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Anthony Thomson certainly has a track record, when it comes to taking on a presence in financial services served up digitally. He got that from being part of Atom, one of Europe’s first wave of digital-only banks.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/business/markets/after-uk-digital-bank-atom-anthony-thomson-is-in-dubai-with-fintech-accelerator-archie-1.1694413382953

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#UAEnews #fintech #digitalbanking


00:00Hello, I'm Anthony Thompson. I'm the co-founder and former chairman of Metro Bank and Atom Bank
00:05in the UK and Bank 86400 in Australia. And you've asked me a great question which is,
00:13all startups are hard, is Archie, the new startup I'm chairing, the hardest one of all?
00:19Well, as you say, all new businesses are really difficult. They all have a challenge.
00:25Over the last 15 years or so, I've raised a billion dollars for businesses that I've started
00:31and it's been really, really difficult. The thing I look at is, what's the big challenge?
00:38What is the question that we're answering? What is the problem we're trying to solve?
00:44And with banking, hopefully I've proved we could solve that problem. With Archie,
00:48the problem we're trying to solve is, how do early stage businesses get to scale quickly?
00:56How do they super scale? I think we have the experience and the expertise and the skills
01:02to help early stage businesses in the GCC to become unicorns. We're really excited about
01:09working with companies in the region to help create the next generation of fintech unicorns.
