
00:08:52What are you all about?
00:08:53Are you kidding me?
00:08:57Josh the card
00:09:00Are you joking who the fuck has done this
00:09:11Don't know
00:09:14It says happy birthday mommy, I think it could be Byron's Byron's in London
00:09:22Happy birthday, mommy
00:09:27It was you
00:09:29Happy birthday, mommy. Love you so much
00:09:31Thank you for being the best mom in the world and picking up on my boots my sick and taking me on lots of war
00:09:37Lots of love your nephew baby Ida bear
00:09:42And it was hand-posted through my door
00:09:48It was you wasn't it
00:09:51It was you
00:09:55No, because my I've been out
00:09:57Six minutes till I'm 24. I
00:10:04Don't like I kind of wish I was asleep like now I'm feeling the pressure now
00:10:08I'm feeling the birthday pressure, but I've put some tan on and I've also got some facial towel
00:10:13I wash my hair and everything. I filmed a little tick-tock with beanie to post at midnight
00:10:18I've taken a melatonin
00:10:20I've got a cough sweet in and I've got a book to read and that is exactly how I want to answer my
00:10:2724th year and it would not be a me video if I didn't get all deep and
00:10:32Emo with you if you've watched my youtube videos
00:10:35You've really seen it all like you've seen all the progression and all the ups and downs and I'm genuinely
00:10:41Just so happy and so content and I feel so blessed and the world is really giving back to me at the moment
00:10:49I've already got so many exciting things coming this year and it's you know
00:10:54That January's only just gone even where I am now compared to like where I was a year ago
00:11:00I just I blossomed so hard
00:11:03blossomed so are in the last six months of my life and I for the first time and so long like I had no bad
00:11:10Thoughts and I just really changed the way that I spoke to myself and the way that the world
00:11:16Treats you different when you start treating yourself different is crazy
00:11:19and it really is never too late to choose being happy and
00:11:24Making a life for yourself like making your younger self
00:11:28Proud I just I feel
00:11:31Proud honestly right now and happy like really really happy and feel like you can even see watching my videos
00:11:38I'm just a happy person these days and for so many years
00:11:41I thought I couldn't be a happy person and I used to think that I just wait for a good day
00:11:47Amongst like ten bad ones and that was kind of that was what being happy was like holding out for good days and now I
00:11:54Have all my all my days are happy and even on my sad days like I can find happiness in them
00:11:59And I just I'm really grateful. I'm really grateful and I feel
00:12:04Just I don't know like sat in my home with my dog and I'm excited for tomorrow and I'm excited for this weekend
00:12:09I'm excited for so many other things and even when it's not my birthday. I wake up excited and feeling good and
00:12:16It's just taken fucking years
00:12:19It's taken
00:12:21years, but I know navigating 20s teens is so
00:12:27Interesting like it's such an interesting time of your life. I know all the girls
00:12:31Well majority of you were girls who watch this a majority of you were kind of like it round my age as well
00:12:37So you might be feeling similar things and whether you're in a really good part of your life
00:12:41Or you're in a not-so-good part of your life what you're not changing your choosing and happiness is a choice
00:12:47And I hope I can be some kind of living proof that it really does get better
00:12:52and once you just get your brain into that routine of like choosing you and choosing happiness and making
00:12:58Decisions for the long-term greater good like rather than quick fixes. Everything is so amazing
00:13:04Like everything really is so amazing. Ah
00:13:07alright, I'm gonna shut this off and
00:13:10I'm 24. Mommy's getting on. Mama's getting on. Thanks for my birthday card as well Bean
00:13:17Thanks, Josh. Thanks Ida
00:13:21Do I look older? Do I look wiser? Do I look sexier? I'm 24
00:13:27I woke up this morning. Well, I woke up at 8 and man I was like, why am I waking up at 8?
00:13:31I didn't need to wake up at 8. It's my birthday
00:13:33So I lay in bed for another hour and a half with the doggie. I washed my tan off
00:13:37I'm like so nice brown for the first time in so long
00:13:41I haven't put tan on in like a week. Honestly, my skin really needed that break
00:13:46I feel like this application has gone really well. Although having said that like my hands are a different story
00:13:50I used some new makeup today. I've got like a birthday breakout like birthday breakout on crack here
00:13:57Everything's birthday today. Got my birthday coffee. I should make some birthday breakfast
00:14:02Got birthday beanie having a birthday chicken twist in there. Got my birthday outfit on
00:14:07Bet you've never seen this before. I've had the loveliest messages
00:14:11I had a little cool with my dad this morning because he's as I said, he's in Japan at the moment
00:14:15I actually saw my mom and my sister. Oh, actually, I've got a couple little bits from them that I need to open downstairs
00:14:23I'll do that after my walk. I saw my mom and sister on Sunday and we had lunch at Harry's love at Harry's
00:14:30I feel like I should make that a annual tradition like we all love it so much just ordering all the sides like we did a
00:14:36Huge I'll put up a picture. We did a huge spread of sides
00:14:40They got some seafood pasta, but I just wanted to pick up everything. Oh, I'm just really excited
00:14:44We're gonna have a really lovely day. So we're gonna take the doggy on a walk in Hampstead
00:14:47I don't know if you can see but it's so sunny today. I haven't even opened
00:14:52Whoa, haven't you been over my shutters yet?
