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Full article here: Experts stress early swimming lessons https://gn24.ae/82bbfb2013bb000

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Police have called for fences, gates and greater supervision after twin boys aged two and a half drowned in a neighbour’s pool in Ras Al Khaimah last June 6, but water safety experts say procedure and education is just as important.

#BabySwimming #PoolSafety #PoolAwareness


00:00Water is the only place where they can move freely.
00:06In light of a spate of recent infant pool deaths, there have been several calls from
00:10the authorities to install pool fences and pool covers.
00:14But what about educating pool users from an early age?
00:17OK, so Gemma, you're obviously an advocate of pool fences and pool covers, but you also
00:22say that it's important to get kids used to swimming or at least water awareness from
00:27an early age.
00:28Is that right?
00:29We want them to be confident.
00:30What we're trying to do is water awareness, just getting them comfortable being in the
00:36We don't want, obviously, them falling in, but if they do fall in, that they don't have
00:40just a panic when they are in, and they just get a sudden panic, so that they know that
00:47that's the water, they know what their body can do in the water, and they have enough
00:51time for a parent to go and help them.
00:54It's not that we want them to fall in, but there is an awareness of what's happening.
00:57What is this amount of thing in there?
01:00How that feels on their body?
01:02What does it make on their breathing?
01:05That stops you breathing, so you need to know.
01:07And then we teach you techniques just to try to hold on and then call for help when they're
01:12a little bit older.
01:13And there's even an awareness that, obviously, this is dangerous.
01:15If you actually do lessons, then the kids will have the understanding that they should
01:19only jump in when their mum and dad is around.
01:22You saw earlier, we had the tiny babies, obviously, tiny babies not yet, but we are then, we're
01:27making the parents aware of the feeling of how it is being in the water.
01:32So it creates educating parent and child.
01:35When they're more this age there, they're starting to be aware.
01:39And then through exercises, that's why the lessons are important, through exercises we're
01:42telling them, don't jump into the water, that's what's going to happen to you.
01:46Sometimes we let them jump and we wait a little bit to pick them up so they understand what
01:52happens if they are to jump in.
01:54So it's educating the little ones and you certainly can see when they know what's happening
01:59that they respect.
02:00And it's giving them instruction and respecting and knowing that they're not allowed to jump
02:06Something can happen if they jump in.
02:08We see it from this age already.
02:10So even from this age they can learn rotation, flotation, propulsion, holding on to the sides,
02:15they can learn these things.
02:16We teach that from an early age and then from about one and a half, two years old, they
02:22are starting doing that.
02:24We cannot say that 100% of the children do that.
02:27We encourage that, we teach the parents and obviously the more that they go and they practice
02:31the easier.
02:32But we have like 15, 16 month old children that they do turn around and hold on.
02:38We start getting them holding on at 8 months when their reflexes, their ability starts
02:43to be there.
02:44They start holding on and then from here it develops to all the rotation, pushing from
02:48the wall and it all goes linked with the age.
02:51But all that happens below three years old.
02:54So that's why it's important to create an awareness how important early swimming is
02:59for the parents and for the children because the parents need to be as well educated on
03:04the risks.
03:05Why did you think it was so important to bring your child along from such a young age?
03:09Yeah, well, I mean exactly.
03:10Living in this country where you're surrounded by swimming pools and water features as well,
03:16we just felt that it was really important with our first daughter and now with our second
03:19that if you were somewhere, you knew that if they fell into the water or something that
03:23they would at least give you a chance to get there and give you a couple more seconds to
03:27get there and it was just a safety thing from that perspective.
03:30And also of course living in a country like this where you get to enjoy swimming pools
03:34on a regular basis, you want them to be able to swim so that they can enjoy their time
03:38in the pool really.
03:39And you can enjoy your time.
03:40And yeah, exactly, you can relax a little bit more as well, yeah.
03:42So how long have you been doing lessons so far?
03:44Is this your first lesson today?
03:45This is the first lesson with her, yeah, and our first daughter, she started at a similar
03:50age of three months old, so for just over two years now she's been doing lessons.
03:54She's my second daughter doing Swimming Wonders, my first daughter I did also when she started
03:59when she was seven months.
04:01And it's very important for them to have, to encourage them to go underwater and for
04:07me also to feel safe to go swimming pool with them.
04:11So and she's improving a lot, she's already going underwater.
04:15It has been just two months that she started and she's already feeling very safe.
04:19Are you confident that if she were to wander to the pool by herself and accidentally fall
04:24in she would know what to do?
04:26She already knows that she has to go to the borderline and hold herself.
04:31Pool fences and covers are vital, but so is early education and it's heartening to see
04:36that this message is getting across to parents.
04:39Ashley Hammond, Golf News.
04:44Go to www.golf.co.uk to find out more.
