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৩০০ কিলোমিটারের ট্রাফিক জ্যাম, দূষিত জলে বাধ্যতামূলক স্নান, এইসব কুম্ভের অব্যবস্থার নিদর্শন। ১৪৪ বছর নিয়ে মিথ্যা কথা বলা হয়েছে। বিপুল সংখ্যক ভক্তদের আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়ে পর্যাপ্ত ব্যবস্থা কিছুই করা হয়নি। আর সেই অব্যবস্থার কথা নিয়ে যদি কেউ কিছু বলে থাকেন তাহলে কিছুই বলার নেই। মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ে 'মৃত্যুকুম্ভ' মন্তব্য নিয়ে বললেন আদিগুরু শঙ্করাচার্য অভিমুক্তেশ্বরানন্দ সরস্বতী



00:00The political parties have their own language and when the time comes, they speak in their own way.
00:09But as a Sanatani, as an experienced person returning from the Kumbh Mela,
00:18and as you watch and understand the situation through the channels,
00:26what I would like to say is, you tell me,
00:30it takes 300 kilometers to reach there.
00:34What is there if there is no arrangement?
00:37The people who have reached there,
00:39they have to walk 25-30 kilometers,
00:43carrying their luggage.
00:46What is there if there is no arrangement?
00:51The water that is coming there for bathing,
00:56the dirty water of the channels is mixed in it.
01:01Scientists do not consider it worthy of bathing.
01:05And in that, you have forced crores of people to bathe.
01:11They are bathing with their own faith, that is a different matter.
01:14But your job was to either stop the channels for a few days,
01:19or divert them so that at least during bathing,
01:22they can get clean water from the stream.
01:25They could not do it.
01:27If they could not do it, what does it mean?
01:29It means that there is an arrangement.
01:31You already knew, 6 years ago,
01:34that the Kumbh will come after 6 years.
01:3512 years ago, you knew that the Kumbh will come after 12 years.
01:38So why did you not make any effort in this regard?
01:41So, you made an arrangement and so many people died.
01:45When you already knew that people would come,
01:47we have this much space.
01:49So, you should have made an arrangement for it or not?
01:52So, when there is an arrangement,
01:54and someone is saying it,
01:55then what will we do about it?
01:57We will not take anyone's side.
02:00But the truth is that you already knew that this could happen.
02:06So, you should have made an arrangement for it.
02:10And governments do not make one plan.
02:13Plan A, Plan B, Plan C.
02:17They make 2, 3, 4 such plans.
02:20If this goes wrong, then this one.
02:22If not, then this one.
02:23So, you should have made some plan.
02:25You did not make any plan.
02:27And you made so much publicity.
02:29And false publicity.
02:30144, 144 years.
02:32The story of 144 years is false.
02:34So, by making false publicity, you attracted people.
02:37And you do not have any arrangement.
02:40So, tell me,
02:41when you do not have food to feed,
02:44then why are you attracting people?
02:46Now people will come,
02:47after that what will they eat?
02:48And you do not have food to feed,
02:50nor do you have a place to sit.
02:52And you have made a fuss,
02:53that come, come, the festival is going on.
02:55Does this happen?
02:57You can arrange for as many people as you can,
02:59you can invite as many people as you can.
03:01And send back as many people as you can,
03:04whatever is to be done there,
03:08Take blessings.
03:09This seems right.
03:10Why not?
03:11The Chief Minister said,
03:12that we have this much acre of land,
03:14this much acre of roads,
03:16this much space for vehicles,
03:18invite as many people as you can.
03:20Do not invite other people,
03:21so that the arrangement does not spread.
03:23I do not want someone's life to be lost.
03:26Why not?
03:27Caution was given.
03:28But it was not done.
03:29After all, what is the arrangement?
03:31After all, why are there officials?
03:33Why do they get big facilities
03:34and big salaries?
03:37Tell me why?
03:38This is for everyone.
03:40That they will make arrangements by sitting.
03:42But all this did not happen.
03:44People were invited blindly.
03:46Come, come, come.
03:48Now you will not get a chance again.
03:50And after that?
03:52After that, no one is going to see,
03:53there is no encouragement.
03:55Bridges were built,
03:56those bridges are closed.
03:58After all, why were the bridges built?
04:00So that people can come and go from here to there.
04:02They have put,
04:03whoever wants to go, cannot go.
04:04Whoever wants to come, cannot come.
04:06You do not have an alternative way,
04:08that if someone is stuck,
04:10there is a problem,
04:11for that we keep another safe way,
04:13take it out of it and move it forward.
04:15All this is done in the arrangement.
04:18So, the principle of crowd management,
04:20that principle was never followed here.
04:24The principle of hospitality,
04:26that we are hosts,
04:28if we are inviting people,
04:31then we should have that arrangement.
04:33That too has not been taken care of.
04:35And to the extent that people died,
04:37then the work of hiding that death was also done by you,
04:40which was a serious crime.
04:42So, in such a situation,
04:44if someone invites it,
04:46then we will not be able to say wrong.
