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#EnVivo / Emisión Estelar con Roberto Cavada por Telenoticias 19/02/2025


00:00Congratulations, give me 30 minutes and a lot more and I will introduce you to the country and the rest of the world.
00:11Broadcasting live from the city of Corazón, I had promised you, we would return to Santiago as it was tradition and as it will be tradition again at least twice a month to meet with the people.
00:28Thank you, thank you to all those who have accompanied us, thank you to the people of Santiago, to the people of Sibah in general.
00:35Thank you to those who tune in throughout the country through Tele Sistema, Channel 11 and of course around the world through TV X Queya, especially to the people of Santiago and Sibah who see us in New York.
00:51Thank you to Rosa de la Cruz and her family who found out that we would be broadcasting here and of course this warmth comes to them from their land, from Santiago.
01:02Thank you also to those who see us and tune in in the city of Miami, to Milcar, to Marisol and to her daughter Carolina.
01:12Thank you, thank you for the company in this stellar television show.
01:18Let's go to what we came for. The member of the National Council of the Magistrate, Tobias Crespo, expressed today that society eagerly awaits the appointment of a prosecutor or a prosecutor who brings together the qualities established in the law, whose name would be known next Friday.
01:38Gregory González, our man of news, tells us more.
01:43With great optimism, the deputy councilor expects the selection of the substitute of the current Attorney General of the Republic, Miriam Germán Brito, noting that there has been a lot of respect and cordiality in each of the meetings headed by President Luis Sabinader.
02:01The expectations, not only of Tobias Crespo and the strength of the people, but of the country, is that they can exercise their position according to the fulfillment of what the Constitution commands, the laws that respect the due process, the presumption of innocence.
02:18In that order, Tobias Crespo spoke of the characteristics that he or the new prosecutor must have, as well as the challenges that await him in the future.
02:30The vice president of the Institutionalidad y Justicia Foundation considered it appropriate for the National Council of the Magistrate to postpone its meeting this Wednesday, where President Luis Sabinader would present his proposal for the candidate to occupy the post.
02:48I think this is a process that has become transparent. The president has wanted to take it with the highest levels of guarantee.
03:00The National Council of the Magistrate published today the Regulation on the Application of its Organic Law after postponing the due process in the matter. This Regulation, now numbered 1-25, includes the modifications introduced by the Constitution of October 2024 and Law No. 125 of January 2025.
03:25If the president presents it that same day and the Council understands that whoever presents must be approved immediately, then we will do it without further difficulties.
03:38It is stipulated that for this Friday the name of the candidate or the candidate to lead the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic is presented.
03:47That the files based on evidence and evidence work and that we can achieve a higher quality of justice.
03:55Various personalities have expressed that the new Prosecutor General of the Republic must have the majority of the support of the citizens.
04:07From the National District for Telenoticias, Gregory González.
04:12Friends, at the conclusion of the first meeting of the Presidential Commission on Transparency and Anti-Corruption, President Luis Abinader highlighted the commitment of the country to institutionality. Guillermo García, broadens us.
04:29In the meeting, which was extended for about two hours, the first details were defined to apply the measures that stop government corruption.
04:39We discuss here the whole process to establish this national anti-corruption system.
04:45We also have the help of international organizations, such as the OCDE.
04:50We are taking their experiences, their good practices, to, as I repeat, continue to advance.
04:56In two to three weeks, depending on the progress we are going to have.
05:01But in a maximum of three weeks, we will be presented in a second meeting with this national system of fight against corruption,
05:12within which we will also have visits to all the provinces.
05:16The Commission, which presides over the General Directorate of Governmental Ethics and Integrity, and which is assigned to the Ministry of the Presidency,
05:23will coordinate the different governmental strategies of prevention, transparency and access to public information.
05:32Within the functions of the Commission, they contribute to the optimization of the purchasing and public hiring processes,
05:40through control mechanisms and supervision that reduce the risks of corruption.