00:14:55But I just feel really special like the Sun is out in February Jim sent me the loveliest message
00:15:00Let me read it out for you. Oh my god
00:15:03I'm sorry. You said to flossy. Happy birthday where to start ever since you came into my life
00:15:08It's changed for the better whenever I see your face or receive a message from you
00:15:12I smile you bring so much love and joy into my life. I'm very lucky and grateful
00:15:19I'm very lucky and grateful to have your friendship. I hold you very close to my heart
00:15:23But genuinely so kind absolutely stunning hilarious and intelligent. You make everyone happier in your presence. You're amazing person inside and out
00:15:31I hope you have the most wonderful day today and you get showered with love gifts and attention you deserve it
00:15:35Happy birthday the bill to myself over the Paris to my Nicole. Have the best day. Happy birthday. Love Jim
00:15:44I'm up. Well, I just feel really happy. I
00:15:48Feel like I'm in the best place and
00:15:51I just adore my friends so much and I feel so
00:15:55Adored by the people around me and I'm just really really proud of myself this
00:16:01It's been a rough
00:16:03Ride to get here. I just really honestly, I can't explain
00:16:08How good things are gonna be this year like for me and my work
00:16:13And just all aspects of my life and I just feel really really great
00:16:24Saw myself into oblivion my beauty works package just came and I want to open it
00:16:29I feel like I shouldn't open it, but I want to and I want to see if the hair matches as well
00:16:33Oh my god, it's not even midday. Oh
00:16:38Comes in a leather case and everything. They also popped in a hair mask as well
00:16:42I'm paid for all of this myself as well. By the way, it's not it's not gifted
00:16:47I wish it was honestly, I really wish it was I did not read
00:16:57Oh my god, that is
00:17:00Real the fact it comes in like
00:17:03What's it called?
00:17:04you know like when they put dresses if I ever like I have a fancy dress to wear something which I
00:17:09was going to get back in contact with my stylist because
00:17:13They said there's something really exciting going on
00:17:16So I can't bloody wait for bow be sure be sure to make lots of content around that
00:17:21I know you guys love like me like any girl ever just playing dress-up and when you have a stylist appointment
00:17:27Honestly a stylist appointment
00:17:29It's like best day best day ever and I haven't had to use her for anything in so long
00:17:34But I feel like this is gonna be a really good
00:17:37Color match, you know
00:17:39as well
00:17:41We have a look oh
00:17:45Spot-on this is the shade ebony
00:17:49I'm real. I'm so so excited to put these in my head. I want to put them in my head now
00:17:55And try them out, but I shouldn't I should say it would be like a big impact. I'm sorry, but
00:18:01Right time for some birthday cuddles with my birthday dog. It could be your birthday as well. I'll share with you
00:18:08Do you want that do you wanna have a birthday as well babe? Yeah
00:18:15Hi guys, my name's Isa and I make my mom the happiest girl in the world
00:18:28Thank you
00:18:30Maybe we should just be narrating side because the job
00:18:34You can at least give them my good side actually
00:18:38Josh is here
00:18:42Was actually pretty good wasn't it those little clip-on lights
00:18:45Let's do one shot with my sunglasses on the blue and blue and then we're done
00:18:50You've been on a date of all snake an attraction
00:18:58America's Next Top Model race across the world coffee breath as well, so I don't wanna
00:19:03I've been on
00:19:05housewives of
00:19:11Millionaire matchmaker
00:19:15To a beautiful kind funny lovely, but not me just like making you sit and read my adoration card
00:19:21Wishing you the happiest of birthdays with lots of love mommy. Daddy could have been more heartfelt
00:19:27Yeah, that's my mom
00:19:30Handwriting, that's lovely Android. I love a birthday card like I can't wait to put them on my
00:19:34That I've already got I just card up there you guys will have seen that the card blabber the card side
00:19:40Yeah, I think opening with someone is nicer because if you open it by yourself, it makes me cry
00:19:46Right I soft at Jim's birthday message this morning
00:19:51Thank you. Oh, do you know what they were going ham on the samples?
00:20:02Went into self just to rebuy moisturizer right my favorite Prada moisturizer and presents. Oh, yeah
00:20:07No, this is impressive. I went it's a selfish to rebuy like that was kind of mine
00:20:11I don't know. I didn't fucking realize it was gonna be a birthday present, but it now was
00:20:16What was this moisturizer what brand because I've been gifted it Prada and it's my favorite moisturize Prada if you're watching
00:20:24It's amazing it's because obviously I got sent it and I started using it and it is the most lovely moisturizer ever
00:20:31And I'll say I'll just get it and I got the refill so so it can't be that much
00:20:34I'll suspect 200 200
00:20:37And I just brought it to the thing and I'm not gonna say no, but it actually it is worth it. It is worth it
00:20:49What could this be
00:21:05Wow, I love a candle. Oh, that's very nice. Where would you put this? Do you want to give a smell bean in a smell?
00:21:14She knows what to lick it which is interesting. Yeah, that's lovely. That's a lovely that's a kitchen one
00:21:18That's really and how beautiful is that? Hmm could reuse that? Yeah
00:21:23Thanks, mommy and daddy and my mom watches all my videos which is terrifying but sweet but terrifying then from my sister
00:21:31She got me a lovely bunch of flowers. Oh
00:21:40I actually would love them
00:21:42Sweeties, so me and her like we went to Chinatown
00:21:51Carbonara flavor
00:21:54You'd love them and you don't you only have to put a little bit
00:22:17She's gonna be running around our park
00:22:23A bit soapy, but I like a bit perfumy bit like I'm eating grass. I just love the texture of them like the Apple
00:22:33No, actually, I
00:22:36Asian sweet
00:22:38And then also got me these sweeties
00:22:41These are milk
00:22:52You hung your painting up that's so cute, isn't it gorge?
