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Vogue España cover star Anya Taylor-Joy goes through her Life in Looks.


00:00Hello Vogue, I'm Anya Taylor-Joy and this is my life in looks so far.
00:07I'm curious, I want to know. I'm like, what do you have in here? Oh my god! So this is
00:14Thomason in The Witch. This was my first real film role. I loved that costume so much. It's
00:20a soft corset, which if you're getting into corsetry was a very good way to go.
00:25And what you can't see underneath this is that I have one long hair ribbon that's tying all of my
00:30hair together. And I fell so in love with this character and I didn't realize that characters
00:34were real for me because this was my first job. So when the job finished, I was really mourning
00:38her and I kept her hair ribbons in my bag for a whole year. And then we did reshoots and they
00:44were like, ah, we don't have the hair ribbon. And I was like, I got it. This is the first time that
00:49I went to the Met Gala. That is the only time that I've been to the Met Gala. I've always been
00:53working when it's happening. I loved this dress so much. It was so heavy. I was really freaked out
01:01because I didn't know anybody. And I think that situation in and of itself is very like, ah,
01:07but the dress made me feel great. And I don't know if you can see, but I'm wearing a necklace that
01:12has like a bunch of little baby heads all over it. And that was my favorite part. At the end of
01:17the night, I got to, I was at the top of the stairs and was kind of just trying to like,
01:22honestly figure out how I was going to get home. I hadn't thought that far ahead and I was like,
01:26ah, it's going to be madness. And Hailee Steinfeld walked past me and she had all of these
01:32like long trains and they enveloped me and almost toppled me to my death. But then Jimmy Fallon
01:38saved me. So that's a very normal story, I think. Yeah. Oh, these make me so happy. This is
01:46Jonny Flynn and myself shot by Autumn DeWild for our movie, Emma. Look at my shoes. So like the
01:52best thing about all of these costumes is they were made on my body from like hours and hours
01:58of fittings. And Alexandra Byrne, our costume designer, who like I want to be when I grow up,
02:03she's so cool. We got to spend so much time together and it felt like such an integral part
02:08of the character. And the thing with Emma is she's always performing. Her wardrobe is very
02:13performative. And so each one of the looks was like a true look from the earrings to the necklace
02:18to the shoes, the reticule. That's a fun word, reticule. Yeah, it was great. I forgot that. Yeah,
02:26I was nominated for a Golden Globe for this. It was a weird time because my whole experience of
02:31award shows all took place over Zoom. And I got nominated for Emma and Queen's Gambit, I think.
02:39And it was just so surreal and exciting. And yeah, really thrilling. 2020 was a big, yeah,
02:46here we go. Baby Beth, Queen's Gambit. She is about to get her first period. It's a big day
02:51for her. This was really fun because I got to spend so much time with this character that I
02:58loved so much. And I got to play her through so many different eras of her life. And I remember
03:04having like a real fondness for her at this age. She kind of walks a little dumpy. She's like a bit
03:10unsure of herself. I had never played chess. And it was crazy because we showed up my first day
03:16and they gave me like this Bible of all the chess moves that we were going to do in the show,
03:21all of the chess games. And they were all based off of historical games. And I like went home.
03:26I was a good student. I learned a bunch of them. Our first day was the Mexico tournament series.
03:32And they changed a move. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is how this is
03:36going to work. You're going to show me the moves five minutes beforehand. I'm going to execute it.
03:40And then I'm going to bend that and throw another one in. And it worked. I love her final white
03:46queen look because I think that's when she, she was feeling herself. She was like, yeah, I'm okay.
03:53There are so many of the shoes that I actually really enjoyed. I really love a kitten heel.
03:57I got to keep a bunch. Another wonderful costume designer, Gabrielle Binder. She
04:02was so tender towards me because all of my characters are important to me. But Beth was
04:08somebody that I, I knew from the second I read her and I was like, oh, okay, this is, she was
04:14the first character that I had to give a lot of myself to in order to be able to make her real.
04:18And Gabrielle was very cognizant of that and really tried all of the clothes on me. And if
04:24my body rejected it, we would take them away. So at the end of the show, she said, this is
04:28your wardrobe, so you can keep it. The coolest thing about Queen's Gambit was I'd gone back to
04:33work. I was working on the Northman at the time. And the only reason that I realized it was doing
04:38well was because members of the crew would come up to me and be like, hey, I saw, I saw your show.
04:43You were really great in it. And I was like, okay. And then it was just more and more and more people.
04:47So it was a gentle experience, I would say until, until it wasn't. Okay.
04:56I love this dress so much. This is Dior at the Emmys. This was a crazy time in my life. I was
05:04shooting the menu, doing awards-y stuff for Queen's Gambit and promoting Last Night in Soho all at
05:12the same time. And I think we were on night shoots for the menu. So it was really like a
05:18I had a dream about this dress and I wrote to Maria Grazia and I was like, I've just had this
05:23image and I, I really, you know, would love it if it could come true. And she, she made it come
05:28true. I felt so good in this. The back was really, really low. I can't remember what movie
05:34the reference was from, but I was wearing Tiffany diamonds on the back and I felt good.
