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👉 El escándalo de la criptomoneda $LIBRA sacudió al Gobierno tanto en lo político como en lo ético. El presidente Javier Milei se vio envuelto en una maniobra, tras promocionar un proyecto denominado “Viva la Libertad Project”, destinado a la inversión de criptomonedas con el fin de “fondear a pequeñas empresas”.

Diego Armesto explica la necesidad de una investigación seria para determinar si se cometió un delito en el entorno presidencial. Se discute la posibilidad de que el presidente haya sido utilizado y se hace referencia a la ley de ética pública. También se menciona la tecnología blockchain y su papel en la transparencia de las operaciones financieras.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Can you tell me from a legal point of view, what is this?
00:04Let's see, from a legal point of view, I think the fundamental thing here is that an investigation is carried out by the legal body
00:11and it is discovered who were the ones who committed the crime.
00:14I think that...
00:17Can we start from the basis that there is a crime?
00:19Let's see, I think there is a crime, but I don't know if the president is involved in the crime.
00:25Let's see, the president is involved in the crime.
00:28I have a principle of the law, which is that no one can claim their own stupidity.
00:32So, when he makes his tweet explaining, I think he is acknowledging that he made a mistake and he was wrong.
00:39Now, the issue is to see the background.
00:42Who are the pickers?
00:44I saw a reel that you did, it's very nice, about the stamps.
00:47For example, if someone sells you the stamps and tells you that it's worth gold.
00:51Here, someone went from being a picker
00:54and in the presidential environment, I think someone also went from being a picker.
00:57And I think they used the president.
01:00The truth is that there are criminal consequences.
01:03This is what sometimes catches my attention.
01:05When I sometimes talk to an employee on WhatsApp, who is a friend of mine, I tell him,
01:09Hey, take care of the president.
01:11You have to take care of him, because these things can't escape you now.
01:15You can't go around screaming, he committed this crime, this crime, this crime.
01:19No, there is not.
01:20Let's see, today there is nothing.
01:22I mean, what is there? A tweet.
01:24As she explained very well, today I quite understood the crypto issue with her.
01:29I mean, you understand everything that was behind it, the management that was behind it.
01:34Now, the issue is to discover what happened.
01:36So, I think that the fundamental thing here is that the jurisdictional body
01:42carries out a deep investigation with the criminal responsibilities that it has to fall.
01:48Now, you can't go out and jump into the jugular with a political trial.
01:52I mean, because it's not a bad performance.
01:55I mean, the causes of the political trial are a bad performance in the function.
01:58Now, it's a tweet.
02:00When you talk about the jurisdictional body, you are talking about the prosecutor who falls into the case, basically.
02:04And yes, the prosecutor and the justice.
02:06The issue is, what I see most dangerous for me in this instance are the international consequences.
02:11So that anyone in the world appears to you who goes to a judge and tells him,
02:15look, they swindled me.
02:17The president falls into a country and they tell him, come, come, Mr. President,
02:20it's okay, you have immunity, everything.
02:22But they start putting the president in a terrible situation.
02:26I have my doubts about something.
02:29Nobody forces you to buy.
02:31No, obviously.
02:33And you buy in a market that is a decentralized market, deregulated.
02:37I mean, you didn't buy an stock that is listed on the NASDAQ.
02:40Yes, you didn't buy the apple.
02:42With the New York Stock Exchange, of course.
02:44You didn't buy a listed paper in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
02:48You bought a token, a crypto market, which is a rare market that you have to know.
02:53Yes, you have to know it.
02:55And that you can lose.
02:57But of course.
02:58So I don't know if someone can show up in court and say, and I lost so much.
03:01And then he can tell you, and sir, who forced you to invest?
03:04That's why I'm telling you, let's see.
03:06I don't know.
03:07There are many edges here.
03:09Look, I was telling a colleague, sir, you grab the criminal code and find me the figure of everything that happened.
03:17It's not there.
03:18It's not in the criminal code.
03:20So now, if you want to scratch thin, well, you find the 256, you find the 300, the influence of Nelalza.
03:28Let's see, you know what worries me the most?
03:30Article 2 of the Public Ethics Law.
03:32That's what worries me.
03:34That nobody went and told the president, hey, look, in Article 2 there is everything you can't do.
03:38Article G.
03:39Of course.
03:40I mean, why?
03:41Because you fall into Article 3 now.
03:43What does it have to do with it?
03:44You can't go out like a madman and say, political trial.
03:47Let's see, forgive what I'm going to say.
03:49We were thrown a bag in the face.
03:51So, let's see, this seems to me that no one can claim their own stupidity as a principle of law.
03:58I mean, we have to rediscover the responsibilities.
04:01And if there are political responsibilities, but in a serious investigation.
04:04I mean, to make it clear, because you mentioned the issue of the Public Ethics Law.
04:07There are three or four articles that could apply, especially G.
04:11Let's see, you have Article 2, G, which automatically falls into 3.
04:15In 3, what does it tell you?
04:17If you do not comply with those of 2, you automatically have a sanction.
04:22And the sanction is the one that establishes the law or the constitution.
04:24At this point they want to go to the political trial, but it is not.
04:27First investigate.
04:28The path is the investigative commission.
