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Your questions about visa extension, fines and more answered by the General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA)

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#Dubai #UAE #visa
00:00Welcome. I'm Ali Shouk from Gulf News. Today we have an exclusive interview with inside the
00:08General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs in Dubai. This exclusive interview for
00:14all the Gulf News readers who've been sending a lot of questions and inquiries about the new
00:21decisions and orders related to the visa issue inside the country, especially after the outbreak
00:28of the COVID-19 pandemic. I mean you can see guys that we are here just like adhering the
00:35social distancing and making the precautionary measures by wearing the gloves and masks. So with
00:41me today is Major Salim Bin Ali. He is the Director of Amr Client Happiness Center at GDRFA Dubai
00:50and he will be more than welcome to answer all your inquiries, all your questions related to
00:56visa issues. So hi Major Salim. Hi Ali. Welcome back. Yes, welcome back. I mean this time
01:05interview it's kind of different because it's both of us wearing masks and gloves. I mean it's
01:10kind of weird, strange, but that's how it should be. It is the new life. Yes. So it's a lifestyle.
01:17Yes. So we are used to. Yes. We are used to. Yes. And I think almost everyone in the world
01:24used to. Yes. So it's better for us and for them of course. Yes. So first of all,
01:32recently just like before one week, the government sector returned back to normal.
01:39Most of the employees are returning back to their offices. So in GDRFA Dubai, it's 50%
01:44of the capacity of employees return back to provide the services to customers as usual. So
01:49can you tell us about when you guys return back and is there any advices that you give to the
01:57clients? Thank you Ali. At the beginning and on behalf of Major General Mohamed Ahmed Elmeri,
02:06actually I would like to thank you people. I mean as Gulf News and of course as
02:14Mr. Ali and your colleague of course from social media. Thank you. For like putting the client on
02:21the right way, answering all these questions. We know that a lot of people are most probably like
02:27have a lot of questions or they are confused about the orders that are coming from the government.
02:34So I would like to thank you. I would like to thank Gulf News and as you said Mr. Ali,
02:40today we are like on a second week of going back to the normal life.
02:51I can say the first message that I want to just give everyone or give the I mean
03:02the people who are watching us today in Gulf News is GDRFA is open 100% I can say, 50%
03:11of the staff but 100% we are open. Either you can check our services, our 100% electronics or
03:22e-services so you don't have to visit us unless if we ask you to visit. So what I mean, this is a
03:30very important message I need everyone to just listen to it. Today we are welcoming everyone in
03:37GDRFA but because of what's happening in the world, because of COVID-19, we need people just
03:44to be aware that because of their health and our staff health of course. We need people to
03:52use our e-services, use our armor centers to just submit their applications and finish their
04:00services. But if we need you as a client, we have a lot of ways to send you a message or you receive
04:07an email that tells you please visit GDRFA main branch or our center to complete such documents
04:17that we need or such information that we need. So my advice for everyone is to not visit
04:25unless we ask them. I know a lot of people say I applied for a visa or renew and it takes a long
04:34time. Today we can hear or you people hear, I applied for information update and it takes a lot
04:41of time or long time and I didn't get back. No one get me get back to me. Yeah this is one of the
04:47questions that readers always ask. Exactly, so the first thing is we return to the old system
04:56which is the fingerprint and armor center from today. So people they don't need to update
05:02through the portal, they can just only provide their information or updated information to armor
05:10center and it will be updated in our center. So updated by phone? Today in armor center.
05:18Previously why, just I want to explain what is the update, information update. Yes. It's a matter,
05:25we had a system because of we were working at home, we call it and you know the OTP that we
05:31are receiving it from the bank or you can receive an OTP, it's a one-time message or one-time
05:36password. So usually people they don't have their right mobile number at the system.