00:22:56That was for my birthday. I like that color
00:22:59Was it last year? I feel like that color frame goes nice with the gray
00:23:15I love like birthday mess. Like, do you know I mean like cars was bad
00:23:24Well, that's nice too, isn't that so lovely yeah, that's a picture me smile I feel like women's candles compared to men's is so different
00:23:33That's very nice no, no, no, they are they're like unisex but I like a musty
00:23:42Kind of grainy smell
00:23:45Whereas girls must be great. You know, it sounds like sweat. Yeah, Jeff. Yeah, if you ever sweat so hard in the gym
00:23:52I've been to the gym in years when I did used to go
00:23:55On my drive home. So I drive home be like 25 minutes. The sweat would be sat on my skin and I'd have salt
00:24:00I'd have grit on my skin because obviously you sweat out you sodium. I would have grit on my skin
00:24:06I don't sweat that much something such a big me boy. I don't so actually don't
00:24:22Do you like uncle Josh we've always been uncle Josh Josh that she has a nice I do
00:24:27That's kind of hot. I feel like that kind of gives appeal that you're an uncle. Yeah
00:24:32I mean, I'm like a mom. Yeah, it's kind of appeal true. So what would you be in?
00:24:44Fornicating with
00:24:48Wilf wow, it's not W is it? No
00:24:54Guys I'm not gonna read this out. It's really hard
00:24:58At the bottom would be on for Byron's
00:25:02No me I'm Byron me. I'm Byron. I wasn't you know, he's gonna come read it
00:25:06Such a nice to floss. You have the best they have
00:25:18Apparently she vanishes
00:25:24Think she vanishes this was you in Hampstead Heath. I feel like you haven't read in a while
00:25:28No, I've been really bad at reading and I keep buying myself. Well, that'd be for someone really like intense hard to read books
00:25:35So I'd quite like
00:25:39Just read I'm gonna love it. Thank you. Once it's disappeared. Can you ever find her?
00:25:47Let you know I bet you someone's read this before
00:25:50Don't spoil it. If you've read that then give you recommendations
00:25:56I wouldn't read this but I feel like for a girl. This is probably I thought it was when I saw it was a book
00:26:00I thought you were gonna have bought me a gay book. No
00:26:04You know, I said I went that bookshop the other day
00:26:06That shouldn't have not gone in it didn't buy it from there, but I shouldn't have gone in that bookshop. It's very weird
00:26:11Why I don't know was it a gay book. No, I can't explain it. It was just like
00:26:17They should have LGBTQ book book shops. They do
00:26:21They literally do and then yeah, I know actually what songs in
00:26:27Piccadilly has a very good
00:26:29LGBTQ no, but like dedicated. Yeah, they do dedicate shop. There's definitely dedicated
00:26:36shops for that
00:26:38It could be quite like nice way to meet someone be
00:26:43Anyway, this is your birthday
00:26:45Have you opened the ball? Yeah guys, we're waiting for Byron to come he's gonna meet us
00:26:53Here they didn't actually think I was gonna be seen by him this afternoon, so that's the real treat
00:26:58And he's gonna pay for half your lunch. I was gonna give you diarrhea
00:27:04See I've got a stomach of steel
00:27:06I've got a stomach of steel too
00:27:09Yeah, but if you eat something like if you were to eat bean salad
00:27:23Your cameras on two bars
00:27:25Delicious boys have taken me out for breakfast
00:27:29They said like some good
00:27:32Brunch love brunch. My nose looks huge guys. You know, your nose gets bigger as you get older
00:27:38I feel like I'm seeing that I feel like I'm seeing it already
00:27:43Feel like I've lost this lovely petite little nose
00:27:55No, these are so good, thank you
00:28:01A really high-pitched noise
00:28:06What have you got ham and cheese panini by Joshua Jones? Oh, yeah, and
00:28:12What are you got babe?
00:28:15You're my little steak. Do you know that they said they say some sandwich order tells you everything about them
00:28:26What my sandwich order be
00:28:28tuna avocado
00:28:32What is your death row meal
00:28:40You are allowed to however much you want that you can have
00:28:50They order and then they can't eat it next question do we agree with the death
00:29:08Don't know I'm not really educated on this topic. What would your death row meal be the Chinese?
00:29:19You're not sweet and sour babe you strike me as the sweet and sour babe
00:29:24Not sweet sweet and sour baddie
00:29:27Anyone gonna ask me what my they're my fries
00:29:32You said you didn't want fries. No, he said he didn't want
00:29:39You should put the crisps in it
00:29:44Maybe they give you the crisps
00:29:50Yeah, mm-hmm I do don't see my fool on you
00:29:57Go on
00:30:05No, I don't
00:30:07Come on
00:30:11All the way up all the way up
00:30:16Fine yeah, how are you gonna get down?
