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00:00The numbers, Mason. What do they mean? I don't know anything about any numbers!
00:06Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're going boots on the ground, into the future, a simulated battlefield, and space itself to rank every Call of Duty campaign.
00:17Hang a place, soldier! We are leaving!
00:20Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
00:26Number 24, the portable entries.
00:42We'd be willing to bet you forgot these even existed, didn't you?
00:46Not that we'd blame you, but as long as there's a device that can adequately play a Call of Duty title, you better believe Activision will be there to monetize it.
00:55However, given the limitations of the portable hardware, none of these games are as functional or fun as their console and PC counterparts.
01:05All portable entries suffered from numerous bugs, glitches, imprecise controls, laughably horrendous AI, and completely forgettable and inconsequential storylines.
01:16These little skirmishes tried their best to emulate their big brothers-in-arms, even offering multiplayer and various additional modes,
01:23but even for a Call of Duty experience on the go, entries such as Roads to Victory and Black Ops Declassified are completely unnecessary and forgettable.
01:39Number 23, Call of Duty World at War Final Fronts.
01:44Where is your weapon, Marine? Get over to that table and pick up a rifle, Miller. Double time!
01:49Final Fronts is supposed to be a companion to the much-beloved World at War, but partially due to releasing on the aging PS2 hardware,
01:58and partially because the title was clearly created as a cash-grab for last-gen audiences, the game barely warrants the Call of Duty title.
02:06The game is incredibly linear and also incredibly short, clocking in at about 3-4 hours,
02:13and with a cast of new and uninteresting characters, the only real thing tying Final Fronts to World at War is its setting and the occasional cameo by World at War's protagonists.
02:24But even then, the game fails these characters at every possible turn, and that's at the bare minimum.
02:32With barely functional controls and poor enemy AI on both sides of the conflict, as well as a complete lack of extra modes,
02:40Final Fronts is passable at best, and a complete waste of players' time at worst.
02:54Number 22, Call of Duty Finest Hour.
02:58I'm coding. Looks like I found myself a new spot.
03:03Call of Duty made a huge splash on PC in 2003, and a year later, the series' first console port arrived to much fanfare, but a lukewarm reception.
03:14As the first console COD game, there were understandably going to be some hurdles, but the game's incredibly poor controls,
03:22especially after we'd had the immaculate implementation with two Halo entries by this point, made playing the game all the more frustrating.
03:30Couple this with muddy textures and bland environments, even by the 6th generation's standards, as well as an oftentimes unfair checkpoint system,
03:39and the overall experience paled in comparison to the genre's contemporaries.
03:44Finest Hour is still a fully playable COD experience, complete with all the military campaigns players have come to expect,
03:51but one still finding its footing taking its first steps towards greatness.
04:02Number 21, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023.
04:07You have to fight them the way they fight us to win.
04:10If we do, we've already lost.
04:13Sister, together we can stop them like we did before.
04:18The first Modern entry on our list, Modern Warfare 3 objectively ended the reboot trilogy's momentum full stop.
04:26Whereas the original Modern Warfare 3, which we'll get to in a bit, brought the saga to a satisfying conclusion,
04:32the reboot landed with all the impact of an unexploded ordnance.
04:37The open combat missions were reused environments from Warzone,
04:41the campaign was ridiculously short for what was supposed to be a closing chapter,
04:46and nearly every other aspect of the title felt rushed or underdeveloped with endlessly bland and uninspired or engaging missions or objectives
04:54that failed to give its characters a meaningful or satisfying conclusion.
04:59The end result speaks more to Activision's yearly release schedule than the developers at Sledgehammer,
05:04who clearly weren't given enough time to develop a fully realized COD experience,
05:08especially one with the expected pedigree of the Modern Warfare moniker.
05:14They got past us.
05:16We're at a head start.
05:18Number 20, Call of Duty Vanguard.
05:21The whole world is burning.
05:24Sometimes the only way to put out the flames is with more fire.
05:32Sadly, another Sledgehammer-developed title, Vanguard attempted to return the series to the World War II setting of the franchise's origins,
05:40but rather than being a return to the series' roots, Vanguard gamified too much of the COD formula for many long-time fans.
