McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs King Kong (2005) King Kong 6" Limited Edition Figure
00:00I hope your eyes are ready to feast on the size of this beast.
00:03Here's a look at the Brandon McFarlane toys. This is the movie Maniacs Kong, the 8th wonder of the world.
00:08Get ready for breathtaking action in the thrilling epic adventure about a legendary ape captured on a treacherous island
00:27and brought to civilization where he faces the ultimate fight for survival.
00:31Well, it does look like he's broken his chains, doesn't it?
00:34So let's quickly grab the tape measure and see how tall the new movie Maniacs King Kong stands.
00:38While I'm doing this, as well, I'd like to thank the folks, of course, over at McFarlane Toys that were kind enough to provide the sample.
00:43King Kong is available right now, along with all the other movie Maniac figures, of course, we've looked at lately here on this channel.
00:49The figure, though, is going to stand at 6 inches in height, or King Kong is going to stand at about 15 and a half centimeters tall.
00:56You shall not pass!
00:58Well, I think the likelihood of King Kong passing through Gandalf is probably quite high.
01:02This is also, by the way, the original Gandalf and the original movie Maniacs, so you could see that they're using a different type of display bases.
01:08Back then, when they were doing the movie Maniacs, when they relaunched the line, they were kind of tying the bases over to the kind of characters that they had.
01:15So, of course, you had the grassy knoll for the Lord of the Rings Gandalf.
01:18With King Kong, though, they're now doing the new approach of movie Maniacs, where to bring in the other ones that we've already had a look at,
01:23like Andy Stitzer, for example, from The Forty-Year-Old Virgin, The Dude from The Big Lebowski, and even David Woodardson from Dazed and Confused.
01:31They're keeping consistently the same style of base, although I couldn't help but notice, with King Kong's display base, it is the same bow mold, it's a different color, though.
01:41Speaking of different colors, there are some different colors we're going to talk about when it comes to King Kong's body.
01:45First, before we do that, though, let's actually open up the foil bag and see what mysteries lie inside.
01:50There's a perforation right here, so I don't think I really necessarily need my knife.
01:53We're just going to carefully...
01:55It could be a sticker, it could be a postcard, it could be a map of the island.
01:58Ooh, I hope it's the map of the island.
02:00Let's just pull this out.
02:01Oh, hey, look at this.
02:03We got ourselves a sticker.
02:05There's King Kong.
02:06A full-size sticker, too.
02:07So, to peel it off in the corner, you're going to peel basically off the entire sticker and then find a place to put it.
02:13You also get, as well, a map.
02:15Is that the map? There you go.
02:16Skull Island, which, again, is a sticker, just to show you guys.
02:19Yeah, full-size sticker.
02:21And we got a couple... Wow, we got a whole bunch of stickers.
02:24A nice kind of portrait or bust of King Kong.
02:27I don't know where the lower half of his monkey body is.
02:30We've also got, caution, wild animals.
02:32Do not remove this without permission.
02:35Where was the cage this sticker belonged to?
02:37And we got this really nice image of King Kong, as well.
02:41So what do we got here?
02:42Six stickers.
02:43Six stickers, which will be found at home quickly.
02:46I'm just going to put them all together, and I'll just put them off to the side.
02:49To come also along with the King of the Monsters...
02:51Oh, wait, no, that's Godzilla.
02:53The King of the Primates.
02:54We get, also, as well, Kong, the eighth wonder of the world.
02:57A pretty close-up.
02:58Now, this is the original Kong, before, of course, it got oversized on Skull Island.
03:02Before, of course, he clashed with the King of the Monsters, Godzilla.
03:05On the back, though, it is a certificate of authenticity.
03:08It's of a limited run of 7,400 copies.
03:11This one happens to be 498.
03:13There's also a signature down below.
03:15It's not really a signature, though.
03:17But the thing I like, also, about these, too, if you look at the actual display base,
03:20on the back of the base, there's an open slot right here.
03:23This little canal right there.
03:25Little canal.
03:26You take, though, the provided index card, the size of, what, a five-by-eight index card?
03:30And you're just going to slot that.
03:32Slot that on the back.
03:34Make sure it looks a little bit more...
03:36A little more centered.
03:37There we go.
03:38It does give you, then, a nice job of displaying along with the movie maniacs.
03:42The thing about it, though, is, obviously, an oversized face of King Kong is completely shadowed
03:48by the actual character in the front of it.
03:50Maybe they could have used a different image.
03:52Because, again, like, all you're really seeing is Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, in the top corner.
03:56And then these kind of beady-looking eyes that are looking over the shoulders of King Kong here.
04:02Let's take that off for release right now.
04:04Probably going to be coming back to this when we get to the final looks of the figure.
04:07I don't want to, again, call these figures.
04:08Because, clearly, though, they're statues.
04:11What we're getting here with King Kong...
04:13Though, obviously, he's not sized all that well, if you were to compare him with Andy Stitzer.
04:17You would imagine, though, Andy Stitzer, the size that he is...
04:20Maybe he could even kick his butt. I don't know.
04:23Probably still unlikely.
04:25Still, though, they are using the same type of display bases.
04:27Up to this point, I think, though, that all the movie maniacs have used, generally, a black display base.
04:32What's changed, though, clearly, is the name of the character on the front.
04:35And then this little square here...
04:37I guess it would be a square.
04:39Equal four sides.
04:40But then you've got this as the subject matter.
04:43So, like, the dude would have had from Big Lebowski.
04:45Dazed and Confused, David Wooderson would also have that, as well.
04:48So, like, King Kong's got that, too.
04:50But they chose to make a different color display base.
04:52Instead of the black, they go with more kind of this...
04:55It would be like a gray color, instead.
04:57I do kind of wish that they could have used the exact same color.
