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Tell Me Why podcast host, Maria Botros, is joined by Gulf News Living in the UAE Editor, Huda Tabrez, to discuss different visa options for residents in the Emirates.
* Golden visa offers residency for 5 or 10 years
* UAE Green Visa, made for highly skilled professionals, has a validity of 5 years
* There are 3 categories for the UAE Green Visa
* Residents can visit Amer centers for immediate assistance

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00:00There was a huge like you know update of the UA visa system that was done more recently
00:05and there are so many options available to people now. We had the press conference in Abu Dhabi
00:10which the Immigration Authority in the UAE, if you're just new to the UAE, you would have heard
00:16of ICP but that's the Immigration Authority. So the full form is Federal Authority for Identity,
00:21Citizenship, Customs and Port Security and referred to as ICP for short. So the ICP actually
00:28had a huge press conference where they announced the updated visa system and there are so many
00:33options available now to people and I wouldn't be surprised if people don't know that they might
00:37have an option that could apply to them for a different type of a visa or a long-term visa
00:43or a visa that suits their needs better.
00:51All right Huda is with us in the studio, the living in the UAE expert here at Gulf News and
00:57living in the UAE expert in my life. Whenever I have any questions it's always,
01:01Huda can you help me with this? Huda can you please tell me that?
01:04Yeah so technically just the editor and then I try to get information from the authorities
01:09which if like you know I need to check or something or if I know that they've announced
01:12something that I can tell you more easily. Right, you're still my expert don't try. Okay
01:17so Huda you're joining us today because we're going to talk about the different types of visas.
01:22Now to my surprise when I was researching this before we had our chat I found out that there
01:27are like 11 categories. There was a huge like you know update of the UA visa system that was
01:34done more recently and there are so many options available to people now. We had the press
01:39conference in Abu Dhabi which the immigration authority in the UAE if you're just new to the
01:45UAE you would have heard of ICP but that's the immigration authority so the full form is federal
01:50authority for identity citizenship customs and port security and referred to as ICP for short.
01:57So the ICP actually had a huge press conference where they announced the updated visa system
02:02and there are so many options available now to people and I wouldn't be surprised if people
02:06don't know that they might have an option that could apply to them for like you know a different
02:11type of a visa or a long-term visa or a visa that suits their needs better. I was just going to say
02:16a lot of people don't know the different types of visas. I mean I don't want to assume on behalf
02:21of anyone but for instance myself me myself I was looking up all these different types of visas.
02:27First of all I didn't know that they existed. Second of all I still don't know what each visa
02:32means or is exactly like I don't know who qualifies for what and I think that's why
02:37it's important to have you in with us today. I know today we're not going to be able to cover
02:41all 11 but we will have you back to discuss the rest. The other ones that are like you know perhaps
02:47for a different group of people that might be more relevant. Exactly a bit more specific
02:51than the general public. So today we're going to talk about the ones that the general public can
02:56and the most popular to be honest. Okay perfect. Okay so before we get started tell us what the
03:01different visas are. So you could categorize visas as either a residence visa or a visit visa. So
03:09we'll first of all narrow down to residence visas. Then within residence visas you've got
03:14visas that your company would apply for you or you could apply for yourself and with the updated
03:19system there were a lot more visas that you could apply for yourself which is a self-sponsored visa.
03:24Golden visa, green visa, investor visa all of those come under self-sponsored visas where you
03:30are the sponsor of the visa that you hold. So that was an option that was really opened up
03:35very like you know wide for people with the latest update. Then you've got the different
03:41categories of residence visas. Even within self-sponsored you've got the golden visa
03:46which is extremely popular. You might know someone who's gotten a golden visa and you
03:50might be curious about can I apply for it, what are the requirements, which category can I apply
03:54under. Exactly we're going to get into that because that's one of the most important ones.
03:58Right and I've got a lot of people who've asked me personally as well and a lot of readers write
04:02and asking what about this aspect of the golden visa, what is the salary requirement for the
04:06golden visa. Those are very very common questions because the 10-year visa was a huge kind of
04:13option that residents wanted to get because it gives them that long-term stability, it gives
04:17you that option to sponsor yourself which has its benefits which we'll talk about in detail.
