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El abogado defensor asegura que su cliente Alan Fernández, implicado en el caso de robo de Morena Rial, es inocente y destaca su temor y buen carácter. Alega que el acusado estuvo presente en un evento sin robo y no en otro donde sí ocurrió. Además, menciona la intervención de abogados para garantizar su protección física.



00:00Excuse me, so that people can understand what has happened here, he recognizes when she was dressed in black, I don't know if you, we are going to talk about the dress, when she was dressed in black with her hands on the gate, that fact he recognizes having been, okay?
00:22What he does not recognize is having been when she appears with the red dress that goes to the gas station, that fact, no.
00:30That is the day of the white car.
00:32Yes, that is the day of the white car.
00:34Let's see, on the 22nd there was no robbery, on the 18th there was a robbery. He says I was in the one that there was no robbery.
00:39Doctor, and what was the role of your defendant within the gang?
00:42There was no robbery.
00:43Not because they had not tried to steal.
00:44Of course, of course, because they could not.
00:46Of course.
00:47What was the role of your defendant within the gang?
00:53No, let's see, first what has to be raised is the following.
00:57Gang is a group that is armed to different effects.
01:02Here there is no gang because he did not know the rest.
01:07He told me that Morena was the head of the gang, so he knew something about the structure.
01:13What he says punctually is that he was actually cited by Morena by different people who do not know each other.
01:22And what he had with Morena was a business that he is going to clarify before the court that has nothing to do with this of the robberies.
01:29A business.
01:30A business.
01:32What kind of business?
01:33A legal business?
01:37A legal business?
01:39Yes, a legal business.
01:41Yes, of course.
01:42What happens is that it seems to me that it would be important, and I think this is going to change the cause from today,
01:50is that Fernández is going to speak and in fact he is going to provide evidence.
01:57Fernández is currently detained and is going to wait for him to be required from Buenos Aires, which may take up to 30 days or so.
02:09And from that moment on, he is going to provide the evidence that he thinks is sufficient.
02:14Hector, César Carosa, how are you?
02:16I wanted to go back to the subject of the threats, because I don't quite understand why they obey the threats, if they were extorsive.
02:24Because here they are saying, the two cross that one threatened the other and the other to the other.
02:28But what was the basis of the threat?
02:31Look, the truth is that in reality, every time she invited this boy, basically what he wrote were two things.
02:43One is that she could move the threads, that they were calm, that she was going to be able to move the threads, he did not understand very well why.
02:51And that in reality, if something happened to him, because what he marked this lady was that she could not,
03:00especially with a boy in the middle, let's say there are a lot of circumstances.
03:03She said not to worry, that in the province of Buenos Aires, she could move her threads, textual, and that absolutely nothing was going to happen.
03:15Do they have it documented? Do they have it in writing? Is it a message cross?
03:19Exactly, yes, there is a message.
03:21So it's one of the proofs she would provide.
03:23So she said she had a very particular influence within the province of Buenos Aires.
03:28Yes, exactly. In fact, in fact ...
03:31Doctor, be clear, sorry, you are in a cross talking about Jorge Rial, who would have the power to have her removed to Morena, because it seems to me that you are going that way.
03:39I didn't talk about Jorge Rial.
03:42Yes, or maybe she had someone to go to, I understand that not to commit an illicit, but maybe she had other contacts or people that she could access.
03:56Or maybe it was what she sold to the rest.
04:00Now, when she talks about handling the threads, does she mean to commit the crimes or to get away from the crimes?
04:10To get away from the crimes. Supposedly, she recognizes crimes in which my client does not, and she says that she has the threads to handle this case.
04:25I want to clarify something. Morena Rial, I want to clarify this, because if not, Morena Rial did not get away with any crime.
04:32She just got out of jail and is still investigated. She did not get away with any crime, because you, doctor, say that she got away with a crime.
04:39It is very good to clarify this, because it is not clear that the cause ends or not.
04:43Of course, no, she was just imprisoned and is still investigated.
04:46We are going to listen to Morena Rial in a moment. We repeat that a few minutes ago she only spoke to us, we were the only medium there.
04:51And well, there we have it, that is the image, we are processing the material and we are going to show it to you right away.
04:56The truth is that you have to say it, she looks calm.
04:59She looks calm.
05:01Now we are going to listen to her, but well, she had a strange attitude, if we are going to take into account her last actions,
05:11which was to have protested in favor of Cañete, who is this man.
05:14His great friend, evidently, who is still in prison, we do not know until when.
05:19Because, let's see, it is strange that she, with a primary participation, is out, in that I give the right to Yemi,
05:26and Cañete with a secondary participation is in, with a difference, Cañete has background, Morena Rial does not.
05:35It is precisely the judge, to grant the extraordinary, makes three considerations.
05:42One is that she is breastfeeding, another is that she has no background, and well, there we are, let's say,
05:51it is where she bases her extraordinary incarceration.
05:55I understand, that Alan does have a background, right?
05:58Alan Fernandez has a background?
