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We’re asking the people of Cardiff whether they think the school holiday system should be rejigged to mean children feel more engaged in school, or whether it’ll just end up with more problems.


00:01Just because it's always been that way doesn't make it right.
00:04I've got two children myself, and by the end of the six weeks
00:07they're ready to go back to school, they're restless,
00:09they've had enough of a break.
00:11If they want to split it up and have a longer May half-term, great,
00:14a longer October, I'm happy to it, as long as there's enough milk to sort out.
00:17Some things are just stuck for so long and we think just because
00:20they're there then we shouldn't try and change.
00:23Six weeks is a long time for kids to be not doing anything education-wise
00:27and that's just coming back from two weeks leave and all it's like
00:30when you come back to work on your first day.
00:32I think it takes a while before they get their academic brains going
00:36and then it's straight into half-term.
00:38My grandchildren, I mean, you know, it's now getting...
00:42You can't get a flight in the school holidays if you want to take them away
00:47and you've got schools hardening up on people taking their kids out of school in turn.
00:53I just think let's leave as it is and carry on like that.
