• last month
El presidente argentino, Javier Milei, ha causado revuelo tras promocionar el proyecto de criptomoneda Keep Protocol en sus redes sociales. Tras un aumento y caída abrupta en el valor de la moneda, Milei eliminó la publicación y ha solicitado la intervención de la Oficina Anticorrupción para investigar posibles conductas impropias. La ex-presidenta Cristina Kirchner lo acusa de inflar el valor de la moneda y operar como parte de una estafa digital.


00:00This is the topic that we are talking about and that we are going to talk about.
00:05This is the topic that was on the cover and is on the cover of all the newspapers this morning
00:11and that occupies all the clicks in all the portals of Argentina and that has had worldwide repercussion.
00:19And that started when the week was ending.
00:22I like to make the chronicle because many people take the information
00:27or a part of the story or directly the repercussion.
00:30And this happened at an unusual speed.
00:33Many people had stopped working.
00:35La Persiana had already come down from its week.
00:38It had been launched at the weekend.
00:40And just at that point, at 7.01 pm, President Javier Milei
00:50posted a tweet on social network X.
00:55He posted a recommendation on X and on Instagram.
01:00And a text that says,
01:02Argentina is growing.
01:04This private project will be dedicated to encouraging the growth of the Argentine economy
01:09by funding small Argentine companies and enterprises.
01:13The world wants to invest in Argentina,
01:16we insist, Friday, 7.00 pm, 7.01 pm, Viva La Libertad Carajo,
01:21and puts a link.
01:24And that's where the story begins.
01:26I'm going to tell you why right away.
01:28After that same day, or already with the day finished,
01:30already in the early hours of Saturday,
01:32at 1.20 in the morning, practically, 12.38,
01:35he ends up deleting the first of the tweets,
01:38this one that I'm showing you now,
01:40the one at 7.00 pm,
01:42he ends up deleting it,
01:44and ends up publishing another one that we are going to read right away.
01:48Because something happened in the middle,
01:50which is what has now generated a tremendous controversy,
01:53and will surely need an analysis of the legality or not of what happened in the middle.
02:00From what happened in the middle with the cryptocurrency that Milei,
02:05that Milei provided,
02:08which is called Libra,
02:10and what ended up happening later when it collapsed.
02:13But let's go by parts.
02:15The president, who is very popular,
02:18recommends buying a cryptocurrency called Libra.
02:22People go in to buy that cryptocurrency,
02:25the people of the crypto world,
02:27and it starts to grow in value.
02:29From 0.2 to 5.2.
02:33That's the first tweet, the one I told you before.
02:36Now let's go to what happened in the middle,
02:38which is what explains what is now going to be investigated,
02:41and what has unleashed the scandal.
02:43It is this information that we are going to tell you in detail.
02:47Pay attention because this is what happened.
02:49This is exactly what happened.
02:51Milei promotes a token,
02:53that is, a part of the cryptocurrency that you can buy, a token.
02:58It generates genuine interest,
03:00this happens with any serious cryptocurrency,
03:03in potential buyers of that token,
03:06who, in good faith, because people say,
03:08well, I'm going to finance Argentine companies,
03:11to finance Pymes,
03:13buys that token.
03:15They buy the asset, betting that it will be revalued.
03:19How do you do it with any cryptocurrency?
03:22You buy and you wait for it to pass,
03:24it generally grows and you end up winning when you invest.
03:27Then the scammers,
03:29who are the creators of this company and this cryptocurrency,
03:32or MemeCrypt, whatever you want to call it,
03:35when they see that the product of the demand grows,
03:39the price of the token grows at the same time,
03:41and they sell,
03:43or they start to give up those tokens
03:47at 5, massively,
03:49at 5 dollars, massively.
03:51They had been issued at 0,
03:54and 84% of those tokens
03:57were in the hands of 10 users.
04:00Those 10 users,
04:02eventually it could be a person, for example,
04:04but it was 10 users
04:06who had 84% of the tokens,
04:10or they directly drain,
04:12they take the money,
04:14they drain the asset,
04:15they take the money to their virtual wallets,
04:18generally located in tax havens.