00:30:24Back from my walk and I've got some flowers, but we can have a look at who they're from
00:30:29Together that's the real fun of it. Hey, I have a sneaky suspicion. I know who I
00:30:37Knew it was Lewis. Happy birthday. Miss fuck-ass flossy. Hope you have a lush day Lewis
00:30:43He's the best in fact. He sent me a bunch of flowers last year. Thank you Lou
00:30:48Love you, obviously. I'm back from Hampstead now. We had the loveliest
00:30:53Walk Byron is going to a premiere tonight
00:30:56So he's going to get ready for that and Josh has gone along with him to take some pictures
00:31:01I'm honestly gonna sit chill on the sofa
00:31:03maybe have a matcha or a coffee get on with a little bit of editing and just
00:31:07Relax, like that sounds like my dream kind of birthday
00:31:10Joshua's back. I really don't have too much to update you on. Oh actually apart from I put in my clip in
00:31:17Our extensions. I tried them out
00:31:19They're crazy. I feel like I'm gonna have to ask a hairdresser to put them in though because I just can't
00:31:25They get them to look good. What babe?
00:31:28Yeah, I could ask Jim see my friend Jim, yeah
00:31:32He's got experience in it
00:31:33But I just feel bad asking friend because he's gonna want to take his time getting ready
00:31:37It's also coming down from Manchester to stay with Camille. I could potentially ask my friend Jim. I'm sure he'd be happy to do it
00:31:46She's loving these cuddles with her uncle
00:31:49Yeah, I could do it
00:31:51Yeah, but when you nap you going to slip into a cone
00:31:56Yeah for a good while
00:31:59Yeah, yeah
00:32:06I'm never gonna sit here. It is 5 I quarter to 6. I'm never gonna sit on my makeup. It's really
00:32:14Being eaten off my face watching slushy noobs
00:32:22Princess ready
00:32:24She loves her uncle
00:32:27We're watching slushy noobs go to comic-con on shrooms. You've got to give me some blanket
00:32:33I'm gonna perish guys. Oh look at this spot. That's really killing my vibe. Do you wanna know fun fact about Josh?
00:32:39He used to get me to take pictures of him. You see how it sounds like it's a lie
00:32:43It's not a lie. He used to get picture to get me to take pictures of him asleep
00:32:48And he'd edit his jawline a little bit sharp
00:32:52That's not a lie. That is a lie. Can you swear on Ida's life?
00:32:56No, okay. Well your nose then
00:32:59If it wasn't your jaw, it was your nose. What a sharpen my nose. No, you just tidy it up a bit
00:33:04Look, we've all done it. Listen, it's fine. We've all done it. He'd send it to boys
00:33:08I do go ha ha he'd go. Hi. Look I fell asleep. I did to sharpen my nose. Is this a unique experience about mewing?
00:33:17What oh, no you Josh you can't you can't sit here and lie, okay fine he wouldn't edit his pictures
00:33:26Send them to boys and go you text and say haha. Look I fell asleep at my friend's
00:33:34Unique experience have I ever got used to it?
00:33:38No one time
00:33:40Who was it? We stuffed socks down my pants. I put on a pair of boxes and we put socks
00:33:46Yeah, was that for you or for me?
00:33:48Now is that for your gain or for my gain? I think you send them to
00:33:57Didn't you put a hat on you
00:33:59No, because my face wasn't in it was just a surprise. Well, whoever that whoever that man was had pretty neat grooming routine
00:34:09But who would I have sent that to to piss off
00:34:16Jumper the Jack Harlow night the Jack Harlow DMS guys. I fake these DMS from Jack Harlow to make a boy jealous
00:34:24But you actually bought it because you end up telling him it was a lie. I didn't I never told him it's a lie
00:34:29He still doesn't know
00:34:30He still believes that I signed an NDA to not talk about it
00:34:36Well, if you keep in yeah, cuz he's the guys this ex was crazy and he definitely still watches my vlogs hi
00:34:47I posted a birthday
00:34:49Video I was like going through all my old like birthday footage the other day and I was posting some of it to my story
00:34:55So I was just caressing my nipples
00:34:57Well, I was posting some of it to my stories and that was this like one birthday. It was just like everyone's ex
00:35:07Yeah, there's so many exes I was on the phone to my ex in the bathroom while your dad was doing the speech
00:35:14Oh arguing I missed your dad's speech
00:35:18Yeah, but to be fair I was also so drunk oh my god, that's when you drank yeah
00:35:23Yeah guys, Josh doesn't drink and neither do I
00:35:28Were you arguing with him
00:35:35Probably right, I'm gonna turn the camera off now because I've got a good birthday seeing to
00:35:47Okay montage me sleeping ready you ready
00:35:57Right, let's start off with the closing your eyes they started off with the left nesting down they could be like a baby
00:36:17Did come
00:36:28Just need a nap with my really aesthetical dog
00:36:35Stop smiling you're so close to me
00:36:40He always has the TV on so loud oh
00:36:47Oh, no show us then. Oh
00:36:54We thought she had some flowers delivered
00:36:59That's the reality of being 24
00:37:02What is it with men?
00:37:04Yeah, one thing can't get one thing, right?
00:37:08Do I leave this in
00:37:11No, yeah
00:37:15Okay, it's love island and Nando's time and it's the spin the bottle challenge
00:37:19You said you think shit's gonna kick off. Tell me about it babe, because I think we're in for a short
00:37:28Was it even recording
00:37:41Took a bag
00:37:50Truth what's one thing your partner does that secretly makes you question the relation?