06:00A fight.
06:01Alan Fernandez has a background.
06:02No, for robbery he has, sorry.
06:03The thing is that you have to understand that there is a dimension of justice that does not depend on any thread to be moved.
06:08Sometimes people like Morena Rial are released by default, by the very prejudice of justice with respect to well-known people.
06:16Without anyone picking up a phone, let's take this into account, because many times they operate like this.
06:20You were going to say something, sorry.
06:22No, I'm checking an information, Mariana, and I'm talking to you, making fun of you.
06:26I saw that you were with something, that's why I wanted to ...
06:28No, and I ask the doctor, I take advantage, Cañete is free, last night I understand that they released him.
06:34I did not know, I did not have that information.
06:36Exactly, yes.
06:37I understand, that's why I wanted to check it.
06:39Confirmed, Cañete is free, then we did not know.
06:41Yesterday afternoon, around 7 in the afternoon, they release Cañete, Cañete returns home with his family,
06:48I'm talking to you, and Morena reposts a story of Cañete free, making it justice.
06:55It was strange that he, with a minor participation, remains in prison, and she, with a minor participation, is free.
07:01It was strange, it was strange.
07:02No, no, it's okay.
07:03Yes, the same, the same, between us, everything sounds strange to me.
07:08The truth, honestly, everything sounds strange to me.
07:11I would like to know what is the degree of participation of each one.
07:15Of course.
07:16I would like to know who made up this story, I would like to know why Fernández is charged,
07:22and from the access to the cause, I would also like to know what are the messages that have been crossed,
07:34what messages have been erased, what messages not.
07:37But, doctor, then you do not even believe that the imputation is correct for your defendant?
07:41I mean, was he participating in a robbery?
07:44No, let's see, it is an illicit investigation that evidently ends and begins in an illicit investigation.
07:50No, because they refer to the 22nd.
07:52Ah, okay.
07:53That's why.
07:54Of course, because the 22nd was not reached.
07:55Of course.
07:56What block does your defendant have?
07:59I'm going to make it simpler.
08:01On January 18 at 10 at night, where was Alan Fernández?
08:06The truth, honestly, I presume of innocence.
08:10I don't have to prove where Alan Fernández was.
08:13No, but this is not a trial, I'm asking you periodically.
08:17In general, the defendants have a block, they say no.
08:21If I tell you Mariana Fabiani on Tuesday at 3.19 was robbing in that corner, Mariana Fabiani says no.
08:28I was sitting doing a show.
08:30Okay, you say Fernández was not on January 18 at 10 at night robbing.
08:35What was he doing and where?
08:37You are actually investing in the charge of the evidence.
08:40But I'm not a prosecutor, I'm asking.
08:42I personally don't know what he was doing on January 18 at 10 at night.
08:48Didn't you think it was appropriate to ask your defendant what he was doing?
08:51But they are going to ask you in the investigation.
08:53Look, I'm going to give you an example.
08:55Do you remember the case of the Ragbiers, Mariana?
08:58That there was a boy, a Ragbier, who had been unjustly accused, who was not even in Villa Gesell.
09:03Yes, that's true.
09:04We made him the note.
09:05Do you remember?
09:06Well, what did that boy do?
09:07He put a security camera and said, I was having dinner at a restaurant at that time.
09:11I'm not.
09:12He had a quarter.
09:13That's why I ask Yemi.
09:15What is the quarter?
09:16Or if he asked his client, he asked him.
09:18What were you doing on January 18 at 10 at night?
09:20You were in Tucumán, in Córdoba, in Buenos Aires, in La Pampa.
09:23What were you doing?
09:24I didn't ask him because in reality, when he tells me that he is not part of an illicit, that's it, right?
09:30I'm much more of a private life.
09:32Sure, but what does your client, Dr. Yemi, do?
09:36Do you know what he does?
09:37He just mentioned that he is in something like a business or would have been or was in a business with Morena Real.
09:44What does he do?
09:45What does he live for?
09:46Because he has another particularity.
09:47He has another particularity.
09:48His client also, which is that he is the only one who, in appearance, and in this you have to give the right,
09:54does not have, well, any previous connection with any crime.
09:58He wouldn't have.
09:59What does he do?
10:01In reality, he is a 23-year-old boy from a humble family in Tucumán,
10:06who actually came to Buenos Aires in January to go to Mar del Plata,
10:12and who was summoned because he became friends with Morena Real five years ago,
10:17of which they saw each other four or five times.
10:20And from that moment on, they established a business,
10:25which is surely a legal business, obviously, which he is going to explain in an investigation.
10:31And why can't you say it, doctor?
10:32Because it's very rare.
10:33I'm sorry to ask you, but you say it's a legal business.
10:36Let's see, what is it?
10:37Why can't you say publicly that Morena and Fernández did it?
10:41They did something.
10:42That's why I say.
10:44Fernández asked me to limit myself to saying what I'm saying to you,
10:52and that he will clarify it to the prosecution,
10:55because if not, in reality, what I could do, saying something,
10:59is to try to put together strategies for other people who are not interested in us, really.
