NECA Alf Born to Rock Ultimate Alf Figure
00:00he may not have been born in the USA but he was probably designed there here's a
00:04look at the brand-new NECA toys born to rock ultimate elf
00:30elf crash-landed through the roof of the Tanner's family garage and square into
00:34the hearts and homes of American television viewers this short furry
00:37alien life form quickly surprised everyone with his urbane wits and
00:41unusual customs and habits figure includes shirt vest sunglasses bandana
00:45guitar saxophone album microphone with stand and interchangeable hands do you
00:50think the hit that elf body had on his hands he was hoping to get on star
00:54search before we go we get a closer look at the born-to-rock elf let's first
00:58though take the tape measure and see how tall the figure stands I'd like to
01:01as well thank the folks over at NECA that were kind enough to provide this
01:03sample we could have a look at here elf is gonna be standing about the same as
01:07the regular ultimate elf that we've already gotten from the same company and
01:10I'll be bringing that figure in a second for comparisons because that he's gonna
01:13be about six inches in height or roughly about 15 centimeters tall while this
01:18version of elf is chasing hits the original elf was chasing cats not so
01:22lucky unfortunately was part of the Tanner house now one thing though about
01:25the original elf was that he had that cog and spring shirt tied more into the
01:29animated series of elf if you didn't like the look of that version of elf you
01:32could have so easily just detach the velcro on the front of it just remove
01:35the shirt all together and underneath would it be his regular mal Mackey and
01:38body the figure is based loosely on his music video you're the one who's out of
01:41this world though in the music video itself he's actually getting different
01:44costume changes as he's playing the various instruments as we get the
01:47various instruments we don't actually get the different looks to elf but that
01:50could be something that maybe NECA would consider down the road what he does have
01:54though for an accessory count is quite high starting though first he has not
01:57born in the USA the album cover of elf I do like the fact on the front of it
02:02there's what elf would look like and it's pretty close to the figure again
02:05there's a few little allowances that they've made the back of it though does
02:07have actual screenshots from the music video and the various looks that he has
02:11as well the thing that's cool about those you can actually reach inside and
02:15pull out the real album you've got side one and you got side two I don't know if
02:20you've made any other songs other than this no I know Willie certainly made
02:25maybe Willie added on to side two what was it Saturday he was singing oh that
02:30was it was a great song by Willie maybe that's on side two you're the one who's
02:33out of this world is maybe on side one this also is made also clearly of
02:37cardboard so just be careful when you're taking out the album and putting it back
02:40in place we don't have a small enough record player but I guess I probably
02:44could find one the figure also comes included with quite a lot of swappable
02:48hands for starters he has a pair of relaxed hands go ahead and grab those
02:52right now the hands themselves sculpted and equally well painted I think also
02:57too that these are very similar hands too I'm just gonna bring back in the
03:00ultimate elf you can see that they probably have borrowed over I can't
03:03imagine that they're probably gonna be coming up with brand new creative hands
03:06unique to this figure although he does have technically be fair some hands that
03:09aren't present on the original elf ultimate elf so you've got a pair of
03:12relaxed hands don't want to drop those careful careful he does also have a
03:16rocking out hand and he's got a pointing hand and he's got a couple of
03:23well he's got another pointing hand so he's technically a pair of those and
03:25he's got another gripping hand the gripping hand actually is on the same
03:28side as the gripping hand already have right now so it is technically double
03:32dip a similar style of hand I think the plastic probably could have been used
03:36for something else and then he comes with a slightly smaller gripping hand
03:40ideal for holding the next accessory the figure has first of all a mic with a
03:44wire extended out from that and he also comes include the mic neck or the actual
03:48stand for that if you want to have him singing solely without the stand you
03:52just easily have him holding it what I like to do though is where's the hand
03:56where's the hand and right here I take the wire though I mean the wire doesn't
03:59seem like it's a bendable wire still though I like to take the wire and feed
04:03it into the hand first and it's just a lot easier just to slide the mic down
04:07this way as opposed to fighting it from the side and it's certainly not gonna be
