Murdoch Mysteries S18 Episode 14 - A Murder Most Convenient
00:00I've never seen a line this long.
00:19Well, it is the first automat restaurant in Toronto.
00:22Five cent meals from a machine.
00:24I wonder if they're any good.
00:26It doesn't matter.
00:27There are no waiters, so no tips.
00:29You know, if you ask me, I don't know why anyone
00:31should get any for carrying around trays.
00:33I don't get tips for catching criminals.
00:35Welcome to Kahn's Automat.
00:36Coins for your cash?
00:39I bet this place is making good coin.
00:41You get it.
00:42Thank you, sirs.
00:43$0.25 for you and you.
00:46Go right in.
01:00I wish my folks in chattel could see this.
01:04Very efficient.
01:05Very modern.
01:06Not a waiter in sight.
01:07It's beautiful.
01:08This place must be raking it in.
01:10First time here, gentlemen.
01:12I'm the owner, Jay Kahn.
01:14Pleased to meet you.
01:15Constable Henry Higgins Newsome.
01:16Constable Teddy Roberts.
01:17This is an ingenious concept.
01:19And clearly a hit.
01:20Thank you, gentlemen.
01:21Served over 3,000 in the past three weeks.
01:24That's phenomenal.
01:25Must be nice.
01:26You don't even have to do that much.
01:28It's a money-making machine.
01:29I know.
01:30It's a gold mine.
01:31I wish I'd thought of it.
01:32You could be a part of it.
01:34What do you mean?
01:36How would you two like to own one of these?
01:42I'm looking to expand all over the city and I'll need partners.
01:45You want us to be your business partners?
01:47Mr. Kahn, we've run out of pecans.
01:49The seller said something about an overdue invoice.
01:51Ah, Chris.
01:52Great job with the early morning baking.
01:54We actually bake our own fresh bread here.
01:56That's impressive.
01:57But what about that?
01:58I don't know.
01:59So, gentlemen, what do you say?
02:02You know, I did bring some money when I came to Toronto.
02:05I could score points with Ruthie if I strike gold.
02:13Are you sure about this?
02:15I know a thing or two about business.
02:17I'm married to Ruth Higgins-Newson, the most business-smart woman in all of Toronto.
02:20I don't like it.
02:22That automat is a heartless place.
02:24What are you talking about?
02:25The place is booming.
02:28Karl Marx said that machinery could undermine the dignity and value of human labor.
02:34I think there's value in finding a cheap, quick meal.
02:43Detective Llewellyn Watts.
02:45Inspector Choi.
02:47You've been to the automat, haven't you?
02:49I've been to one like it in Philadelphia years ago.
02:52I must say, I enjoyed the convenience.
02:55All right. See you.
02:57You two, with me.
02:59Perhaps we can continue our conversation about the dignity of labor.
03:19Anything of note?
03:21Well, one man reported the dead man saw an angel floating in the air just moments before he fell.
03:27Well, this is our lucky day, gentlemen.
03:30The existence of heaven has been proven.
04:12Louise, what's an assistant crown attorney doing sitting around with a tabloid?
04:17I am taking a five-minute break.
04:20Only failed journalists write for that, you know.
04:23Well, then I suppose you don't want to hear about John Eaton's new paramour.
04:27Or these corrupt city councillors receiving mysterious lumps of cash.
04:32No, these are just articles by failed journalists.
04:34Let me finish.
04:38She was hatless in public.
04:40Could he have had a heart attack?
04:42Maybe, but he's a fit man.
04:45Likely no more than 25.
04:47Hardly the typical victim of a heart attack.
04:49Any trauma to the head or chest area?
04:51No signs of impact.
04:53No swelling, bleeding, no redness, no discoloration.
04:58A witness told Constable Roberts that Mr. Craneley said he saw a floating angel.
05:03It appears your faith has been rewarded, Detective.
05:17You find something?
05:19Today's date.
05:21If he was on time, he was headed to an address on May Street.
05:25Let's see where that takes us.
05:27Good day, Miss Hart.
05:37Hello, Miss?
05:39Can I help you?