04:30Of course.
04:31I think it has to do with an investigative commission.
04:33Because at the same time, because this is also what ...
04:35Let's see, the bad performance in the function is in the exercise of the presidency.
04:39Okay, the president, and here I am going to argue with someone who has said that when he tweeted ...
04:45No, when he tweeted, he is also president.
04:47If we do not fall into Alberto's, when I arrived at Fabiola's party, I hung up the presidential band and I got into a party.
04:52No, president is only 24 hours.
04:54Now, what I say again, within the penal code, within the law,
04:58is there any legal norm that is telling me that what he did typifies ...
05:02There is a typical anti-judicial action that says,
05:04when an official through social networks does this ...
05:09It does not say.
05:10So, if I start to scratch, that's why there has to be an independent investigation.
05:14You ask me, and I say, for me today, so far there is no crime.
05:17Without anything.
05:18I, for ...
05:19Surely it is difficult that you have not seen or read something of everything that happened during the weekend.
05:25But for the doubts, we are going to make a summary in a timeline of everything that happened.
05:30We have a small timeline.
05:32It was Friday night, Valentine's Night, and many did not understand the schedules or how everything happened.
05:36Well, on Friday at eight o'clock at night, Libra is created and at three minutes is the president's tweet.
05:43There we have a photo of the tweet around eight and a quarter.
05:47And by ten thirty at night, that is, in that lapse between eight and ten thirty,
05:52it has a climb, it started trading very few cents of dollars, 0.0001 dollar,
05:58and reaches the peak almost at five dollars at ten thirty at night.
06:03At that time, as it had just been created ...
06:06The same day the web page and the email were created, the domain and the crypto.
06:11Then, obviously, after the tweet of Milley, it begins to be investigated within the crypto world, Friday night,
06:17well, who is behind.
06:19There this data of centrality appears, that few accounts had 87% of the crypto,
06:26and it is believed that for that reason, then, the price begins to fall, right?
06:30For that distrust.
06:32And there too, the blockchain is a digital network where everyone can see the transactions that are made.
06:37It's like, Antonio, the two of us are in the market, we sell and buy apples,
06:43and every operation we do, we have to write them down in a notebook.
06:46So everyone can see the operations, not who is behind the accounts.
06:50With one more point, you still can't modify them.
06:55Of course.
06:56They are not editable. Why are they not editable?
06:59Because, this is a more technical issue, but ...
07:05Each blockchain block has what is called a hash, which is a code, which is unique.
07:10Everyone has to get it.
07:12It is unique, and if you modify any ...
07:18But any number or any letter within what is any operation of the block,
07:25automatically that hash is no longer useful.
07:28And everyone who is on the network finds out.
07:31So you can't edit it.
07:32There is no way to go back.
07:33This is what gives it a lot of security, that is, what is there is what is there.
07:37If someone wanted to draw after an operation, you can't go back.
07:40One definition is that blockchains are the scribes of the future.
07:43As everyone has to validate the operations, there is no way to go back.
07:46When, as everyone could see the operations that were taking place in these two hours,
07:50between eight and ten thirty,
07:52there you start to see that many actors start to sell,
07:55and then we start to see the fall of the cryptocurrency, the token.
08:01Twelve and thirty-eight at night,
08:04Milley deletes the tweet and uploads this new tweet explaining that he did not know the details of the project.
08:11There, what is confirmed is that they had not hacked it, which was one of the hypotheses.
08:16But besides, he always said that they had not hacked it.
08:18No, apart from that, Lele Lemoyne herself went out to raise,
08:22earlier than ten o'clock at night, that they had not hacked it.
08:25No, Milley never hid absolutely nothing.
08:28No, no.
08:29That's why it speaks well to recognize the responsibility she had in this,
08:34and say, well, let's see, I was wrong.
08:36Now, the issue is to discover everything that she is telling.
08:39I mean, it seems to me that there are a lot of edges behind this,
08:43which must be discovered, because one also reads the news,
08:47and officials who charged to get to the president.
08:52Well, all that is around, you have to discover, someone has to discover it.
08:56That's another complaint made by one of the businessmen.
09:00The creator of Ethereum, who was in a technology forum last October.
09:04Or this guy who made a video last night saying that he was the president's advisor,
09:08and that now a new video of the president is going to come out, supporting.
09:10I mean, it seems to me that around all this, a giant ball is being put together,
09:13when in reality what you have to do is investigate justice, because here I am going to make my repair.
09:17Since the government of Macri, I, Diego Armesto, no longer believe in the anti-corruption office.
09:22I mean, when they changed the function, and by a decree they modified it.
09:26So, that I ask my lords and my children to investigate me, does not run.
09:31I mean, I think the best thing is to put everything at the disposal of justice, and that justice investigates.
09:35But now you have a complaint, I think you are going to give several.
09:38I was listening to the network, I think there are about 100 complaints.
09:42112, well, there are 112.
09:43How many are there?
09:45Well, with which justice is going to act.
09:47Well, I think that in this sincerity of the president, when he goes out at 12 and a half,
09:53to say, hey, I didn't know this had happened,
09:56it seems to me that he is going to have a good predisposition for justice,
10:00and well, here it is, investigate.