04:11going anywhere or you can also easily just attach that take the mic stand
04:16there's a little clip on the top and just clip it against the mic and holds
04:20pretty good obviously you're just gonna have this excess trail of wires I'm
04:25gonna be there's not really gonna be a place to store that had there maybe been
04:28like a little hole right here you could have attached the wire into that just a
04:31place to kind of keep it out of the way so it's not you know flopping around he
04:36does also come included with his glasses now here's where we kind of start to go
04:39deviate a little bit away from the music video when he's got technically
04:42these glasses on he looks more like Elton John and he's got himself like a
04:45tropical shirt on he doesn't have a tropical shirt but I mean so again
04:49easily you can just take the glasses here now you may not even want to use
04:53this head sculpt I mean just because again he's got the bandana here the
04:56glass may fit fighting the way you know what I'm not gonna put the glasses on
04:59yet because they kind of more belong to this top half of his head he does
05:04technically have something rather interesting to him is instead of
05:06actually removing an entire headpiece you're actually just removing the top
05:09half so you know what leave that with me we're gonna come back to the glasses he
05:14does certainly come include also with his saxophone now in the music video
05:17when he's playing the saxophone he's dressed in shirt and tie it's also got
05:21himself like a full dress full dress suit he's playing the saxophone from
05:24like sort of the balcony area you get the saxophone you just don't get the
05:28outfit that goes along with that I don't know if is that a tenor alto sax
05:33baritone sax no baritone sax is way too big I played the alto saxon in junior
05:38high does anybody care about that nobody nobody cares about that it's just
05:42decently deep I painted there's also the reed is the little reed on the end my
05:46reed would always split in junior high again does anybody care nobody cares
05:50nobody cares he does also come include his guitar now again we see him playing
05:54the guitar in the music video and it goes pretty much more in line with the
05:58outfit that he's wearing right now so if you wanted to he does already have in
06:02his hand when you get him out of packaging a hand that's holding a guitar
06:05pick so you don't even have to worry about swapping that out right away I did
06:08though swap out this hand sculpt because it was actually a different hand that he
06:12had when I got him out of packaging so let's just go ahead slide the arm up
06:17here and we can just fit that around his head I just want to make sure of course
06:21the arm is high enough on there so you don't have to worry about that and with
06:24the hand that I have right now on this side you just can hold the neck of the
06:27guitar and it can look like Gordon Shumway is about to strung the guitar
06:31looks good that's probably gonna be the way I'm gonna display this guy on the
06:34shelf I did say though that you did come in clue with a swappable head which is
06:39right over there I was just kind of blocking it right now let's go ahead
06:43and just take this off and I know I haven't yet showed you guys how to
06:48change out the hands if you did want to change out the hands by the way it's
06:50just just want to remove it from the peg I shouldn't really say that the peg goes
06:54with the hand detach that and what do we want to use for an alternate hand
06:58let's go with a pointing hand for at least right now and the peg hole by the
07:03way isn't actually centered into the forearm it's a little off to the side so
07:07don't try to force it here because you're gonna be forcing for a while and
07:10it's not gonna be going anywhere instead kind of move it up a little bit and I'll
07:14just plug up here it's kind of a real strange place to have a peg but we're
07:18just gonna plug that in place okay so let's let's talk a little bit about his
07:23alternate headpiece it isn't again so much a full head what it basically is
07:27it's just a regular elf head so if you don't like the look of the bandana you
07:30just swap it out to this one instead and then that basically would accommodate
07:34the glasses as well I guess before we do that though one thing I did want to
07:38mention though is taking again some luxuries when it came to design of the
07:42character the bandana I think from what I see in the music video he's actually
07:45got it all red they've instead giving a little bit of black down below one thing
07:50it does doesn't seem like he's got the shirt that says born to rock it looks
07:54only like he's got himself just the the denim shirt or the denim vest on instead
07:59because I don't think you actually see the shirt underneath again a little bit
08:02of a luxury I don't mind it at all because again we got ourselves a rock
08:05version of Gordon Chumway one thing while this head is already in place
