00:00try it all right we have lipstick we're burning that lipstick all they're
00:04getting spirits to unlock the ancient egyptian spirits
00:08egyptian already yeah japanese well it's a japanese
00:12uh show but it's based on egyptian mythology
00:16yeah it's pretty cool all right so that's pretty good but it's a
00:21little uneven a little asymmetrical yeah but still good
00:27whoa i feel like i'm getting hypnotized oh my gosh
00:31oh what is this for i mean it's not the perfect
00:35draw i don't know but all of a sudden i think five-minute crafts is the most
00:38amazing channel on the internet
00:43do you know you feel it's true oh my god
00:50guys what do you were you also hypnotized let us know yeah
00:53or were you hypnotized i think archie5 is the best channel on the internet
00:57yeah i think that's the one that's the one okay so we have we hypnotized you
01:02with our perfect videos right yeah oh it was too much right it was too
01:06much rewind
01:14okay okay and wow why you destroy your wall you destroy
01:22your wall you waste your your things and i guess you can use it
01:25at the hang thing yes why would you do that
01:31this looks nice oh that's skillful wow that's so smooth they did it very
01:36smoothly oh it's like one of those snakes that uh
01:39you know the wooden snakes yep and it like hurts your fingers like
01:42if it catches your finger it like pulls off the skin good old times yeah
01:47and when they touch your hair yeah ah yeah it's just like that
01:52you guys know what we're talking about all right what is that for i don't know
01:57it was just it was just a bendy piece of wood
01:59ah they just saw that's it sometimes you just have a
02:02bendy piece of wood you just want you don't need it more
02:07it's funny because usually you want to make wood hard and then you just chose
02:10to make it bendy nice okay okay nice it's kind of cool
02:15i've seen some like modern table designs and stuff like that
02:18with this sort of thing also you can make it like a menu for a
02:21restaurant okay try it all right we have lipstick
02:26we're burning that lipstick all right his wife is not happy
02:30yeah that was expensive chanel lipstick all right we're doing some wood cutting
02:35that is actually a lot harder than it looks
02:39way harder it's way harder than it looks yeah that wood is super hard
02:42okay so now we're drilling in the middle of the wood we already ow
02:46okay buy me dinner first geez and then okay what it looks like it's
02:51gonna be like a little uh instrument like a
02:56type of thing you know yeah yeah i know but it doesn't look so
03:00at all i mean you just aren't musical sorry me yeah all right so it's probably
03:06not gonna be just imagine now somehow they flipped it
03:10over and yeah and it's a flute that would be amazing
03:14all right i think it's no i have no idea what it could be it's like a
03:20diy lipstick thing oh it's for the lipstick
03:25okay wifey will not be upset with us okay
03:30this looks complicated this is a complicated procedure how many steps are
03:33they do a lipstick thing they get some rose petals good for
03:36environment i guess not too bad yeah for a valentine's day
03:39present if you're a craftsman that's it that's the one i think she
03:44will appreciate it she will or maybe not or he or not
03:49they might not i think yes i would appreciate it
03:52okay rose powder honey is it the charcoals
03:56there are yeah they're burning some charcoal
04:00melting it all together and making the nice waxy
04:03finish the waxy pad finish i think it's not the wax it's uh
04:10well yeah it's lipstick but i mean yeah it looks like wax anyway
04:14nice it looks pretty legit oh my gosh i would be yeah that looks
04:20pretty impressive actually yeah wow i would just put the gucci stamp
04:25on it look i got you this gucci uh lipstick
04:29i think there is such a thing there probably is yeah
04:33me neither but it looks uh expensive it does look expensive
04:39you've got some work it's a lot of work why it's expensive
04:43you have to really love your partner for this you love your partner
04:48this is a test of your love what do you do it
04:51would you do it for your partner do it now if you love your partner
04:55like this video it was too much yeah it was too much
04:59ah and it's a nice little cap yay lipstick cool
05:06why are we trying to imitate her voice i wasn't trying to imitate i was
05:10imitating my voice ah sometimes i just sound like that
05:14you should know you have your moments yeah
05:17you get the wood and you put the waves on the wood and
05:21then afterwards you cut the wood i would assume but i don't really know
05:26i don't know never okay so now we're cutting the wood
05:30i'm not sure where we're going whoa hey there buddy
05:33what are you doing oh it seems like five minute crafts has some pretty good
05:38tools at their disposal i would say now he's getting some tape and now i just
05:43don't know where he's going with this he goes too far i guess he goes a little
05:48too far now i'm a little nervous i don't
05:55okay it's a really weird action what is happening i don't get the point of it
06:00all you get some you get some glue and you
06:04stick it together and that's supposed to make things work i just don't
06:07understand it wait a second are we gonna do this whole
06:11video what are you talking about all right so we have wood hacks
06:18that's what it's all about wait 30 minutes
06:21oh it kind of looks cool it looks like my voice sounds when i do that
06:26exactly guys check out my wood
06:32all right so we have our wood connection wooden connections
06:38all right we're sticking pieces of wood together what are we gonna make
06:41more wood nothing it wasn't just connection i guess
06:44what's your skill as a wood craftsman i like turning two pieces of wood
06:48into one piece of wood it's pretty intense man
06:53all right now we're we're burning some metal this is uh this is
06:56getting intense it's getting hot in here yeah so you know what they say when it's
07:00getting hot in here take off all your clothes no don't
07:04actually do that keep your clothes on come on i know
07:06you're on your couch alone at home and it's 3 a.m but come on have some
07:11standards now we have some nice little wooden
07:15connections here
07:18oh i like that that's nice wow is it gonna fit in perfectly
07:25yeah that's the stuff that's the stuff it's the stuff
07:30okay more wood glue all right we're getting some blue and
07:35we're gonna put this here it reminds me of like did you ever you
07:39do you know yugioh isn't it work only when it's water on it i mean when it's
07:43a bit oh maybe yeah maybe it'll chip otherwise
07:46yeah then i don't know what the what the point is
07:51just to bend it and leave it and keep it ah to keep the shape
07:54yes he said about tables maybe okay maybe
08:01let us know in the comments if you're a skilled expert craftsman
08:04and even if you aren't you'll let us know anyway
08:09okay so we have wood we have a sander a polisher and then and it's nice and
08:16connected yeah but for what such connection i mean
08:19it's not a 90 degree angle or something you know
08:24but my gosh this this uh video has more connections than linkedin
08:29it's really successive all right at least it's not posting
08:34updates about their new job that's so much better than mine
08:38come on i don't care that you went to harvard samantha
08:43okay all right so we have some wood
08:49some glue and another piece of wood oh yeah
08:53that's the stuff okay baby it's like two hands
08:58grabbing together it's unity oh yeah nice it's holding hands around
09:04the world type of stuff wow yeah it's nice you
09:08noticed this i guess i didn't i thought it's just a
09:11wood connection i think it was and i'm just
09:14finding more than no no i love your okay never mind my ideas are great
09:18and now we have a octagon or is it a hexagon no it's an octagon
09:39okay so now we have an hourglass shape with glue
09:42and we fill it in and and your big set and what next
09:51tell me i need answers you know i i think we need to change the
09:58place after a while yeah because at least my you're gonna have like
10:02really bad hearing in just yeah okay yeah it's already so we should