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NEW HANDS MOD!!! (Saw, Giant, Freeze) | Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Gameplay (Mods)

What’s up MA DUDES!!!! How is it going today? Today we are going to be playing Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 with the NEW HANDS MOD!!! Yup, today we are getting brand new Grabpack hands! It is like we are playing a secret level today as we get new hands with crazy powers that can help us beat the game. From a giant hand, to a saw hand, and even a freeze hand! We are going to use all of these to break the game and have a great time! Hopefully we can glitch things out and break the game as we make our own funny moments along the way! Let’s see which new hand is the most powerful! Join me on this amazing and exciting adventure as we discover what happens when we use a mod to get NEW HANDS!!! Enjoy.
#dakblake #poppyplaytimechapter4 #poppyplaytime

Onsite assistance:
Christian Sandoval - Camera
Zorro Sengupta - Sound
Rachel Crandall - Production Assistant

Amazing Mod By Kokosko
Channel Link: @kokosko

👉 Twitter 👈 : https://twitter.com/dakblake

📹 Instagram 📹: https://www.instagram.com/dakblake_/

Songs by Kevin Macleod

Ending: Back Again by LEMMiNO
00:00What's up my dudes, how's it going today? JackBlake here. Today, we're using a mod to get some new hands. That's right
00:06It is time to mod Poppy Playtime chapter 4 again, and today is really cool
00:10You see in chapter 3 we got the purple hand in chapter 4
00:14We get this red hand and the omni hand but those are gonna be boring in comparison to what we get today
00:19See imagine if you just you took the grab pack and you were like
00:23Oh, this is so cool. Now throw it away and just grab something random. That is what we're getting you today
00:29Cocosco spent like the last three days just working so hard on this
00:34He said he had to code up brand new systems and he put all of the new hands in this room
00:40So today we're about to see brand new hands
00:43No one has ever seen before with brand new powers and here they are
00:49Oh my god
00:51So we have a like crazy collection here. What is this one? And it's all a room
00:57I don't even recognize it. Have we have we seen this before? What is this room? This is the storage room
01:02They just they you know, they store just a bunch of random hands
01:09Cocosco knows our humor. I feel like this is gonna meet some wonky ones here. Like what is this?
01:14This almost looks like a silly string hand. Oh my gosh. We have a saw hand. Oh, that looks like the omni hand
01:20Well today's about to get crazy. Let's begin. Let's just start with a saw hand here and
01:28That is so cool, oh my gosh, okay, let me try to use it. It spins
01:36Oh my gosh
01:38So I have a saw I don't know what it does, you know
01:42I would think that it would like swing around but no it's like locked in. Hold on
01:45This pillar looks very important. What happens if I walk up with my saw in three two one. Oh
01:52Oh my gosh, I don't even know what sound I made. Oh my gosh, I just broke everything
02:01Hey, Joey later in the game we we saw you in half. Why don't we just do it now? Does this work?
02:07I have a feeling it doesn't work because he's not coded as like an object. But let's see three two
02:12One oh my god
02:19Okay, I gotta run I gotta run for the law here I've been committing crimes already with my new hands this thing is too
02:27Powerful. Oh my gosh. Okay. Well, maybe later we could use that. Oh, wait. Do I have like a oh
02:32I can use it in the thing. Whoa. So this one is called the nitrogen hand. That is crazy
02:40Cocos go coated it up. You don't really see a picture of it
02:43But the ability to just select nitrogen hand is insane this kissy missy is just having a great time reading her book
02:50Look at her. She's like
02:57All right, well this episode is already crazy so far I already have ideas
03:01We're gonna take all of these hands and use them in different parts of the game
03:04So kind of think of some ideas. I don't think you could you can't tell me them
03:08Obviously, I recorded this before you could talk to me, but telepathically tell me somehow
03:14Magic you're just sitting there with your food like what? All right. Well, let's try this nitrogen hand in three two one go
03:37This is so powerful, hold on, how could we use this? Can I just go to different parts of the game?
03:43I mean everything is already frozen. I'm walking through the ice. So I don't know how it works. Okay, wait, hold on
03:48Can I take the saw now and just chop it all down? All right, so go
