• last month
Last month, an 18-month-old boy fell unconscious after a near-drowning accident in a Dubai residential building’s swimming pool.

In view of World Drowning Prevention Day observed on July 25, Gulf News spoke to his father about how the child was rescued, a doctor, who treated him later at a hospital, and an emergency medicine specialist to explain the measures to be taken to prevent drowning incidents and to rescue a near-drowning victim until medical help arrives. Near-drowning happens when a person is unable to breathe due to extended submersion in water.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/world-drowning-prevention-day-father-recalls-how-his-drowning-toddler-was-rescued-from-dubai-swimming-pool-1.97159669

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#UAEnews #drowning #lifesavingtips


00:00I am Dr. Mohamed Iqbal Al-Kalaf, the head of the emergency in Medicare Hospital, Assafa.
00:12Today I want to talk about drowning because of the World Day of Drowning Prevention and
00:20to provide two ideas about victims who are unconscious and breathing and still there
00:25is pulse and the other scenario, patient or victim who is unconscious and no breathing
00:32and no pulse.
00:34First of all, I will check the response of the patient, are you okay?
00:38Are you okay?
00:39Are you okay?
00:40He is not responding.
00:42So directly the second step, it will be calling the medical help or calling the ambulance.
00:47During this time, I will check the breathing, I will try to hear and I will observe the
00:53chest at the same time, there is breathing.
00:59Then I will check the pulse, there is pulse.
01:05So in this case, I am handling a patient, unconscious but he is breathing and there
01:09is pulse.
01:10I should secure the airway, I should lift the chin up and I will put him in his left
01:18side to avoid any aspiration.
01:23While I am waiting for the ambulance to come, second scenario, patient, the victim is here,
01:31I will try to check the response, are you okay?
01:34Are you okay?
01:35Are you okay?
01:37The patient is not responding.
01:38So the first step, I will ask for help and I will call the ambulance.
01:43Then I will check the breathing for the patient, by hearing and observing the chest, patient
01:54is not breathing.
01:57Then I will check the pulse, unfortunately there is no pulse.
02:03So I will start CPR.
02:05Before starting CPR, I will lift the head and lift the chin to open the airway.
02:13In this case, in drowning only, and this is not like other CPR, I will focus and give
02:20five times breathing rescue.
02:23Five times.
02:24Then I will start the chest compression.
02:28One, two, three, four.
02:41During this time, I will observe the elevating of the chest, because I will know that my
02:45breathing is active and effective.
02:50Then I will start chest compression.
02:54Chest compression, I will look for the two naples.
02:57I will be in the middle and I will use the heel of the hand.
03:02Left or right, no problem, it's according to the one who rescued the patient.
03:06Then we will start the chest compression.
03:09Like 30.
03:13Every 30 compression will give two breathing for the patient.
03:19The depth of the compression should be two inches at least.
03:37Then I will give two breathing.
03:43Then I will continue.
03:46I will keep doing this until the medical help will come or the breathing and the pulses
03:53will come back.
