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A couple of these BLEW my mind


00:00So alongside the breathtaking scenery and extensive list of side activities for players to complete,
00:05developers also love to fill their open world games with a vast array of secrets and easter
00:10eggs. But sometimes, my friends, you'll wish you never found them, because they are, in short,
00:15utterly terrifying. So let's have a chat about them. As I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com,
00:20and these are 10 Terrifying Secrets in Open World Games.
00:2410. The Colander, Starfield
00:27When players get access to their spaceship in Starfield, they're free to traverse the stars
00:31and discover the countless wonders and secrets that this title has in store.
00:35And being a massive RPG from Bethesda, a large chunk of these surprises are easter eggs. Whether
00:40they're references to some of the developer's other titles or pop culture juggernauts, there
00:44are plenty of amusing details that players can come across during their interstellar adventure.
00:48But not all of these secrets are light-hearted, though, with one genuinely unnerving homage to
00:53dead space being tucked away in a far-off star system. If you travel to Schrodinger 3 within
00:58the Schrodinger system, players will be able to find the Colander, an abandoned starship floating
01:03lifelessly amongst the stars. With no option to hail the crew, things already seem pretty
01:07wrong with this location, with events only getting creepier once the player boards that version of
01:12the Ishimura. Through reading the ship's logs, players can uncover the sinister events that
01:17occurred on board. And if you explore further, you'll eventually face the monstrous creature
01:21responsible for massacring the entire crew. With a fearsome power level of 85, this necromorph-like
01:27creature is likely to make short work of any unsuspecting adventurers.
01:319. Scarecrow's Lair
01:33Batman Arkham City
01:34Unlike the rest of the Batman Arkham series, Batman Arkham City oozes with a gritty atmosphere
01:40that's tailor-made for the eponymous brooding hero. As well as being responsible for the
01:44chilling morgue sequence in Arkham Asylum, Scarecrow also delivers the creepiest part
01:48in the sequel. Although the character doesn't actually appear in the flesh in this game,
01:51players can find the Scarecrow's secret hideout on a boat in the Industrial District,
01:55which teases his return in Batman Arkham Knight.
01:58Upon finding the vessel and decrypting the lock to the hatch with the foreboding code
02:02City of Terror, the camera will switch to a first-person perspective when players venture
02:07below deck. What they'll find is a grimy room filled with tanks of insects, and one of the
02:11Joker's henchmen sitting on a chair at the far end. While it looks like he's unconscious,
02:16getting up close will reveal a jump scare that sees him spring to life before collapsing
02:20lifelessly back onto the chair. Not only did this scare catch everyone by surprise,
02:25but the implications of what happened to this person are even more disturbing.
02:29The Grafted Scion's Secret
02:31Elden Ring
02:32Much like the worlds in FromSoftware's other Soulsborne titles, the lands between
02:36an Elden Ring are a place of decay and ruin. From the swamps of the Scarlet Rot,
02:41dank underground dungeons, and the monstrous enemies that dwell there,
02:45players will discover plenty of unpleasant sights on their quest to become Elden Lord,
02:49and no part of this game embodies its world's grim nature better than the Grafted Scions.
02:54Created by Godric the Grafted, these creatures are grotesque, multi-limbed monsters made of
02:59various body parts that have been crudely stuck together. This is the very first enemy that
03:03players face in the game, but because of how quickly the fight ends and the fact that this
03:07boss wears a cloak, players aren't able to get a good look at it. However, by hacking the camera
03:12and removing the garment, fans have discovered a pretty terrifying secret. The most unnerving
03:17aspect about the Grafted Scion is that it has the youthful face of a child. Given that the child
03:22wears a crown and has iconography of the Golden Lineage on their weapons, the sinister implication
03:27is that Godric experimented on his young descendants to turn them into these abominations.
03:32Has a pretty bleak revelation, even for Elden Ring.