05:43Yes, Detective Murdoch, Detective Watts of the Toronto Constabulary.
05:47You have a meticulously kept garden. I covet your tundra lilies.
05:51Thank you. If the sun never set, I'd spend all day in the garden.
05:56Um, do you happen to know a Mr. Lyle Craneley?
06:00Lyle and I are sweethearts.
06:02Is he in trouble?
06:06I regret to inform you that Mr. Craneley is dead.
06:13My Lyle?
06:17That's what we're trying to determine. We need to ask you a few questions, Miss...
06:22Ginny Fisher.
06:25Lyle and I were supposed to celebrate my birthday today. He was going to come by.
06:30This afternoon.
06:32He said he would prepare lunch himself, that I wouldn't have to lift a finger.
06:37When did you see him last?
06:39Two days ago. His schedule always changes, but he had that day off.
06:44Did he show any signs of illness when you last saw him?
06:47Not at all.
06:48He was generally healthy?
06:50Healthy enough to work as a carpenter most days and as a construction worker other days.
06:55Despite the odd jobs, he works.
06:59Worked. Hard.
07:12He was eating this smashed piece of bread with mustard.
07:18This appears to be the birthday lunch.
07:21These pastries are dirty from the street, but they look like the good stuff.
07:26Box of chocolates. All eight pieces still inside.
07:30Some cheese and cold cuts and paper. Bread.
07:34This appears to be a gift.
07:40From Dooley Jewelers.
07:46Hello, Miss?
07:49Toronto Constabulary.
07:51We are investigating a case and, well, has this man come into your shop recently?
08:00He has indeed. He purchased a lady's barrette this morning.
08:05Oh. What time was that at?
08:08Around 9.30. I was just opening shop.
08:11And how did he seem? What physical condition was he in, for example?
08:17Oh, he was a robust young fellow. Was in a great mood, too.
08:21He said the barrette was for his lady.
08:24He wanted to show the girl how serious he was about her.
08:27And in my experience, that usually means that he thinks there are other men vying for her attention.
08:34So he bought the barrette to win her over?
08:38Well, that's why you buy women jewelry, isn't it, sir?
08:45Do you know where he was headed to next?
08:48No. I haven't a clue.
08:51All right, then. Thank you so much for your time.
08:57So, he was here at 9.30 a.m., seemingly healthy, and then fell down dead sometime before 10.30 when we received the call.
09:06There are countless places that he could have visited between here and where he fell.
09:11Let's go.
09:30Good day. Hello.
09:34That tabloid paper. It is against the law for a lady to read indecent material in public.
09:41Thank you for the information.
09:45Miss Iona Berger, Toronto Morality Officer.
09:49Mrs. Effie Crabtree, I purchased this at the newsstand over there. It is not illegal.
09:55It is immoral.
09:57I am perfectly aware of the 1890 bylaw passed prohibiting indecency. However, this is not explicit content.
10:04Eaton's New Paramour, Bribes at City Hall, Love Triangle in Rosedale.
10:09Can you really say such vulgar claims promote exemplary standards that befit a lady?
10:14Miss Berger, I assure...
10:15If you find enjoyment reading this material, please do so in the privacy of your home.
10:19This is a warning. Next time there will be a fine.
10:34Lyle Craneley had cardiomegaly.
10:36An enlarged ventricle can be benign or it can cause a heart condition, like an irregular heartbeat.
10:42Could this condition have killed him?
10:44Most people live long lives despite the condition, if managed well.
10:48He was healthy otherwise. I can tell he wasn't much of a smoker or a drinker.
10:53I doubt he required much treatment at all.
10:56Perhaps the thought of winning over his lady made his heart skip a beat too many.
11:04Got a great storefront free-to-rent prime location.
11:07A lot of foot traffic.
11:09Imagine, gentlemen, Khan's Automat. The go-to lunch spot for all the office workers around here.
11:14Seems fine to me. How do we get started?
11:16Oh, you'll need supplies. Luckily for you, gentlemen, I've got a strong relationship with the vending machine maker in Buffalo.
11:22I could get you a deal.