00:37:58What's one thing I do
00:38:02Something I don't really like as well. It was the fire attack
00:38:10It's about to go down
00:38:26On Dutch, I had a please may I sit next to you. It's so obvious on and on and on
00:38:34I'm nearly Dutch really really close
00:38:43Guys Josh is clean today that days of poppers
00:39:07Bitch watch this. I love an angry woman
00:39:17Yeah, oh she ate that what up
00:39:25The least no sign, it's my lady Diana
00:39:30Now it's time to have your say
00:39:35Head to the Apple for who you would like to couple up
00:39:39Good morning. I was about to say hope everyone slept well last night
00:39:42I mean, I hope you did sleep well last night, but your last night would have been my last night
00:39:46I slept very well last night. I was very tired and I went to bed with a very full belly
00:39:50I feel like that's just a fantastic combination for a great night's sleep
00:39:54But as you can see behind me, I have been packing because I am doing two shoots today
00:40:01I can't remember how much I told you but something I wanted to do this year was like do more
00:40:07fun shoots and things
00:40:09I mean, I feel like seeing on my Instagram again a little bit
00:40:11Try will trying to get a little bit more creative also ignore all the fat on this top
00:40:17It's it's hell and horror quite honestly. I was need to take my nails before I leave the door. I need to leave at
00:40:231130 it's gonna take me 30 minutes to get to this first place
00:40:27Let me see if I've got any charge my laptops
00:40:29I need to put the clips need to put all these clips into my hard drive so I can continue filming for the day
00:40:35So I feel like I'm not gonna have enough storage on this card and the laptop has no charge, of course, right?
00:40:40Let's get that hub plugged in for a second, but I'm shooting with beauty concierge company called Emperor today, which is really exciting
00:40:47I've actually had my glam done with impera before and for this like big exciting ominous event that I keep
00:40:54Referencing and going on about I would love to have someone do my hair
00:40:57So maybe I'll talk to them about that and see if we could work together on something
00:41:02It'd be really fun this smart Jacobs bag, but honestly, I cannot explain how fantastic this bag is
00:41:08I love it. So so so much and use it all the time like it fits my laptop in
00:41:12It's just my amazing kind of like out and about bag over the shoulder bags for every day
00:41:17Like this is my everyday bags. I can just bring everything with me everywhere
00:41:21I've got hairbrushes makeup touch-ups in here notebook a powder puff lip glosses lip liners
00:41:26Everything you could ever need in fact talking of lip liners and sugar my new lip liner
00:41:32And put it in here because I'm obviously staying away tonight
00:41:36I'm with the pepper mayo girls, which will be so fun. So exciting. I can't wait
00:41:42I need to check into the Londoner hotel after this first shoot
00:41:46I should like be wrapped up on this first shoot around
00:41:49I think I said I need to be done around three or four actually
00:41:52No, probably four because it's we're doing some shoots in a Bentley think it's a Bentley, which will be really fun
00:41:57I'm just really excited to see how it turns out and the hair and makeup team are always amazing
00:42:01So basically as I said, it's a beauty concierge service. So it's kind of like a one-stop shop
00:42:06So you've got a big event or something. You just want to go all out for your birthday
00:42:10You go to a parent like you book your hairstylist makeup artist
00:42:16Nails people even you could just do it all in one and like they can come to your house
00:42:20I'm pretty sure as well just amazing and the team obviously all kind of hand-selected. So it's like really curated
00:42:26You know, you're gonna be getting someone good like you can look through their makeup styles what they've done. It's just fantastic
00:42:31I like how my gland done by them in the Nobu hotel in Shoreditch
00:42:34If you follow me on Instagram or tick-tock, you might have seen that video
00:42:38My house going crazy and then as for this evening, I don't know what I'm wearing, you know
00:42:42I don't really know what I'm doing
00:42:44Did I bring my tripod down meant to bring a tripod down because I don't know if I'm gonna be self
00:42:49Shooting whether the pepper mayo team are gonna be helping
00:42:53Me shoot, but if you guys know, I'm pretty good at taking my own pictures
00:42:58I've got like a good little routine with it now
00:42:59So I'm gonna pack my pixel as well to love taking pictures on my Google Pixel
00:43:05The camera is just so good. They come out kind of looking a little bit more professional
00:43:10They've got a really good the cameras got a really good depth of field to it. So let me go try find that
00:43:14Oh, no, here's this camera
00:43:16So basically this is great this tripod because it's got this little remote that like snaps in and out of there and you can
00:43:24take pictures
00:43:25From any remote place so I can be construed in some strange position and I can get the shot
00:43:32It's like really really useful. It's much much much easier to save so much more time
00:43:36They're doing self-timer if you also like taking pictures
00:43:41Like this is great. It's the I to attune tech
00:43:45Tripods and it just kind of like you press a button
00:44:55Never touch the Rolex guys don't take it home with you
00:45:03Oh gosh, that could be an influencer. Okay. Hold it. My arms getting tired
00:45:20Hey everyone, I'm now at the standard the shoot went really well. It was really fun
00:45:26I obviously like I'm friends with the girls. So it was great and I'm really excited to get the pictures back
00:45:31I'm also obviously already in glam
00:45:33Like I just need to touch it up a little bit to be honest
00:45:35I'm basically ready for the evening
00:45:37But I thought I would show you a tour of my room before I trash it. This camera is also flashing
00:45:41I need to put it on charge. I need to export the files
00:45:44Drive, I've got a little quite a lot to do
00:45:46I don't want to say I'm stressed because I'm never stressed just got things to do and I've got a time frame to do
00:45:52Them in so walk in here and here's like the bathroom situation. So the shower is there
00:45:56I assume and the toilet is here. Very nice
00:46:00I love the dark green actually, very sweet. I've got some Peppermayo pajamas
00:46:05You guys know me I fucking love my pajamas and then you come around here
00:46:11We've got slippers
00:46:13Track suits. What does this I'll open this in a bit actually because my camera's gonna die in here
00:46:19Got a bag to take everything home in and then look at this
00:46:24How amazing like the most beautiful big bunch of red roses some little chocolates
00:46:30I have no idea what could be in here canned kangaroo. I mean, okay
00:46:37Oh, it's a little cuddly toy. That's actually really sweet. This room is just so lovely though
00:46:44Look and a big mirror. Thank you. Well loads of content
00:46:48I need to get done and a lot of work as well. So I'm gonna shut you off. We'll catch up in a second
00:46:54Oh dinner now
00:47:16Again she says she's not gonna come out
00:47:24I've got my birthday night out tonight, so I need to be slightly well-behaved
00:47:28But at events like this where there's free drinks
00:47:31Shit always hits the fan, you know what I mean?