04:24And if you're changing jobs I mean your visa is still valid. Yeah exactly. Sorry did I take your
04:28question? Because I was going to mention that but I was like perhaps like you know we'll go
04:33into that in depth. Exactly. But earlier if your company was sponsoring your visa. Yeah. If you
04:38change jobs your visa would change along with your work permit. Exactly. So now you can just kind of
04:44it gives you more flexibility as a professional. Right. And it opens up what they said when they
04:49announced it is to make the job market more competitive. Right. Which it does. Of course. So
04:54that's the whole idea. So you've got benefits, you've got the golden visa, you've got the green
04:58visa, you've got the two-year like you know the regular employment visa as well. So and within
05:04these there are different subcategories. So we can kind of go into them in depth one by one. Okay.
05:09But let's we can just perhaps focus on these to kind of keep the conversation more focused and
05:15more helpful for people. Yeah I think so too. I think let's pick three that we can discuss today
05:20the more common ones. Let's say like the green visa, the golden visa, and the remote working
05:26visa which is also another interesting one. That's very cool. It's a really cool one and it's
05:30been making headlines and we will get into that. So before we get into the other two let's discuss
05:36golden visas since you brought it up. I know that there are two categories within the golden visa.
05:41So that it when I was researching there's a five-year one and there's a 10-year one. Right.
05:46Yeah. So that's that really depends on the kind of within one category that applies which is the
05:54investor category. Okay. And even the investor category has a lot of like aspects to it. So
05:59depending on your investment you might get a five-year or a 10-year visa. Oh okay. But primarily
06:04the golden visa for a majority of the categories is a 10-year visa. Right. And the categories I
06:10think the first few people who got the golden visa apart from the like you know the big business
06:14owners etc were the frontline workers. I was just gonna say yes. Like you know during the whole
06:19pandemic and and the way they worked like you know like we all experienced how the UAE kind of
06:24was on top of everything during COVID and how the frontline workers were really frontline. Yes. It
06:29was very specific the golden visa. It wasn't for everyone and only certain people could get it and
06:36you were granted it rather than applying for it. And I remember in the beginning it was it was very
06:41very rare for someone to have a golden visa but now it's been opened up to everyone. A lot of
06:46people and a lot of categories that you can apply under. So that's great news for people who want to
06:51like you know it's literally a second home for a lot of people. So they want to live long-term,
06:55they want to get more options and this system actually allows them to do that. I want to say
06:59it's not even a second home it's home. Like for me it's just home you know. Exactly that's the only
07:03home. So that's the beauty of the UAE. Okay so you were saying there are certain categories. So what
07:07qualifies me for a golden visa? Is it the industry that I'm working in? Is it a salary bracket? What
07:13is it exactly? It could be either one of those or an investment. Okay right. So you've got the
07:18categories of frontline workers. So if you're a healthcare professional. Okay one rule of thumb
07:25that we can follow for golden visa is how do you apply for it? What are the documents I need? And
07:30the one rule of thumb you need to keep in mind is you need supporting documents to
07:36make you eligible for any one of the categories. So once you're supporting documents sorry could be
07:41that rule of thumb. If you're a doctor the supporting document would be a recommendation
07:45letter from either the ministry of health or department of like DHA in Dubai. If you're a
07:50frontline worker so like someone from the medical field. From the medical field. If you're a healthcare
07:54professional the authority that governs the industry will give you a recommendation letter.
07:59Right. If you are a journalist or a DJ or an artist the culture authority of the emirate
08:08or the ministry of culture and youth would give you a recommendation letter. You have to be
08:12exemplary in the field for example. So that's the one thing that like you know people
08:17have really contributed to the community. We had I had interviewed somebody who said that she'd done
08:24everything under the sun when it came to like you know performance or like she was an emcee.
08:30She was a youtuber. She was like you know she had hosted events. She also did a little bit of art.
08:36She was an RJ and she's like I didn't know if like you know which one thing should I highlight.
08:41So what she did was she created her portfolio of work and went to Dubai culture and said this is
08:46this is all the work that I've done. Can you like you know do you think I can apply for the golden
08:50visa and they gave her a recommendation letter and she was on the golden visa when we spoke a
08:55couple of years ago. Amazing. Yeah so that was that was pretty cool. So what is the supporting
09:00document that you can provide. If you are a healthcare professional a recommendation letter
09:05from the health authority of either the UAE or the emirate. If you are an investor so you could
09:11have the Dubai land department help you with the golden visa if you're invested in Dubai.
