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Podcast Seram Sejuk Sepahtu yang di hos kan oleh Joey Daud, bersama artis undangan akan bercerita tentang pengalaman seram yang amat dasyattttttt!

Sepahtu Reunion Live merupakan sitkom komedi yang pertama dirakamkan secara langsung di Astro Prima & dilakonkan oleh anggota kumpulan Sepahtu iaitu Jep Sepahtu Rahim Sepahtu, Pakya & pemain baru Ropie

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Sepahtu Reunion Live 2025
Setiap Jumaat | 9malam
Astro Prima & strim di Astro Go & On Demand



00:00We are often told by our elders not to go out on Maghrib before Maghrib and return home because of fear of being hidden by the ghost of Covid.
00:21Is that a myth or fact?
00:24Today, with me, Dr. Joy Daud...
00:28...together with a special guest...
00:32...we are going to unravel the scary stories on this earth.
00:39It's none other than...
00:40...on Seram Unjuk Podcast...
00:44Seram Unjuk Podcast
00:49Our special guest...
00:51...is none other than...
00:52...a legend.
00:54She has been acting since 1968 until now.
00:57Praise be to Allah.
00:58She's as old as a tree.
00:59That's the behind-the-scenes.
01:00Most importantly...
01:01...my guest is very talented, beautiful...
01:04...and very charming.
01:06Please welcome...
01:07...our special guest, Mama Nurliah Ghani.
01:10Come on in!
01:14Come on in, Ma!
01:16Come here, not there!
01:18I can hear you!
01:19Come here!
01:24Before we start, give me your hand.
01:27My hand?
01:29What are you looking at?
01:30Don't touch me.
01:31Do you want to see my fate?
01:32No, Syirin!
01:33No, Ma.
01:35How do I do this?
01:36Is this right?
01:38I'm under control.
01:39I don't have any disease that can infect me.
01:42I'm a doctor, Ma.
01:43I don't have any disease.
01:45You're beautiful, Ma.
01:46I think you're the one who's sick.
01:47That's right, Ma.
01:48It seems that my disease...
01:49...hasn't recovered yet.
01:53Thank you, Ma, for agreeing...
01:56...to be on our show.
01:58How are you, Ma?
01:59I'm fine.
02:01You've been acting since 1968 until now.
02:07You're a legend in the industry.
02:09Praise be to Allah.
02:10Throughout 1968 until now...
02:13...have you ever...
02:17...in a location...
02:19...or have you ever been threatened?
02:22When it comes to threats...
02:24...we used to do it when we were young.
02:28When we were young?
02:29We used to go to shows.
02:30When we were young?
02:32We'd go to the end of the building...
02:34...or the end of the building.
02:36We'd come home in the middle of the night.
02:38Sometimes, early in the morning.
02:40When we were on the road...
02:43...there were people we didn't see.
02:45Like who?
02:46The passengers.
02:49Were you driving alone?
02:52There were people driving us.
02:54It was different.
02:55We'd go to shows.
02:57When we got home, we'd see...
03:00...people on the side of the road.
03:02We'd always see them.
03:04We'd see their heads.
03:06Then, people would walk around...
03:09...with their headphones on in the middle of the night.
03:11In the morning, they'd go to the mosque.
03:14But, at what time?
03:16How did you make sure that it was their heads?
03:19I always did.
03:20Didn't you stop them?
03:22Sometimes, what we're afraid of...
03:25...is our feelings.
03:27It's an animal.
03:28That's right.
03:29As long as it doesn't bother us.
03:31That's right.
03:32We'll just walk around.
03:33That's what you were afraid of?
03:34Did you see their heads?
03:36Yes, a lot of times.
03:37What was the scariest?
03:38Time shooting.
03:39That's what we want to hear.
03:41Time shooting.
03:42I remember it.
03:43I was shooting with Rashid Sibir.
03:45I was shooting a horror story.
03:48Rashid Sibir was scaring you?
03:49It was a horror story.
03:50I see.
03:51I was a checkpoint.
03:53A checkpoint?
03:55What happened to your head?
03:56I had to get on a crane...
03:58...to show that I was flying.
04:01It turned out that I was flying too.
04:06We were on top of the crane.
04:09So, we couldn't imagine what was happening.
04:12Did you see it by yourself?
04:13All of us saw it.
04:15Luckily, I didn't see it.
04:17If I did, I would've fallen.
04:23Yes, ladies and gentlemen.
04:25That was one of the stories...
04:29...that was scary.
04:31Before we go, I have a gift for you.
04:39Let's have a drink.
04:40It's a medicine.
04:42Hold it.
04:45We'll meet again...
04:47...in the next episode of...
04:48...Scary Stories.
04:51He's a doctor.
04:53He has to take a lot of medicine.
04:58To be continued.
