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They are witness to the transition of their family business from a small grocery store to a business empire in the UAE. Yet, Hrishikesh and Rohit Datar - sons of Dhananjay Datar, founder of Al Adil Trading - know better than to take success for granted.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/watch-meet-the-datar-brothers-modernising-al-adil-trading-with-roots-as-a-1980s-grocery-store-in-the-uae-1.95447453

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00:00Commitment. Commitment, I've learned this from my dad. If he says something that I will do this,
00:07he gets it done under any circumstance. My name is Rohit Dhananjay Dattar. This is my brother,
00:12Rishikesh Dhananjay Dattar. We are the sons of the managing director and owner of Aladil Trading Co,
00:19Dr. Dhananjay Dattar. And we are here to expand upon our journey to this company,
00:25a little bit of our early life, and we hope you enjoy it.
00:29When we were growing up, the beginning years were a little difficult. We used to live in a
00:34small apartment building. We were thankful to have good neighbours, good Sindhi neighbours, and
00:40we learned a lot from our neighbours. We made a lot of friends in the old apartments
00:46in Baradubai when we used to live over there. Lifelong friends that we have to this day.
00:52Back then, Aladil was just one store. We had one store right below our house in Baradubai.
01:00We were in a completely different situation back then. We were never considered as insecure,
01:06but it's not something I would say that we were opulent. We still had to face
01:13what we would classify as middle class challenges. And thankfully, over the course of many decades,
01:21now, I'm glad to say that we have transformed from one store to 31 stores. And as a result,
01:28we have also changed because of time and because of the influence that our mother and our father
01:38had in our growing up. Actually, when we were younger, we didn't really notice our dad becoming
01:48so successful because we were just in our day-to-day lives, pretty much going to school,
01:55coming back, sitting with friends. And then suddenly, just one day,
01:59when we started going to work at the age of 13 or 12, we were at the gas counters.
02:06That's when we started realizing that slowly, slowly, our influence is growing and our branches
02:11are growing. That's when we started getting a grasp of how much we've grown. Because we might
02:17have grown with our influence and with wealth and success, but our lifestyle was still simplistic.
02:26So I think that's what really helped us stay principled.
02:30So I mean, there's quite a few things that we're planning on right now that we're actively
02:37working on. One thing that I'm really proud to say is that we're working on our ERP software.
02:43And traditionally, our ERP software was a little backdated, but now we're upgrading the software.
02:52And we are going to have a lot more capabilities because of this upgrade. We're focusing on
02:58having livestock, so focusing on having a lot more automation going on.
03:02We're trying to introduce new artificial intelligence solutions. We're trying to
03:08introduce a lot of more integrations, whether it be in our retail or whether it be in our
03:15wholesale, whether it be in our logistics. We're always trying to find new and innovative ideas.
03:21Commitment. Commitment. I've learned this from my dad. If he says something that I will do this,
03:28he gets it done under any circumstance. So it covers a broad range of topics.
03:34If you want punctuality, it comes in that. If you want success, if you are someone with that
03:40dedication to follow your commitment, you can achieve anything in the world.