05:00Because, now, King Kong is going to stand out like a sore monkey thumb.
05:03The actual design of Kong is pretty good.
05:06I like the pose that they've given him.
05:08He certainly, though, looks like he's quite generally ticked off.
05:11I don't know if he's still in the jungle, or if now he's in the city.
05:14If he's in the city, it would be nice if he had a couple of broken shackles.
05:17Well, I do like the mold of it.
05:20And I do like the pose of it.
05:22The one thing I don't really like all that much is the color that they chose for his body.
05:25The gray works okay.
05:27I feel like it probably could have been a darker gray, more closer to black.
05:30The thing that kind of bothers me the most, though,
05:32and the thing that's kind of making me go bananas,
05:34is the color that they chose for his hands,
05:36and, more importantly, his chest.
05:38It's this chocolate brown that looks off.
05:40It, in fact, actually looks less like King Kong,
05:43and it looks more like the monkey from Rampage.
05:45Although, again, I know that George in Rampage was more like a white primate.
05:51But I think the gray needed, really, to be a darker coloring of this.
05:55It didn't have to be as gray as this.
05:57It probably could have been maybe even darker than this in a gray,
06:00or even, at the very most, it should have been black.
06:03I mean, one thing, though, that they've done is, on the back of this,
06:05they've brushed on there some additional paint,
06:08so you can see, like, some of the hairs of the ape looks to stand out a little bit better,
06:11which does look good.
06:13But I think the thing that jars me the most, though,
06:15is the fact that they chose this coloring of his brown.
06:17The brown, first of all, does lose some of the details.
06:19I mean, you can still see the scratches,
06:21providing this guy actually gets his blasted finger out of the way.
06:24You can see there's some scratches, some claw marks there, as well,
06:26which look good, but I think the coloring, though, is wrong.
06:29The brown just doesn't work, necessarily.
06:32If it was just, like, a generic giant-sized ape, that would be one thing,
06:36but King Kong has very unique colors to him,
06:38primarily, again, black for the body,
06:40and then more usually, like, gray for his chest and gray for his hands.
06:44Other than, really, like, the coloring being a little off,
06:46I like, again, like, the sculpt of it.
06:48It looks like, again, he looks like he's pounding his chest.
06:51I mean, again, there's no articulation at all to this,
06:53and that figure is permanently mounted to his display base.
06:56In fact, you can kind of see on the bottom of this,
06:58this would be the peg that would be on the bottom of his foot,
07:00so, yeah, don't try to remove it.
07:02In fact, actually, the only part that is actually attached to the base
07:05is this foot right here.
07:07This foot is free to go, well, as far as this foot's really going to go,
07:10considering this one is permanently planted.
07:12All in all, though, it's a nice-looking King Kong.
07:14The thing, again, that bothers me the most, really, about it is the color scheme.
07:17Head sculpt looks good.
07:18The pose that they gave it also, as well, looks really nice, as well,
07:21and because they're also now using still that same type of display base,
07:25King Kong looks a little, obviously, more consistent on the shelf,
07:29although you're probably not likely going to be displaying this guy
07:31with David Wooderson or Andy Stitzer, for that matter.
07:34He's also a little bit on the smaller side, too.
07:36I mean, they may have been able to make him a little bit taller, too,
07:39but maybe because they had more mass for his body,
07:42maybe made for why the reasons why he was a little bit shorter in comparisons
07:45when you have this guy displayed with the other movie maniacs we've gotten so far.
07:49Apparently, this guy doesn't know how to count stickers.
07:51It was five. It wasn't six.
07:52I could have easily counted the number of stickers we've got with one hand instead of two.
07:56Though King Kong, though, as you can see, is now being displayed
07:59with his index card poster behind him.
08:01I feel like, again, maybe have gone with foliage as the better option,
08:04because, again, you have to kind of keep in mind
08:07if this is going to be going behind, after all, the subject matter of Kong.
08:10Having a big, giant face like this, as good as the face may be,
08:13you're only really going to be seeing the eyes.
08:16There they are right there.
08:17Oh, he looks angry.
08:18He's angry because, of course, he's got a movie maniac statue standing in front of him,
08:22but I think maybe having just the jungle in the background,
08:25I mean, I don't know how many posters,
08:27I'm sure there probably could have been an easier poster
08:29where it was a larger scene,
08:31and maybe using that to be the index card
08:33would have been better suit for King Kong instead of what we got instead.
08:36I mean, I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time
08:38nitpicking the fact that the index card, I don't think, is the right image.
08:41I think the one thing, though, I have to take away from King Kong here
08:44is, well, it does look good.
08:46It's got a cool-looking pose to it.
08:47It may be a little on the smaller side,
08:49especially when you're comparing with other movie maniacs,
08:51but the biggest one, the biggest fault with this figure,
08:54and again, you can't really even call it a figure,
08:56is I think the paint that they chose for his chest
08:58and his hands are the wrong color.
09:00Oh, and his feet, his big, giant, monkey, smelly feet.
09:02They're all the wrong color of brown.
09:04I feel like they should have been gray instead,
09:06and his body being gray, at least the fur part,
09:08should have been black.
09:10What do you guys, though, think of the movie maniacs King Kong?
09:12Let me know down below in the comments section.
09:14Have you guys been collecting at all
09:16any of the movie maniacs line that we're getting from Todd and his team?
09:19Speaking of Todd and his team,
09:21I'd like to send a big thank you again to the folks over at McFarland Toys.
09:24Yeah, that did provide the sample of the brand-new movie maniacs King Kong,
09:28the eighth wonder of the world, who only had five stickers, not six.
09:31Wait, there was only five lights?
09:33There was only five stickers.
09:35We had the chance to have a look in this review.
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09:41I hope so.
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09:45As always, thanks for watching.
09:47See you guys next time.