00:47:38It's so good. Guys, it's the same quality as G7X, but it's wide angle, look
00:47:43What is that?
00:47:47Hey Flossy gang
00:47:49We're teasing from Australia
00:47:53I want one of these little cotton ropes
00:47:55It's the same, it's a cannon
00:47:57But anyway
00:47:59Hello all, Flossy's a great girl
00:48:01Follow, like and subscribe
00:48:03Always follow, like and subscribe
00:48:09I want your nails as well
00:48:11Where do you get them done?
00:48:13Well obviously nowhere I can go
00:48:15No, they're so good
00:48:17They're so good
00:48:19Guys, like, the lady goes
00:48:21They look like the mother from Wednesday Addams
00:48:23Don't they look amazing
00:48:25I love them
00:48:27You know what, I got this one plate from Intermania
00:48:29And I'm excited
00:48:31Hey Intermania
00:48:33Okay ladies
00:48:35I'm so sorry I didn't film anything last night
00:48:37Honestly, I flopped into bed, I was pretty exhausted
00:48:39I'm also just not well
00:48:41Which is so annoying
00:48:43I remember I said that I was supposed to have
00:48:45A breakfast meeting this morning
00:48:47But I woke up with no voice
00:48:49I was up coughing all night
00:48:51I was so so so poorly
00:48:53I was genuinely thinking
00:48:55I may have to reschedule my birthday
00:48:57Until tomorrow
00:48:59But I've honestly come home, done nothing
00:49:01Eaten salmon on toast, drank loads of water
00:49:03Loads of medicine
00:49:05But we're pulling through
00:49:07I've got a massive wadge of hair on the table here
00:49:09Sorry, Byron's here as well
00:49:11He so kindly looked after Miss Ida Bean for me last night
00:49:13And I heard
00:49:15You were an absolute angel
00:49:17You were very well behaved, and very cuddly, and very snuggly
00:49:19And very lovely
00:49:21I heard a day on the sofa is like the best medicine you need
00:49:23I think I was also just a bit tired
00:49:25To be honest, I think I was just a little bit tired
00:49:27And run down
00:49:29I've got so much hair going into my head tonight
00:49:31I was also supposed to go to the tailors and pick up my dress
00:49:33I just don't think realistically
00:49:35That is going to happen
00:49:37So I've kind of accepted defeat on my two outfit plan
00:49:39But the fun outfit
00:49:41It's a really sweet little white dress from House of CB
00:49:43But I don't know why I took it to a tailor so far away from me
00:49:45Well, I do know why I took it to a tailor so far away from me
00:49:47I took it there because my friend Bella recommended it to me
00:49:49It was so affordable
00:49:51It was like 15 quid to get my dress taken up
00:49:53And I'm sure they'll do an amazing job
00:49:55I can definitely wear that dress another time
00:49:57But to be honest, it was a pretty basic dress anyway
00:49:59And my next birthday's going to be 25, okay
00:50:01I can wear a chic, classy dress then
00:50:03I want to do Charli XCX
00:50:0530 inch extensions
00:50:07Running around with my butt cheeks out
00:50:09They kind of just blend seamlessly into my thigh
00:50:11But whatever you call them
00:50:13Out of the bottom of the skirt
00:50:15My mum's going to be watching this and so appalled at me
00:50:17So I'm going to go for a fun outfit option
00:50:19As I said, I was going to change into that one for the club anyway
00:50:21So we're doing drinks
00:50:23Club, bus, club
00:50:25Another club, another club
00:50:27I'm curling these extensions out of my head
00:50:29I don't know if this is the way you should do it
00:50:31But in my head, this makes sense, right?
00:50:33Then I just have to curl my hair
00:50:35And then put them in and then that's easier
00:50:39No, because then you have to curl it all together
00:50:41But I kind of want it to be different curls
00:50:43I want it to look a bit messy
00:50:45I want to look like Charli XCX
00:50:47I would have said curl it together
00:50:49So it blends into your hair more
00:50:51But if you don't want it to look like it's blended into your hair
00:50:55Then call yourself Grace and get on with it
00:50:59I'm leaving that in
00:51:01We watched Love Island as well
00:51:03Had a catch up on Love Island
00:51:05Let me know your favourite Love Island people
00:51:07Who's your favourite?
00:51:09Who's your favourite couple and then who's your favourite person?
00:51:11Casey and Gabi, I love them
00:51:13I just think Casey's hilarious
00:51:15But do you think a leopard can change its spots?
00:51:19You think he's changed?