04:21More information.
04:23The estimate that the first analyzes make
04:26is that they took 87 million dollars.
04:29The first analyzes.
04:31Obviously, any crypto asset can go up or down,
04:34these are part of the rules of the game,
04:36and from this volatility,
04:38the holders can benefit or be harmed.
04:42This is a reality.
04:44But here the fall was very abrupt,
04:47and that's why it automatically began to generate concern,
04:50and ended with the president of the nation
04:52ending up deleting the tweet.
04:55But here it is apparently
04:57a maneuver to attract the attention
04:59of incautious buyers,
05:01who trust the word,
05:03in this case, of the president,
05:05and who, after buying the asset,
05:07see how its price plummets.
05:09In fact, there is a graph out there,
05:11that we are going to show you now,
05:12that somehow ratifies,
05:14in that drawing, the graph,
05:15how it makes an impressive climb
05:17and how it collapses in 48 minutes.
05:22All this information is public.
05:25None of this is secret.
05:27It's all published.
05:29Everything is public.
05:32Since the token is issued on the Solana network,
05:36and each transaction is transparent.
05:39Each of those movements is transparent,
05:41anyone can see it,
05:43although it is not possible to know
05:45who is the owner of each address
05:47involved in each transaction.
05:49But you can see the movement,
05:51that is, what it does,
05:53you can see that crypto,
05:55you can see it through Solana.
05:57Finally, and before I delete the tweet,
05:59this was already flying in social networks
06:01as information,
06:03the possible fraud,
06:05which is what begins to be mentioned
06:07in social networks,
06:09begins to grow as a possibility,
06:11the possible fraud,
06:13is evidenced by the fact that the website
06:15of the promotion was canceled
06:17on the same Friday.
06:19The promotion account
06:21is an unverified Gmail account.
06:23This is the end of the story.
06:25When this happens,
06:27and when this begins to take
06:29an unusual volume on social networks,
06:31which becomes trending topic number one
06:33in Argentina,
06:35obviously already within the government
06:37this situation was being talked about
06:39and President Javier Milei
06:41makes a decision.
06:43Let's go back to the timeline.
06:45President Javier Milei decides to delete
06:47the tweet that originally promoted Libra,
06:49this cryptocurrency,
06:51and put another one at 12.38 on Saturday.
06:53Follow the time.
06:557 in the afternoon,
06:5712.38 at night.
06:59A few hours ago I posted a tweet
07:01like countless other times
07:03supporting a supposed private enterprise
07:05of which obviously
07:07I have no link to any.
07:09I was not internalized
07:11of the details of the project,
07:13and after having internalized me,
07:15I decided not to continue spreading it,
07:17and that's why I deleted the tweet.
07:19Well, from here on,
07:21beyond the fact that the story is longer,
07:23I don't want to make it longer,
07:25from here on,
07:27criticism began to rain
07:29of all kinds, and of course
07:31the concern in the government grew.
07:33There are reasons to worry,
07:35that's why I issued a statement last night.
07:37Not the president,
07:39in his social networks,
07:41President Javier Milei is very influential
07:43not only in Argentina,
07:45but also in the world,
07:47that's why the value of the cryptocurrency
07:49grew so exponentially.
07:51The office of the president,
07:53in this case already directly,
07:55institutionally, the Argentine Republic
07:57as such in its communication,
07:59issues this statement.
08:01We are going to show you a tweet
08:03in support of Donald Trump,
08:05and also other tweets
08:07asking to investigate the Congress,
08:09and other tweets saying
08:11that they are going to ask him
08:13to investigate the Congress.
08:15The president says,
08:17I'm going to read it as it was published,
08:19he informs that on October 19,
08:21President Javier Milei held a meeting
08:23with the representatives of Keep Protocol
08:25in Argentina,
08:27in which he was told
08:29the intention of the company
08:31to develop a project called
08:33Viva la Libertad,
08:35to finance private enterprises
08:37in the Argentine Republic
08:39using blockchain technology.
08:41which was duly settled
08:43in the public audience register.