05:45This was the first of a series of meetings that will periodically be taking place to fulfill the commitment assumed.
05:54For Telenoticias, Guillermo García.
05:59Friends, this Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that through Decree 72-25,
06:07President Luis Abinader made changes in the Foreign Service.
06:13He appointed several ambassadors in different positions, including a new ambassador in Japan.
06:23In this case, he has appointed Edward Aníbal Pérez Reyes as extraordinary ambassador and plenipotentiary.
06:33Pérez Reyes, who has held several positions in the Foreign Service,
06:38was the permanent representative to the International Navy Funds Authority.
06:44He also appointed Robert Miki Taka Pimentel as extraordinary ambassador and plenipotentiary
06:53in the Federal Republic of Brazil, after his return from the Japanese embassy.
06:58Patricia Selma Villegas de Jorge will assume the position of extraordinary ambassador and plenipotentiary
07:05in the Portuguese Republic, after having held the embassy in Brazil since 2020.
07:13The Chancellery reported that President Abinader appointed the Dominican ambassador
07:18before the United Arab Emirates, Renzo Antonio Herrera Franco,
07:21as concurrent ambassador before the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
07:29And the province of Santiago shows an important urban growth.
07:34From May to December of last year, more than 600 land applications were made
07:43to the urban planning of the City Council of this municipality.
07:47In this demarcation, equalized buildings have been built at the levels of the capital city,
07:54but the soil of Santo Domingo is different from the soil of the heart city,
08:00according to experts who warn of the risk of illegal constructions,
08:05especially in this area of ​​Santiago.
08:08Paola Mateo tells us more.
08:11The growth of Santiago is dizzying.
08:15This is how local authorities qualify it, referring to the fact that the heart city grows rapidly
08:21and to show the tall buildings that are observed when arriving in the province.
08:26You can see the progress, the development.
08:29This type of growth at the level of infrastructure that Santiago experiences
08:34is well seen by the urban planning expert Domingo Contreras,
08:38who highlighted the importance of the security that must be in the soil studies
08:43for construction purposes at this point in the country.
08:47We know that this vertical growth still has a failure with infrastructure and drainage services.
08:56From the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Agrimensores CODIA,
09:00they confirm that the soil in Santiago is clayey and that part of the province is on a geological fault,
09:05although the board recognizes that the information is endorsed by a study of decades,
09:10they assure that they take into account the restrictions for construction in the area
09:15and defend the rigour of the permits granted by the mayor's office.
09:20According to the information we have,
09:23construction is not allowed above 4 or 5 levels in this area,
09:29except after a very meticulous soil study.
09:37The National Seismology Center confirmed that two major geological faults pass through Santiago,
09:43the Jacagua fault, which is between La Vega and this province,
09:47and the northern fault, which passes slightly north of Santiago
09:51and is the one that produces the most seismic activity in the country.
09:55These are places where large earthquakes could occur,
10:00since they have historically occurred.
10:03Only from May to December of last year,
10:07622 soil use permit applications were received,
10:11according to the annual report of the Municipal Planning Office of the City of Santiago.
10:17Of these, 467 were approved,
10:20while 106 are in the status of so-called requirements evaluated applications
10:26and 49 in the process of evaluation or approval.
10:30That flexible clay soil amplifies the seismic spectrum,
10:35so you have to be very careful with the height in Santiago.
10:38As for the illegal constructions in Santiago, according to the report,
10:43the Urban Control Unit of the City Council on May 14 to December 31, 2024,
10:50resolved 172 cases of illegal constructions,
10:543 were pending, 458 were visited and 8 sent to the legal unit.
11:01On that same date, 109 complaints of irregular constructions were resolved,
11:0613 were pending, 210 of the denounced buildings were visited
11:10and 15 were sent to the legal unit.
11:14The document details that in that same period 25 works were paralyzed,
11:1910 are pending, that is, they have not been visited, and there are 3 in the legal unit.