03:53It's not really chopping anything. I feel like the ice is just kind of like everywhere
03:57All right, so I just restarted the game to make sure that everything is fresh
04:01It's just it's still mind-blowing the fact that there's like little dots over them as well like aesthetically. This is really cool
04:08So how many hands do we have left? We have one two, three, four five hands left. This is exciting
04:13I'm having so much fun
04:14Like I mentioned if you could find different hands throughout the game that would help you
04:18I feel like poppy playtime chapter 4 should have that right just like collectible hands that you could use to help you
04:24But I mentioned being able to freeze things. Come on
04:26Well, I don't know what this one is, but it looks like a rocket connected to a hand. Let's let's see
04:31Oh, it is. It is literally just a rocket hand. All right, let's do it. Three two one go
04:39Okay, that's pretty cool. I'm not moving at all. Oh wait, it's like it's like random
04:44I think you need like some speed or do you like bounce a little bit? Oh, whoa
04:48See, I don't know how this is gonna help you. Oh, I see
04:58You know, it just brings out like the kid in me that's like it's just excited
05:04Do all these like crazy random powers
05:06Like imagine facing doughy
05:08In the end like that doughy boss fight and you're just flying in the air and you're just launching stuff at him
05:13Or the fact that you can just fly
05:32We're flying
05:37Rocket rocket
05:45Hey there doughy, hi, let me just take a look on up there. Hi
05:50Hey there, man. How's it going? Oh, it kind of looks like he's looking at me, doesn't he?
05:54Oh, why is it look like he's staring at me now? Oh, that's creepy. He's like judging me. Sorry
05:59I just found a new rocket hand
06:01He's like, why is the new guy messing around? I'm like, have you guys not seen in the storage area?
06:06Look at all these cool things. All right. Well, I
06:10Feel like we're gonna use the rocket head a lot, but let's see what this one is
06:14So it looks like there's like a screen. Oh, it's a TV. There's a TV connected to it. What could this possibly do?
06:21I feel like have you gotten good at guessing in these videos like Jack Blake video guesses
06:27What is this item gonna do?
06:28Because it could do anything it could summon a TV that just plays the screen of me going like this
06:35You know, I don't know
06:38That's the exciting part
06:40Random so, uh, let's see what happens in three two one go. Oh, oh someone a little doctor
06:50It looks like he's on a mission he's like
06:54Okay, where you going man he he is running to somewhere specific, um, what do you have in mind man?
07:00Where are you going? All right. He's right. He's running over here. Okay. He just picked up dog day. What what what is he doing?
07:07He says my stomach hurts a lot. Is he he's a doctor. He's helping
07:12Really what is he doing though? He just come up doctor. What are you doing? He's just walking up to random things
07:39My gosh, can I summon a second one?
07:43What do they even do it's not even that funny I know I know it's not even that funny
07:48But it's just so unusual, you know, okay, man. What's what's going on? He was just shaking. Hold on
07:54I lost the other one. Where are you? What are you doing? Okay. He's just taking the animals and shaking them
08:00That's not what a doctor does
08:05No, no, that's not what doctors do stop it. Why do you look so happy? Oh, man, I am I'm enjoying this hand
08:12I don't know why it's just so funny. He's literally running up to the dog
08:19He put dog day right here
08:22Dog day looks confused. Why are you taking happy hopscotch away? Why do they have? Okay, I don't know
08:29What is happening? It does really feel like they have thoughts in a brain. It looks like he's okay
08:33He was he was making a negotiation. He switched
08:39I don't know. I honestly have no clue what's going on. Now. Everybody's just moving
08:45Doctors and they just annoy all the smiling critters by moving them around. Oh, there goes kissy-missy kissy-missy
08:51Where is the real kissy-missy? Are you gonna stop this? What is happening? What if I summon a doctor right over here?
08:58Boop right there. Hi. Hi mini doctor. I just want to say you're doing a great job. Oh, what?
09:05You're doing an awful job. Why are you doing that?
09:08He looks like he's like don't tell me what to do. I do what I want. Oh, man. This is hilarious
09:13What is happening over here? Hello. Hello. The walls are getting taken. Okay, I thought you guys were just helping
09:21Smiling critters. They're like organizing them. Hi, you guys are the dog days. There's happy hopscotch