00:51:21Yeah, you used to be a pot boy
00:51:23I used to be
00:51:25I was never, I've always been a lovely girl
00:51:27I like Grace
00:51:29I love Grace, I like Grace and Luca
00:51:31I do like Grace and Luca
00:51:33Sami's situation's a bit sticky
00:51:35You never know how it actually is
00:51:37You never know what it's like in there
00:51:39Obviously this is what's selling on TV
00:51:41But it just seems like he wants to get to know her
00:51:43You look her
00:51:45I mean he's something
00:51:47He's quite something
00:51:49You can shit on that woman all you want
00:51:51Fantastic TV
00:51:53Fantastic TV
00:51:55Did you see me edit the episode?
00:51:57Yes, too good
00:51:59It's time
00:52:03Guys, I'm really tired
00:52:05I'm really tired
00:52:07And I'm not feeling great
00:52:09But I'm going to have a really good day, it's my birthday
00:52:11It's not my birthday
00:52:13It's my birthday week
00:52:15It is my birthday week
00:52:17I wanted to see someone, right?
00:52:19And I was getting annoyed because they had other plans
00:52:21Other than to see me
00:52:23And I hit them with that
00:52:25But it's my birthday
00:52:27They said the worst thing you could ever say to a birthday girl
00:52:29They went, was your birthday yesterday?
00:52:33Way to rub salt in the wound
00:52:35Now look, I would love to set up my ring light
00:52:37Do a really fun
00:52:39Old school
00:52:41I've seen better days, bloody hell
00:52:43Birthday get ready with me
00:52:45But my makeup always goes bad
00:52:47If I film it, I jinx it and it doesn't
00:52:49Look the best
00:52:51And obviously I want it to look nice
00:52:53So I am going to be doing my makeup off camera
00:52:55I'm really sorry
00:52:57Shut your eyes and pretend that it's
00:52:592019, I'm getting ready for my 18th birthday
00:53:01Drinking a Malibu Coke
00:53:03Playing Rex Orange County
00:53:05Get ready with me videos
00:53:07If anyone's been around since
00:53:09What a time, now I'm 24
00:53:11I actually cannot believe I'm 24
00:53:13That really sounds like a woman age
00:53:15Do you know what I mean?
00:53:17Yesterday when I was at the event
00:53:19Some of the girls were like, oh was your birthday yesterday?
00:53:21I was like, yeah I'm 24 now
00:53:23And they didn't go, oh my god you're so young
00:53:25Everyone used to always be like, oh my god you're so young
00:53:27And I was like, yeah whatever
00:53:29And now people don't say that, they don't go
00:53:31Oh my god you're a baby
00:53:33Because I'm not, I'm 24
00:53:35My hair extensions are sat on my coffee table
00:53:37All curled upstairs
00:53:39I cannot wait to get them in my head
00:53:41I actually think it was a good move as well
00:53:43Curling them before I put them in, it took me so long
00:53:45My arm would have killed trying to get those
00:53:47All in, so I'm going to curl my hair
00:53:51Do I want to curl it now?
00:53:53Or do I want to do makeup first?
00:53:55I think I want to do makeup first
00:53:57I don't know, this is the decision
00:53:59That needs to be made off camera
00:54:01Because I'm probably just going to sit and stare at myself
00:54:03In the mirror for the next five minutes contemplating
00:54:05What the best choice is, I just feel like my hair's going to drop out
00:54:07Otherwise, and also I really want my face
00:54:09Like my hair really pushed out my face
00:54:11Because I'm quite tanned
00:54:13I didn't pick up the dress either
00:54:21Charli XCX wouldn't want me wearing a white dress
00:54:23On my birthday, she'd want me
00:54:25In as minimal clothes as possible
00:54:27I don't even have any earrings to wear
00:54:31This is not going to do well
00:54:33My makeup bag's upstairs as well
00:54:35I'll see you when I'm ready
00:54:37I'll be a blonde tonight
00:54:39If that's what you like
00:54:41Stilettos and fishnets
00:54:43I can't find a spot
00:54:45If that's what you like
00:54:47I'll be a
00:54:49Blonde tonight
00:54:51This is hotness
00:54:53Schoolgirl in curls
00:54:55Schoolgirl in curls
00:54:57One more time
00:54:59Schoolgirl in curls
00:55:01I've got 30 inch of hair back on my head
00:55:03And I feel like me again
00:55:05I'm wearing the tiniest skirt known to mankind
00:55:07My bum cheeks are flushed about
00:55:09A hundred times
00:55:11I'm wearing as minimal clothing as possible
00:55:13All black, black hair
00:55:15Big hoops
00:55:17A winged liner
00:55:19A dark brown lip liner
00:55:21A booty hole brown
00:55:23Shout out to you Callum
00:55:25Miss you, wish you were here
00:55:27I've got these fun little glasses as well
00:55:29For the club
00:55:35I'm going to wear some black heels with this
00:55:37I think we're waiting for Josh to come over
00:55:39But I'm pretty much ready
00:55:41That was a very smooth getting ready process
00:55:43Thank the lord
00:55:45I feel like when you want to look good
00:55:47The time is
00:55:4920 past 7
00:55:51And we need to leave here
00:55:53I want to get there for like
00:55:558.30 so to be honest I ate
00:55:57Kind of just before 8 I reckon
00:55:59We'll be good as
00:56:01But I'm going to put my little light on charge
00:56:03And then I'm going to make Byron drink a drink with me
00:56:05And have some tipsy chats
00:56:07I'd show you him but
