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The people of India have spoken. The 2024 verdict is a clear message to Narendra Modi — yes we are voting you back for a third term, but India is not a one nation, one party, one religion, one leader monolith. It is a plural, diverse country where nothing and no one is above the constitution.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/voters-speak-india-embraces-plurality-rejects-one-party-dominance-1.102990418

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#UAEnews #India #politics


00:00The people of India have spoken in verdict 2024 and what a verdict it is. While they
00:10have said that they're willing to give Narendra Modi another term in power for the third time,
00:15they've also done it with certain checks and balances. That's why the BJP does not have
00:19a majority on its own and requires the help of allies in order to form the government.
00:24This has huge political implications. To begin with, Mr Modi, both as Gujarat chief
00:29minister and as prime minister for the last 10 years, has ruled with a big majority. So
00:34he's never really had to do consultative politics or consult allies before taking big decisions.
00:41In fact, his hallmark is that it's been quite the opposite, a certain sledgehammer style
00:46of politics that both he and Mr Amit Shah have adopted over the years. That is now going
00:51to be set to change because they're dependent on allies for support. It means that Mr Modi
00:56will have to consult them on important decisions. It will also mean that the BJP may have to
01:01put certain contentious issues like a uniform civil code or even one nation, one election
01:06on the back burner, much like Atal Bihari Vajpayee did when he was running a coalition
01:10government back in the day and had to put certain contentious issues on the back burner.
01:17The other interesting thing to see will be what happens within the BJP. Uttar Pradesh
01:21in particular is important in this context. When you look at the kind of hammering the
01:26BJP has taken there, which was quite unexpected. There were whispers about how it was an over
01:32centralized leadership that was calling on all the shots as far as ticket distribution
01:37and every party strategy was concerned. Whispers that Yogi Adityanath would be replaced as
01:42chief minister after the elections by the central leadership like they did to Shivraj
01:46Chauhan, like they did to Vasundhara Raje in Rajasthan and that upset the Rajput community
01:51to which he belongs and they didn't come out and vote for the BJP either. So how this churn
01:56will take place in the BJP will be interesting to watch for as well. Ultimately, the bigger
02:01message from India's voters is that Mr Modi is not invincible. That invincibility, that
02:08aura that he had, it has somewhat declined. Although he has a third term in power, running
02:15a coalition government is going to be very, very different from the kind of government
02:18he has run in the past. The people of India have spoken.