09:15In Abu Dhabi you'll have like you know the Abu Dhabi department of economic development or they've
09:19got a residence office there you could get like you know your recommendation letter and the process
09:24made easier. Right. If you're a student the ministry of education could give you so you're
09:29you're a like you know high performing student the ministry of education tells you here's the
09:33letter that you can use to kind of provide as a supporting document. So if it's like you know so
09:40different categories depending on which industry you're in you could get that recommendation letter.
09:46Right. The other option is if I have an investment of say 10 million dirhams in the UAE or 2 million
09:52dirhams in some cases I can actually put that investment kind of the papers in as a supporting
09:59document. Or if I earn a certain salary it could be 30,000 it could be 50,000 depending on which
10:08category you're applying under. So there's one for professionals and there's one for executive
10:11directors. Okay. So like depending on that category the salary requirement might be a little different.
10:17Okay. And then you can kind of just provide that proof of your work experience of your salary
10:23certificates etc. So in a nutshell if I'm not within a salary bracket I need to get a
10:28recommendation from the ministry responsible or overlooking my industry. So if I'm a journalist
10:35or someone working in journalism would be the media offices. Yeah. And then if it's art or if
10:42it's like you know if I'm a DJ or a social media entrepreneur or whatever it would be the art
10:48and culture authority. Okay. So that's just in a nutshell. Okay. What else do we need to know like
10:55what are the perks of a 10-year visa or like the golden visa? So there are quite a few perks. So the
11:01extended long-term residency is the main attraction. Of course. Of the visa. But what happens is you can
11:07then sponsor your family for that same duration. I was just going to ask about that. Yeah. And that
11:13could like a lot of students have sponsored their parents now. That's nice. And which is like you
11:17know a really interesting like you know moms can sponsor their kids, their husbands, husbands can
11:22sponsor their wives and children. You can also sponsor your parents but when it comes to parents,
11:30grandparents or like you know in-laws the rules can be a little different. So the 10-year visa
11:36might not be applicable in some cases. But for your immediate family for sure you can kind of
11:41apply for like you know the 10-year visa. You can sponsor as many domestic workers as you'd need.
11:48Okay. So there's no limit on the number of domestic workers. One really important
11:54benefit of the golden visa is that you can stay outside the UAE for over six months
11:59and your residence visa will continue to be valid. Whereas usually if you stay outside the UAE for
12:05more than six months the residence visa becomes invalid. But for golden visa holders that doesn't
12:11apply. But past six months that's when it becomes to be questioned or is it okay? Yeah so a regular
12:18residence visa if you have a regular residence visa back when they were being stamped on your
12:22passport you'd see that line at the bottom saying staying outside the UAE for more than
12:28six months would invalidate the visa. That doesn't apply to golden visa holders. So you can stay
12:33longer than six months outside of the country and everything's fine. Okay. Yeah. All right. That's
12:37one of the benefits. We've got quite a few benefits honestly. We mentioned the one in the
12:43beginning of the flexibility just knowing that if you change jobs it's self-sponsored. Yeah you're
12:49self-sponsored, your family's fine, everyone's fine until you find another job or whatever. Yeah.
12:55Also it's a bit dark but really helpful if I pass away. If I'm a golden visa holder and I pass away
13:03my family doesn't need to kind of cancel their visa. They can stay for that permit for that
13:08extension. The duration left after your pass. Okay. So it doesn't kind of, they were under
13:15my sponsorship for example but they can still continue staying on the visa. Okay. Which is
13:20also kind of like you know it's really helpful to know that like you know that's taken care of.
13:25You have a lot of planning for like you know death and stuff, your bills or whatever. Of course.
13:29This is one thing that you can also keep in mind. At a time of turbulence like that's the last thing you want to
13:33think about or worry about. So yeah of course. Okay. Is there anything else that people should
13:39know about when it comes to the golden visa? Off the top of my head these are the main kind of
13:44like you know benefits. Okay. Also like the job flexibility is a huge thing like you said.
13:48I can move around, get another job and I don't have to worry about the visa being applied for again.