00:56:09He's just looking way too naked
00:56:11Famous sausage
00:56:15Guys should we just have a
00:56:29Nails are painted
00:56:31I'm drinking
00:56:33A pink passion star martini cocktail
00:56:35Josh is having a little dairy milk
00:56:37Pots of joy
00:56:39He said he's only staying for 10 minutes
00:56:41Doesn't he look lovely
00:56:43That's fine you stay as long as you want
00:56:45Doesn't he look really nice
00:56:49No I'm not only saying that
00:56:51It was raining
00:56:53Guys Josh doesn't drink
00:56:55Welcome back
00:56:57I'd just like to say I appreciate you even coming out
00:56:59To be around a lot of junk
00:57:01Aw look at Ida
00:57:03She had the best night last night
00:57:05She was drinking fizzy pop
00:57:07She was drinking
00:57:09She was watching 18 films
00:57:11She was using tranities
00:57:13She only said a few swear words
00:57:15Only a few swear words
00:57:17What like bork bork bork
00:57:19It all went like
00:57:21Said you could stay in as long as you stay in front of us
00:57:23And not behind our backs
00:57:25Isn't that right
00:57:27There's never enough in these
00:57:29Have you seen the massive ones
00:57:31They're like litre pots of joy
00:57:33Oh look at her
00:57:35She absolutely loves Byron
00:57:37You guys
00:57:39She's obsessed with him
00:57:45That's clean
00:57:47So can you put it on the side please
00:57:51Did it even go through then
00:57:53Maybe it didn't go through
00:57:55We need to leave her
00:57:57I don't know what time
00:57:59Let me have a look
00:58:01I've got one shoe on one shoe off
00:58:03You need to tuck the tag in your bra
00:58:07All this mountain hair
00:58:09I feel a little bit
00:58:11Birthday like anxious
00:58:13She loves Josh
00:58:15She really loves Josh
00:58:17Feeling left out
00:58:19Josh was nearly in tears yesterday
00:58:21Because he was working on his laptop on the sofa
00:58:23If you do that
00:58:25Ida wants attention
00:58:27So she kept barking at him
00:58:29He obviously doesn't know why she's barking
00:58:31Shoes are fantastic
00:58:33They're already ruined
00:58:35How long does it take to get to Electric House
00:58:37Let me know as well
00:58:39If you've ever been to Globe
00:58:41Takes 30 minutes
00:58:43So we need to leave her in 20 minutes
00:58:45Give me a bit of attention
00:58:47She'll bark at me
00:58:49Because she wants love
00:58:51I want love and affection
00:58:53She doesn't know what she wants
00:58:55She's a girl for real
00:58:57She's a girl for real
00:58:59She's a girl for real
00:59:01She's a girl for real
00:59:03She's a girl for real
00:59:05She's a girl for real
00:59:07She's a girl for real
00:59:09She's a girl for real
00:59:11She's a girl for real
00:59:13She's a girl for real
00:59:15She's a girl for real
00:59:17She's a girl for real
00:59:19She's a girl for real
00:59:21She's a girl for real
00:59:23She's a girl for real
00:59:25She's a girl for real
00:59:27I took the bus here
00:59:29That's why it took me so long
00:59:31You're joking
00:59:33Like hissing down my brain
00:59:35As in like
00:59:37If we have to stand outside the queue in Globe
00:59:39I don't know
00:59:41No it's not
00:59:43Oh no
00:59:45I've got an umbrella
00:59:47Right okay this is the situation we deal with
00:59:57I've never filmed anything in life
00:59:59Honestly I always
01:00:01Expect the most of myself
01:00:03When I go on a night out
01:00:05And I think I'm going to film it
01:00:07It's literally just me
01:00:09Dancing to 2000s pop music
01:00:11But oh my god I've got to say
01:00:13I fucking love Globe
01:00:15I also love this at the moment
01:00:17This is you
01:00:19Oh sorry
01:00:23Guys this is an hourglass
01:00:27It's like a
01:00:29Really glossy lipstick
01:00:31And I think it's kind of lumpy
01:00:33But look it's so nice right
01:00:35This is going to be the one clip you get all night
01:00:41What's that?
01:00:43Right I'll give it to you
01:00:45It's so nice
01:00:47Look at that
01:00:49It's an hourglass
01:00:51Like lip balm
01:00:55Literally no but hourglass
01:00:57Is my lip liner
01:00:59Hourglass we love you
01:01:01What is it like a lip
01:01:03Put it on
01:01:07Annie just always looks great
01:01:09One thing about Annie
01:01:11Her lip liner
01:01:13No you always look great obviously
01:01:15Once you had Annie though
01:01:17Her lip liner was always going to be a cat
01:01:19Wait was it like a gloss and a stick
01:01:21Yeah it was a lip balm
01:01:23Lip gloss and a stick
01:01:25Annie do you want to put it on
01:01:27Put it on
01:01:39It's so nice right
01:01:47Thank you hourglass
01:01:49It's my 24th birthday tonight
01:01:51The state of me
01:01:53And the state of my flat
01:01:57Don't want to talk about it
01:01:59I'm not going to lie
01:02:01I was going to come in last night and film
01:02:03All giggly
01:02:05Drunk but
01:02:07Things actually took a turn
01:02:13I got a bit sad
01:02:15Because someone did something really stupid
01:02:19So I've sort of been dealing with the repercussions
01:02:21Of that
01:02:25All day
01:02:27Um but we just did
01:02:29A huge fish and chips order
01:02:33It was all I wanted
01:02:35All I wanted was to get my
01:02:37Teeth into some fish and chips
01:02:41Real comfort
01:02:43Real comfort meal
01:02:45And then