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Need a hidden gem for the next season There are PLENTY.
00:00For every great game that comes out, and is a hit, there are plenty of great games that
00:04fall through the cracks.
00:06If a masterful platformer, shooter or beat-em-up is only available on a lesser known system,
00:11what chance does that have?
00:13Then there are games that get a lot of love initially, but fade into memory once players
00:17move on to the next big thing.
00:19Even though the entries on this list are masterpieces, they've mostly been forgotten about, which
00:23is a huge shame, but we're here to remind you of them, or perhaps tell you about them
00:28for the very first time, so you can have an even bigger to play pile.
00:33I'm Jess from WhatCulture, and here are 10 Forgotten Masterpiece Video Games.
00:38Number 10, Final Fantasy XII.
00:41Final Fantasy lovers are endlessly debating which game in the franchise is the best.
00:46You'll hear lots of people talking about Final Fantasy VII, plenty more talking about Final
00:50Fantasy VI, and then there are those who love X or XIV, and that's totally fair enough as
00:57Final Fantasy XII is rarely spoken about with the same admiration, despite how beautifully
01:02crafted it is.
01:03It was bold to do away with the random encounters, but this decision gave players far more freedom
01:08in exploring.
01:09We're also made progress in Final Fantasy XII less reliant on grinding, which has been
01:14a major flaw in the series since day one.
01:17Even though the franchise regularly relies on nostalgia, Final Fantasy XII incorporates
01:22none of the iconic summoning monsters like Efreet, Ramuh, or Bahamut.
01:27Instead, the creators devised all new creatures you could summon, and you could control them
01:32in the open world for the very first time.
01:35Even though modern games still struggle with AI partners, the gambit system that governs
01:40the actions of the protagonist's teammates is easy to manage and incredibly efficient.
01:44Since the Zodiac Age remaster has been released on most systems in recent years, now is the
01:49perfect time to revisit Final Fantasy XII.
01:53Virtua Fighter 4 Because Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat,
01:57and Smash kind of dominate the fighting genre, it's really easy to forget about Virtua
02:03Considering Sega's Punchfest was the first 3D fighting game ever, and laid the foundation
02:08for many beloved titles, it's a shame Virtua Fighter has been living in the shadows.
02:13If any entry in the series deserves more recognition, it's Virtua Fighter 4.
02:18Upon its release, there wasn't a single element that didn't receive universal praise,
02:22like even the tutorial was considered a work of art.
02:25This installment was touted the best fighting game since Street Fighter 2, due to its balanced
02:31roster, jaw-dropping realism, fluid movements, diverse fighting styles, and responsive controls.
02:37It's also really satisfying when you win a match, since success totally relies on your
02:42ability to block and pull off counterattacks, as opposed to dumb luck and button mashing.
02:48That does mean I wouldn't win any matches, but probably good if you're skilled.
02:51Virtua Fighter 4 was so ahead of its predecessors, it should have elevated the series overnight,
02:57allowing Sega's underrated franchise to finally stand shoulder to shoulder with the
03:01big dogs.
03:02But here we are, over 20 years later, and Virtua Fighter 4 still remains underappreciated.
03:09F-Zero GX
03:10F-Zero GX gave gamers an experience unlike any other racing title.
03:15Mario Kart is heaps of fun, but there's nothing as exhilarating as zooming around
03:20a gravity-defying track while piloting a futuristic hovercraft at 1000 mph.
03:26Because the levels are surrounded by things like asteroids and lava, there's also a
03:30greater sense of urgency while you're racing, since each participant can die mid-race.
03:36Even though the series is renowned for its catchy tunes, Hidenori Shoji and Daiki Kasho
03:41outdid themselves here, creating some absolute head-boppers.
03:45GX was also among the most graphically impressive titles on the GameCube, barely showing its
03:51age even after over two decades.
03:54Although GX did sell 1.5 million copies, which is obviously a lot of copies, Mario Kart Double
03:59Dash, which came out around the same time, sold quadruple that.
04:03Since it was clear where the money was going, it's easy to understand why Nintendo stayed
04:08with Mario Kart while F-Zero was left in the dust.
04:11Sadly, GX was never re-released, giving racing fans little chance to give it a shot.
04:18Lost Odyssey
04:19On the surface, Lost Odyssey looks like a Final Fantasy clone.