11:24Okay, good. You see, this is exactly why we need you, Mr. Khan.
11:27Please, call me Jay.
11:29Now, these machines are made to order. Space looks big enough for about two.
11:33You'll order through me to have them shipped over. I'll need a check by tonight.
11:36Hold on. That sounds like a big expense that we might need a few days to think it over.
11:42These machines are dust and rust-proof. They'll last a lifetime.
11:46That sounds fantastic, but I do have one caveat.
11:50We name the restaurant after us.
11:53Whatever you wish.
11:56Fantastic. Let me show you the inside.
11:58All right.
11:59Higgins, seems like a bit of a gamble, don't you think?
12:04Come on. Man knows what he's doing.
12:06See, we let him take charge. You and I, we'll just get to sit back, relax, and rake in the dough.
12:11Trust me.
12:13All right.
12:29I'll have the turkey Tuesday special.
12:33Where is everyone?
12:36At that automat down the street.
12:40Damn place has taken my lunch and dinner crowds.
12:43It's a fact. Nothing they make there can compare with your turkey pie.
12:47I don't know about that. I already had to let my cook go last week, Detective Watts.
12:53No, I'm doing it all myself.
12:56I'll tell you, if business doesn't pick up, I'll have to close up shop.
13:03All that food sitting in those machines for God knows how long, it's bound to go bad or team with pests or both.
13:11Is that a fact?
13:12There was even an article about it in Jack Canuck.
13:15Jack Canuck is a paper that thrives off of sensational claims.
13:21Well, I've worked in restaurants for 26 years and I don't trust that place to be hygienic.
13:40Excellent. Now that you've signed the contract, gentlemen, I can start to show you the ropes of the business.
13:47Detective Watts, you changed your mind about the automat?
13:51This is Mr. Khan. We just signed the contract.
13:54Soon we'll be so rich we'll be shedding bank notes everywhere we go.
13:58Right. I'm Detective Llewellyn Watts.
14:02Have there been some questions about the cleanliness of this restaurant?
14:06That's absurd. At Khan's Automat, our meals are made from scratch using the highest quality ingredients.
14:14Unsold food is discarded at the end of each night.
14:17Our meals are kept in refrigerated compartments of superior quality vending machines.
14:22Try our turkey dinner or our customer favorite, the beef sandwich.
14:27Shame. I already ate.
14:32Are you alright?
14:59It was bizarre how suddenly he fell dead.
15:02I assume the man died shortly after consuming the beef sandwich.
15:06I'll have Miss Hart focus her attention on the contents of his stomach.
15:10I found this in the man's wallet. A paycheck for Greg Hopping with his address.
15:15Please continue to enjoy your meal.
15:18In fact, everyone will receive a free coffee or tea for the inconvenience.
15:22Sirs. Gentlemen.
15:25I heard rumors that sanitation is not the Automat's strong suit.
15:28In fact, I was here because I wanted to ask about it.
15:32Let's have a look at the kitchen.
15:37Is it possible you didn't wash certain produce?
15:40That's not possible.
15:42You sound quite confident.
15:44Produce is brought here when delivered.
15:46Each shift, the cook responsible for preparation washes, peels, and chops the produce right away.
15:54Everything's kept fresh and ready in this refrigeration system.
15:58A series of steps in specific sequence.
16:01Like an assembly line, it must yield to excellent efficiency.
16:05Meat and dairy are kept here.
16:07We use the scale to measure out only what we need.
16:10So nothing sits on the counter.
16:11There's no room for error.
16:13Breaking down a single task into a series of smaller ones for greater accuracy.
16:18And reducing people to extensions of a machine.
16:21Do you find this to be an alienating place to work?
16:24It suits me fine.
16:26I don't like most people, let alone customers.
16:30I focus better when there's no need to rush cooking on order.
16:34Thank you, gentlemen.
16:35I'll have constables collect samples of the ingredients.
16:52Cuff link.
16:54Seems out of place.
16:56Gentlemen, does this cuff link belong to either of you?
16:59No, there's a strict policy against wearing accessories in the kitchen.
17:05Perhaps an outsider made their way back here.
