• last month
Following on from Glee, Ryan Murphy's anthology series has been shocking people for years!


00:00American Horror Story is one of those shows that just keeps on… keeping on.
00:04The most recent season was met with mostly positive reviews, although the ending did
00:09seem to follow that trend of the show starts good, and then goes completely off the rails.
00:15That does not mean that along the way we haven't got some bloody, bloody kills.
00:21With that in mind, I'm Sean Ferrick for WhatCulture, and here are 10 American Horror
00:26Story Fates Worse Than Death.
00:29Number 10.
00:30Being stuck inside a corpse.
00:33Everyone with that certain piece of anatomy can wince collectively while thinking of this
00:38The Ten Commandments Killer is one of the shadowy antagonists of American Horror Story
00:42In the very first episode of the season, the police find a grisly tableau left for them.
00:47A couple has been skewered to their bed, and the woman has been killed.
00:51The man, however, has been pumped full of Viagra, and he has been stuck inside the corpse.
00:57It's enough to make every person with a penis uncomfortably cross their legs, while the
01:01terrible implication being that, even if he is freed from her body, what will be left?
01:07No thank you.
01:08Number 9.
01:09Pepper's banishment.
01:10Pepper, like Misty Day both after and before her, is one of the characters in American
01:15Horror Story who is truly good.
01:17Her worst crime is that she pesters people to play, even if they don't want to.
01:21The audience is introduced to her in American Horror Story Asylum, and she is the first
01:24character to cross over between seasons.
01:27She appears in Freak Show as well.
01:29Here, her story is revealed.
01:30She was raised, badly, in an orphanage before being saved by Frau Elsa.
01:34As part of the show, she grew very close to a man with similar attributes as herself,
01:39However, when Salty died, she grew despondent and no longer wished to perform, leading Elsa
01:44to leave her with her sister, Rita Gayhart.
01:46This has tragic consequences.
01:49Rita resents Pepper's presence, though not nearly as much as her husband Larry does.
01:54Together, Rita and Larry concoct a plan to rid themselves of both Pepper and their deformed
01:59They stage his murder and blame it on Pepper.
02:01She is then condemned to Briarcliff, where she is forced to remain until her eventual
02:06She is the victim of the evils of humanity, pure and simple.
02:09Number 8.
02:10Brought back as a zombie.
02:11Kyle Spencer.
02:13Another victim from American Horror Story's third season, Kyle Spencer had a fairly terrible
02:17life, both before and after death.
02:19While living, he was habitually abused by his mother, forcing him to partake in incestuous
02:23acts that began to rot him from the inside out.
02:26Despite this, he was still a good person at heart, and when he discovers what his teammates
02:29were doing to Madison Montgomery, he stops them.
02:32This does not save his life from Madison's rage, and she flips the bus that he and his
02:36team share.
02:37However, Zoe Benson pleads for his salvation, which Madison grants, to a degree.
02:42Cobbling together body parts, they bring him back to… life, forcing him to exist as a
02:46zombie with little more grasp on reality than the standard Romero ghoul.
02:50He returns home and bludgeons his mother to death with a trophy.
02:53He visits Misty Day, and she tries to help, but this triggers him and he rages through
02:56her home, causing her to cast him out.
02:58Fiona Good restores something of his old self, though he is left traumatized by what he's
03:03been through.
03:04His life then becomes one of servitude, though he does manage to find love in Zoe.
03:08He is not free of his rages, and kills more people, including Madison, meaning he may
03:12never truly be whole again.
03:14Number 7.
03:15Shelley's legs.
03:17Just kill the woman and be done, rather than leaving the poor soul in this state.
03:21Shelley falls victim to Dr. Arden, the sadistic surgeon at the heart of Briarcliff's medical
03:25team, and American Horror Story Asylum.
03:27She is committed to the asylum by her cheating husband, who, sore that she turned his own
03:31actions back on him, had her sent with the charge of nymphomania.
03:35She manages to keep her defiant attitude in the asylum, serving as something of an antagonist
03:39to Sister Jude.