05:43So what happens, the message gone to I don't know, I mean the number that is in our system,
05:49so they are updating it. But today we return back to the old system which is
05:54the normal fingerprint system with the I mean safety procedures are there and at the same time
06:00for the companies we are working on, I mean the launch will be in few days coming, we are working
06:07on the what they call it the virtual RS token. Previously you have an RS token, today it will
06:15be in your mobile. Virtual? Yes. Okay. So most probably I mean of course this kind of service
06:22the load will be like less than before, but we need to make sure that we are not asking you to
06:31come unless we need an information from you. So this is my first message and maybe I took a long
06:39time on it, but it's very important to know that please avoid visiting because of your health and
06:46our health and we don't want our centers to be stuck with the client, that's why. Okay, so one of
06:54the major questions that it's always we receive and I think you guys also have been receiving,
07:00it's for the people who their residency or visa were expired after March 2020. Okay. The government
07:09said that it will be extended till the end of the year. Auto-extended. Yes, so can you just like
07:14clarify this issue to the people? Very good question Mr. Ali. The thing is as everyone knows the
07:22government just extend all kind of visas which expired after first of March, so they are valid
07:30till 21st of December 2020. The question is, the important question is, if I need to renew
07:39my residence, can I do it? Yes, you can. Okay. You can do, just you can apply for a renewal
07:47I mean form. Yes. And it's without for the renewal, it's without medical. So there will be no medical?
07:54No medical. For renewal? Yes. These days. Just only you will pay the fees of the ID, MRS ID and
08:00the normal renewal fee. Okay. But if people who are traveling for any reason, okay, they want
08:08to leave the country and they will say that I'm talking about now Dubai airports will get back
08:14soon. Yes. Okay, so I'm traveling and I'm getting back. Systemically, your visa is renewed, but I
08:22cannot make sure that when you are coming back, the airline will allow you to travel because the
08:28residence is which is a stick on your passport, it's expired. Okay. So if you are planning to
08:34travel, the advice is to renew the visa. If you are in the country, you don't have to do it. Okay,
08:41so it's better to renew. But if you like, it's fine, you can renew. So for residents who are
08:46inside the country and their visa expired, it's automatically renewed till the end of the year.
08:52Is there any way that they can check about this? Yes, they can call the call center, but usually
08:58it is renewed 100%. Okay. Yeah. So what about the family sponsored resident visa?
09:06Those were issued in March and then canceled before their entry?
09:12Again, it's a very good question. So if the people who are traveling,
09:20there is no any fines on it. But let us say the person will have a new visa to apply.
09:28Okay, or a new company to go to. Usually, they will not pay any fine for that.
09:37I mean, till the date, I mean, till today, I'm talking about if there is any order, of course,
09:43you people will mention that or you'll announce it. But till today, there is no any fine on it.
09:48No fine. So many people are also being confused between the extension of permits
09:58between residency and visitors. So many people, let's say the visitors or the people who came
10:03on tourist visa to the UAE and their visas expired after 1st of March. It's extended till
10:11the end of the year. So it's also extended. It's the same, both. Okay, because it's people talking
10:16if I'm a resident. So if you're a resident, your visa extended. If you're a tourist or came on
10:22this visa, and your visa expired after March 1st, it's also automatically extended until
10:26end of the year, right? Okay. So now, what about the waiver? I mean, the amnesty that's been
10:42recently, they've been an order by the UAE government to waive all the fines. Yes, people
10:48who are staying illegally in the country before March 1st. Can you just like highlight this point?
10:56As announced, I mean, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa, just the people who are like overstay before the
11:09overstay before the 1st of March, they are all under this amnesty, and they can leave the country
11:16without any procedure. Okay. This is just to make it clear. Okay. So if you are traveling,
11:26just only you can book a ticket and go to the airport. I think there is a deadline. I think
11:32there is a three month deadline. Yes, it's three months starting from 1st of
11:39March. Okay. Till 1st of August. Okay. One of the questions, I mean, just like again,
11:46we have a reader, he's saying, how about my visa will be finished on October?
11:50Is it will be automatic renewal or I need to renew it? So it's similar question. Next October?
11:56Finish, expire on October, this October. So if it's finished on October, it will be extended
12:02this October, 2020. So it will be extended till the end of the year? As of today, just we have to
12:09make sure. As of today, any visa will expire after 1st of March. It's extended till the end of the
12:20year. Okay. What about the, let's say we know there is a list of countries that they can get
12:26visa on arrival. It's like a British passport holder. So he still can have this if they come
12:31to the UAE? Yes. To get the visa on arrival? If the airports are open and I mean, the normal
12:39passengers are, I mean, allowed to come to the country. Yeah. So the rule will be the same.