17:07I can round up all the kitchen staff and ask.
17:16I spoke to all eight cooks and busboys.
17:18They said that the kitchen is never left unattended.
17:21An outsider would not go unnoticed.
17:23And the cuff link?
17:25No one recognizes it.
17:26And the cuff link?
17:28No one recognized it, nor knew how it could have gotten into the kitchen.
17:32Perhaps it's a member of the cooking staff that's been dismissed.
17:35And they left this behind.
17:38Or could it be that the restaurant food had nothing to do with the cause of the man's death?
17:42After all, it was just one man who died out of everyone who ate there.
17:50Detective Murdoch.
17:53Go ahead, Miss Hart.
17:56I conducted a detailed analysis of Lyle Cranley's stomach contents.
18:00I found what appears to be tiny black flecks among partially digested food.
18:05I think they're seeds of some sort.
18:07Perhaps poppy seeds? Sesame?
18:10No. Take a look at this photomicrograph.
18:14These seeds are flat and oblong in shape.
18:16One millimeter in length and very lightweight.
18:20I've never seen them before.
18:22How curious.
18:23What's also interesting is Mr. Hopping had the same seeds in his stomach contents.
18:28And both men had similar food substances like starch and beef.
18:32There was a half-eaten sandwich in the food debris found with Cranley.
18:36Both men had automat sandwiches.
18:39But the two men didn't show the same symptoms.
18:41Well, each body reacts to the same triggers differently.
18:45Miss Hart, what about the food samples we took from the kitchen?
18:49Tests conducted on mice show all ingredients are safe to ingest.
18:54So it wasn't from spoiled food then.
18:56Rather, these seeds.
18:59Someone is targeting customers. Anyone who eats there is in danger.
19:06You can't do this.
19:07I must take necessary precautions to ensure no more deaths occur at your place of business.
19:14Can't you do something, gentlemen?
19:16We're supposed to be business partners.
19:18Hey, sir. I was sick as a dog the other day when I ate here. Know anything about that?
19:22Oh, I had a stomachache so bad I thought I was on my deathbed.
19:27They are up in arms.
19:29Being assaulted by customers was not part of my path to riches.
19:37So these two deaths are both linked to Mr. Kahn's automat.
19:40That would appear to be the case.
19:43Anyone with coins could sabotage these meals they've done discreetly.
19:48Seeing the size of the crowds there, I find it hard to believe that someone could put seeds into dozens of sandwiches without ever being seen.
19:56Fair point.
19:58Something else I find puzzling.
20:00I just spoke with Mrs. Hopping, our second victim's wife.
20:05And she stated that her husband had a pre-existing heart condition called arrhythmia, also known as irregular heartbeat.
20:13Not unlike our first victim.
20:18Mrs. Crabtree.
20:20Oh, my God.
20:22I'm glad you decided to put away the crude literature.
20:25Surely you have better things to do than talk to me.
20:29I'm on my way to do rounds at the dance halls and keep my eye on errant young women.
20:34Well, what exactly will you be looking for?
20:37Young women accepting drinks from strangers, for one.
20:40Well, don't let me keep you.
20:46I already gave you a warning about that paper.
20:48Which is why I had it hidden, Ms. Berger.
20:50I don't see anyone in the immediate vicinity.
20:53Who exactly am I offending?
20:55The law.
20:57You're being written up.
20:59I am a crown attorney.
21:01Then you should know better.
21:07I'd like to reopen my restaurant.
21:09Mr. Kahn, we cannot simply-
21:11I've thrown out all the food in the kitchen.
21:13Even if there had been any spoilage, it's all gone now.
21:16Now I can get you and your boys a free meal.
21:19I'm sorry.
21:21Mr. Kahn.
21:23Mr. Kahn.
21:25Mr. Kahn.
21:27Mr. Kahn.
21:29Mr. Kahn.
21:30Now I can get you and your boys a free meal or three.
21:33Everything on the house.
21:35Just let me reopen.
21:37I'm afraid your business will remain closed until the police investigation is complete.
21:40Police investigation?