08:09again you've got yourself a brand new headpiece so it's a little it's well
08:12considerably different from the original ultimate elf I think I like though the
08:17color of the brown a lot more on the new elf versus the original the original
08:20one was a lot lighter looking elf it looked certainly though a lot more like
08:24the cartoon even though a much more realistic elf I would imagine too much
08:29like though the shirt you probably be able to take off the vest and underneath
08:32this if you didn't want to strip this guy down so let's just say I don't know
08:36let's just say the ultimate elf is going for way too expensive stupid stupid
08:40money and you just don't have the price the prices to pay for that I guess in
08:43theory if you could find this in retail stores because technically again we're
08:47getting a regular elf head sculpt with that you could buy this figure just take
08:51off the vest take off the t-shirt and there's a swap out the head sculpt and
08:54you basically would have a regular elf after all that after all those changes
08:58so if you didn't want to change the head by the way he does have mouth
09:01articulation so the mouth does open and close decently well painted too you get
09:05to see the top and the bottom of teeth again I do think that the paint is
09:08better handled here for the born-to-rock elf but let's go ahead though so if you
09:13want to change the head you just attach like this part so like here's the ball
09:17joint that looks a little it looks a little unsettling just attach it and
09:20there's the ball socket hole under underneath and then you're gonna replace
09:23it with just a regular elf head and then when to plug that in place sort of it
09:28works the same way as the hand so you're not gonna plug it right in the middle it
09:31kind of goes a little off to the side and we want to make sure of course we
09:34got a plug to all the way in there there we go I don't think I have it all the
09:39way in there but we're gonna we're gonna go with that at least for right now now
09:42though while you've got that head changed you go back to the glasses and
09:46the glasses just sort of tuck so if you look at the curl of his hair there's a
09:50section in between his ear and the hair you can kind of get the glasses kind of
09:54tucked in there I guess no no on second thought you may want to just have it
09:58underneath here yeah that works a little bit better again he would have had more
10:02like a tropical shirt but again we can suspend some disbelief the fact that we
10:06have elf with as many accessories as we do by the way though if to change just
10:11to remove the glasses right now I did want to show you guys the original elf
10:14very very similar I do feel like the sculpt is a little bit better I like the
10:18curl a lot more on the new elf than on the original it looks though like they
10:22probably have borrowed over a lot of the same sculpting but they just have refined
10:25it refined it and that's not a bad thing at all either now for the figures
10:29articulation if you're familiar with that elf you're all automatically gonna
10:32be familiar with this one as well that's gonna be no balls right so already you
10:35can move the head back and forth and up and down if you have though in theory
10:39although although head actually fully attached onto the ball joint which again
10:43I don't think I do I'm gonna have to go back then maybe heat that up a little
10:45bit the mouth does though open and close and again you can also rock it back and
10:50forth as well now the arms rotate all the way around if in theory in theory
10:54being the fact he's also got himself a t-shirt I wouldn't really wrap the head
10:58the wrap the arms all the way around just because again you're gonna start to
11:00tighten up the fabric around that but normally though if you were to strip
11:04this guy down the arms would be able to move technically all the way around he
11:07has a T pose although the T pose a little tighter on the figure now if you
11:11roll up the sleeves to now elf Scott so he's got a hinge right here that allows
11:15the arm to bend and by bending it actually bends quite a lot to the hands
11:20do rotate all the way around whether you want to use these hands or a different
11:23pair of hands the upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint the lower abdomen it
11:27basically is just all one sculpted piece but they have actually used kind of a
11:31softer rubbery plastic the legs split out quite easily no issues there at all
11:35you take the legs and move them forward only just by a little bit so what like
11:3845 45 degrees and a little less than 45 degrees the opposite way it's got a
11:44single hinge in his knee although it's really hard to bend these I've noticed
11:47on this new figure yeah the joints are really super tight I haven't heated these
11:51up I would recommend probably if you're having a similar struggle heat these bad
11:54boys first before you start to bend them but he does have though a bend in his
