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Canadian opposition leader holds 'Canada First' rally

Surrounded by a crowd of supporters wearing red and white, Canada's Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre holds a "Canada First" rally in Ottawa. "We will bring home our jobs, investment and companies, and break our dependence on the United States," he tells supporters.


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00:00There's something else I'd like to say to our American friends.
00:16We've always loved you as our neighbors and friends.
00:18There is no country with whom we'd rather share a border, the longest undefended border
00:24in the world.
00:26We know America is the biggest economic and military superpower the world has ever known.
00:31And we've been a good neighbor.
00:33We fought on the same side of the same wars.
00:37We paid with Canadian lives and treasure to fight for America, avenging the 9-11 attacks.
00:46You have your agreements with us.
00:48We have ours with you.
00:51But I would ask you this question.
00:53Which other country would you rather have as your neighbor?
01:07And if Canada is not your friend, who is?
01:12My friends, it is not realistic that we would believe a party 60 days before election suddenly
01:19reversing itself on absolutely everything.
01:22If you want conservative policies, you will have to vote conservative.
01:28But Canadians will win, and we will do it with a new bring-it-home economic plan.
01:34We will bring home our jobs, investment, and companies, and break our dependence on the
01:38United States.
01:39We will unleash a fierce free enterprise economy to bring home control of our economic future
01:46from outside forces.
01:47We will stand on our own two feet, be masters of our own destiny, and be in charge of our
01:54own future, our soils, our skies, and our seas.
01:59We will stand on guard for our people at home and around the world.
02:04Our military will protect our national interests by carrying our weight in North America to
02:09secure and leverage more trade with the U.S., all while becoming less reliant on them for
02:14our defense.
02:15We have nine years of liberal incompetence and disdain.
02:18Our military is weakened, and our allies no longer respect us.
02:23Job one for a new conservative government, rebuilding our armed forces, is to protect
02:29our true north.