13:53Of course. And now when we're talking about renewal, is it automatically renewed or do you
13:58have to reapply all over again? You have to reapply all over again. Okay. And you have to still be
14:02eligible. So you have to meet the eligibility criteria. Right. So it's a 10-year visa if you want to
14:06get it for another 10 years. It's the same thing which category are you going to apply under. So
14:11are you a professional or do you still work in that field or do you have the investment that
14:16kind of got you the golden visa? So it is subject to being eligible to the category.
14:23Right. And the same documents have to be submitted and so on and so forth. Yeah. Okay. Moving along.
14:29So pick a category. Okay. And then if you're still not sure, log on to the ICP website, log on to the
14:35GDRFA Dubai website and they actually have very easy quizzes that you can kind of fill in. Oh nice.
14:41And they'll tell you yeah you might be eligible for the golden visa. That's nice. Abu Dhabi
14:45residence office has a really helpful website. So depending on which emirate you're in, you could
14:49either go online and check okay do I fall under this category. One of my friends said hey I'm a
14:54PR professional. Can I like you know apply for and I'm like you'll need a recommendation letter
14:59and like you know find out which authority can provide it to you or you'll need a salary like
15:04you know minimum salary requirement. So check those things either online. We have a lot of
15:09explainers on for example how to apply through Dubai culture, how to apply it through different
15:14like you know authorities. So Gulfnews.com slash living in UAE would be also helpful or go to an
15:21AMR centre, go to a typing centre. They're extremely helpful. You can ask them about the
15:25categories and once you know that then you can kind of take the next steps. Okay I'm eligible.
15:30Let me start with the application form. Right and they can always write you right? They can always
15:34write to us. We always welcome reader questions, reader feedbacks. They give us such interesting
15:40insights into what people need and that's essentially what we're here for to kind of get
15:44those answers. So readers at Gulfnews.com is the email address. You can literally follow us on any
15:50social media platform. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn and just write to us
15:55and we'll look into it. Amazing. We're going to repeat that again at the end of the show so that
15:58people you know can remember that. Okay so we've covered golden visas. Now let's move on to the
16:05green visa. What is that? To be honest when I first heard about that I was like what does that even
16:10mean? And green visa to me was extremely interesting because if I don't have that
16:16qualification like a lot of people might not have the salary requirement. Right. You don't qualify
16:21for the 10-year visa. You still have another option for a self-sponsored visa and a slightly
16:26long-term visa compared to the two or three years that you normally get through the five-year green
16:31visa. Okay. So we've got a green visa for professionals. We've got green visa for
16:36freelancers and we've got green visa for like you know entrepreneurs etc. So as a professional
16:42if for example my friend if she didn't qualify for the golden visa she could perhaps check for
16:46the green visa and that would still be something that would like you know be taken care of for the
16:50next five years so you don't have to renew your visa etc. And you can sponsor people. You can
16:55sponsor your family on it as well. So the green visa if you want to go into a little bit more
16:59detail we can kind of pull up the details but it's I think it's a great option for people who
17:05might not have the qualifications for a golden visa but still want a long-term option. I was
17:10just going to say so it's is it a bit more like inclusive of different categories? It's more widely
17:16applicable. Okay. So you've got a golden visa golden visa for outstanding talents or specific
17:24professionals so data or AI but when it comes to yeah for golden visa so it's a specific category
17:29that you're applying to. For green visa it's professionals. Okay. So it's it's a wider
17:35application of the like you know requirement which is really I think it's a great thing for
17:40people who might not have the option to go for a golden visa but they're working like you know
17:46professionals and they have different kind of expertise. Okay. And they want some stability.
17:52I actually have a question for both so the green and the golden. Would your company be able to apply
17:58for you or do you have to do it individually? Would you be able to request your company to apply
18:04for a golden visa for you? You can request them it depends on your relationship with the company.
18:09Okay. From my experience the people who I've seen apply for it have done it themselves because you
18:15cover the cost for the visa. Okay. You are the sponsor of the visa so you have to pay for it.