03:40Dr. Arden can't stand her, likening her to a whore.
03:43However, he takes her to his office and attempts to rape her.
03:46She openly laughs once he reveals his penis, suggesting it's either very small or malformed
03:51in some way.
03:52This pushes him over the edge.
03:54When she next wakes, she finds herself in his surgery.
03:56He's amputated both of her legs.
03:59She is then taken from the hospital by Sister Mary Eunice, left to be discovered in a schoolyard
04:03by a young child.
04:04The monsignor, either as an act of cowardice or mercy, garrotts her with his rosary beads.
04:09Number 6.
04:10Madison's afterlife.
04:12Madison Montgomery is, in many ways, the ultimate bitch from American Horror Story.
04:16She arrives in Coven, quickly establishing herself as one of the top-tier witches at
04:20the Academy, before getting a comeuppance, several times, during the show's run.
04:24She's arrogant, stylish, bratty, and at all times, she tries to be in control.
04:28Not even death seems to stop her, as she is first murdered by Fiona Goode.
04:32Her throat is slit, as Fiona believes she is the next Supreme, rising to take away her
04:37She's revived by Misty Day and Zoe Benson, supremely unhappy with what happened.
04:42She begins to grow increasingly unhinged from this point, attempting next to use Kyle
04:46to torment Zoe.
04:47It's Kyle who sends her to her somewhat ultimate fate.
04:51He strangles her, killing her again, this time for… longer?
04:55Her hell, it's revealed, is to work in customer service for all eternity.
04:59It's here that she remains, despite a brief reprise courtesy of Michael Langdon.
05:04Yet even that is reversed.
05:05She'll be folding sheets for quite some time to come, being screamed at by unhappy
05:10customers, forced to take it.
05:13Becoming the Host for the Devil Sister Mary Eunice, another wonderful portrayal
05:18by Lily Rape, is a tragic character in American Horror Story Asylum.
05:21She's a devout nun to the point of self-flagellation, committed entirely to God and the pursuit
05:26of a holy existence.
05:28She is kind and caring, though meek.
05:30She is still haunted by an incident in her past which saw her tricked into revealing
05:33her body.
05:34She is, in her piety, the perfect host for the Devil.
05:37As she witnesses the end of a lengthy exorcism, the Devil possesses her, taking her entirely,
05:43but forcing her to remain aware of what is happening around her.
05:46From this point on, the closest-to-God member of the cloth in Briarcliff is the walking
05:51embodiment of Satan, subjugating the residents of the asylum under her increasingly brutal
05:57While it may seem as though Satan has killed her and simply wears her face, a chance encounter
06:01with Shackath proves that Sister Mary Eunice still resides inside, terrified and constantly
06:06trying to battle the Demon.
06:08It is Shackath and Monsignor Timothy who finally free her, though not before her body is used
06:13for acts that are antithetical to her nature.
06:15Before her eventual release and death, Sister Mary Eunice spent her last days as the creature
06:20she dedicated her life to reject.
06:23Misty Day is Trapped in Hell
06:25Misty Day, as played by Lily Rabe in both Coven and Apocalypse, is one of the truly
06:30good characters in American Horror Story.
06:32She is a witch with the power of resurgence, meaning she can bring back souls from the
06:36However, this power does not serve to do her any favours as she undergoes the Seven Wonders.
06:41Her entrapment in Hell is potentially one of the cruelest fates that any character in
06:45American Horror Story must face.
06:46A devout lover of all living things, she is trapped in a cold biology class, forced to
06:51kill and dissect a frog over and over again, unable to free herself from her torment.
06:56Like many entries on this list, she is eventually freed from this hell, but for the entire duration
07:01of her stay, surely the depths of oblivion would have been preferable to her daily unlife.
07:07Delphine Lalaurie's Girls
07:09This one deserves no sympathy, yet it is unmistakably a fate that one may not wish upon their worst
07:16Let this tale be litmus paper for exactly how twisted the viewer is.