04:22Not only does it have all the staples, Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi was the
04:27head writer.
04:28But in a way, Lost Odyssey actually feels like Final Fantasy without some of its negative
04:34For example, gameplay feels more skill-focused instead of just spamming the same attacks.
04:38The aim ring system is simple in concept, but forces our heroes to align their attacks,
04:44keeping gamers engaged in every battle.
04:47Another way Lost Odyssey disassociates from Square's iconic series is its straightforward
04:52There are no plot twists, last-minute bait-and-switches, or unnecessarily complex subplots.
04:58Instead, the sprawling saga focuses on the main character's personal journey, and explores
05:03their relationships with one another.
05:05Thanks to the magnificent voice acting, it's tough not to get immersed in the ensemble's
05:09conflicts and hardships.
05:11Even though Lost Odyssey is gargantuan, don't get us wrong, nothing really feels like filler
05:16Even outside of the main mission, it feels like the developers have put their heart and
05:20soul into every sub-mission, so you feel like you want to complete them all.
05:24Since Lost Odyssey was only available on the Xbox 360, few people experienced this
05:29lost treasure.
05:30It's not easy to get a copy, but Lost Odyssey is definitely worth playing, especially for
05:35any RPG lover.
05:38Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
05:40In Nine Houses, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, college student Junpei is kidnapped alongside
05:46eight strangers, then placed on a sinking cruiser, where they're forced to take part
05:50in life-or-death tests.
05:52What makes this Nintendo DS title surpass other visual novels is how nerve-wracking
05:57it is.
05:58Every time a challenge is completed, things take a sudden 180 turn, a truth bomb is unleashed,
06:03or it turns out that someone has betrayed you, so you're constantly on edge waiting
06:07for the next piece of the mystery to unravel itself.
06:10It's also refreshing to see that Nine Hours lacks many negative aspects of the genre,
06:15like pixel-hunting dead-ends and red herrings.
06:18We're looking at you, Grim Fandango.
06:20The puzzles are entertainingly diverse, demand a mix of logic, lateral thinking, and math,
06:25and the conundrums pose a fair challenge, but never reach Monkey Island levels of frustration.
06:31Because there are six endings, Nine Hours has a huge replay factor.
06:34After the story mode's beaten, the player can fast-forward sections upon the subsequent
06:39playthroughs, preventing the gameplay from getting tedious.
06:42Even though Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton are considered the kings of the visual novel
06:46genre, this one should definitely be up there too.
06:495. Knights Into Dreams
06:51The Sega Saturn bombed so quickly, it's genuinely impressive, but that doesn't mean this doomed
06:57console didn't have a couple of awesome titles, most notably, Knights Into Dreams.
07:02In this action-platformer, two teenagers called Elliot and Clarice enter the dream world where
07:07they meet a character called Knight.
07:09After taking control of Knight, the player must soar through the sky in a predetermined
07:14route while passing through hoops and collecting orbs to maintain momentum.
07:19It might sound super simple, but Knights Into Dreams requires a surprising amount of tactical
07:23thinking, since you have to constantly monitor your velocity, speed, and the time limit.
07:29Once the mechanics have been mastered, though, performing acrobatic feats across the sky
07:33is a thrilling experience.
07:36With the vibrant colors, charming jingles, and incredible controls, getting through each
07:40level is a blast.
07:41Knights Into Dreams may be brief, but gamers can't help coming back to it just to beat
07:46their old scores.
07:47Although Knights Into Dreams didn't sell well initially, it could have made a comeback
07:51after the release of the sequel, Journey Into Dreams.
07:54Sadly, this follow-up failed to recreate the magic, driving the original further into obscurity.
08:02Vib-Ribbon follows a rabbit called Vibri, who lives in a rhythm-based world called Music
08:09On his journey, the whimsical bunny comes across pits, blocks, loops, and waves, which
08:13correspond to the beats of the track.
08:15To navigate through these obstacles, Vibri must press the corresponding button.
08:19As straightforward as that sounds, it gets tricky when the levels incorporate two obstacles
08:23into one, giving the player little time to figure out which combination of buttons to
08:28Vib-Ribbon has the potential to become absolutely unputdownable, since it also responds to any
08:35CD you put into the console.
08:39Because the level design is based on the pulse of the song, the gameplay is only limited
08:43by the player's music collection.