11:25As for the permits, according to the report,
11:2835 construction permits were granted and 3 are pending
11:34for a total of 1,150 cases or files handled in less than a year.
11:40The platform is ready to announce the digital processing of the construction permits.
11:47In general, in the country, urban growth is disordered, according to Domingo Contreras.
11:54As for the National Seismology Center, it also has its opinion.
11:59Both in Santiago and here in Santo Domingo,
12:02there are many buildings, which are called informal, that do not obey the seismic code.
12:08Here you cannot speak totally of order in this country, you know,
12:12but I believe that the City of Santiago has shown,
12:16and Santiago itself, that it has the Santiago Development Plan.
12:21Santiago is the second most important province in the country
12:26and in territorial extension it occupies the third place with more than one million inhabitants.
12:31For Telenoticias, Paola Mateo.
12:35More news in this stellar program of Telenoticias,
12:39in special broadcast from the city of Corazón, from Santiago.
12:44The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Paino Enríquez,
12:49assured this Wednesday, when participating in the lunch of the Corripio Communications Group,
12:56that the solution to the issue of the Pomier Caves
13:05will be announced by the President in his speech on February 27th.
13:11He also addressed other issues related to the Dominican Republic's natural reserves.
13:19Ana Mañón broadens us.
13:21In his participation in the lunch of the Corripio Communications Group,
13:25Paino Enríquez stated that so far no exploration has been authorized
13:30in the Pomier Caves, whose issue has been the most challenging of its management
13:35and also worries the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader.
13:39The Minister of Environment stated that the case has been held for more than four years
13:44in the Ministry due to the discovery of illegal exploitation.
13:48One of the cases that the Minister and the team have invested the most time
13:56in looking for the definitive solution.
13:59The President has already announced that he will talk about Pomier on February 27th.
14:06Regarding the issue of rare earths and whether their exploitation will impact the environment,
14:11the owner indicated that so far he cannot comment
14:14because he only authorized an exploration request
14:18that came from the Ministry of Energy and Mines in order to extract and study the samples.
14:24A sample that is taken to laboratories that are not international
14:28and that is the only thing that has been authorized and that has no impact
14:33because they are of a well-reduced diameter.
14:36Another issue that caught the attention and was addressed by the Minister
14:40was the construction of the tail dam of the Barrick Gold company
14:45and he stated that although the impasse is due to the economic issue between the miner and the peasants,
14:51no environmental damage has been recorded in the area.
14:54We monitor outside the Barrick polygon, all the micro-basins that are in the area
15:03and no contamination has been identified. We do that every six months.
15:08Despite having only six months in office, the Minister of the Environment
15:13stated that he works hand in hand with the CEMPA Environmental Protection Service
15:18in the area of protected areas surveillance.
15:21Efforts have been doubled to avoid environmental crimes.
15:24Operations have been inspected and sanctioned to a number of Dominican and Haitian citizens
15:30for violating the environmental law
15:33and have also imposed more than 520 million pesos in fines.
15:38However, due to the low budget that the Ministry of the Environment handles
15:42of about 6 billion pesos, it is not enough and more resources are needed
15:47to monitor the 130 protected areas of the country that are under threat.
15:54For Telenoticias, Ana Mañón.
16:08Time, time for the word. It's Wednesday. Good evening.
16:12My greetings from the city of Corazón to the capital for Francisco Guillén Blandino.
16:18Now, he has the floor.
16:21Thank you, Roberto. Good evening, everyone.
16:24Many have not yet opened their eyes or understood the serious consequences
16:28that the transfer of the General Directorate of Passports
16:32to the Roberto Pastoriz Esquina Tiradentes Avenue in the middle of Sanchenaco will have.
16:37You do not have to be a genius to predict the disorder,
16:40the arrabalization and the massification of people in this area of the city.