21:42I thought this was just a food safety inspection.
21:45Mr. Kahn, we now have proof that two people have died eating sandwiches from your restaurant.
21:50And there's enough evidence to suggest malicious intent.
21:55Eddie Scott.
21:58The owner of that second-rate diner down the street tried to sabotage my restaurant last week.
22:03What do you mean, sabotage?
22:05He came in and made a big show about finding rat droppings in his meatloaf.
22:09That is until two customers said they saw him sprinkle those droppings onto his own plate.
22:13What happened next?
22:15I threw him out.
22:17I spoke to Mr. Scott yesterday. He blamed the Automat for taking his customers.
22:20I told you.
22:22In fact, Mr. Scott was the only one who told me that the Automat is unsanitary.
22:25Oh. It appears you found, what is that they call it?
22:30A smoking pistol.
22:40Mr. Scott, a word please.
22:42Please tell me you're here to order something for takeaway.
22:45As you can see, every table is full.
22:47As it should be.
22:49Are you aware that Mr. Kahn's Automat up the street has been shut down?
22:53I am.
22:55Serves him right.
22:57I told you, detective, that place is unsafe.
23:00Mr. Scott, last week you put rat droppings in a meal at the Automat.
23:05Says who?
23:07Do you deny it?
23:13So you knowingly told a police detective that the Automat was unsanitary?
23:17Mr. Scott, did you or did you not poison the sandwiches at the Automat?
23:23I did pull that trick. It was stupid.
23:26But I only put the droppings on my own plate and I would have stopped anyone who tried to eat it.
23:31I have nothing to do with any poison.
23:34I recall you said you laid off your cook?
23:38Yes. Fred Albers is his name.
23:40Actually, when I laid him off, he swore and cursed at the Automat.
23:47Said he'd burn the place down.
23:49Oh, so now you are pointing the blame at an employee you fired.
23:53I am just telling you what he said.
23:57Mr. Albers, I understand you were dismissed from Scott's Diner approximately three weeks ago.
24:04It's hotter in the kitchen in here.
24:10Mr. Albers, your attention, please.
24:12Yeah, I was dismissed.
24:15Even though it was my cooking that made me fired.
24:17Even though it was my cooking that made the place.
24:20I saw you in there almost every day.
24:25I have a report that you threatened to burn the Automat to the ground.
24:31This is only bottle talk. Nothing more.
24:35I mean, I've never even been in the damn place.
24:40Recently, I had to borrow money from my own daughter.
24:46Do you know what that does to a father's heart?
24:54Do we wear matching cufflinks?
24:57Not today.
25:00You say you've never been to the Automat and your tie pin matches this cufflink we found in its kitchen.
25:08I told you I wouldn't be caught dead in that place.
25:11But you do recognize the cufflink, correct?
25:15When was the last time you wore the cufflinks?
25:18Not sure. Last day at the diner. Maybe I lost it. I can't remember.
25:27Perhaps a stay in our cells will help to refresh your memory.
25:31He's in a state. I don't think he did it.
25:34Perhaps he's in a state because he killed two people without intending to.
25:38This is what machines do to a man.
25:40Watts, be serious.
25:42Machines allow for sequential workflow, standardization, and increased sales.
25:46There's nothing inherently inhumane about that.
25:49I don't think he did it.
25:51I don't think he did it.
25:53I don't think he did it.
25:55I don't think he did it.
25:57I don't think he did it.
25:58There's nothing inhumane about that.
26:00If we do entertain the possibility that Mr. Albert lost his cufflink at the diner, anyone could have picked it up.
26:07So Mr. Scott could have recognized it and planted it at the automat in order to frame Mr. Albert.
26:13You think Eddie Scott's a killer?
26:15He's tried to sabotage the automat once before.
26:20Mr. Karn, you have to cancel our contract.
26:23Sorry, gentlemen, but the contract is binding. You made a deal. Live with it.
26:26We didn't know we were buying into a sinking ship.
26:29And it'll float again.
26:31And I've already used your money to order the tuning machines. I can't get that back.
26:38Our money is gone.
26:42I think we made a bet on the wrong horse.