05:392021, another, ah, I love a cape. I love these silhouettes. Look at the shoe. This is also Dior.
05:46This was Golden Globes. Again, it was still COVID. So there was no awards ceremony in person. It was
05:53all on a computer and my friends had flown over and asked me how I wanted to celebrate. And I
05:59said, I really wanted vegan fried chicken and I wanted to have a sleepover and then I won. And
06:06and then I won and then we did that and it was great. Okay. This is Sandy wearing similar boots
06:14from last night in Soho. This was very late at night. We basically became nocturnal for months
06:21and it was hilarious because we were shooting in real Soho and I would see my friends
06:26that were out partying and they were like, why do you look like that? And I was like, I'm working.
06:31I knew she sang, but I think I was a bit anxious about it. And the way that I deal with my anxiety
06:36is by putting it off, which is like probably not the intelligent way of doing it. And so it just
06:41came to the day and I was like, ah, okay, I'm going to do my best. The dancing, we did have
06:46rehearsals and that was so much fun. Like me and Matt Smith dancing together for hours on end. It
06:51was fab. 2022, what year are we in now? This is the menu premiere. I'm wearing Alexander McQueen.
06:58The menu is a satirical horror movie in which a group of guests arrive at a Michelin star
07:08restaurant where the chef has other ideas about what is on the menu that evening. Did that make
07:14any sense? Okay. 2024. I'm wearing Dior at the Dune part two premiere in London. It was the
07:23hardest secret I think I've ever had to keep. But I'll really, you know, give props to Denis
07:28on this one. He is the most wonderful human being and talented creator. And he had so much
07:35faith and hope that we were going to keep this secret for the fans, that it just really made
07:39you want to go. So I told my mom and I told my husband, that was it. It was just so exciting.
07:45All the cast were so kind to me. It was fabulous. What a great way to be like, welcome to the
07:50family. I'm like dressed like an egg. Like, hi, how's it going? This is the Furiosa premiere
07:58in Australia, in Sydney. This is archival Paco Rabanne and it was so good. I couldn't sit down,
08:08but that was fine. I will like give that up any day to wear this. That headpiece was incredible.
08:15It was very heavy. I definitely had like insane divots in my head. Fun fact, I tend to surf to
08:22most of my premieres. We've got a sprinter van and I am standing up in the middle of the aisles.
08:27And I've now like turned that into a fun game for myself. I would like to like not hold onto
08:32anything and just exclusively surf. I also don't really work out. So that's like a really good
08:37thigh exercise and it gives me a place to put my anxiety. So yeah, I surf.
08:42This is arriving in Cannes. I am wearing Alteen and the hat is Jacquemus. I'm not usually very
08:49well organized. I'm very good at on-set environments. My brain works in that way,
08:53but for myself, I'm like quite a messy individual. And for this, I just got like, I don't know,
08:58a message from beyond that was like, you should, you should change now. So I wore something
09:03different on the plane and then I went into the bathroom and came out and everyone was like,
09:07okay, like, let's, let's go. Very glad I did wear that hat though. There was a lot of people
09:13outside and it was kind of like a good buffer actually. I'm a sucker for headpieces. I really
09:20love the twenties and I love old Hollywood as well. And I just feel like there's something
09:24about the theatricality of it that makes me feel more in my body in these situations. I feel like
09:29if I can make something into art, then I have an easier time with it. So yeah, headpieces,
09:35they help. This is the Golden Globes. I am wearing archival Dior. I felt so good. I felt
09:45so comfortable. There's something about this specific silk. It's like heavy. If I was a
09:51fabric, I would like to believe that I am this fabric. I feel like I could wear it forever.
09:56I still get so excited that I get to watch all of these movies before they're out. I feel like
10:01that's my version of like making it that and reading books that aren't published. I just feel
10:06thrilled. So yeah, I definitely do a lot of watching over Christmas. This necklace has an
10:10absurd amount of carrots. I feel like I'm told about it and then I try my best to forget because
10:16then I'm like, take it back, take it back, take it back. I didn't realize that people didn't wear
10:20opals. I just thought they were beautiful. And I like the fact that they changed depending on
10:25the light. I also, a friend of mine like sent me, I'm not on TikTok. TikTok is bad for me,
10:30but a friend of mine sent me a TikTok that basically talked about like how I don't give
10:36a fuck about a color wave or like a color analysis thing. And looking at this, like,
10:40yeah, I would agree with you. I don't think I give a fuck about the color analysis.
10:48This was the most fun day. It was very cold, but we did not care. I have a really wonderful
10:53relationship with Seb, the photographer. He knows me and my husband really well. And so it just felt
10:58easy. I had a really good soundtrack on and yeah, it was a really beautiful day. My grandmother is
11:03a religious reader and she lives in Saragossa. It's from Barcelona. And so it's, it's just really,
11:08really like, I feel proud. Thank you for watching. Love to you all.
11:18This was really fun. And yeah, I'm excited to see where this goes next.
