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Podcast Seram Sejuk Sepahtu yang di hos kan oleh Joey Daud, bersama artis undangan akan bercerita tentang pengalaman seram yang amat dasyattttttt!

Sepahtu Reunion Live merupakan sitkom komedi yang pertama dirakamkan secara langsung di Astro Prima & dilakonkan oleh anggota kumpulan Sepahtu iaitu Jep Sepahtu Rahim Sepahtu, Pakya & pemain baru Ropie

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Sepahtu Reunion Live 2025
Setiap Jumaat | 9malam
Astro Prima & strim di Astro Go & On Demand



00:00To be continued...
00:31Today, I'm not alone.
00:33I'm here with...
00:35...a special guest who is very good at...
00:37...politics, economics, women and men.
00:48Today, we're going to fight together.
00:51Our guest today is none other than...
00:54...Hamizah Adenal!
00:56She's my witness.
00:58She's a good person.
01:00Come on in, Hamizah!
01:02Hamizah, her sister.
01:04Hamizah Adenal!
01:06You're like a biscuit.
01:08You're next to me.
01:09Oh, left-handed?
01:14...to Seram Ju Podcast!
01:19Yes, okay.
01:20And then?
01:21Please, Hamizah.
01:23A lot of people told me that...
01:26...you had an incident...
01:29...that made you not want to go for a shoot.
01:33Because it really scared you.
01:35Is that true?
01:36No, I didn't want to go for a shoot.
01:39When I was about to go for a shoot...
01:41...I was brought to a village.
01:44I was shooting in a village.
01:47I'm an expert in that area.
01:49I was in the green base.
01:51Let me tell you the story.
01:53I was in the green base.
01:55Suddenly, there was an accident.
01:57When I got back on track...
02:00...there was an accident.
02:02That's when he took me to the wrong road.
02:07It was a dramatic road.
02:10I was hit by a car.
02:13I was hit by a car.
02:15He took you there?
02:19When I was about to reverse...
02:21...I couldn't reverse.
02:24Because the road was so narrow.
02:28I had to turn around.
02:30I was shaking.
02:32I had to get off the car...
02:33...because I couldn't see the road.
02:35Imagine that.
02:43Imagine if I got off the car.
02:45Imagine that.
02:47I had no choice.
02:48You were alone?
02:49Yes, I was alone.
02:53Okay, that's right.
02:55I was about to reverse...
02:57...but the road was so narrow.
02:59It was a narrow road.
03:01Yes, it was a narrow road.
03:03When I got to the set...
03:07When I got to the set...
03:09...I asked the locals.
03:12They told me that it was an orphanage.
03:16So, when we're driving...
03:18...and it's raining, we shouldn't be lazy.
03:20That's when they'll try to distract us.
03:24And we should focus on our studies.
03:28So, your email was like...
03:30...shut up!
03:34So, he took you to the wrong road...
03:37...and you could reverse...
03:40...and meet Tok Batin?
03:42Yes, I met Tok Batin.
03:43Because it was an orphanage.
03:46How did you manage to reverse?
03:48I slept for a while...
03:51...and I had a dream.
03:54Then, I woke up.
03:55I was at the airport.
03:58Dear God.
03:59Please, help me.
04:01I'm looking for another profession.
04:06So, did you tell anyone...
04:10...about what happened to you?
04:13What happened to me...
04:15...always happens when I'm lazy.
04:18And it always happens when it's raining heavily.
04:23When it's raining heavily.
04:24So, my advice to you is...
04:27...when it's raining heavily...
04:29...don't move.
04:31Don't be lazy.
04:32But it's okay to talk about it in Melaka, right?
04:35That's right.
04:37Before we go further...
04:40...so that he can't understand...
04:42...the subtitle below...
04:43...let's meet again...
04:45...in Seram Juf Podcast...
04:48...with me, Tok Mu.
04:50Abang Fasha.
04:54My God.
04:55What if I get a payment?