26:56Never seen that before in my life.
26:58It belonged to your cook.
27:00Is that so?
27:01And it was found in Mr. Karn's establishment.
27:03Well, nothing to do with me then.
27:05Anything else?
27:08Not at this time.
27:10Good. As you can see, I've got hungry mouths to feed.
27:18And when will the automat reopen?
27:21Once our investigation is complete.
27:23Investigation, so the rumors are true.
27:24What rumors?
27:26People are saying the place was sabotaged.
27:28I can neither confirm nor deny that.
27:31Ah, Inspector Troy. A word?
27:34Of course. If you'll excuse me, Miss Cherry.
27:43You hired her?
27:45I did. We are one of the few cities without a female police officer. I felt the change was in order.
27:50Right. Well, she just fined me two dollars for reading a copy of Jack Canuck in a secluded area of a park.
28:03Unfortunately, it is a law that's on the books.
28:06But this all seems a bit backwards, doesn't it?
28:09This city hires a woman lawyer as the assistant crown attorney,
28:12then you hire a female police officer only to police what women can read in public by naming obscure bylaws.
28:18Fair. But one could easily argue that an assistant crown attorney seen reading coarse material is inappropriate.
28:27I'll go talk with her.
28:35Miss Berger.
28:36Thank you for spotting a tabloid, but Mrs. Crabtree's fine will be waived as I hold the discretion to do so.
28:42And why is that?
28:44You are aware that Mrs. Crabtree is the assistant crown attorney?
28:48Does that matter?
28:49Did you not hire me to carry out the duties of a morality officer? Or should I be selective in who I write up?
28:54That's all right. Inspector, I'll pay this at the booking desk.
28:58Good day.
29:02Inspector, I know all too well that a household without rules self-destructs.
29:07I believe the same goes for society. These laws protect us.
29:10Miss Berger, a keeper of the law must often pick and choose their battles.
29:15At this rate, you'll find half of Toronto for minute misdeeds.
29:19If that's the case, the city coffers will be full and you can build more jail cells.
29:37You know, this is your fault.
29:40How so?
29:42You came up with the idea to invest in that place. When Ruth finds out I spent our money-
29:46Maybe it'll open again.
29:48Two people died eating the food there. It's not going to open again.
29:51Well, don't blame me.
29:53I am blaming you.
29:54Constables, is there a problem?
29:58No, sir.
30:00Then what are you two arguing about?
30:02Robert and I bought into a new automancer. Given everything that's happened, we've lost a lot of money.
30:07You paid Con before the place was even built?
30:10Well, he had to buy equipment.
30:12With your money?
30:13Pretty sure he cashed the check the second he got it.
30:16Oh, Robert Higgins, I have a feeling that Mr. Con is not being transparent about your deal.
30:22What do you mean? He said he was raking in money.
30:25Yes, but he cashed your check almost immediately, which tells me he is seeking short-term compensation.
30:30Henry, request his bank records. See if he has any insurance policies. Anything you can find.
30:35Detective Watts and I will have a chat with Mr. Con.
30:40And, uh, shake hands. You both made a mistake.
31:00If Mr. Con had debt, perhaps one of his creditors could have done this.
31:04They wouldn't have done much to get their money back.
31:06No, but it would have gone a long way to warning the next person who decides to default on their loan.
31:16Mr. Con.
31:18Detective Murdoch. Would you like a sandwich?
31:21Oh, that's right.
31:23I can't serve you.
31:25We have a few questions for you.
31:26When we open this place up again, I'd be happy to answer them.
31:29Imagine opening an establishment like this comes at a considerable cost.
31:34These machines are of the highest quality. They don't come cheap.
31:38Are you carrying any debt?
31:40Of course. Every entrepreneur carries debt.
31:43Any you haven't been able to pay?
31:46You'd think one of my creditors did this.
31:48Just exploring possibilities.
31:50What's in here?
31:51All the coins that the customers use are collected here.
31:54The coin tossers collect them, so we always have a constant supply.
31:57So, the cooks and busboys aren't the only ones in the kitchen?