11:58knee he's got articulation also here as well ankle rock oh sorry spin this
12:02around it's got ankle rocks he's got him certainly move them up and down as
12:05well and the figure does have surprisingly enough peg holes and bombs
12:08of his feet so if you did want to have them displayed on a display stand elf
12:12though surprisingly even though he doesn't have completely flat feet doesn't
12:16seem to have too much of an issue when it comes to standing speaking though of
12:19standing let's move everything out of the way here and bring back in the
12:22original elf you know again I loved the original elf and again if you didn't
12:25like necessarily him wearing this outfit you could so easily just take that off
12:28and just have a regular shumway underneath but again like I do like the
12:31idea that we're getting another release of this guy is he close though to the
12:35music video for the most part yes the headband I think though in the actual
12:39video itself don't drop it don't drop it the music video I think the headband is
12:42completely red with the little I guess those would be stars and a little polka
12:46dots those would still be there in white but I think the majority of his headband
12:49is red in the music video and I well I don't think he has the born to rock
12:54t-shirt I mean it lends well to the idea that elf loved the rock and again like I
12:58do like this release I do hope though as sort of a guilty pleasure for a
13:02loving elf as much as I do that down the road that maybe a neck of toys they
13:06already have essentially the bodies of elf they could so easily just retool
13:10brand-new heads although I think really with the ZZ Top release of him they'd
13:14also have to incorporate a beard down below as well but you have released the
13:17other versions of elf in the music video then you can have all of them on display
13:21and performing for his girlfriend Rhonda come on Willie if you're gonna be
13:25singing Saturday you got to do with a whole lot more emotion the one thing
13:29though I really like about elf is while using I'm guessing probably the exact
13:32same body the ultimate elf they have at least done different things to the new
13:35head sculpt so ideally again as I mentioned this with you if you didn't
13:39get the chance to get the original ultimate elf I don't think you're
13:42necessarily gonna be disappointed not having them in your collection you could
13:44so easily buy two of these have the one in the original born-to-rock outfit they
13:48comes out of the box with and then just kind of strip everything off of him stop
13:52that perverse strip everything off of him and then just use the alternate head
13:56piece not the entire head because of course he's swapping out the top of his
14:00head instead and then you just have a regular elf to be displayed that way too
14:03the thing that I didn't talk too much about in this review is also the colors
14:06that they've used for the Browns the colors on this one are notably a lot
14:09brighter of a brown than the more darker brown that were on the original elf I
14:13think overall though I think they've just in perfected the paint work that
14:16they've done on this figure that I don't feel again if I hadn't picked up the
14:20original elf I don't think I would have been disappointed knowing how good this
14:22one did turn out again while he does have all the accessories for the majority
14:26of the music video he doesn't have unfortunately the various looks that go
14:29along with those maybe down the road again fingers crossed fingers crossed
14:32that we might get also the other versions of elf with the beard the ZZ top
14:36look sort of again like I don't know like who's like playing the saxophone
14:40was it like Clinton was he trying to Clinton and of course there was also
14:43like that Elton John keyboard I mean of course it would involve two very
14:46different outfits but at least they would save the cost of having a tool a
14:49brand-new figure they were just incorporate brand-new fabric outfits to
14:53be displayed with essentially the exact same body a big thank you again to the
14:56folks over at NECA that did provide the sample the brand-new born to rock elf as
15:00a big elf fan myself a welcomed addition to my not very large collection of elf I
15:05mean again outside the original ultimate elf that we've gotten there's also a
15:09couple of the various cartoon elves which are much more smaller more
15:12stylized figures we definitely need more elf releases what do you guys think of
15:16this figure let me know down below in the comments section have you guys also
15:19have the chance to pick this guy up and if you have how do you have them
15:22displayed on your shelf if you guys did also enjoy this video you can do it a
15:26salt and throw it a like guys wanna stick around for more so I hope so hit
15:30that subscribe turn on that Bell and of course come back as always thanks for
15:33watching see you guys next time