09:26Oh, man, this is so random and I love it. All right, I think I probably have to restart the game
09:32I don't even know how I would like stop the doctors. Actually, what if I take the saw? All right doctors
09:39No more. Come here. Hold on chop. Nope. I can't I have to like I'm feeling I'm gonna cut the floor
09:46It's not it. Come back here. What are you doing? You guys are taking the walls. What's happening? What move the walls?
09:53Excuse me guys. Stop it. I don't even think I can I can't oh, I can't really chop them, but I'll chop the floor
10:00Yeah, try moving the critters over here now. Wow. This saw him is insane. All right this
10:07This is fun. This is really fun
10:13Destruction, all right, so this is my area. Where are you guys gonna go now? Haha. Oh wait, I just felt okay
10:21All right, let's restart. All right, it's time to move on to the last three hands
10:25This one looks like it's gonna be crazy
10:26But we have this random purple hand and it just looks like a shiny purple hand. What is this? It's a
10:34Supernova and look at that possibly do is it gonna cause an explosion? I feel like they always cause explosions. All right, I'm prepared
10:42I'm I'm ready. Let's see what happens three two one
10:46Go I clicked it what guys guys you're gonna want to leave
10:58That might just be the most powerful hand we have ever seen
11:03It's crazy because in every single chapter we always do some sort of hand modem. We've done actually a lot
11:08We've done like like band hands like things that are just too powerful. We've done
11:13Just like random ones. This one feels like the craziest one
11:17It deleted the entire game in a matter of seconds. Can we just beat any boss fight that way?
11:24Oh, I accidentally clicked it again. Oh, no, where am I? I'm somewhere on the map. I'm just gonna
11:32Okay more destruction well
11:36Could I use any hand to help me back up? Hold on thruster hand to the rescue
11:40I don't even know if I'm looking up anymore. Am I am I?
11:49I feel like a superhero this grab pack
11:52It's it could be the origin stories of like a new hero that uses like technology, you know, can I make it back?
11:59Let's go. We did it. I mean, we're kind of like a super villain if you think about it
12:03Look, I could just look at like this area and just be like, alright, I'm gonna delete it and there we go
12:10It is deleting itself
12:14It does feel like a super villain, alright, I had to restart again
12:17Hey, if you're enjoying and you're new subscribe, you know, I'm gonna have some more stuff like this
12:22I keep having to restart and run all the way back here. Alright, this is the hand I've been waiting for
12:27I don't know what it is, but I'm excited. Let's see
12:45Would you explain what's going on right now if somebody was to like walk by and be like like oh
12:51What's that Blake doing? And then they just saw this like?
12:54Excuse me. You're like, that's how the normal hand looks. Nothing has changed yet. He's not even using a mod
13:01Stop being weird. That's just how it normally looks. Look. I don't even know what it does. Let's use it. Three two one go go
13:09Does it really not do anything
13:19It slaps what really hold on I'm sorry. Oh it slaps
13:46Man I feel so bad because like all of these characters these smiling critters are like, please do you have any food?
13:53I'm like
13:54I'm like stop talking. I'm walking here. Hi guys. How's it going? Hi. What's up? Are you injured?
14:01Hi, you too
14:03triple slap
14:05I don't know why this one's the most funny. I can't even hold my own composure. Hi guys
14:11What's up, my stomach? Oh your stomach hurts? Let me see. Let me feel that real quick. There we go. All right
14:17I'm having too much fun with this one here. I summon doughy to walk around
14:25He looks like he's like, oh boy, what a beautiful day today funny. All right, well
14:35Move out of my way move. All right, I gotta I gotta move this to something else. All right back to storage
14:40We have one more left. I don't think anything could top that hand, but let's see. What is this?
14:46It's called the whistle hand now. I feel like because it's at the end is probably another funny one
14:51I don't even know what's gonna do. But you know what? Maybe it makes the characters whistle. We got two left
14:56All right. Let's try it. Three two one go
15:09Could imagine like the backstory of this hand, it's like some of the workers here
15:13We're just getting a little bit bored and you know, they just needed some entertainment
15:16So they added a little whistle to one of the hands
15:20Wait, what if I do like a mini one?
