Honey Rose About Cyber Attack: Honey Rose Opens Up About Cyber Attack: Honey Rose opens up about the cyber attack she faced after the arrest of Boby Chemmannur | ഒരുകാലത്ത് ഉദ്ഘാടന വേദികളിൽ താരമായി തിളങ്ങി നിന്നിരുന്ന ഹണി റോസിനെതിരെ സൈബർ ആക്രമണവും വളരെയധികം ഉയർന്നിരുന്നു. വസ്ത്രധാരണത്തിന്റെ പേരിലുള്ള കളിയാക്കലുകളും വിമർശനങ്ങളും ഹണി ഒരുപാട് നേരിട്ടിരുന്നു.എന്നാൽ അടുത്തിടെയാണ് ഹണി റോസ് ഇതിനെതിരെ ശക്തമായി പ്രതികരിച്ച് രംഗത്ത് വന്നത്.ഓൺലൈൻ അധിക്ഷേപങ്ങൾ നടത്തുന്നവർക്ക് എതിരെ താരം പോലീസിൽ പരാതി നൽകിയിരുന്നു.ഇപ്പോഴിതാ വിവാദങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം മനസ് തുറക്കുകയാണ് ഹണി റോസ്.
#HoneyRose #BobyChemmannur
#HoneyRose #BobyChemmannur
Short filmTranscript
00:00Honey Rose is one of the leading actresses in Malayalam cinema.
00:03Though she has not acted in many films, she is well known among Malayalees.
00:08Once upon a time, cyber attacks against Honey Rose were rampant.
00:15Next, Honey Rose strongly protested against this.
00:19She complained to the police against online harassment.
00:23After that, Honey Rose complained against the famous farmer Bobby Chamannur.
00:28Bobby was arrested and remanded for this.
00:32Now, after all these controversies, Honey Rose has opened her heart.
00:35She opened her heart only after the incident of Bobby Chamannur.
00:40She was in a state of shock when she heard about the cyber attacks
00:45and the path to the next disaster.
00:50After COVID-19, I have experienced cyber bullying the most.
00:53I had to see very bad comments, messages and videos on my body.
00:59As I am a person who likes a little peace, I did not respond so far.
01:04But I decided to respond when I saw forgiveness.
01:08I was ready to respond only because of my loving parents and a few people.
01:13I always heard complaints from their side that I did not respond.
01:17There has not been a complete solution to the complaint I gave.
01:20There were people from the film industry to follow my decision.
01:24I got a lot of support from the public.
01:27When a person feels that he is a poor child, many people start crying.
01:31If I had gone to the case earlier, there would not have been so much pain here.
01:35The problems I had did not come from the movie.
01:38I was in a state of depression.
01:41It is said that there is no problem in many expressions of happiness.
01:45But when I said that, it was mentally affecting me.
01:49I am a person who has a lot of emotions.
01:51But there is a struggle inside.
01:53When I decided to fight to the end,
01:55Honey Rose said that it was as if a great burden had been lifted off my mind.