05:48Adapting the traditionally multiplayer character class system into the campaign,
05:53with each playable character having their own sets of skills, didn't fit with the grounded nature of the entry setting.
06:00The non-linear flashback scenario of the campaign was also woefully underdeveloped,
06:05and is a familiar trope that has become so oversaturated in the series,
06:09without any of its characters managing to stand out in any memorable way.
06:14The game's admittedly impressive and destructible environments and character designs
06:18couldn't save it from being designated as a wholly underwhelming, albeit short experience,
06:25and ultimately forgettable to reach the same heights as other modern COD games before it.
06:48Many consider Ghost to the point where COD as a brand began to dip severely in quality,
06:53and while it's not as terrible as everyone remembers, it's still hard to argue with that assumption.
06:59As the first new major entry in the series after the conclusion of the Modern Warfare saga,
07:04Ghost did little to differentiate itself from the entries that came before it,
07:08landing somewhere in the middle of mediocrity.
07:12The smaller-scale focus on a family dynamic was a welcome change from the big militaristic operations of the previous games,
07:18but beyond the intriguing setup, the gameplay was incredibly basic,
07:23and even the addition of the good boy Riley and reactive Fish wasn't enough to salvage a boring and forgettable campaign.
07:30The title has since been re-evaluated, and there have absolutely been worse campaigns in the series,
07:36but Ghost will forever remain the title that ended the franchise's winning streak.
07:48His sons.
08:03While Xbox 360 and PS3 players were getting the big new Call of Duty 2,
08:08PS2 and Xbox players got the surprisingly solid side story Big Red 1.
08:13The developers at Treyarch made significant improvements across the board from previous console entries,
08:19particularly in the game's controls, and managed to tell one of the more compelling stories in the World War 2 entries.
08:26Taking cues from the Band of Brothers series, Big Red 1 follows one American squad through numerous military excursions,
08:33allowing players to form meaningful bonds with each of their squad members.
08:37Big Red 1 also managed to keep the campaign engaging with missions that took players through numerous military conflicts
08:43with boots on the ground and vehicular missions, keeping the pacing exciting and varied.
09:07The first mainline Call of Duty title not developed by series creators Infinity Ward,
09:12Big Red 1 developer Treyarch was handed the reins while Infinity Ward was busy redefining the Call of Duty series.
09:19Treyarch introduced new infantries to the series with Polish and Canadian campaigns,
09:24but mostly stuck with the familiar formula fans of the series had become accustomed to.
09:28While the devs didn't innovate much with their first big steps into the series,
09:32Treyarch did introduce some aspects with Call of Duty 3 that would become franchise staples,
09:37such as button-prompt heavy objectives and a more interactive close-quarter combat system.
09:42While these additions still didn't revolutionize the series,
09:45Treyarch still crafted a solid experience that tied over longtime fans until Infinity Ward returned to the helm.
10:0216. Call of Duty Black Ops 3
10:10Unlike the previous two Black Ops titles, Black Ops 3 shares almost nothing with those games beyond its title.
10:17With a deep focus on cybernetics and simulations, Black Ops 3's narrative campaign becomes very confusing very quickly.
10:25Level design was greatly open for player freedom, as was the ability to customize your loadouts and abilities before each mission,
10:32and despite some impressive tech being utilized, especially with all the futuristic weapons and gears,
10:37the story never came together in any meaningful way told by an untrustworthy narrator.
10:43The campaign was also clearly designed with multiplayer in mind,
10:47incorporating many elements from the traditional multiplayer suite,
10:50and encouraging players to build a squad to tackle missions which sometimes led to unfair balancing issues for those playing solo.
10:57Overall, Black Ops 3 is a solid, albeit confusing, continuation of the Black Ops series
11:02that is more remembered for its ridiculous plot than anything else.
11:1415. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
11:21Whereas Black Ops 3 had little to do with the Black Ops title, Cold War returned players to the world of backroom politics and espionage,
11:31reuniting fans with series staple Russell Adler, and which played to the strengths of its 80s setting
11:37and crafted a tense spy thriller with a focus on more stealth-oriented gameplay,
11:42rather than the bombastic blockbuster spectacle the series is known for.
11:46That's not to say those set pieces aren't still in the game,
11:49and the ones that do crop up will more than satisfy those with itchy trigger fingers.
