• last month
Pets can be a joy but also a responsibility. If you have one, what do they bring to your life? If not, what stops you from getting one?
00:00I have three cats, which has got a 12-year-old kitten called Tiny.
00:05She's, sorry, he is absolutely gorgeous.
00:08They bring in joy when you come in from work.
00:11It's like they're there, they love you.
00:13Have I got a pet? Other than the wife, no.
00:16No, no, no, we haven't.
00:18Cuddles are lovely, Afton. You get lots of cuddles, Afton.
00:21She gets cuddles, I don't.
00:23I've also got a Yorkshire Terrier as well.
00:25She's going to be six this year in April.
00:29She brings joy.
00:30I can take her out to the park and she loves running and playing.
00:33I think they are a responsibility
00:36in as much as that they should be looked after.
00:39A dog, for argument's sake, should be taken for a walk.
00:42So, yeah, I think you've got to devote a certain amount of time to them.
00:49She also loves going in to greet people in the pub.
00:52So, yeah, they give you love and affection and the parts of the family.
00:56Cheers, cheers, trouble, double trouble.
