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Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) parkir di zona merah pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini, Kamis (20/2/2025). Indeks tercatat melemah 0,10 persen atau 6,82 poin ke level 6.788.

Sepanjang perdagangan hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 18,55 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp11,89 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,27 juta kali.


00:00I will try to deliver an update on the closing of the trade in the second session today, and also some graphical information that was successfully collected by our editorial team.
00:15And the shareholder of the closing of the trade in the second session today, this is a joint company, closed at 0.10% and more likely to stagnate, and closed at level 6788.042.
00:28This position is not much different from the opening level this morning at 6794 in the red zone, while the lowest level today at 6755, the highest intraday at 6836.
00:43Next, we will try to look at some data that was collected by our editorial team in the form of separate graphs.
00:51Let's just go straight to the first graph, MNC36 experienced a weakness at 0.20%, Jakarta Islamic Index strengthened at 0.30%, LQ45 weakened along with the weakening of Indekargasam joint today, where LQ45 weakened at 0.29%.
01:10Next graph, sectoral movement rotation, technology still leads the strengthening, even the strengthening is increasing, already at 6% in the closing of the second session today, at 6.75%.
01:25There is a DCEI share there, today the trend of the company experienced significant strength, then the stock also strengthened at 1.46%.
01:35Pressed property at 1.16%, health also weakened at 1.13%.
01:40Next graph, Samsam today still moving in the green zone, in the middle of Indekargasam joint tends to weaken, there is BRMS closed to strengthen at 430%, MRT at 2540%, WIFE closed to strengthen at 2070%, and Antam also strengthened at 1.685%.
02:00It looks like Baku dominates, while MRT today rose after experiencing internal correction in the last few days.
02:08Next, let's just look at Samsam which today becomes a strengthener for Indekargasam joint, a combination of Big Cap Banking and Energy sector shares.
02:18BBRI is pressed at 3.910%, then AADI today also internal correction at 7.650%, PTRO weakened to 3.700%, and TPIA is pressed at 7.800%.
02:33Update on the closing of the second session and hopefully it can be one of the references for you and again the decision of the investment is still in the hands of the shareholders of IDX Journal.