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सवाईमाधोपुर. इस बार जिले की चारों विधानसभा क्षेत्र में भाजपा ने दो सीटे जीती है। आगामी चुनाव में भाजपा का जिले की चारों विधानसभा सीटों पर कब्जा होगा। गुर्जर की नियुक्ति से पार्टी को मजबूती मिलेगी। पार्टी के कार्यों में और सुधार होगा।

भाजपा के चुनाव पर्यवेक्षक अशोक परनामी से सवाल-जवाब...
सवाल: भाजपा जिलाध्यक्ष चयन को लेकर देरी हुई, क्या कारण रहा।
जवाब: भाजपा जिलाध्यक्ष चयन में दो चरणों में जिलाध्यक्ष के चयन किया गया था। इससे थोड़ा समय लगा। जिलाध्यक्ष चुनाव को लेकर हमने चरणवाइज बांट रखा था। पहले चरण में प्रदेश में 27 जिले के जिलाध्यक्ष बनाए गए थे। दूसरे चरण में सभी शेष रहे जिले पूरे किए गए है।
सवाल: क्या भाजपा जिलाध्यक्ष का नाम पहले से ही तय था
जवाब: सवाईमाधोपुर जिलाध्यक्ष पद के लिए 14 प्रत्याशियों ने नामांकन पेश किया था। हमने सभी 14 दावेदारों से बातचीत व रायशुमारी की। इसके बाद मानसिंह गुर्जर को जिलाध्यक्ष बनाने का प्रस्ताव रखा। इसके बाद सभी ने एकराय व सहमति से अंतिम निर्णय लेते हुए मानसिंह गुर्जर को जिलाध्यक्ष घोषित किया। इसको सभी ने स्वीकार कर लिया।
सवाल: भाजपा के जिलाध्यक्ष चुनावों को लेकर विधानसभा क्षेत्र के दोनों विधायकों के बीच आपसी मतभेद रहा। इसका क्या कारण रहा
जवाब: मतभेद जैसे कोई मामला नहीं था। सभी प्रत्याशियों व कार्यकर्ताओं की आपसी सहमति, बातचीत व मंथन के बाद ही जिलाध्यक्ष घोषित किया।
सवाल: लगातार दूसरी बार गंगापुरसिटी से ही जिलाध्यक्ष बनाया है, क्या कारण रहा।
जवाब: ऐसा नहीं है, पूर्व में डॉ.भरतलाल मथुरिया व सुरेश चंद जैन सवाईमाधोपुर से ही जिलाध्यक्ष रहे थे।


00:00How long did it take for the elections to take place?
00:04It didn't take long. We did it in phases.
00:08In the first phase, there were 27 districts.
00:11In the second phase, all the districts were completed.
00:14I think that almost 90% of the elections will be held today.
00:20As far as I remember, there were 14 people who filled their nominations.
00:30We spoke to all the 14 people who filled their nominations.
00:35We spoke to them.
00:37Because there is a tradition of the Indian People's Party,
00:41there is a tradition, there is a system.
00:44We all decided on a name together.
00:49When I gave my speech, I took everyone inside.
00:54I spoke to everyone.
00:56We all decided on the name Man Singh Gujar.
01:01Everyone accepted it.
01:04Everyone proposed it.
01:06When I was the district head, Man Singh Gujar was the district head.
01:11He did a great job.
01:14I think that Man Singh Gujar will take all the workers
01:22and strengthen the work of the Indian People's Party in Swai Madhopur.
01:29The district heads who were here before,
01:32they also did a great job in Swai Madhopur.
01:36And it was the result of good work that we won 3 seats in the assembly.
01:423 out of 4 seats.
01:44We won 2 seats.
01:46And next time, we will win all 4 seats in Swai Madhopur.
01:53In the leadership of Man Singh Gujar,
01:56Swai Madhopur's organization will be very strong
02:00and will work to move the party forward.
02:02What do you think about the differences in opinion between the two parties?
02:12Did you see any difference in opinion?
02:16When we announced Man Singh Gujar,
02:20everyone accepted it with one opinion.
02:23And said that you made a very good announcement.
02:28And chanted the slogans of Zindabad.
02:30All the candidates who were nominated here,
02:34everyone gave them a garland.
02:36And first of all, our district head gave them a garland.
02:39So this is the Indian People's Party.
02:41The Indian People's Party is an administrative party.
02:44The workers of the Indian People's Party do not work for the government.
02:48They work for the state.
02:50They are dedicated to the state.
02:52So there is no difference of opinion in any kind of work.
02:57The workers of Swai Madhopur are very sad.
03:00The coach here is from Jaladaksh.
03:02He is from Gangapur.
03:04He is from Jaladaksh.
03:06Where is Mr. Suresh from?
03:09Mr. Bharat is from here.
03:11Mr. Bharat is from here.
03:12Mr. Suresh is from here.
03:13Mr. Suresh is from here.
03:14Mr. Suresh is from here.
03:15There is no such thing.
03:16Four committees come to this place.
03:19The representation of all four is completed.
03:21Now, Swai Madhopur has become the district head.
03:24Mahamantri will be formed from another place.
03:27Upadaksh will be formed from another place.
03:29Mandalajaksh will be formed from all places.
03:31Everyone has to work together.
03:33Jaladaksh is just a responsibility.
03:36But Mr. Man Singh will work more in the office of the workers of the Indian People's Party than Jaladaksh.