12:48So it's the same. Yeah. I think we have more questions.
12:54Okay. Yeah. I mean, my colleague Falah, she will present also the questions. She's helping with
12:59that. So there are a bunch of questions that our readers have asked. Most of them you have
13:04answered. A lot of people have a question about the holding of visas to, you know, where they
13:09hold it in process and then they have to come back to them. Can you just explain that process
13:15a little bit? Yes. This process or this service were like stopped before, I mean, before last
13:25week as we were working from home. But since last week, we are back again for the service. They can
13:34visit, I mean, the out sections. It's not the head office. The head office, there is not any services
13:40being provided only in Al-Tawar Center, Manara Center and Dubai Airport Free Zone. So these
13:50three centers are, the centers will provide two services, what they call it, holding the family
14:00visa because of the sponsor is canceling. And the other one is to have, what they call it,
14:07to remove the absconding letter, to apply to just take off the absconding in the system.
14:19Another question is, someone is saying that they have applied for their wife and children's
14:24visit visa way prior to when the cancellation started. They're saying, does it stand
14:31canceled or does it stand valid? And how would we check that status? Yeah. Till now, if the visa
14:38has expired on the system, I mean on the visa, on the printout, it shows that it's expired already
14:45the two months before entering the country. So it's expired, but we are studying away and we are
14:51waiting for the order to have like a solution to those visas. So till now, we didn't
14:59get any order of it, but we have many scenarios. So before opening those, I mean the airports back
15:11to the people, to the passenger, of course we will announce what they should do. If the visa is valid,
15:16so they can use it. If it's expired, of course we will tell them exactly what to do.
15:22Another one is, people are asking if the issuance of new visas has started or when is it predicted
15:28to start? Do you have any information on that? Not yet, not yet. But inside country visas are
15:35okay and they can, I mean, they can apply whenever they want inside country visa. So it's changing
15:42jobs or they are on a visit visa and they want to change on to the residence, so they can do it.
15:47So even if you have, let's say, sorry for the interruption, so even if there is a resident in
15:53Abu Dhabi and he found a job in Dubai, so he can apply. So it's between different emirates?
15:58No problem. Another question that some people have, like you said, the fines have
16:05been waived. Some people have a slight confusion whether that should be applied or declared
16:11somewhere or is that an automatic procedure? No, automatic to travel. It's not to change status.
16:17It's to travel. So the amnesty is only to travel the country. But if you need to change the status
16:24or you have a new job, you have to go to the normal procedure. A person has a question
16:31about their parents who are older in their 70s and 60s. Like you said, the medical examination
16:37is not required at the moment. But they're asking whether a renewal will require something
16:43like that, because they're afraid that they don't want to take their parents inside.
16:47Just to make sure, if we say, for example, even for the renewal, we need to have
16:56a medical test. Who's getting the medical and who's not getting? I mean, at the end, the decision is
17:04from DHA, Dubai Health Authority. So if Dubai Health Authority says with a letter or says,
17:12I mean, of course, Dubai Health Authority, they know exactly who is
17:18eligible to take the test or not. So if they said, if I think they will ask DHA, and if they said
17:26they don't need, and just only they have to provide us a letter, and we'll do it without
17:30medical test, even for the new. I'm not talking only the renewal, even for the new. So they are
17:35the one who will decide. Because their question was about the renewal. The renewal, till now,
17:40they can renew without medical. But if we ask for the medical, I mean, they are the right place
17:47to say that the authorities with DHA. Another question. This person had a work permit expiry
17:56fine. They said that that has been waived. When they reached Ministry of Human Resources and
18:01Immunization, they said that they were not aware of these directives. Is there an update on that?
18:09This might have happened before. I think, I don't know when it happens exactly,
18:15but they are updated. For sure, they are updated. And that is the directive? Yes, yes, yes.