08:45The president of the nation participated,
08:47the representatives of the companies
08:49Keep Protocol, Mauricio Novelli
08:51and Julian P,
08:53and the presidential spokesman
08:55Manuel Adorni.
08:57In that framework, on January 30
08:59of this year, the president
09:01held a meeting in Casa Rosada
09:03with Hayden Mark Davis.
09:05We are going to talk about him right away,
09:07because he also defended himself,
09:09because in the world they are treating him
09:11as a swindler now, he defended himself
09:13from the situation and in some way
09:15ends up accusing the president himself.
09:17Who, according to what was expressed
09:19by the representatives of Keep Protocol,
09:21would provide the technological infrastructure
09:23for his project?
09:25Not only the software,
09:27but surely the government would not
09:29host the cryptocurrency.
09:31Mr. Davis had or has no connection
09:33with the Argentine government
09:35and was introduced by the representatives
09:37of Keep Protocol as one of his partners
09:39in the project.
09:41He is the intermediary in this case.
09:43Finally, yesterday,
09:45the president shared a publication
09:47in his personal accounts,
09:49communicating the launch
09:51of the Keep Protocol project.
09:53As he does daily
09:55with many entrepreneurs who want
09:57to launch a project in Argentina
09:59to create jobs and get investments.
10:01Not having been part
10:03in any instance of the development
10:05of the cryptocurrency.
10:07After the repercussions
10:09that the launch of the project had
10:11and to avoid any speculation
10:13and not give it more diffusion,
10:15he decided to delete the publication.
10:17This is actually when it happens
10:19what I told you.
10:21Now let's see if we have the chart
10:23because in the chart you can clearly see
10:25how the value of the cryptocurrency
10:27grows and how it collapses in a matter of minutes.
10:29All in a little while.
10:31By virtue of the facts,
10:33my law has decided to give
10:35immediate intervention to the anti-corruption office
10:37to determine
10:39if there was an improper conduct
10:41by any member of the national government
10:43including the president himself.
10:45On the other hand,
10:47the president of the nation has decided
10:49to create a unit of research tasks
10:51in the orbit of the presidency
10:53of the nation,
10:55composed of representatives of the organs
10:57and organizations with competences
10:59linked to the crypto-assets
11:01or financial activities
11:03washed of assets
11:05and other related areas
11:07that will integrate their information
11:09to the effects of starting an urgent investigation
11:11regarding the launch of the Libra cryptocurrency
11:13in question,
11:15the one that flew and then collapsed
11:17and all the companies or people involved
11:19in that operation.
11:21All the information collected in the investigation
11:23will be submitted to justice
11:25to determine if any of the companies
11:27or people linked to the KIPP protocol project
11:29committed a crime.
11:31President Milley already doubts
11:33that someone could have committed
11:35one of the crimes.
11:37President Milley, who has shown
11:39with facts his vocation for the truth,
11:41is committed to the due clarification
11:43of this fact
11:45until the last consequences.
11:47Of course, this is the vision of the state,
11:49this is an official communication
11:51and generally when a communication
11:53of these characteristics is made,
11:55what is clearly intended
11:57is to give an institutional framework
11:59to a communication crisis.
12:01It is a protocol exercise,
12:03a protocol exercise,
12:05a statement of these characteristics
12:07in the framework of a crisis.
12:09This is what I was saying,
12:11from the moment of President Milley's tweet
12:13the growth, the exponential green line
12:15of the value of the Libra cryptocurrency
12:17until reaching 5.20
12:19and there the scammers
12:21begin to withdraw
12:23the assets
12:25they end up
12:27deriving them to virtual wallets
12:29and finally
12:31it literally ends up disappearing
12:33practically in unison
12:35of President Milley's tweet.
12:37That's why it was a trending topic
12:39in Argentina, it still is
12:41and yesterday afternoon it was still
12:43a trending topic worldwide
12:45because it had a tremendous impact.
12:47Now, they mention three people
12:49in the official statement.