18:19You can just go directly and apply for it yourself. Okay. Or you could ask a typing center or an
18:26expert like you know a visa expert to kind of apply it for you or if you're an investor you
18:31have a business setup consultant they can apply it for you. Anybody can help you with it. There
18:36are a lot of options. You could ask your company for it but really I mean companies already have
18:42their own kind of like you know like you know work going on in HR so I mean if they help you
18:47with it great but I mean it really depends on the relationship you have with them. And it's easy to
18:52do it individually so it's not like you need to go through your company. Very easy. So you just basically
18:57look at the list of documents. I'll just quickly run through what you need to do right. First of
19:02all go to a typing center and just ask them and they'll give you the whole list. Your photograph,
19:06your passport copy, your Emirates ID, your labor card, your IBAN number. If that's something that
19:11you know people like you know might not have like you know at hand just keep your IBAN number ready.
19:16Tenancy contract, spouse etc like if you're applying for your spouse you'd need their
19:21certificates. Those are the basic things which like if you quickly search online or through
19:26your email you'll have copies of them ready or you could have them on an app like the UA pass
19:31has all those things right like you know available for you. Get all those documents in. The IBAN
19:37number is interesting because in case your application is rejected you might get some
19:41refund of the application fee. So just give that your IBAN number, make the application
19:47form payment and then they'll just review the documents. They say okay the initial thing is
19:53approved. You'll have to get your medical test done, apply for your Emirates ID which is also
19:57for 10 years and that's it. That's basically it and now the visas aren't being stamped either on
20:03your passport. So once you get your Emirates ID that's your primary proof of residence.
20:08So it's really easy. How long does it take to get processed? I mean do you know is there like a rough
20:15estimate or is it just? It doesn't take long. Now it would be hard for me to give you a specific
20:20timeline because it really depends on what might be happening right now. So it might be a little
20:25longer, a little less. I know people who've gotten it in a week. Okay fair enough. I mean it's just
20:31like a regular visa. I thought maybe it would take longer because it's like not really. So what takes
20:35long is getting the documents in place and getting that approval document. So a lot of people who we
20:40spoke with said getting all the attestations done. The student was like I had to get all my
20:44like you know qualifications attested through the Ministry of Education or if I was coming from
20:49another country from that country's embassy etc. That took long but the visa process itself was
20:55the quickest thing. Or making a portfolio if you're an artist like that will take long and
21:00applying for the letter. But the visa itself does not take very long. Okay so just to recap
21:07we've got the 10-year visa which is the golden visa and then we've got the green visa which is
21:12you know is a wider pool of applicants allows a wider pool of applicants which also gives you the
21:18opportunity to have a longer a slightly longer a residency visa than the usual visa because it's
21:23five years. Okay the next one. Remote work. Yes that is the most interesting. Like who qualifies
21:31for that? Is it investors? Is it a business owners? Like who can apply for me? What's interesting is
21:37why do people want it and it's literally like it's the UAE. You know it's the UAE lifestyle which I
21:43would like to enjoy even if I don't have a job here. I have a great job in X country. Yeah but I
21:49want to live in the UAE because it offers that kind of quality of life. And we've seen that it's
21:54attracted so many people. Yeah and you can you don't have to be an investor. Okay you could be
22:00an IT professional who can can work remotely. Okay and just come to the UAE. You need to fulfill a
22:07salary requirement. I'll just reconfirm how much it is. I think it's 18,000 dirhams. So it's called
22:12the virtual working program or the remote work visa. And essentially like the proof of employment
22:19is 3,500 dirhams sorry 3,500 US dollars per month salary. Just provide your payslips for the past
22:27three months. If you're a business owner you can also apply for it and then you'll just have to
22:31provide how much you earn monthly from your investments. Okay and the visa is issued for a
22:38year. It's renewable and you can just easily live in the UAE and work for any country in the world.
22:44It's wonderful. Honestly I've actually met people that have it. Right. And they were saying they get
22:50the best of both worlds now. Exactly. They I mean if they live in countries that are you know
22:55predominantly winter countries. I mean they get the sunlight. They get everything. Your long sun.
23:01Yeah your long sun and they get the good weather. They get the you know the the the Dubai life or
23:07the UAE life and at the same time they've kept their jobs because they were working remotely
23:12anyway in their home countries or whatever. And it might be a great job. Yes. But you want to live
23:16like I said I have a great job but I want to live in the UAE because it offers that quality of life.