18:21Another person said that they actually got an employment freelance entry visa, which expired
18:26on 16th of April. But they weren't able to travel to Dubai because of coronavirus.
18:33Are they able to travel to Dubai right now after June 1st?
18:38After June 1st, it's with a permit. They have to apply through the portal.
18:43If they get the approval, they can. But if the visa is expired, I mean, they have to get the
18:51permit and they have to apply for a visa. So they have to renew that visa. But it's an entry permit
18:58or it's a residence visa? It's an entry visa, freelance entry visa. So freelance entry visa
19:04depends. It's the entry permit or it's stuck in the passport. If it's in the passport, after 1st
19:10of March, it's renewed. Either they are inside the country or outside the country. So most probably
19:17they can just get the permit. If it's approved, they can come to the country, no problem.
19:24I mean, this is one of the things also, I mean, people who got visit visas before the outbreak
19:31of COVID-19 and they couldn't come because of the moment, the flight restrictions. So is their
19:37visas will be valid? Till now, they are expired. If it's expired on the visa itself, it's expired.
19:43As I said, we have more than one scenario. So we are waiting for the order.
19:53But before, I mean, the airports will reopen. Of course, we will advise and we'll tell them
19:58exactly what to do. OK. One of the questions, it's readers, they're asking about
20:05their working visa. One of the readers, he's saying his working visa will expire on September
20:13this year. So he's asking, it will just be extended or need to renew by my company?
20:20It's just it will be extended. As I said, it will be extended till the end of the year.
20:25But of course, I mean, if we have a different order, it will be announced. OK.
20:34One of the I think one of the issues that we were receiving from our readers,
20:38it's about people who canceled their visa after March 1st. OK, we said that those people,
20:44I mean, till now, of course, the cancellation in the system, there is a fine. But let them apply
20:55for the new visa. When they are doing the change of status, of course, we will see case by case.
21:00We'll look at it. Because I have a question from a reader, Rajan. He said just like
21:07they will be fine after 29 days once the visa canceled. No. Till now, no. Till now,
21:13no. If you want to travel, he's fine. He's fine. Yes. But if you OK.
21:20I mean, we're still getting a lot of questions. We have Yasser Khan. He said,
21:28I have a British passport and I came on visit visa to Dubai. I am in Dubai. All immigration
21:36and Oman borders are closed. So he's asking about also, is my visa still free until the
21:44end of the year? Yes. So it's all kind of visas are extended till the end of the year.
21:50Just Mr. Yasser and others without without without fine. Yeah. OK. Who is expired after 1st of March?
21:57OK. What about residents who are outside the country and their visa got expired after March 1st?
22:07It's exactly the same as the entry permit. So no, they are outside the country and expired after.
22:15It's extended. It's extended. Extended. OK. Any kind of visas, I mean, residence visa. I mean,
22:22of course, entry permit is not because there is no entry on it. But any kind of residence.
22:29OK, we have like three kinds of residence. We have visitors, we have family visas and we have
22:35a normal employment visa. Yes. If they are expired after 1st of March and they are outside the
22:41country, it's extended till the end of the year. Exactly the same as the people who are inside
22:46the country. OK. So because usually it's it's people, you know, who are spending more than
22:51six months outside the country, they are worried that their visa will be cancelled. It's extended.
22:56Even for them. I mean, in this situation or this case, I mean, the six month is not there. The six
23:04months rule is not there. OK. One of the one of the also major issues after the restrictions that
23:13happened with Covid-19, stranded residents outside the UAE, they've been asking to come back. So we
23:22know that the government approved them to return back after June 1st. Yes. But many of them, they
23:27just need to know what's the procedure. I mean, they have to apply through the portal. It's ica.gov.ae.
23:34OK. So just they have to apply for, they call it outside country permit. Yes. OK. Or entry permit.
23:45Exactly. So they will apply and when they get the reply. OK. Yeah. Approved. The permit is approved.
23:53They have to proceed with the ticket. With the booking. Yeah. With the booking. So please don't
23:57book till you will get the approval. And it's mentioned on a red box on the website. OK.