11:53Cold War also gave players the freedom to uncover as much or as little of the plot as they wish,
11:59with numerous side objectives and a focus on RPG elements such as player choice that can affect the game's multiple endings.
12:06Although longtime fans might still have missed Alex Mason, Cold War was a welcome return for the Black Ops brand.
12:16Their free world will benefit. I know you won't fail us.
12:2214. Call of Duty Medal of Honor walked so that Call of Duty could run.
12:28The first entry in the series that killed its competition, crafted by former developers of Medal of Honor Allied Assault,
12:34it's difficult to convey exactly what a game-changer the original COD was.
12:39Implementing elements that would go on to become genre staples such as aiming down sights,
12:44multiple playable campaigns taking place throughout the entire WWII conflict,
12:48and even the simple act of crouching or going prone to avoid gunfire were all introduced here.
12:54Call of Duty also puts players right in the middle of real-life conflicts,
12:59adding further authenticity to the world Infinity Ward was creating.
13:03Even with the dated game mechanics and graphics,
13:06the original COD is still a heart-pounding experience that marked the first steps for the juggernaut series today.
13:1213. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2022
13:25The middle entry of the rebooted Modern Warfare series,
13:28Modern Warfare 2 is probably one of the best examples of what is possible in modern Call of Duty games.
13:34While not a direct retelling of the original Modern Warfare 2,
13:38the 2022 entry updates the storyline in meaningful and impactful ways,
13:42with a greater focus on individual characters,
13:45and making improvements to gameplay and mechanics introduced in the 2019 Modern Warfare reboot.
13:51Stealth remains a viable option and oftentimes requirement for numerous missions,
13:56and the series' trademark over-the-top moments are gloriously chaotic
14:00and full of intense action sequences directly in the player's control.
14:04It's a true shame that Modern Warfare 3 couldn't send the series out with a bang,
14:08but Modern Warfare 2 is not only an incredible reimagining of the 2009 original,
14:13but also successfully stands on its own merits.
14:2312. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
14:34Infinite Warfare received quite a lot of unfair criticism upon release.
14:38Whether it was due to oversaturation or the exhaustion of the Call of Duty series pushing further into the future,
14:44fans unjustly wrote Infinite Warfare off right out of the gate.
14:48This is a shame though, because despite jumping the shark and sending players on a planet-hopping space adventure,
14:54Infinite Warfare is a surprisingly solid experience,
14:57bolstered by the series' trademark impeccable gameplay and interesting new mechanics.
15:02Giving players control over a single protagonist, command over a spaceship,
15:06and leading the charge against a massive conflict that threatens the entire solar system.
15:11Infinite Warfare gave players access to numerous new gameplay tweaks such as anti-gravity
15:16and even the occasional space battles in place of traditional vehicular sections.
15:21Overall, longtime fans who initially wrote Infinite Warfare off
15:25owe it to themselves to play through one of the franchise's strongest campaigns.
15:3211. Call of Duty World War II
15:48After the negative reception to Infinite Warfare,
15:51Sledgehammer Games was thankfully already hard at work at returning the series to its more traditional
15:56boots-on-the-ground gameplay and took the series back to its World War II roots.
16:01The appropriately named COD World War II was more reminiscent of Treyarch's Big Red 1 back on the PS2
16:08and focused on a single platoon during numerous European excursions.
16:12This singular focus on one squad, bolstered by solid performances,
16:17allowed players to sympathize with their squadmates on a more personal level,
16:21amidst some of the series' trademark large-scale battle scenarios.
16:25While World War II didn't offer much in terms of innovative new gameplay mechanics besides some squad commands,
16:30it didn't need to.
16:31World War II offered players exactly what they were looking for,
16:35a solid return to form for the series grounded by its compelling narrative and relatable characters.
16:5110. Call of Duty Black Ops 6
17:00The most recent entry on our list, Black Ops 6 continues the successful roadmap laid out by Cold War
17:06and not only makes important improvements, but also fundamentally outdoes its predecessor in every aspect.
17:13With returning series staples such as Adler and Frank Woods,
17:16Black Ops 6 is the franchise's most player-choice-driven offering to date.
17:21Not only do players often have complete control over how to approach specific missions,
17:25but there's sometimes branching paths that lead to different outcomes and objectives.