12:51You saw it,
12:53in addition to the members of the government
12:55who are mentioned, among them
12:57President Javier Milley himself
12:59and the spokesman Manuel Adorni
13:01speak of Mauricio Novelli
13:03whose work is a financial advisor
13:05of Julian P
13:07there is even a photo of Milley himself
13:09with P, who is the CEO of Keep Network Inc
13:11and Hayden Mark Davis
13:13who is a businessman.
13:15Here, if you wait a second
13:17I'm going to take my phone
13:19because I have information.
13:21He spoke, we are going to hear him speak
13:23but he also gave some definitions
13:25that I want to read
13:27I don't want to say it by heart
13:29but I want to do it in a textual way.
13:31It's information that I think
13:33has a lot of value, or will have a lot of value
13:35in the framework of this discussion.
13:37According to Hayden
13:39in the recording
13:41that we are going to see now
13:43he confirmed to be an advisor
13:45of the President
13:47and blamed the abrupt fall
13:49of the digital currency to the government
13:51for taking away their support to the project
13:53and he assured that he will inject liquidity
13:55again to the token.
13:57That is, he defends himself
13:59like many of the men in this industry
14:01who don't do things right
14:03and says that he is going to re-inject
14:05the money and blames
14:07Milley, who is supposed to have deleted
14:09the tweet, to take away the company's support
14:11and somehow ends up
14:13causing the collapse.
14:15This abrupt decision, says
14:19this abrupt decision was taken
14:21without prior notice and directly contradicted
14:23the previous guarantees.
14:25To my surprise, later
14:27Milley published a statement
14:29indicating that his withdrawal was due to
14:31a supposed misconduct by
14:33the sponsors of the project
14:35calling them swindlers.
14:37I categorically reject
14:39this statement and I want to emphasize
14:41that Julian
14:43or Julian P, founder of
14:45Protocol Network and main
14:47sponsor of Libra Token
14:49is completely innocent
14:51of any irregularity.
14:53We have the video
14:55beyond what I just read
14:57of his public
15:01about this scandal
15:03that has already reached world proportions.
15:15Both because there were things that were in and out
15:17of my control. I was only
15:19a part of what's happened with Libra
15:21but also I want to just shed a little bit
15:23more light and let you guys at least
15:25see my face because
15:27a lot of people that have been involved
15:29with this launch have gone either silent
15:31or are nowhere to be found and I want to make sure
15:33there's A, accountability
15:35and B, a structure going forward so that
15:37people don't feel screwed over.
15:39And I do believe there's actually an amazing
15:41way forward if people
15:43are open to it. Before I say anything else
15:45I am indeed Javier Malay's advisor.
15:47Obviously I think most of you guys
15:49have seen that either on Twitter or
15:51some form of social media.
15:53I am working with him and his
15:55team on much bigger tokenization
15:57and really cool stuff in Argentina
15:59and I absolutely back him.
16:01What happened with Libra, I think
16:03there's many things I could say.
16:05There's only certain elements that I
16:07could control the launch. Definitely
16:09things didn't go according to plan.
16:11But rather than share all the details
16:13right now because it's going to be a much
16:15longer video, it's going to be
16:17a much longer structure, I want to make sure you
16:19guys all know I'm a very direct, straight
16:21to the point person and I think there's a very
16:23specific way forward here.
16:25My intention is every single dollar
16:27I've managed to round up
16:29which I believe is every single dollar
16:31that's been collected or
16:33from fees or
16:35farming or liquidate, anything
16:37I've managed to get back and
16:39my intention is to inject
16:41everything back into the
16:43Libra chart and my intention
16:45is to do that next 24 to 48 hours.
16:47I'm open if there's a different plan that
16:49benefits all of you more
16:51for anybody, especially
16:53any crypto leaders that have a structural
16:55plan and a structural plan quickly,
16:57I'm very open to figuring
16:59that out but right now that is my game
17:01plan. I don't think people
17:05realize all the complexities of what happens with the
17:07launch but I do think people deserve
17:09a right to
17:11know and I will be sharing about it in future
17:13videos. For now,
17:15I wanted you guys to just see my face, my
17:17statement will be below but I think
17:19addressing the elephant in the room which is
17:21in the next 24 to 48 hours
17:23and unless somebody has a better idea
17:25any funds that
17:27I've been able to
17:29get back in my possession from all the parties
17:31involved, I intend to put right
17:33back into the chart and either burn or
17:35lock on the liquidity side.