24:07I mean, we're receiving a lot of questions. So what about
24:13after December 31st this year? Yeah. What people should do? They should go back to their home
24:21countries before it or they renew the visa? No. Just my advice. We can say,
24:27inshallah, we're going to like, I mean, this Covid-19 will get over. So my advice is if
24:39everything goes fine and goes back for the people to renew their residence as soon as possible.
24:46So the question is why? Of course, we know at the end of the year it's, I mean, it's a holiday.
24:53So we have, I mean, the Christmas holiday and we have the New Year holiday.
24:57So most probably a lot of traffic will be on even on the flights and even on the normal
25:04applications or providing submitting applications. So I advise people if everything goes back
25:10well to renew their residence as soon as possible. I mean, they are most welcome to stay,
25:19but it's better for them. It's kind of advice. So after 31st, of course, again, we are waiting
25:27for the order from the government. There is no any order or rules till now regarding the, I mean,
25:34after the 21st of December. So it's even for, let's say, I came here on a visit visa and it's
25:43expired. Is it better also to get an extension for the visa or to get a new visa? Because some kind
25:49of visas, we don't have an extension on it. Okay. A lot of them. I mean, maybe all of them except
25:54on arrival visa. Okay. So the Schengen tourist visa, there is no extension on it. Okay. So most
25:59probably after opening the airports, there is a period will be there and people should leave
26:06before that. So if a person wants to, he can apply for a new, a new visa, visit visa? And yes,
26:13inside the country. They can? Yes, they can. I mean, if they wanted to stay. Now they don't have
26:18to. Now they don't. But if they want to stay after, I mean. Yes. I mean, everything will go,
26:24get back as normal. Of course they can apply. Okay. We have a question from Komal Yadav.
26:34What about canceled visa for people who wants to travel to their home countries and planning to be
26:39back to the UAE after three months or something? They have to apply for a new visa and that's it.
26:46So it's normal? Nothing. Yeah. Okay. I mean, a lot of people asking about the canceled visa
26:54over state fines. Nothing is there. But to make, I mean, again, again, to be on a safe side,
27:02I advise people just to call the call center 800-5111, but to avoid calling during the peak
27:10time. I mean, our peak time starts from 10 a.m. till 2 or 3 p.m. Okay. So this is a very peak
27:16time. Okay. So the call center is on for 24 seven. I mean, 24 hours they can call. So anytime they
27:23can call and just ask the agent that I need to check, I cancel. I need to check what is the
27:29validity. Okay. So systemically they will get the proper answer. So they can call our call center
27:35800-5111 again. So we have another question from Chandra. My visa will finish on August 6,
27:442020. Will it still be auto renewal until January 2021? So it's similar to this one.
27:51So the auto renew until 31st of December, 2020. Exactly. Okay.
27:56I mean, we have Amit. He's asking, after visa cancellation, people can stay in the UAE or not?
28:05Yes. They can? They can stay. For now, they can stay because a lot of countries still,
28:11they didn't open the airport. So we cannot force them to travel. Okay. But they can stay. And again,
28:17they have to check time by time. They have to call the call center and to check the validity.
28:21Because we have this from reader Amit. He's saying that his visa will be canceled on 30th
28:27of June this year. Okay. So in that case, can he stay up to 31st of December, 2020,
28:33after he canceled his visa? No, of course. Okay. Till now, yes. But we don't know if the situation
28:40is the same. Yes. But of course, if everything get to normal and get back to normal,
28:47we will announce exactly what should those people do. Exactly. Okay. I mean, yeah, it's
28:55readers also, they're saying my visa canceled on March 2nd, and he couldn't fly to his own country.
29:01So there is no fine on it? Yeah. Yeah. There are also a few questions about bans. People said that
29:07if they leave the country without paying their fines, they can stay in the UAE or not?
29:13People said that if they leave the country without paying their fines,
29:16which have been waived, will there be a ban on them? No. As announced, nothing will be there.
29:22Okay. I mean, it's mainly most of the question is talking about the people how to get
29:31the approval to go back to the country. I think there is what you call a lot of requests now.