17:30In between missions, players can explore their home base and uncover its many secrets,
17:34furthering their investigation into the game's overall narrative,
17:37which takes numerous surprising twists and turns, including delving into some truly unexpected and terrifying territory.
17:44Black Ops 6 is by far the most complete and confident COD experience in years
17:50and gives jaded longtime fans hope for the future of the series overall.
17:559. Call of Duty 2
18:03The entry that put the COD series on every gamer's radar and made COD a must-play,
18:08COD 2 is not only one of the most important titles in the COD catalog,
18:12but also one of the greatest World War 2 shooters of all time, full stop.
18:17Call of Duty 2 doubled down on the series' focus on real-world historical conflicts
18:22and true-to-life depictions of the many battles including the iconic D-Day assault
18:27and introduced the series' iconic regenerating health,
18:30which was a downright necessity to survive the numerous encounters with unrelenting enemy forces.
18:36Other series trademarks such as vehicular sections and branching pathways
18:39allowing the player to flank enemy positions
18:42and even one of Captain Price's ancestors still sporting his iconic stache.
18:47Even with its dated visuals and gameplay mechanics,
18:50Call of Duty 2 remains one of the most essential Call of Duty titles
18:54and the epitome of everything that made the series such an icon.
18:588. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
19:05Democracy is not what these people need.
19:07Hell, it's not even what they want.
19:10America's been trying to install democracies in nations for a century
19:15and it hasn't worked one time.
19:17Advanced Warfare was the first title to truly move away from the more traditional
19:21boots-on-the-ground style combat
19:23and offer players a true power fantasy with the game's upgradable exosuits.
19:28Anchored by great performances from its leading cast Troy Baker and Kevin Spacey
19:32and one of the series' most tightly constructed narratives
19:35revolving around the dangers of the privatization of the world's militaries.
19:39Players were given multiple new gadgets through the game's many missions
19:43and the ability to upgrade their suit gave a sense of progression and customization
19:47unlike anything in the series before
19:49in addition to specific missions which allowed for more player freedom to complete however they chose.
19:55Advanced Warfare also significantly sped up the tried-and-true gameplay
19:59while offering more freedom of movement in levels designed with these new abilities in mind.
20:04Press F to pay your respects to anyone who hasn't checked out this gem of a campaign.
20:197. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
20:26Concluding the summer blockbuster storyline that started back in 2007
20:30and especially without the original creative leads would undoubtedly be a daunting task.
20:35But Modern Warfare 3 attempted to wrap up the saga in a way that would appease long-time fans
20:40and by all accounts, they succeeded.
20:42The hype surrounding the potential of World War 3
20:45and the conclusion to Soap and Captain Price's story
20:48meant that everything was at stake
20:50and along with the increased pressure of the end of the world
20:52the narrative and its many varied missions all felt as though they carried more weight than ever before.
20:57Modern Warfare 3 didn't add anything new to the COD formula and it didn't need to.
21:02Everything fans had come to love and expect from the series was dialed up to 11
21:07with bigger set pieces, full-scale battles, intense vehicle sections
21:11and a satisfying and emotionally charged finale.
21:206. Call of Duty World at War
21:40Following up the wildly popular and critically applauded Modern Warfare the previous year
21:45was always going to be an uphill battle.
21:47But as one of the last World War 2 setting COD games
21:50World at War remains one of the best.
21:53Making incredible use of its setting
21:55World at War remains one of the most realistic and darkest entries in the series
22:00dropping players into numerous conflicts on American and Soviet fronts
22:04without holding back anything about the horrors of war.
22:07Everything from the traditional large-scale battles
22:10to the quieter moments that felt more like a horror movie
22:13World at War dared players to survive its world
22:16as everything in the game attempted to kill them at every turn.
22:19With immaculate performances from its main cast
22:22and the introduction of the much beloved Zombies mode
22:25World at War is the quintessential World War 2 COD experience
22:29that nails everything in its execution.
22:325. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019
22:52Rebooting one of the most beloved entries in the entire Call of Duty catalog
22:57was a bold choice but surprisingly
23:00not only did the developers manage to revitalize the somewhat stagnant Call of Duty brand
23:05through meaningful and important updates to the gameplay and story
23:08almost reached the same lofty heights of the original.