32:03Would you please excuse us, Mr. Con?
32:07I fear the pool of suspects in this case just keeps growing.
32:12Could you look in on Miss Hart to see if she's gotten anywhere with those seeds?
32:18Don't misunderstand. I'm not against other things that morality officers do,
32:22like help mistreated wives or track down husbands who've abandoned their families.
32:28But I think that women should have access to new ideas.
32:31I think I can help you.
32:35She did say one law for all. Am I right?
32:41Mrs. Crabtree, do you know if the police are intending to charge Mr. Albert?
32:45I do not.
32:47I'd hope they'd get off the pot. I could really use my cook. Run ragged.
32:56If you want to change the law, sometimes you have to break it.
33:10Hello. You're that coin tosser, aren't you?
33:14What are you doing here?
33:16My father's in your cells. I wish to speak to him.
33:19He didn't do anything wrong.
33:21And now that I've lost my job since you closed down the Automat...
33:25Pardon me. You're Fred Albert's daughter?
33:28I am.
33:30And you work at the Automat?
33:32I did.
33:34Please come with me. I have a few questions for you.
33:43Do you recognize this?
33:45Yes. Where did you find that?
33:47In the kitchen of the Automat.
33:49Well, I'll take it back.
33:52How did it get there?
33:54I don't know.
33:58Michelle! What are you doing here?
34:02Mr. Albert, please, have a seat.
34:06Your daughter and I were looking for you.
34:08Please, have a seat.
34:11Your daughter and I were just trying to determine
34:14how your cuff link ended up in the kitchen of the Automat.
34:18And we thought perhaps you could help us.
34:21I told you. I haven't been in that damn kitchen in my life.
34:25And yet, this is evidence that you were.
34:29No, he wasn't. I was.
34:34I worked there.
34:36You what?
34:38That place cost me my job.
34:41I can't believe you'd do such a thing.
34:44We were broke. You were lying around the house doing nothing.
34:47This was the first job offered.
34:51I took the cuff links to pawn them.
34:54That one must have fallen out of my pocket.
34:57Neither me nor my father had anything to do with poisoning the customers.
35:01We're just trying to make our way in the world.
35:09He was doing good business.
35:11Yes, until he killed someone.
35:13Still, sales weren't covering his loan payments.
35:16He was just paying off interest.
35:18Any suspicious lenders who may have wanted to teach him a lesson?
35:21No banks so far. No sharks.
35:26But this latest transaction is interesting.
35:29A payment made just yesterday to Steinbach Automat.
35:33Strange. It's only a hundred dollars.
35:35Only? How many machines were you buying?
35:38Two. He told us two machines cost two hundred.
35:41Those machines should be no more than fifty apiece.
35:44Machines only cost a hundred?
35:46He took the other hundred off us.
35:48Likely to try to finance his debt.
35:50I'd say the two of you could get out of your contracts.
36:03We may be looking at it in the wrong direction.
36:06Perhaps these deaths are not a result of someone trying to drive Mr. Khan out of business.
36:11Both of these victims were men above reproach.
36:14Their deaths do seem unintentional.
36:16You could be wrong. Take a look at this.
36:19Right here.
36:21Foxglove seeds.
36:23Ingesting a small amount can cause symptoms like severe vomiting for most people.
36:27But it could be far more dangerous or even lethal for those with arrhythmia.
36:31Anything else?
36:33Foxglove poisoning can cause visual disturbances and hallucinations.
36:37Which would explain why Mr. Cranley reported seeing angels.
36:41And with that, the existence of God remains unproven?
36:58A visit to our first victim's fiancé might be in order.
37:03Miss Ginny Fisher, the gardener, right?
37:09Detectives, have you found anything?
37:11We have. The murder weapon.
37:13Murder weapon? I... The constable said that he died from food poisoning.
37:17Well, he died of poison, all right. But I think you are very aware of that.
37:22What? You think that I killed Lyle?
37:26That's ridiculous! I loved him!
37:28Until you had a change of heart.
37:30And then you poisoned him with the seeds of the foxglove plant.
37:35Grown right here, in your own garden.