29:39So it will take time. I mean, you mean to come back? Yes. To come back. Yes. They have to apply,
29:47and I can say for now, they have to just wait for the approval. And again, we are looking
29:56through those applications, of course, and people, they have to wait. And most probably,
30:05we know that there is a lot of situations like humanity, like people are,
30:12they need to travel back to the country. But still, we can say just wait for it.
30:17And inshallah, we are, they'll get like the response more, I mean, faster than before.
30:24Okay. So because, I mean, yeah, it's similar. We have also Dipan, he's saying that
30:30the employer canceled the visa, he lost the job. So, and there is no reputation flag,
30:38no return flag to his country yet. So what about the visa fine? Because a lot of people
30:42worried about the visa fine. No, no, no. You are fine. And there is no any final.
30:50I mean, it's most of the questions been repeating the same.
30:53Okay. One of the readers is saying his partner visa has expired.
30:59Outside the country? So, no, he's not Michigan. So can I go
31:03out of Dubai to his country and return back to Dubai? I mean,
31:09Just going out to Dubai is fine. Okay. But coming back is again, you have to apply for a permit.
31:16Okay. Entry permit.
31:17So, similar to that, we have another question. People asking if they need to renew their visa
31:23this month. One of the reader is saying that he will travel on July for vacation. I mean,
31:27I think he's hoping that the movement will restrict. We hope, all of us will hope.
31:32Yeah. So he's saying, is it possible for me to come back after my vacation?
31:39Again, we can say for everyone. Of course,
31:43you are most welcome to come back. But again, we have a system. You have to apply. And you have,
31:49if you get the reply or it's approved, you can come back. So for now, there is no any
32:00order to have like to start the vacation for the people who wants to go back and come back.
32:06Okay. We have another question from one of the readers. His name is
32:10Pudai. He said, I'm a resident visa holder, UAE visa holder, and he is currently outside the UAE.
32:21His mom on his sponsorship and his mom in the UAE now. Okay. So her visa expired last week.
32:28He's asking if he can renew his mom visa while he's outside the UAE and while she is inside the
32:35UAE. You don't have to renew her. You renew her now. Of course, he can do it. I mean, he's stuck
32:40outside the country. Yeah. Because of sometimes they will ask for his ID and sometimes they'll
32:46ask like, you know, some requirements are there. But just to make sure and just to clarify that,
32:54that your mom is not overstayed and her visa is renewed till the end of the year. Okay. So
33:00when, inshallah, he will come back, he can proceed the visa renewal. So this is a comfortable message
33:07to him. Exactly. Yes. And everyone. And everyone. Just to say that either if you are inside the
33:14country or outside the country, or if you are inside the country and your family are outside
33:19the country, just be comfortable. Your visa and their visa is renewed till the end of the year.
33:25Just be comfortable. Your visa and their visa is renewed till the end of the year. Yes. So, I mean,
33:32don't worry. At the end, of course, we are looking in all cases and we know what's happening in the
33:38world. We are following the cases and we are trying to make life more easy for the people.
33:45It's not just only, just only to, it's a message to make it clear. If you are inside the country
33:53or outside the country, your visa is extended till the end of December. Okay. So people just like
33:58need to be relaxed. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. I know you guys are receiving a lot of calls about it. Yeah.
34:04So we have another question from Sean Nassim, talking about the newborn visa.
34:11Any extension to apply apart from the 120 days? It's already, I mean, extended. Okay. Just to make
34:19sure. Of course, they are most welcome to stick to the residence. Okay. Okay. But if they are outside
34:26the country, they can apply for a normal visa. But if they are inside the country and they exceed the
34:35120 days, of course, they can apply. But if they didn't till now, they can apply for a visa.
34:43Okay. Normal visa. It's normal. Yeah. So another question from a reader is, my visa expired on,
34:50will be expired on June 4th, this year. And his company will cancel his visa next week.
34:57He will be able to get the visa extension till December 2020? Yes. Okay. So it's the same. It's
35:04the same. Just I think, I think it's better. It's most of the questions now is talking about this.