16:45An environment that, although it already has enough traffic problems,
16:49at least it has managed to maintain a certain harmony between its residents
16:54and the accelerated commercial development that it has been experiencing.
16:56The concern about this decision is mainly due to the fact
17:02that the space surrounding that location does not have the necessary capacity
17:07to support the large flow of people who come to request this type of daily procedures.
17:13But this, not to mention the large number of public servants
17:17who will be working there every day.
17:20Traffic will be even more chaotic.
17:22The improper use of public parking spaces will generate more disorder.
17:27Residents will see their quality of life diminished
17:30and businesses will have to incur additional costs
17:34in order not to see their businesses obstructed.
17:37All this, not only because of the number of people who will go to this office every day,
17:41but also because of other factors, such as the presence of the famous buskers,
17:46of the street vendors, of the street parkers
17:49and of the motorcycle stands that will suddenly appear.
17:53What is considered as a necessary relocation to modernize passport services
17:59will end up affecting the peace and security of all those who live and work in this sector.
18:05The worst of all is that the impact study of transit carried out by Intran
18:09does not present a single effective solution to mitigate the effects of this transfer.
18:14The projections indicate that the problems that exist today,
18:18in a few years, will be even greater.
18:21And what is even more serious,
18:23this impact study of transit is based on data that leaves more questions than answers.
18:29For example, the Intran study estimates
18:32that only about 330 services will be offered per day in this office.
18:37However, on January 21,
18:39President Luis Abinader explained that the passport office issued 832,124 notebooks in 2024.
18:50That is an average of 3,467 notebooks per working day.
18:55And the question is then,
18:57will the passport office only issue 9.5% of the total number of Dominican passports?
19:05But there are also doubts about the operating schedules.
19:07The impact study of Intran has established
19:11that the attention schedule for users will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
19:16Here the obligatory question is
19:18if the flow of users is distributed in more hours than the service will really be provided,
19:25or if the passport office will extend the schedule to 8 p.m.
19:30creating even more inconvenience for all residents of that place.
19:38The other question that arises is the issue of parking.
19:42According to the study of Intran,
19:44there will be less than 100 parking spaces available for users,
19:48of which 55% will be paid an additional cost.
19:53And where do you think people will end up parking?
19:58The definitive question is,
20:00who is this decision being made for?
20:03If the goal is to improve the service,
20:06this measure is far from meeting its objective.
20:09The reality is that the interests of a few are prioritized
20:12without thinking about the well-being of the majority.
20:15Because there are many other alternatives
20:18that could offer the same functionality without harming so many people.
20:24But it seems that the only thing that matters
20:25is a political and economic interest
20:28that does not take into account the reality of the citizens
20:31and especially those who live and work in that place.
20:35The transfer of this office is not only an inconvenience,
20:39it is also a direct threat to the environment of the NACO sector
20:43and not stopping will cause irreversible damage.
20:47Have a good night. You have the floor.
20:55Francisco Guillen Blandino has already spoken,
20:58now you have the floor.
21:01Friends, Santiago is the main exporter of tobacco in our country
21:06and although the government assures that the economy in this province is growing,
21:11some residents consider that development does not translate
21:16into great opportunities for those who make a living in the heart of the city.
21:22Journalist Paola Mateo continues to address part of the current situation
21:29in this province in economic and social matters.
21:33Never in its history has it had the attention and development it has now.
21:40Only in the last four years, the government of the President of the Republic,
21:44Luis Sabinader, invested more than 110 billion pesos in that province
21:48according to statements of the provincial governor Rosa Santos.
21:53These 110 billion pesos have been distributed in all areas.
21:59But despite this growth, some young people understand
22:03that there are few job opportunities.
22:06There are many who graduate from college and have to exercise another type of trade
22:11that is not what one studies.
22:14Another segment of the population thinks the same.
22:16Employment and where? If we are not dying of hunger.
22:20No, no employment is found around here.
22:23For me, there are not many job opportunities here.