23:21You can do that as well. Like I said the new visas that have been issued are actually catering to so
23:27many needs that people have. It's it's really interesting. So do find out if you can actually
23:32qualify for a longer term visa or move to the UAE even if you don't work here. Okay. Okay. So
23:38again let's recap because there's so much information that we said. It's a huge umbrella.
23:43Okay. Yeah. The golden visa is a huge umbrella. Yes. And that would require for each category
23:48we have specific articles for investors for real estate investors non real estate investors. Right.
23:54We've got specific articles for that because it is pretty pretty wide. Yes. You've got doctors.
24:00You've got the artists. You've got all of those people. So within the golden visa you've got a
24:06huge umbrella. Right. And different benefits. Right. A 10 year visa. Yes. Mainly. Then you've
24:12got the green visa which is for professionals for freelancers. And that's a separate category
24:18altogether. And how do you apply for your family sponsorship under a green visa. So because these
24:25are like huge like you know topics we have very specific detailed guides on each category. Okay.
24:32So that really helps. Just go quickly and just do a search on it. Green visa freelancer. Like I'm a
24:38freelancer but I don't want to get a two year visa. I want to get a five year visa. You'll get
24:42the article and it's going to kind of summarize all the information that you need from a reader
24:47friendly perspective as well. Okay. Not plugging stuff in but it actually really helps. I've heard
24:51people say that it actually helps to kind of just get all the information I need in one place.
24:55Right. Right. Right. No plug it. It's gulfnews.com slash living in the UAE. Living in UAE. Exactly.
25:01And that's just that's how it is. I mean you want to get the information please visit the website
25:06or email us on readers at gulfnews.com. That's right. Is that correct. That's right. Okay.
25:11So 10 year visa or the golden visa is 10 years. There are categories or salary brackets. Okay.
25:18Green visa is a five year visa and it has a wider pool of applicants or allows a wider
25:24pool of applicants. And then we have the remote working visa. Right. Which is a one year visa
25:30renewable obviously year on year and is for anyone that has a salary bracket of 18000 dirhams
25:37or 3500 US dollars. And if you're a business owner you just have to present your yearly earnings.
25:46Yeah. Or your proof of investment or sometimes there's another category where if you pay a
25:52certain amount of taxes so you can get a letter from the federal tax authority as well. So there
25:57are really a lot of ways in which you can actually get a long term visa or a residence option in the
26:03UAE. Perfect. Okay. Last question. What's your advice to people that might be confused. Like
26:08let's say I'm right now thinking of applying for a golden visa but the green visa also seems
26:14interesting. What's your advice. Like if I'm confused or if I want to know more.
26:18You could literally just ask yourself some basic questions like
26:24what could I possibly qualify as a professional a business owner a freelancer. What kind of a
26:31professional. And if you just log on to like you know the living in UAE section and type golden
26:36visa you literally see a whole in-depth explainer and just scroll through it and just stop where
26:43it's relevant to you. So if you're an IT professional just stop there and see what
26:48are the requirements available. You could also just go and speak with an expert around the corner
26:55like around the street. You might have a typing center like you know next door. Go speak with
27:00them. The information is easily available. Yes it's it can be overwhelming when you're not actually
27:06speaking to someone but the moment you start speaking to an expert it really becomes very easy
27:12to kind of like you know understand. Yeah Huda thank you so much. We have so many other visas
27:17that we're going to discuss. I'm going to bring you back on because there's like a retirement
27:21visa there's a student visa there's there's so many different types that we will actually also
27:25address because I think those are a bit unfamiliar to a lot of people and I feel like I didn't know.
27:33You might not know that there's a visa that's applicable to you. Exactly exactly and it's
27:37always good to share that information because some people just don't have that information but
27:42when they do they can actually use it and it will be. If I can just again request people just
27:48follow us on social media. We promote these stories. They're very easy to follow. Facebook,
27:54Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok. Yes and if you have questions just drop a message there. We
28:00are checking all of the questions so we can actually just kind of send you the link to a
28:04story or do a new story if it merits the kind of like a question you've asked. Amazing and again
28:10readers at gulfnews.com if you choose to email us questions concerns Huda is always here to ask
28:19anything living in the UAE to answer all these questions. Huda thank you so much for joining us.
28:23Thank you very much Maria. Always great talking to you. Thank you.