35:09No, I think, I think it's better just yeah, to, to clarify and make it more clear. Because I know a
35:17lot of people like maybe they joined us now. Yes. I mean, I'm fine. I don't have anything
35:23after this. We appreciate your time. So I mean, just to make it more clear.
35:30Just I will mention them. As I said, the families who are or the visas who are inside the country,
35:36and they are expired after 1st of March, they are extended till the end of the year.
35:41If the cancellation, if after it's after March, I mean, 1st of March, it's extended till the end
35:47of the year. The same, it goes to the, to the people who are outside the country. If the visa
35:54is expired till the end of March, after, after, after 1st of March, it's extended. But people who
36:01cancelled, they are while they are outside the country because of the visas expired, that one
36:07they have to reapply the visa, which is outside the country only. Again, all kinds of visas inside
36:15the country are extended till the end of the year. Some some, I mean, a lot of questions we are
36:22receiving, as you said, even Mr. Ali, like the family are inside the country or outside the
36:29country or the sponsors outside the country. And what can I do with my family? Don't don't worry,
36:34your family visa is extended till the end of the year. People who are on visit visa and UAE,
36:42after 1st of March, they are all extended till the end of the year.
36:47I have I have a I mean, if we have any questions or I need I need I have a message.
36:52Yes, please. Okay, please, please, because I think most of the questions is repeating on the same.
36:57Exactly. So that's why I reply that. And just to answer those questions. Yes. Just it's a message
37:02from the DRFA Dubai. Again, you are most welcome to visit us. But still, because of the situation,
37:10I mean, in UAE and in Dubai and in the world, the whole world. Today,
37:17we are limiting the visitation, I mean, the visit to the head office exactly. Except for,
37:25I mean, critical cases. What I mean by critical cases, you have a problem with the system,
37:30you have a problem with your visa, you can just visit us. But if you need to stick the residence
37:36and your passport, or you need to hold your family, you have to visit our outside sections,
37:42which is Al-Manara, Al-Tawar and the airport free zone and Hatta. Maybe I didn't mention Hatta
37:49Center. So we have those centers to visit and to do the normal process that it needs a visit.
37:57Again, very important people, VIP, VVIP people, we forgot to mention them. I mean, the elder people.
38:07I mean, yeah, this is one of the things I just like I wanted to conclude my whole interview
38:11with you. It's for elderly people, we're talking about locals and the elderly residents. Because
38:17I think you guys have something special for them. Yes. Yes. Just you have to call 805-111.
38:27Even if it is a very normal service, please, please, please do not visit the center. It's
38:35for your health. As the order of the Ministry of Health and DHA, it says you people are like,
38:43it's a very dangerous, dangerous environment to just go to any places such as government or even
38:50normal places. So please stay safe at your home. Call our call center 805-111. Just mention your
39:02name, your case, exactly what you have. Our team will just visit you and provide the service while
39:13you are at home. Just we'll do the application for you. If they are residents, if they are local,
39:19we are going to do whatever service you like, I mean, or you need from GDRFA. At the end,
39:27I mean, your safety is how our happiness, I can call it. Yes. Dubai police, I think. Except it's
39:35those range of ages over 60s. Yes. As everyone knows, it's very dangerous for them to.
39:46Just like to go outside. To go outside. Yeah. So stay safe and we will provide you the service at
39:51your home. Thank you. I think that concludes everything. Thank you, Major Salem, for all
39:57the details and let's hope just like maybe we'll get more interviews. Inshallah. Thank you for
40:05all your answers. And it's a big thank from Gulf News readers to you also for all the answers.
40:12I mean, it's a it's a big thank to you people who are clear. I mean, giving, I mean, the right
40:18answers or the right way to give the information to your readers. We are sorry if maybe we didn't
40:25answer all questions, but still I can say. Get the information from the official media channels.
40:35Yes. So, of course, Gulf News is one of the official media channels, but get the information.
40:40Don't listen to people from outside. Don't listen to those messages that you are receiving through
40:47your phone. Yes. Whatever you like to clarify, it's through the official media channels and
40:54through our official channels and GDRFA. Thank you very much. Thank you, Major Salem. Thank you.