22:26Informal work is one of the ways out that they see in their desire to survive.
22:30Such is the case of Manolo Hernández, a 62-year-old man
22:34who literally has to swallow the yucca to survive.
22:38I invested it to survive.
22:40Four people depend on him.
22:42He says he gets up every day at 6 a.m. and goes straight to work.
22:47Manolo with the yucca guayada makes a kind of buns
22:50that are called chulitos in the area.
22:52That's what he lives on.
22:54There is no other.
22:56Guayando the yucca here.
22:58A similar situation is that of Aníbal Torres López,
23:01who is 18 years old in this informal position selling fruits.
23:04From there he keeps his wife and even has an employee.
23:08Yes, there are few jobs.
23:09Imagine, one has to do something to survive.
23:16There are also those who think that there are opportunities.
23:20Here there is a job facility.
23:22What happens is that you have to do the diligence.
23:26According to the past, now there is more employment.
23:30Of the total of people aged 15 and older
23:33registered by the Unified Beneficiary System,
23:3545.9% of the residents are unemployed,
23:39while 46.3% are employed,
23:43according to the third socio-economic study of homes in 2018.
23:48For Telenoticias, Paola Mateo.
23:59Friends, as I had told you in this show,
24:02it is a privilege to speak with the senator of this demarcation,
24:07Dr. Daniel Rivera.
24:10Thank you for joining us.
24:12No, as it should be.
24:14As it should be.
24:16No, of course.
24:18It is good that you are in our city.
24:20I always visited you in your program.
24:22It is good that you are with this beautiful landscape
24:25behind us of the Monument of Santiago.
24:27Thank you for coming to our city.
24:29A duty, a duty.
24:30And I want you to know that for us, I reiterate,
24:33it is an honor to have you.
24:35It has been a tradition to come to Santiago.
24:38We had paused our broadcasts,
24:41and this is the restart, our first program
24:45to return twice a month to Santiago
24:49to pick up your heartbeats,
24:51to show what you do and what is left to do.
24:54Speaking of what you do and what is left to do,
24:56you have set up a legislative agenda
24:59where you summarize everything you seek to do,
25:03everything that has been done,
25:05but above all,
25:07gathering the opinions of the people
25:09to be able to legislate
25:11at least three or four important projects.
25:14Well, first of all,
25:16it is a diagnosis from the neighborhood board,
25:19the communities,
25:21in the 16 municipal districts that Santiago has,
25:23plus the 10 municipalities.
25:24That is to say, we looked for what they wanted.
25:27Today, it goes from a small cemetery,
25:30a funerary, a low roof.
25:32Many people ask for a school.
25:34So, this community,
25:36what we have done,
25:38to come together to look for the small projects,
25:40which are 434 projects,
25:42with the large projects that Santiago is distributing,
25:45such as the case of the monorail,
25:47the case, for example, of the cable car,
25:49and we already have it,
25:51but other very important projects are coming.
25:52And one of the most important,
25:54that we are interested in as a city,
25:56is that part of a sanitary city.
25:59Why? Because Cabral Ibares,
26:01not because we know the health,
26:03but because the city has the best private centers,
26:06as you can see.
26:08Five or six centers of the first order,
26:10but the hospitals with Cabral Ibares,
26:12Estrella Ureña, Arturo Burrión,
26:14have already remained in the center,
26:16and we have these large buildings
26:18that have been built
26:19so that the number of patients can flow.
26:21What do we want?
26:23A new maternity hospital
26:25that has this sanitary city,
26:27that has burned units,
26:29a new trauma hospital,
26:31and, why not,
26:33the high quality of intensive care,
26:35coronary care,
26:37and neuro care
26:39on the part of brain events.
26:41That is, to take it to a third,
26:43a fourth level,
26:45what that sanitary city would be.
26:47We are also interested in communication.
26:49You know very well,
26:51in Santiago,
26:53the problem of communication,
26:55you yourself spoke off camera,
26:57how important,
26:59what a city that is growing,
27:01but it has to have better circulation.
