• last month
Docalsa Niega daños en cuevas del Pomier en San Cristóbal y garantiza cumplimiento de permisos ambientales


00:00The government said that on February 27th, it will announce a solution
00:03around what is happening in this cultural and natural reserve.
00:09Yes, of course.
00:09The main thing is that the government has to take into account
00:12what are the decisions it is going to make based on the information it has.
00:15There is a lot of information that has been provided that is totally false.
00:19In fact, when you verify most of the publications
00:22that have been made in the media,
00:24if you go to the place, you will realize that those photographs
00:27are from 15 years ago, not from the current date.
00:30And that at this moment, there is by DOCALSA,
00:34in absolute terms, no exploitation,
00:37not even within the core area, the protected area,
00:39and much less within the de-amortization area.
00:43Because they have respected what, at the time,
00:45the Ministry of the Environment established.
00:47However, we cannot, under no circumstances,
00:51adjudicate to the mining activity of this company,
00:55specifically, the damage that has been done,
00:58because there are studies that establish and guarantee
01:01that DOCALSA has not done it.
01:02On the other hand, as far as...