03:36O'Hara's Haunted House
03:37Far Cry 5
03:39Set within the picturesque countryside of Montana, there's tons of weird and
03:42wonderful things for players to do and discover in Far Cry 5's fictional Hope County. That is,
03:47whenever they're not fighting back against a fanatical religious cult leader that's terrorising
03:51the area. However, not everything that can be found within Far Cry 5's large open world is as
03:56colourfully bizarre as collecting bull testes or working on the set of a low-budget action flick,
04:01because by journeying to O'Hara's Haunted House, players can find one of this game's
04:06frightening additions. It's a barn that's been transformed into a spooky funhouse,
04:10and is full of creepy mannequins and jump scares. But the scariest thing about this place is a
04:15mysterious man who can be seen looking out of the attic window. However, when players arrive
04:19at the attic, the man is nowhere to be seen. Instead, players will find a singular red balloon,
04:24a menacing note, and a deranged voice message in what is a spine-chilling reference to Pennywise
04:29from Stephen King's It. This isn't the only reference to the child-eating clown in this
04:33game, either. A second red balloon can also be found floating next to a sewer,
04:37in another nod towards this classic horror villain.
04:406. Children of the Ark – Cyberpunk 2077
04:44Given that Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in a dystopian future where shady corporations
04:48vie for power and violent gangs rule the streets, it should come as no surprise that some of the
04:53hidden secrets that are scattered throughout Night City serve as a reflection of the grimness
04:57of this game's setting. One of the most disturbing additions can be found in the
05:00Badlands south of Pacifica. Just northeast of the fuel station Fast Travel Point,
05:05players can spot two satellite dishes in the wasteland, and if you head there,
05:09you'll discover the grisly sight of numerous corpuses lying on the ground that are wired
05:13to a dead Netrunner. As horrifying as this sight is, things only get worse when uncovering a data
05:18shard on the deceased hacker's body. Reading the note reveals that these people belong to a cult
05:22known as the Children of the Ark, with this location being their headquarters. Believing
05:27that a rogue AI will escape from beyond Blackwall and bring about the end of humanity, these cultists
05:32killed themselves so that they could upload their consciousness to a spaceship in order to escape
05:36this supposed Judgment Day. There's a lot of unpleasantness in Night City, but none quite
05:41as shocking as this discovery. 5. The Shadow Creature – Assassin's Creed Valhalla
05:46Assassin's Creed Valhalla's version of 9th century England is a huge and stunning landscape that is
05:51packed with dozens of hours worth of side activities. However, England isn't the only
05:56map that players explore in this rather epic game. In addition to the expansions, the base
06:00game also includes Norway and Vinland, alongside the more fantastical realms of Asgard and Jotunheim.
06:06When arriving in this icy land of giants, players can stumble upon something pretty
06:09unexpectedly frightening while exploring the southeast of the map. By carefully looking,
06:14it's actually possible to spot a shadowy creature peering through the fog. With its large antlers,
06:19razor-sharp claws, and glowing eyes, this entity has an imposing presence despite not being hostile
06:24towards the player. Although there's nothing in this game that explains what the figure is,
06:28fans have speculated that this may be a reference to a similar-looking creature
06:32from over the garden wall. Whatever this creature is supposed to be,
06:35players won't forget the terror of meeting it for the first time.
06:384. Children of Goldshire – World of Warcraft Since releasing in 2004, Blizzard have continued
06:45to add to beloved MMORPG World of Warcraft, bringing new secrets for players to discover
06:50with every expansion. Now regarded as having some of the most easter eggs in a single video game,
06:54this gigantic fantasy world is overloaded with jokes and references. But one of the
06:59spookiest secrets in the game can be found in the town of Goldshire, which is one of the first areas
07:03that human characters will encounter. Among the friendly locals, players can spot a group of six
07:07children running through the town. They spawn every morning at 7 o'clock in server time,
07:11and if players follow them for long enough, they'll eventually lead them to an empty house
07:15in Crystal Lake, which is actually also a nod to Friday the 13th. Once there,
07:18the children proceed to stand silently in a pentagram formation on the second floor,
07:23before the demonic voice of C'Thun, the God of Madness, can be heard telling players that
07:28their friends will abandon them, and that they are going to die. Reinforcing just how frightening
07:32demonic children can be, this is one of World of Warcraft's most unexpectedly terrifying secrets.