08:45So if the player wants to navigate through a level based on the melody of You Belong
08:49With Me, Red, 22, Fortnite, or a song that's not by Taylor Swift, they can totally do that.
08:55Although Vib-Ribbon is staggeringly creative, its lack of popularity isn't much of a surprise.
09:01Due to its monochromatic design, wireframe aesthetic, and kiddie vibe, Vib-Ribbon was
09:06a hard sell.
09:07Unfortunately, when its two spin-offs sold badly as well, that kind of killed off the
09:12franchise for good.
09:14Skies of Arcadia In hindsight, it's baffling how the Dreamcast
09:18failed, considering how many of its games were so ahead of their time.
09:22Although Shenmue and Samba de Amigo eventually earned the recognition they deserved, Skies
09:27of Arcadia never got its due, despite being arguably the console's best title.
09:32Like many RPGs, the gameplay relies on turn-based battles, earning experience points, and getting
09:38your skills leveled up.
09:39However, Skies of Arcadia puts a much heavier focus on exploration.
09:43The map is initially blank, necessitating the player to navigate through the steampunk
09:48world to fill in their atlas.
09:50This gives the player the sense that they're rewarded for their curiosity, enticing them
09:54to scavenge for secret pods, allies, and hidden chests.
09:58Also, the random battles never get repetitive, since they all require strategic planning
10:03and tactical engagement.
10:04Each encounter has our hero, Vice, and his squad spouting banter while unleashing their
10:09attacks, making the experience more entertaining and personal.
10:13Since airships play a huge part in the plot, it's neat how sky vessels are incorporated
10:17into battles.
10:19The ship-on-ship fights are epic, as they allow Vice to command a crew, and utilize
10:23a variety of innovative and devastating weapons.
10:27Despite being hailed as one of the best RPGs of all time, few people have even heard of
10:32Skies of Arcadia, let alone played it, and that's a darn shame.
10:37Perfect Dark Even though GoldenEye 007 was a landmark title,
10:41the James Bond shooter hasn't aged well.
10:44Seriously, the controls are much worse than you remember.
10:47The same can't be said about GoldenEye's spiritual sequel, Perfect Dark.
10:52Despite having the same structure, this rare title had an original storyline, and incorporated
10:57many mechanics that the Bond adaptation lacked, including double-feature weapons, voice acting,
11:02elaborate cutscenes, a shooting range, and most importantly, cheese.
11:07With the advances of the Nintendo 64's expansion pack, gameplay also got a hell of a lot smoother,
11:14and words cannot describe how darn good that soundtrack is.
11:18Sadly, Perfect Dark lacked one thing that GoldenEye 007 had in spades, and that's brand
11:24Being a new property, Perfect Dark couldn't sell the same as its predecessor, since GoldenEye
11:29007 was based on one of the most widely-recognized IPs.
11:33The prequel and remaster were decent, but they didn't quite match up to that magical
11:37of the original, leaving the Perfect Dark series pretty dead in the water.
11:42Since there hasn't been another installment in 13 years, and the announced reboot is in
11:46development hell, it's easy to forget what an impact Perfect Dark originally had.
11:53Planescape Torment There aren't a lot of games that are so
11:56ahead of their time in the way that Planescape Torment was.
12:00Although there are games like Bioware's Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which are heralded
12:04for how they allow the player to make choices, Planescape Torment was doing that all the
12:08way back in 1999.
12:10Even though the best games of that era had a simple storyline, Torment has a behemoth
12:15narrative that deals with obscure concepts like mortality, transcendence, inter-dimensional
12:21travel, and manifesting reality through thought.
12:24It tries to balance so many ideas it could easily collapse under its own weight, and
12:28yet the gothic role-player never wavers, weaving a magnificent story filled with philosophical
12:34musings, fascinating character arcs, and solid gallows humor.
12:38Every time you solve one of the game's captivating puzzles, a bunch of various parts are unlocked,
12:43which lets you explore even more gorgeously-terrained areas.
12:46As monumental as Torment is, it saves its best ideas for last.
12:51The mind-blowing twist, the glorious final boss, and the heart-wrenching ending is enough
12:56to stay with anyone forever.
12:58In a nutshell, Planescape Torment is an unparalleled masterpiece that doesn't just raise the
13:03bar for storytelling and world-building, but gaming in general.
