• letzten Monat
Die 4-teilige Doku-Serie For the Win: NWSL begleitet die Teams der Frauen-Fußball-Liga während der Qualifikationsspiele und der anschließenden Meisterschaft 2024 und gibt dabei Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und liefert Gespräche mit den Athletinnen.


00:00Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the 2024 NWSL Playoffs.
00:04This is what we play for. This is what we dream of.
00:07Oh, this is gonna be fun.
00:09The NWSL is the most competitive league in the world.
00:13You're watching Avengers Assemble.
00:15You either crumble under that pressure or you thrive.
00:18I channel my inner Dennis Rodman on the field.
00:22You do not know how this is gonna go.
00:24This is why we work all season.
00:26Hey, hey, yeah!
00:29Every year, we have set a new standard.
00:31CPKC Stadium is the first purpose-built stadium for women
00:36in the history of the world.
00:37Oh, man. The league has grown, and it's awesome to see.
00:41We're sold out.
00:44And so much credit needs to go to the players.
00:49We are not the underdogs. Go onto the field and own it.
00:51Go get what you deserve.
00:53I've been waiting for this for so long.
00:55We cannot lose focus for one second.
00:57It's gonna be a battle.
00:59NWSL Playoffs, you see failure, tenacity, laughter, joy.
01:04And if you're not for that, then you haven't got a pulse.
01:08Our accomplishments are just as valuable as anyone else's,
01:11and we deserve this recognition.
01:14I've never had the game that I love taken away from me like that.
01:18I knew it was gonna be intense. I obviously didn't know how intense.
01:22On the equalizer!
01:25She went from number 10 striker in college
01:28to being one of the best defenders in the world.
01:32Let's just take the Cinderella story.
01:34Let's go in there and wreck it.
01:37NWSL is changing.
01:39Almost an entire generation is leaving the scene
01:42just as the game is beginning to soar.
01:45Can the young talent step up?
01:47Today's the day we show people who we are.
01:50Strength can come from your ability to rise
01:52when the odds are stacked against us.
01:53I'm getting emotional.
01:55This team means a lot to me.
01:57We have each other's backs.
01:58This is our big moment.
02:00One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three!
02:03I'll leave everything on the field, but I want this title.