17:37I do call on all
17:39the people that benefited from this on the
17:41fee side, whether that was Photon,
17:43BullX, Meteora, Jupiter,
17:45Moonshot, any of those guys that
17:47collected any amount of fees to do the
17:49same thing as I do believe this
17:51could be quite the success
17:53story if flipped differently but also
17:55I think it's fair and I
17:57think that is at minimum what should happen
17:59in this particular case.
18:01Anyways, with more information, I'll
18:03share more of a statement below
18:05but I wanted you guys to see my face
18:07and I'm sure we'll talk again more soon.
20:29Fernández de Kirchner already giving for sitting down, that it is a scam.
20:33Look where you brought us, to your madness, you turned Argentina into a casino where the
20:38croupier is the president himself, that is your freedom of the market, that of the casino,
20:44your mask fell off, and to think that from the seat of Rivadavia you treat useless, incompetent
20:50and vagabonds to all who do not align with what you say, when in reality the one who
20:56is truly incompetent to occupy that seat is you, posted the ex-president Cristina Fernández
21:04de Kirchner.
21:05Later, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, Toto Caputo, on his social networks made a
21:10brief and forceful post, President Milley is the best thing that happened to the country
21:16in 100 years, end paraphrasing Manuela Dorni and three Argentine flags.
21:22Clearly, I do not have to say it, any intelligent person knows that this is going to be the topic
21:28of the week, which started on the weekend simply because it started at 7 in the afternoon
21:34on Friday, keep that in mind, the week finished, many as I said a while ago
21:39lowering the curtain.
21:40And the information began to circulate in networks with great power, it passes to the media with
21:46even more power, obviously it is anchored in politics because that's where it comes from, and this week
21:51is going to be one of the big issues, if there was a crime or not, if the commission of a crime fits
21:56or not, and in any case, what can happen with the investigation that the president himself
22:01has said is going to lead through that official statement.
22:05Francisco Poltroni is here to talk to us, how are you doing?
22:08Good morning, thank you for attending us.
22:11Good morning Guillermo, all very well.
22:13What is your opinion of this situation, complete, of what happened in these hours that seems to me
22:18at least striking.
22:20Well, without a doubt it is a great irresponsibility and also a degradation of the word and confidence
22:29in the president of the nation.
22:32Do you think what happened on Friday is going to make a mark on the credibility of my law?
22:36Of course, it already did.
22:40And with nothing ...
22:41Let's see, Guillermo, nothing is casual, a Friday afternoon, let's see, let's not be
22:47If the president had the focus in productive Argentina, in the workers, in the people
22:51that we have been paying taxes and generating work, the meetings would be with those people
22:55and not with these masters, you know everything, of crypto-scam.
23:03You know that many point out the time and the day, Friday, 7 in the afternoon.
23:08The one who understands financial movements knows very well that Friday afternoon is not
23:13any day.
23:14This is like the one that is contested, it is contested in December so that the fair
23:19comes in and they finish arranging all their tickets, which also the contests are a type
23:24of scam in Argentina, because a country with an inflation like the one we have, they end up
23:28swindling you because you charge nothing, right?
23:30Look, it's hard to do futurism, clearly, and more in Argentina, but what do you imagine
23:35that can happen politically with this situation?
23:38Beyond those who have already manifested or have issued their opinion through social networks
23:43and in the media, where can this situation trigger?
23:47Well, that the loss of confidence is lethal, it is lethal for everything.
23:51Everything is based on trust in the economy.
23:54If you start to lose confidence, I don't know, you distrust him, you sell him, you give him
24:02and you become distrustful.
24:04Unfortunately, it is like that and the president has been making serious mistakes, starting
24:11with Lijo, which is the biggest risk for the country.
24:15And well, then you understand what is the shielding that everyone is looking for and that nothing
24:21will change if Lijo enters the Supreme Court, because it is definitely the same, it is the
24:25caste that seeks the shielding in the judicial system, which is how the system is sustained.