27:03And the connection,
27:05you know that remittances,
27:07we have the 11.6 of remittances,
27:09those remittances come from the cities,
27:11the municipalities,
27:13such as Saban Iglesia,
27:15San Josemar, Tajanico.
27:17Then we need a bridge
27:19for communication,
27:21but also increase the lanes
27:23that connect,
27:25in the case of Tamboril,
27:27which has two lanes,
27:29take it to four,
27:31in the case of Licey,
27:33which has two lanes,
27:35take it to four,
27:37and the city,
27:39the main entrance,
27:41which continues to end
27:43as it came with the six lanes.
27:45Those small works,
27:47great works,
27:49with opinions,
27:51certain complaints,
27:53it is a complex work,
27:55a very complex work
27:57from the point of view of engineering,
27:59but also of resources,
28:01and the important thing
28:03is that it does not stay in the middle,
28:05and an important job of a legislator
28:07is to supervise,
28:09supervise how it goes
28:11and continue working on it.
28:13Of course,
28:15those three concepts,
28:16because that main artery
28:18that reaches Santiago,
28:20because there is the franky area
28:22that we have.
28:24These communications
28:26that I am mentioning
28:28are for the markets
28:30that go to the capital,
28:32to the east to flow.
28:34We do not feel well
28:36that there is the possibility
28:38of 15, 14 million tourists.
28:40You have to bring food,
28:42you have to bring supplies,
28:44and this area,
28:46it is a very important area
28:48of the country,
28:50and we feel very well
28:52with the support
28:54that President Luis Abinader
28:56is giving to the city,
28:58like the frank areas
29:00that have continued to grow
29:02and will continue to grow,
29:04and that fills us
29:06with something very important.
29:10you saw it,
29:12has new hotels,
29:14first-class hotels,
29:16and will continue to maintain it.
29:18There is a topic
29:20that I saw you addressing
29:22these days,
29:24which is the sanitary filling.
29:26That is important
29:28because we want
29:30with these hotels,
29:32with all these health centers
29:34and we want health tourism,
29:36to continue developing it,
29:38so that there is no waste,
29:42and there has to be
29:44a sanitary hygienic culture.
29:46Not that each municipality
29:48has to have a site
29:50of a sanitary base,
29:52no, no, no.
29:54Process it,
29:56adapt it, weigh it,
29:58classify it,
30:00and we avoid
30:02that the open contaminations continue.
30:04Because how am I going to sell
30:06those beautiful areas
30:08of our mountains
30:10with our tourism?
30:12When they see all this waste
30:14and smoke,
30:16it is like
30:18a movie,
30:20a documentary
30:22that Eury Cabral
30:24and his wife have made
30:26about Ercilia Pepin.
30:30the project to declare
30:32the National Heroin Day
30:34is on December 7th.
30:36It is the day that Ercilia Pepin was born.
30:38And Eury did a beautiful job
30:40of recovering all the history
30:42of Ercilia Pepin.
30:44Here in Santiago,
30:46as a municipality,
30:48we had done,
30:50in a small park
30:52in front of Cabral Ibaez Hospital
30:54and San Vicente de Pagús Hospice,
30:56we have done youth chess tournaments
30:58because she,
31:00at 14 years old,
31:02made great introductions
31:04like drawing,
31:06introduced many changes
31:08in the school
31:10and we started
31:12to do these tournaments
31:14with the young people.
31:16The importance that she did
31:18was to put on the uniform,
31:20remember that now it looks routine,
31:22the respect of the teacher
31:24with the students.
31:26There are many things that she did
31:28and that stayed there.
31:32with that participation
31:34that we are going to have
31:36with all the Senators,
31:38we are going to do this recognition
31:40of the Ercilia Pepin Park
31:42that was there.
31:44Now it is going to be
31:46a very important event
31:48and I thank you for taking
31:50the time
31:52to accompany us here
31:54live from Ciudad Corazón.