07:383. The Creepy Radio Broadcast – Metal Gear Solid V – The Phantom Pain
07:43Although PT has unfortunately been removed from the PlayStation Store,
07:46this teaser for the tragically cancelled Silent Hills game has remained firmly in
07:50the nightmares of whoever walked through its repeating hallways. This demo was so
07:54petrifying that it's been cited as the inspiration for the likes of Layers of Fear,
07:58Visage, and various other titles. Moreover, references to this demo have actually appeared
08:02in other games, with Cyberpunk Horror Observer containing a sequence which pays homage to it.
08:07But another reference to PT can also be found in Metal Gear Solid V – The Phantom Pain.
08:12Within the game's Africa map, near the Industrial Zone, which is the same area as
08:16the story mission Voices, players can find a small green tent in an enemy camp. And if
08:20you head inside and listen carefully, you'll hear a menacing radio broadcast that details
08:24a horrific news story about a man who brutally murdered their family. Anyone who's played the
08:29teaser will recognise this as being the same broadcast that is heard at the start of the PT
08:34demo. Although there's no Lisa to be found, hearing this transmission will send a chill down
08:38players' spines. While Silent Hills has been erased from existence, PT still lives on in
08:43another of Hideo Kojima's games.
08:452. The Ghost Girl – Pokemon X & Y
08:48Despite its colourful and child-friendly appearance, the Pokemon series can be
08:52surprisingly dark at times. In addition to a selection of the titular critters possessing
08:56backstories that could have been taken straight out of a horror film, the games likewise contain
09:01a collection of spine-tingling secrets, the scariest and most infamous of which is the
09:05Ghost Girl from Pokemon X & Y. Whilst exploring the bustling Luminos City, players can enter an
09:11unassuming office building. After taking the elevator to the second floor, the lights flicker
09:15and a girl appears directly behind the player's character. Floating towards the bottom of the
09:19screen, she says, no, you're not the one, before then vanishing offscreen, never to be heard from
09:25again. As well as coming completely out of nowhere, it's the lack of information about
09:29this spectre which makes her appearance so chilling. With nothing in the game that explains
09:34or what her cryptic words could mean, it's up to the player to come to their own conclusions
09:38about what happened here. Out of all the ghosts that have appeared throughout the series,
09:42none have quite grabbed the community's attention as much as this one.
09:451. The Strange Man's Cabin – Red Dead Redemption 2
09:49From a literal ghost train, grisly ritual site, a serial killer and a vampire,
09:53Red Dead Redemption 2 is bursting with numerous secrets that are terrifying enough to earn a
09:57place on this list. However, no inclusion is quite as unsettling as what became known
10:02as the Strange Man's Cabin. Northwest of Calgier Hall, players can find a run-down shack in the
10:07bio called Bail Edge. Though the small building looks unassuming from the outside, stepping inside
10:12reveals one of this game's eeriest sights. Alongside the assortment of strange writings that
10:17have scrawled across the furniture and walls, the cabin features an unfinished portrait that
10:21sits in the centre of the room. More is gradually added to the painting the next three times the
10:26player visits this location, and it's only when arriving for a fourth time during the epilogue
10:30that the portrait will be complete, revealing the Strange Man from the first game. Players will
10:35also be able to spot the figure in the mirror, watching them, only for them to vanish when
10:39turning around. Raising more questions than answers about who this seemingly supernatural
10:44top-hatted figure is, it's this cabin's unknowable nature which makes it one of the
10:47spookiest places in the entire game.