15:29Can I get it to go really far here let's go like this and then I'm gonna run
15:36That's good, I can just annoy him. Hey, hey, Joey Joey Joey, are you busy Joey?
15:48All right, I don't know what hand to use
15:51For like later, but I feel like all of these are so powerful
15:54All right, so I made it to the doughy boss fight here. We're at the end of the game, but I got my hands
16:01We could freeze him and saw him right away here. Hold on. Okay. So no, it's just here
16:06I'm gonna try to freeze him. Three, two, one. Go. Wait, don't go go. Oh, he's trying to leave. Okay, you know what?
16:12I don't even I don't even need to freeze you
16:15Oh, I think I did it. Oh, oh wait, no, I didn't he I he doesn't exist
16:22Oh, he doesn't like he's just see-through. Huh? Okay. Well, you know what?
16:28We're just gonna fly on out of here, this is amazing. Hold on
16:37We are out of the game I okay, I'm flying. Okay, hold on. Let's get that saw hand back. Let's saw this thing
16:44I feel like this saw is like more for objects. It feels like right? It feels like yeah, it's objects
16:50Well, you know what? We also we did saw Joey earlier though. I don't know. Maybe I just gotta find the right area
16:56Where are you? Joey?
16:58We're breaking everything here. Yeah. Yeah
17:01Yeah, where are you? Come here? Come on. Where are you? I'm trying. Oh
17:07What happened? I I saw my lost
17:11Whoa. Oh, but then it's just come it completely moved me to this part of the game. What? Oh and now I broke the game
17:19I have no hands there. They're all gone man. Maybe Joey's more powerful than we thought
17:23I feel like something is definitely broken. I probably have to read look. I just died out of nowhere. What is happening?
17:30All right. I restarted my game completely just to make sure everything works
17:33I have a feeling I might have actually just deleted Joey and the game just broke
17:38Sometimes when you delete characters from a level the level doesn't know how to operate anymore
17:43Like it brought me here cuz it was like Joey's not there now
17:46I don't know but hey
17:48Let's go to the ending and use the supernova hand while the huggy-wuggy animation is playing. All right
17:53I have the supernova hand. I have to be very careful
17:56I'm gonna play the animation now and then right here before it takes me into the animation
18:02I'm just gonna use it in three two one. All right, here we go. I don't know what's gonna happen
18:09It's already happening though now
18:15Okay, what happens oh, oh I think the game is crashing what what what it's going again. Oh
18:23Okay. All right. I'm destroying it. All right. Okay. Well, I'm not even there for the animation
18:30I don't even know if it's playing anymore. Oh, okay. Well, it's trying to play everything's dilly up. He's showing up
18:36Oh, wait, here. I am. Hold on
18:39I'm in the animation right now, and it's still breaking. Yeah
18:44Firing it at him. I'm like stay back cookie. You don't know the power I have. Okay, don't run at me fire
18:56That was really cool, oh man, this was fun. Well, um, I think I'm gonna leave it there
19:02We've tested every single hand
19:04Maybe we can use these hands in future videos and and all these new models that we're gonna do you guys have some crazy ideas
19:10And I want to see if we can make them possible. What was your favorite hand so far?
19:13I feel like mine might be the giant slap hand, but
19:19That saw hand is incredible to just saw literally everything in the world
19:24I mean that has to be the best one, but then again, I don't know that that supernova hand just deletes everything as well
19:31Let me know what you guys think and also leave some cool suggestions try to think of the craziest idea
19:36You know at one point, you know, this was a crazy idea new hands, right? So, uh, yeah
19:41I'm I'm excited for new stuff and I hope you enjoyed I hope it made you smile
19:45That's all I want to do every single day
19:49And I could cheer you up once more if you're new I challenge you to subscribe
19:53With the the exact middle point of your hand. That's almost harder because you can't use your fingers, huh?
20:00If you manage to subscribe, I welcome you to the deck back as we get closer and closer to 4 million subscribers
20:06It is crazy. I thank God every day that I'm able to do things like this
20:08It's truly a blessing to be able to just make you smile play random games
20:12Do some mods and stuff and I hope I could just keep making you smile in every single episode
20:17So I'll see you in that next one. Thank you guys for watching and as always peace out my dudes