37:38I... I don't know anything about that. Poison...
37:42Gardeners, able as you would be familiar with the various properties of plants.
37:46I don't know anything about flowers or plants.
37:49A neighbor of mine does everything. I'm not even allowed to water them.
37:52Is that right? Where might he be?
37:55I'll show you.
37:56Sorry, gentlemen, but a deal is a deal and a contract is a contract.
38:00Not if it's crooked.
38:02You take that back. I am an honest...
38:04You are far from that.
38:06Prove it. You took $200 from us for machines that only cost $100.
38:10There are shipping charges. Expenses.
38:12Loans to pay off.
38:14With our money. We have the paperwork, Jay.
38:17I could charge you with fraud and misrepresentation.
38:22Dissolve our contracts and you're coming down to the station with us.
38:24And give us our money back.
38:26We're not leaving until we have our checks.
38:29Fine. I'll go get your checks.
38:32But I'm telling you, you guys are making a huge mistake.
38:37There will be 500 of them. Available free of charge to any woman who wants them.
38:42Louise, I'm not sure I should go up against the police.
38:45You're not going up against the police. You're doing the right thing.
38:52I'm sorry.
38:54I'm sorry.
38:56I'm sorry.
38:58I'm sorry.
39:00I'm sorry.
39:02I'm sorry.
39:04I'm sorry.
39:06Mr. Scott.
39:08We are quite busy at the moment.
39:10We're not here to eat, Mr. Scott. I understand you have a new cook.
39:13I do.
39:15We'd like a word with him, please.
39:17Chris, could you come out here for a moment?
39:22What is going on here?
39:27What's this about?
39:29You killed Lyle!
39:32Mr. Yemet, I'd like you to come down to the station house.
39:37Come on.
39:41Henry! Roberts! Stop that van!
39:54Well done, gentlemen.
39:59Ginny once told me about his arrhythmia.
40:02She and Lyle didn't think much of it.
40:04But you knew that fox gloves could be lethal to someone with that condition.
40:09The seeds look a bit like black pepper.
40:12I sprinkled just enough on the beef sandwiches to make people very ill.
40:16It would appear to be a mass food poison.
40:19You thought you could get away with this.
40:22I noticed he came in for a beef sandwich every day.
40:26Then rumors started about the automat being insanitary.
40:29I could cover my tracks.
40:30But you killed another man.
40:32You could have killed more.
40:35I didn't think arrhythmia was all that common.
40:38An extremely risky assumption.
40:46Ginny was too good for that idiot Cranley.
40:52I couldn't let her marry him.
40:56I had to kill him.
41:00I had loved her for years.
41:05She deserves more.
41:20People of Toronto!
41:22Thank you for standing by me in my business.
41:25The police have confirmed that recent events are due to one single criminal incident.
41:31Now that they've caught the culprit, I am happy to say that we are back in business and ready to serve!
41:38This is the longest line I've ever seen.
41:41Stop saying that.
41:43Why are people happy to be eating here now?
41:46Seems like convenience and novelty are here to stay.
41:50You know, I think I've come out of this a wiser businessman.
41:52Roberts, we were supposed to be making a tidy profit from all this.
41:56Would you prefer to have been swindled?
41:59Think of it as just a start-up cost.
42:01I'm going to see about getting back in.
42:03Mr. Kahn!
42:07What do you want?
42:09I may have been a little bit hasty earlier.
42:11Hasty? You threatened me with jail.
42:14No, that was just...
42:17I want back in.
42:19Sorry, that ship has sails.
42:20I've got a new business partner.
42:22And he's willing to pay more than you will for the privilege of becoming very, very rich.
42:27Mr. Kahn, don't be unreasonable here.
42:29No risk, no reward, Constable.
42:32And the next time you'd like a meal, go to the diner.
42:35Your food is terrible!
42:38This is the modern age.
42:40It doesn't matter.
43:00Mrs. Crabtree.
43:05I'm writing you another fine.
43:07Well, that's your prerogative.
43:09But I hope you have a lot of tickets in that book.
43:20One battle doesn't win the war, Mrs. Crabtree.