• 2 days ago
Chelsea Handler On Love, Life & Her Latest Project: Herself


00:00I mean, I guess we all know that we're all slowly dying,
00:03but I guess the number 50 brings you closer to the concept of dying
00:07because, you know, half of your life is over most likely.
00:15I was reading an article the other day that said,
00:17if you can get through the next 10 to 12 years,
00:20there will be scientific innovation that will allow you to stay alive
00:24and remain healthy until you're like 120 years old.
00:28And I thought to myself, who the f**k wants to live until they're 120?
00:32First of all, I can't afford to live that long.
00:35Second, what am I going to be doing stand-up at 120?
00:38Like, I have no desire to see what this world is coming to.
00:43I've seen enough. It's a wrap, you know?
00:46So, A, I think not being scared of death, which I really never have been.
00:50I'm not scared to die.
00:52I'm pretty scared not to live, you know?
00:55I feel passionately about being brave in the way that I live
01:02and kind of living out loud, if you will.
01:06So, I think the only thing I can say about 50 that is new information
01:12or that I've gathered from talking to so many of my friends
01:15is that we spend so much time in our 30s and 40s and 20s
01:21caring, A, about mistakes we've made
01:25and worrying about what's going to happen in the future.
01:28My whole 20s was spent worrying about when I was going to make it,
01:31when I was going to be independent enough to be financially independent,
01:35when I was going to have enough money to have, you know,
01:38all the things that I want and not to be reliant on another person.
01:43And then you spend so much time regretting your behavior
01:47and you spend so much time worried about the future.
01:50I think the good thing about aging is that
01:52you start to care less and less about the past and the future
01:55and then you're able to be more present,
01:57which, as we know now, being present is kind of like
02:01the best supplier of good times.
02:03I talk about this in my book a lot.
02:05I don't think I do.
02:06I do talk about it a lot, is finding joy in the dark, you know?
02:10Yes, we're all going through this kind of mayhem
02:12and what can seem like a really un...
02:16or what can seem like a very destabilized period of time.
02:20And I think one of the things that you can do is just to provide,
02:25you know, more love, more joy, more comfort
02:27to all of those people that you love and care about
02:30to really, really like double down on your kindness and your compassion
02:37because, you know, I'm scared, but I'm not scared per se for myself.
02:41I'm scared for so many people
02:43and those are the people that need our love the most.
02:45And like, you can make a difference in people's lives.
02:48Every single day, you can make a difference in someone's life.
02:50And if we choose to do that, then, you know, you are bringing the vibe higher.
02:54You are making the world a better place.
02:56And even if it's only one or two people that you come into contact with in a week,
02:59it doesn't matter.
03:00There's a domino effect to that.
03:01And I think that's pretty powerful and not talked about enough or not.
03:06I shouldn't say it's not talked enough about because it is,
03:09but it's not taken seriously, you know, because it's not a measurable thing.
03:13Like, but it is scientific, you know, energy, magnetism,
03:17all of that stuff is scientific.
03:19It's just that people think that that's just like, oh, woo-woo talk.
03:22You're like, well, it's actually not really woo-woo.
03:24It's pretty concrete.
