• last month
00:00Yeah, I don't know that I don't know that it'll be I don't know that I could pick one over the other
00:04I don't I like this one. I like this one so much more
00:08I I felt like I didn't know what to make of that parade the the first time and and this time it just felt like
00:16I don't know. Everything was right everything my gosh, it was
00:21Pristine the way it was all set up it and you know all the way to
00:26The way the the sun shone down from the sky it was just beautiful all of that
00:32I mean, that's all true John. I mean, I certainly felt that too. I mean I was there I was there for Super Bowl 52
00:39I was there for that for that parade on the on the Oval because I was doing the TV with NBC at that time
00:45and and that that was
00:49That was memorable in in the ways that there were so many people out there that
00:54That had waited their whole lives for that one moment
00:58You know
00:58And there were all of there were all the people that and I several of them came up and spoke to me that literally had
01:04pictures of their relatives and the urns with their ashes and all of that kind of stuff that that this was something that they
01:10that not just they but their whole family had waited a lifetime for and they and they felt like they were they were sharing it
01:16They're very genuine sort of way and it was incredibly moving
01:20It was incredibly moving and I mean there was there was that sense of you know
01:25We never thought we weren't ever sure this was ever going to happen. We don't know if it's ever going to happen again
01:30but we're we're here to celebrate what did happen and what you know, and this day will always be our day and
01:38This one was different. This one was different in the sense that
01:42You got the feeling that you know, we're gonna we're gonna be back, you know
01:47You know in Super Bowl 52 there was the feeling of boy this this is fantastic and who knows if I'll ever be back
01:52But let's enjoy this this one. There was a feeling that there's a feeling of kind of rightness
01:58Like self-assurance. Yeah, we know we are this team. You know, we are this team
02:03Okay, we are the class of the National Football League and and we're going to do this again, you know
02:09We're gonna have a great party today. But hey folks, let's you know, we're gonna we're gonna be back here next year. Well, I
02:17Part of it that part of it felt very real