24:32You emphasize something very interesting, which is what is based on the majority of the
24:36mass criticism, in this case, of the opinion contrary to what happened on Friday, because
24:41a large part of the initial success of the cryptocurrency and of the subsequent collapse
24:46made by those who created it was based on the positive figure of the president of the nation
24:51at the time of issuing the tweet, not only in Argentina, but also in other countries
24:56of the world.
24:57But it is trust, it is responding to a recommendation of the president of the Argentine nation.
25:06Such a thing is recommended.
25:08Well, this is serious, as I said at the beginning, an absolute irresponsibility.
25:14So it leads to fraud, to deception, a lot of people who have chosen to trust the presidential
25:23Tell me about the political responsibility of this event.
25:27Well, I am new to politics, Guillermo, but I do understand perfectly what the generation
25:34of confidence is, because I have a lot of clients, I have 700 clients who send me the
25:39calf so that I can sell it at the best possible price and pay them the day I told them.
25:44So I understand perfectly how trust works.
25:48And here what you have is that, and this is serious because the only thing they are not going to forgive
25:52the president of my law is that he fails in economics, that is why they have been banking
25:58People voted for him to fix the problems in the country's economy, and along the way
26:03that is going, it is not that we are going to fix the problems in the country, but that
26:06every day we are going to accelerate and we are going to deepen the problems.
26:11We were also listening in the last few hours at the same time two libraries, that is,
26:15if from that place and from your personal account, today obviously back to an institutional account
26:20for dealing with the president of the nation and his investiture, and on the other hand
26:26what happened later, if it constitutes or not a crime, not as a citizen, but a crime
26:32in the framework of his presidential investiture, his advisers, what have they told him about it?
26:37Well, this is what I was telling you about the contests.
26:40Today the law allows you to compete and end up paying two chirolas and destroy your suppliers.
26:45The law allows you, but you are a criminal.
26:48This is the pure truth, because knowing that in a country with inflation like Argentina,
26:52you are going to end up paying nothing to anyone.
26:54And this is more or less the same.
26:56You get into a hole, in a legal hole, but the end and the damage are done.
27:04Since you are there, I ask you, clean file?
27:07Of course, clean file and ideal file, Guillermo.
27:10And I said this last week in several media.
27:13Today, with a clean file, I could be a candidate, I could be a candidate for senator.
27:18Clean file has to come accompanied by people who do not appear in situation 5 in the Veraz.
27:23Because to buy an ice cream, they ask you for a Veraz.
27:26And it turns out that to be a senator, they don't ask you for a Veraz.
27:29The same goes for the impositive behavior of those citizens who have paid taxes.
27:34They really are exemplary citizens who arrive and access political positions.
27:39We have to leave the rod very long, because if not, well,
27:42if what is happening to us is not happening for a long time, right?
27:45Poltroni, thank you for attending us. Have a good day.
27:48Likewise for you, Guillermo.
27:50Very kind.
27:52This is the position today.
27:54Keep in mind that it is a topic, I understand, of an immense volume,
27:59of an immense volume, of an extraordinary political repercussion,
28:03which has not started yet.
28:05What we saw were public statements,
28:08some posting of some first-line leader, as we just said, of the opposition.
28:12Of course, the support of those who are behind President Javier Milley.
28:18But yesterday we pointed it out, and now to close the comment,
28:22with a sporting event.
28:25And we compared it with tennis.
28:27When a ball crosses the line and is called to the eye of the hawk,
28:33the umpire defines the ball and says,
28:36it's good, it's good, if it's thin,
28:39but President Milley plays the arrow.
28:42He has been playing the arrow for a long time.
28:44This time the ball went longer.
28:46This is noticeable in the comments of the last few hours,
28:49because when the ball goes longer,
28:51what happens is that your audience supports you.
28:55Your audience is the one that lifts your spirits.
28:57And Trump's tweet, in some way,
28:59and Caputo's tweet, in some way,
29:02is more focused on something emotional
29:05than on a technical defense of what could have happened in the last few hours.
29:08This is just beginning.
29:09What I wanted to tell you is exactly what happened.