11:04I understand.
11:05Do you trust the innocence of your defendant, doctor?
11:12Especially because he is a guy who is terrified, very terrified.
11:17Today he intervened, well, since yesterday, Sunday,
11:22the doctors Avellaneda and Bisoara from Tucumán are intervening,
11:28who were the ones who presented an avias corpus
11:30to the effects of giving him protection from a physical point of view.
11:33Today he surrendered and is with personal protection.
11:37In fact, he is going to put the knowledge of the prosecutor.
11:39So it is not something that is a detainee anymore,
11:43in which perhaps it is a boy who comes from the interior,
11:47they promised him to be famous in Buenos Aires,
11:50and they ended up in something else.
11:53Doctor, if I ask you, the gang, the Gardelitos?
11:59Yesterday, Dr. Chipola, I think his name is,
12:04who is a friend of Morena Real,
12:09made mention of those two gangs.
12:11Why do I ask you this?
12:12Because that's how we clarify it.
12:13What they tell me is that the Tucumanan justice
12:16is investigating Alan Fernández for a gang.
12:21A gang, well, you tell me now.
12:22A gang that apparently sold stolen things.
12:25And there is evidence, which I cannot show you,
12:27because obviously they are in the legacy of justice.
12:30There is also evidence here that they are showing me.
12:32Of the things they stole.
12:33A photo of things they stole.
12:35Is this true?
12:37I repeat, I can show you at this time a photo of something from here.
12:41No, but I ask you.
12:42I know it's something that is, right?
12:43What I tell you on time is that
12:45they are trying to discredit Fernández's testimony,
12:49because in reality, let's see,
12:52what is called, the case, unfortunately,
12:55the case of Morena Real,
12:59at this time, begins to be investigated.
13:02The pieces begin to play from now on.
13:06When they begin to present,
13:08when they begin to present the, in quotation marks,
13:12fugitives and begin to offer evidence.
13:16I wanted to ask, doctor,
13:18is there any contact between Alan and the rest of the participants?
13:22Or the other participants of the band?
13:26There is not.
13:27I find it very important, Dr. Semi,
13:28what you just said,
13:30that Alan Fernández was promised to be famous.
13:33This promise was made by Morena Real.
13:36Who made this promise?
13:38Morena Real.
13:39Morena Real.
13:40He was linked to Morena Real.
13:42And how were those promises?
13:47In what way?
13:49Here he clarifies to me, before continuing,
13:52is that Dr. Avillaneda clarifies to me,
13:54who is looking,
13:55Augusto Avillaneda,
13:56who is looking from Tucumán,
13:58is that there is no cause against Alan in Tucumán.
14:02Therefore, I respond in this way to the previous question.
14:07He has no antecedents.
14:08He does not.
14:10You asked me, sorry.
14:12For fame.
14:13Fame in what way?
14:14Morena Real told Alan Fernández,
14:15you are going to be famous,
14:16because you are going to be by my side,
14:17because we are going to make tropellias together.
14:19What was that promise of fame?
14:23What happens is that, in reality,
14:24it is a topic that goes through Alan's privacy.
14:27If he wants to tell it, he does not want to tell it.
14:29And it was an offer that I would have made to him,
14:33of work, in quotation marks.
14:38Mrs. Real, Miss Real,
14:40and in reality,
14:41but this depends exclusively on Fernández,
14:45which has nothing to do with me or Barretía.
14:48No, no.
14:49I understand the desire to analyze.
14:51He ended up fulfilling,
14:52as I have maintained for a few days,
14:54regarding Morena Real herself,
14:55beyond the fact that she has her father's last name, of course.
14:58That is to say, they managed to be famous through this life.
15:01This life gave them fame.
15:02Well, look.
15:03I pass on data from Tucumán, doctor,
15:04I also ask you,
15:05because here another character appears.
15:07His name is Pablo,
15:08who is the ex-partner of this person,
15:10of Alan Fernández.
15:13He is an intimate friend of Morena Real
15:16and not an ex-partner of Fernández.
15:18Well, what they say here,
15:19and I ask you,
15:20because now everything starts,
15:21everything is very strange,
15:23that Morena would have met this Alan
15:25through black magic.
15:27Is this true?
15:32Nothing to do with it.
15:33No, that's why I tell you,
15:34we are putting together a ...
15:35No, not you, huh?
15:36Not me.
15:37But they are putting together a ...
15:39No, it's all crazy.
15:41Let's say.
15:42Actually, the point is that
15:46a group was being formed
15:48in which
15:50Alan has in his message
15:54very strong
15:56and fears for his safety.
15:58And this is what I can tell you,
16:00and that he will surely make a statement
16:05I'll pause you for a second,
16:06let's continue talking,
16:08but we already have Morena's note ready,
16:10so I would like to share it
16:11to see it together
16:12and then we will expand more
16:14everything that is being told to us.
16:15So thank you.