23:12The new Modern Warfare wasn't just a retread of the same story fans knew and loved
23:16but a much tighter and well-constructed update
23:19with returning characters like Captain Price
23:22a much more grounded version with somehow an even more epic stash.
23:27The devs even managed to update and to some fans
23:30even surpassed the beloved all ghillied up mission.
23:33This updated version moved at a much brisker pace
23:36with more fleshed out characters with important backstories and connections
23:40that made the typical mission structure feel more personal
23:43and akin to the gritty war films the games have always emulated.
23:574. Call of Duty Black Ops 2
24:12Treyarch's espionage-focused Black Ops was a surprise hit for the Call of Duty franchise
24:17so naturally a sequel was expected.
24:20This time instead of focusing on flashback sequences
24:23the storyline jumped back and forth from the 1980s
24:26to the far-flung future of 2025
24:29with a branching narrative affected by the player's decisions in the past.
24:33Black Ops 2 was a wildly ambitious sequel
24:36and introduced several new gameplay mechanics
24:39not all of which were especially well-received.
24:42The return of Alex Mason and Frank Woods
24:44kept the series' connective tissue going for longtime fans
24:47and the introduction of futuristic tech and weapons
24:50would unintentionally spark the series' departure
24:53from the more realistic boots-on-the-ground gameplay.
24:56But Black Ops 2 remains one of the most complex
24:59and interesting player narratives in the series.
25:093. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
25:13Modern Warfare
25:18The title that revolutionized not only the Call of Duty brand
25:22but influenced the entire first-person shooter genre
25:25and the industry as a whole.
25:28Leaving behind the realistic recreations of World War II
25:31Modern Warfare focused on exactly that
25:34a modern version of combat and warfare
25:37based around a compelling narrative with increasingly dangerous stakes
25:41told by interesting and now iconic characters
25:44as well as some of the most intense and jaw-dropping moments in the entire series.
25:49Infinity Ward managed to translate the intensity
25:52of the traditional World War II combat to modern day
25:55with all the intensity and immaculately designed action set pieces
25:59that were unlike anything seen in the genre before.
26:02Modern Warfare represented a cultural shift for the series
26:05and became the standard that all future titles attempted to live up to
26:09with few ever coming close to reaching that bar.
26:202. Call of Duty Black Ops
26:29Black Ops arguably has one of the best and most confidently told narratives
26:33in the entire Call of Duty franchise and it's not even close.
26:37Told through flashbacks by an unreliable narrator
26:40the mission to unravel the mystery of the numbers was immediately engaging
26:44as players are thrust into the middle of the Cold War
26:47and the near-constant threat of nuclear war.
26:50Treyarch also cleverly connected the Black Ops timeline
26:53back to their other masterpiece World at War
26:56with the mysterious character of Viktor Reznov
26:59and his connections to a possible Russian sleeper cell.
27:02Black Ops' strengths came from its storytelling and compelling cast of characters
27:06some of which are still part of the series even today.
27:10And although it didn't offer much in terms of innovative gameplay
27:13Black Ops remains many fans' favorite entry even a decade later
27:17and that's due largely to Treyarch's masterful storytelling and creative final twist.
27:301. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
27:37Infinity Ward took the term go big or go home to heart
27:41when crafting the follow-up to their mega blockbuster Modern Warfare.
27:45After the shocking events of Modern Warfare
27:47Infinity Ward managed to top themselves with iconic missions
27:51such as No Russian and Cliffhanger
27:53as well as a shocking last-minute twist
27:55that left players with their jaws on the floor by the time credits rolled.
27:59Modern Warfare 2 went bigger in every aspect of their sequel
28:03while building on what made the original such a game-changer.
28:06The frenetic pace of the narrative
28:08coupled with the frequent changes to gameplay
28:10as seemingly simple mission objectives
28:12continuously spiraled out of control
28:14into mad dash escapes and nail-biting firefights.
28:18Modern Warfare 2 remains the most replayable COD game of all time
28:22due to its variety of gameplay styles
28:25and undoubtedly set the benchmark for the series.
28:36What was your favorite Call of Duty campaign so far
28:39and what made it so special for you?
28:41Share your war stories down in the comments.
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