31:56Don't you miss the medicine,
32:00all those things?
32:02Of course,
32:04it is always missed
32:06and I mention that the health
32:08city is one of the priorities
32:10because it is always linked
32:12to that part of health.
32:14But we have understood
32:16and we have spent three months
32:18in the transition
32:20raising, we saw something
32:22that there has to be
32:24health infrastructure,
32:26education infrastructure
32:28and also work
32:30and those are the things
32:32that we want as Senators
32:34to reach that well-being
32:36not only health,
32:38work, education and health
32:40are fundamental parts
32:42to develop our city.
32:44I am very happy,
32:46thank you very much
32:48for this special edition
32:50of Tele Noticias
32:52from Ciudad Corazón.
32:58the Director General
33:00of Immigration,
33:02Vice Admiral Lee Ballester
33:04assured this afternoon
33:06that new strategies
33:08to speed up
33:10the deportations
33:12of illegal immigrants
33:14in our country are being
33:18The Director General
33:20of Immigration
33:22detailed that
33:24to achieve the
33:26targeted goals
33:28new vehicles
33:30and migratory agents
33:32will be incorporated
33:34with which it is expected
33:36to speed up the
33:38deportations of
33:40undocumented people
33:42throughout the
33:44national territory.
33:46We are here
33:48with some trucks
33:50that we are going
33:52to complete
33:54visiting the communities
33:56to see how
33:58we deploy
34:00at a national
34:02and personal level
34:04to carry out
34:06the migratory
34:10but this will
34:12be done
34:14in a gradual way.
34:16The Director
34:20of Immigration
34:22said that
34:24they are respecting
34:26the rights and
34:28human dignity
34:30but he highlighted
34:32that all undocumented
34:34people who resist
34:36to be repatriated
34:40will be subjected
34:42to force within
34:44the framework
34:46that we are
34:50and training
34:52our personnel
34:54so that the
34:56respect to the
34:58authority is
35:02He also highlighted
35:04that they are
35:06working with the
35:08Attorney General
35:10of the Republic
35:12and other entities
35:14of the country
35:16to ensure
35:18that there are
35:20exemplary sanctions
35:22in the case
35:24that the investigation
35:26determines that four
35:28young people
35:30incurred serious
35:34by being
35:40by having
35:42sexual relations
35:44within the
35:48This is the video
35:50that is already
35:52news and
35:54trend on
35:56social media
35:58in which another
36:00person is observed
36:02sending out
36:04four young people
36:06who supposedly
36:08would have been
36:10surprised by
36:12having sexual
36:16This is the video
36:18that is already
36:20news and
36:22trend on
36:24social media
36:26in which another
36:28person is observed
36:30sending out
36:32four young
36:34people who
36:38would have
36:40sexual relations
36:42within the
36:46This is the video
36:48that is already
36:50news and
36:52trend on
36:54social media
36:56in which another
36:58person is observed
37:00sending out
37:02four young
37:04people who
37:08would have
37:10sexual relations
37:12within the
37:16This is the
37:20that is already
37:22news and
37:24trend on
37:26social media
37:28in which another
37:30person is
37:34sending out
37:36four young
37:38people who
37:42would have
37:44sexual relations
37:46within the
38:16This is the video
38:18that is already
38:20news and
38:22trend on
38:24social media
38:26in which another
38:28person is
38:32sending out
38:34four young
38:36people who
38:40would have
38:42sexual relations
38:44within the
38:48This is the video
38:50that is already
38:52news and
38:54trend on
38:56social media
38:58in which another
39:00person is
39:04four young
39:06people who
39:10would have
39:12sexual relations
39:14within the
39:18This is the
39:22that is already
39:24news and
39:26trend on
39:28social media
39:30in which another
39:32person is
39:36four young
39:38people who
39:42would have
39:44sexual relations
39:46within the