07:18Delphine Lalaurie was a monster and no doubt about it.
07:21She murdered dozens of slaves in her time, punishing them cruelly for perceived wrongs
07:25and then even more so after her husband had an affair.
07:28She bathed in blood to retain her youth, though this had very little effect.
07:32She was tricked by the voodoo queen Marie Laveau into becoming immortal, thus meaning
07:36she must watch her family die.
07:38She is brought into the service of Fiona Good over 100 years later, forced then to see her
07:42daughters return as zombies in an attempt to destroy the coven.
07:46Although she is distraught by this, it's nothing compared to her final fate.
07:50She is ultimately taken prisoner by Papa Legba, the demon who is the source of Laveau's power.
07:54There, she is trapped, forced to watch Marie torture manifestations of her children for
07:59all time.
08:00No thank you.
08:02Number 2.
08:03The Harmon Family's Fate Ben, Vivian and Violet were just an average
08:07family moving into a new home in the hope that it would help to bring them closer together
08:10as a family.
08:11In a way, this succeeded.
08:13In a way.
08:14Murder House, as it was dubbed, is one of those spots on Earth that binds the soul of
08:18anyone who died there to that spot, tethering them for all eternity.
08:22Time will then start to move quite differently, looping and reversing, breaking the sanity
08:26of all those in place.
08:27The first of the family to die is Violet, taking an overdose of pills.
08:31However, she does not initially realise that she has died.
08:34The second to die is Ben, hung from a chandelier.
08:36The last is Vivian, dying during childbirth.
08:39However, at the end of the first season, there's an almost hopeful ending, showing the Harmon
08:44family, along with Moira, celebrating Christmas together in the house.
08:48However, when Madison and Behold visit the house in an attempt to discover more about
08:53Michael Langdon, the audience discovers the true and darker fates of these spirits.
08:58Violet, trapped with Tate, who had raped her mother, hides from him all the time.
09:02Ben oscillates between attempting to give Tate therapy and crying while masturbating
09:06at the window.
09:07Vivian has hidden herself away entirely, refusing to appear to him.
09:10The witches do offer the family some help, which aids in healing some of the wounds,
09:15but this is undone, leaving the Harmon family doomed for all eternity.
09:19Number 1 – Spending Eternity as a Housemaid
09:23Described by Billie Dean Howard as perhaps the saddest soul to ever inhabit a murder
09:27house, she worked as a maid for Constance and Hugo Langdon until, in 1983, she was found
09:33by Constance as Hugo attempted to rape her.
09:35Constance believed her to be complicit and shot her through the eye, thus condemning
09:39her to remain trapped within the house.
09:41She would then go on to appear in both her old visage and her young visage, depending
09:45on who viewed her.
09:46Despite the fact that Constance murdered her, she harboured a deep hatred for men in general,
09:50blaming them for her state.
09:51She attempted to free herself with the Harmon's unwitting help, though this was unsuccessful.
09:56On Halloween 2011, she was able to leave the house for one night only and visited her ailing
10:00mother, whom she subsequently smothered, releasing the older one from pain.
10:03Moira was unable to join her in the afterlife, tethered as she was to the house.
10:07She was eventually freed from the house by Madison Montgomery and Behold Shabli as part
10:11of a deal they made with the ghost of Constance Langdon, to finally rid the pair of each other
10:16for all eternity.
10:17While this may seem like a happy ending, there was a terrible twist.
10:21Thanks to time travel, certain events were erased from history, as was the event of her
10:26Moira remains condemned to the house forever.
10:29On that cheery note, that's everything on our list.
10:32Do you think there's anything in previous or subsequent seasons that we should have
10:35included here?
10:36Let us know.
10:37You can catch us over on Twitter at WhatCulture, and you can catch myself at Sean Farrick over
10:41on Twitter as well.
10:42You look after yourselves until I talk to you again.
10:44Hopefully, however you spend the rest of your day or week, it's a fate better than death.
10:48Thanks very much.
